One of The Eye's main goals is to let you look behind the curtain hiding the operation of the city's government. You may remember the evidence room scandal that brought down Chief Gallegos. You may also remember that Mayor Chavez promised that heads would roll. (Apparently he meant head will roll.)
What you haven't seen yet is the attitude of those in charge toward those who had the courage to stand up and call attention to the whole evidence room mess. We have gotten our hands on some of the Blackberry messages sent between Deputy Chief Paul Chavez and Deputy Chief Fowler Johnston during the evidence room debacle. These messages reflect just how whistleblowers are treated by senior department officials.
From: Paul N. Chavez
Sent: 03/21/2005 06:24 PM
To: Fowler Johnston
Subject: Yo
U guys still there? Guess who showed up at citywide?
From: Fowler Johnston
Sent: 03/21/2005 06:25 PM
To: Paul Chavez
Subject: Re: Yo
Hmmmm wonder who? Yes its getting ugly here.
From: Paul N. Chavez
Sent: 03/21/2005 06:27 PM
To: Fowler Johnson
Subject: Re: Yo
Cindy showed up cuz of all the cindy bashing at 2
From: Fowler Johnson
Sent: 03/19/2005 11:07 AM
To: Paul Chavez
Subject: Re: Yo
Was she cryin?
From: Paul N. Chavez
Sent: 03/19/2005 11:09 AM
To: Folwer Johnston
Subject: Re: Yo
Not competin. Just watching. And up. But I hesard it might snow tomorrow.
From: Fowler Johnsoton
Sent: 03/19/2005 11:11 AM
To: Paul Chavez
Subject: Re: Yo
Yep snows a possiblity. You see the article? She spilled her guts. Funny though. Everything she requested was done. Other than removing the dipsh[#!]s sooner.
From: Paul N. Chavez
Sent: 03/19/2005 11:12 AM
To: Fowler Johnston
Subject: Re: Yo
Havnt seen it yet. Ed called this morn. Everyone wants to be a marter.
From: Fowler Johnston
Sent: 03/19/2005 11:15 AM
To: Paul Chavez
Subject: Re: Yo
I don't quite get it. Everything that can be done is being done. I guess they want it under consent decree with Sisi as chief and Cindy as her deputy dog.
From: Paul N. Chavez
Sent: 03/19/2005 11:17 AM
To: Fowler Johnston
Subject: Re: Yo
They're both bitter hags who just wanna hurt people.
It's apparent that officers like Captain Marie "Sisi" Miranda and Sergeant Cynthia Orr are universally despised for calling attention to a problem that The Eye has found existed for many years. In fact, Albuquerque city audits had revealed serious problems years before Captain Miranda and Sergeant Orr had the courage to let the rest of us know about it. (You can read the recommendations here.)
As you may know, the Bernalillo County Sheriffs Department recently conducted an audit of the evidence room. Reports say that over $30,000 was missing, our Eyes on the inside tell us that that number may be higher.