There is only a certain amount of time you can operate against the natural order of how things are supposed to be, before the law of averages, what is right, and fed up motherfuckers catch up to you. Morally, ethically, naturally... nature works the way it is supposed to, until perverts, criminals and self serving communist leftist pieces of shit attempt to modify things, to make themselves fit into a world they are not equipped to succeed in.
For the last twenty years pussies have attacked everything manly, aggressive, and righteous that keeps this world and it’s miscreants in line until the angry weak left felt comfortable in political numbers to cancel those that worked incongruent to their slimy ways. Those days are coming to an end, because eventually all of their actions fail or ruin the American way of life.
People are getting very tired of individuals taking liberty with their freedoms, and when your perceived liberties, like running your mouth, or putting your hands on someone unprovoked, encroach on someone else’s liberties, yours end. That’s right, when you say something negative to someone, that has said or done nothing to you, or has not bothered you, then that person has the right to say what they want in response. If you decide to respond with violence, they have the right to respond with more overwhelming violence, that may send your jaw rocketing across the parking lot. If you decide to continue, you might end up on permanent vacation.
You see, certain Albuquerque politicians, past and present police leaders, and their cabin boys, through the actions of their cowardice, have thrown this city into a downward spiral of crime and violence being committed against citizens, almost without response. They have done all of this out of protecting their interests. Hell, the Ellen Degeres look alike ex police chief Raymond D. Schultz made a science out of throwing men who confronted evil that he would run from into a bonfire in order to protect his money. There is no mor cowardly action that that nor more cowardly of an individual than Raymond D. Schultz. Look at what was done here and it is all stemming from what that coward started in motion. His followers, like Fat Harold Medina have continued with it. Now they all have to be reconfirmed by city council again in the next meeting and they do not want you to know this.
Oppression comes in many ways, and the control exhibited by leftist leadership now, and the past criminal leadership under former scum bag Mayor Berry and his bitch lap squid police chief Ray Schultz that paved the way for this is prime example. We have to make sure to remind the world of how these vermin paved the path for all of this and how individuals who are on the other side of the political fence protected them because of the dirt that was known about them like the short bald coward Attorney General Hector Balderas, who intentionally sabotaged a grand jury investigation into Raymond D. Schultz for greasing city contracts, kickbacks and official corruption because they were friends with his personal attorney and because they didn’t want their own dirty laundry getting out there.
This county is on the cusp of dealing with all of this come the mid term elections and in 2024. The chickens will come home to roost because they have to.
The other day, a vindictive, useless, blow hard bully, man hater resigned from her position as the Chief Operating Officer for the City of Albuquerque. This individual failed, and because of her failures hundreds of people in this city were shot and killed. The CUCK Mayor Keller and his band of misfit turds could have turned a lot of things around by addressing past injustices, bringing previous administration criminal acts to justice and creating a commission to address the change, but they made it all about themselves. They joined the Marxist frenzy and betrayed public trust. Good riddance Sarita Nair. Get a haircut and a bath. The days of having to hear you claim you are on the front lines, while citizens are being murdered, police officers are afraid to do their jobs because you pussies will burn them for political purposes, and nobody being able to get police help are over. The only thing you’ve been on the front lines of are the all you can eat buffet ones at Golden Corral.
Everyone needs to attend the city council meeting and demand that all of Keller’s failed appointees not be reconfirmed at the next meeting. They are trying to keep the public from this. Get rid of all of them.
When all of these clowns are kicked to the curb is when this situation will change.
Don’t forget that Brian Colon will be running for Attorney General. Ask him why his boy Hector Balderas didn’t indict Ray Schultz, then search his name here to know what this self server, and his useless friend who is an APD Sargeant are up to. Read their facebooks to see how as you deal with the violence and crime, as these asshole punk fucks are attending galas, sipping pussy drinks, and soy boy betaing it up in Disney Land every other week, while claiming they are men of God, leaders, and do gooders. They are chumps who go after low hanging fruit, and avoid targets based on their political deadliness.
We wish those in city council about to hold this administration accountable all the luck, and we will be here to assist still as fed up as we are.
Dan Lewis should be preparing for a run for mayor next election. This administration needs to be thrown out and claw back actions need to be intimidated all the way back to the Berry administration to take money personally out of pockets for all they have done to this city.
One more thing before we go. There has recently been a rash of criminals being so brazen, that it defies belief. Fat little pudge balls like the clown who outran APD in a fucking Prius after kidnapping three women, invading two homes, and stealing 4 cars.... Are you fucking kidding? There was once a day a potato like this motherfucker would have “TRIED” to pull off one of these crimes, and he would have either had his arms broken, or been lit the fuck up until the slide locked back on the victim’s or officers firearm. Now, pathetic little punks with their crack head bitches riding shotgun, are turning this city upside down. When you see the pathetic arrest photos of these lowlifes, you have to ask yourself how something at the bottom of the food chain can act like an apex predator. It’s like a flounder cuckolding a great white. The answer is Marxist leftists protecting them. The DOJ is in the middle, and the federal monitor is useless. It’s the turncoat, two faced, self serving politicians who have done this. Remember, these thin cracked out, pimple faced, skin head punk fucks, and their whore girlfriends shooting at police officers are at the bottom of the barrel. It is in your mind. They are already physically weak. Be mentally strong, and have superior situational awareness, and you will eliminate these motherfuckers the minute they attempt to take action to bring violence to play. If that fat little bitch in the Prius was pitted into a ditch bank, he would not have gone on to shoot at police in the county. Had the guy he home invaded dumped a magazine into his face, he wouldn’t have robbed the next person. Had APD arrested him for the two homicides he was connected to last year, none of this crime spree would have happened, and if we had uncorrupted leadership for the last 15 years, there would be 10 percent of the crime we now have.
Make the next two years hard for those who have betrayed the values of the American peopled and the things we all stand for.