The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Oct 30, 2014

Meanwhile in Sandoval County...


Periodically your loveable Eye receives rather interesting information that reminds us that the corruption that runs rampant in Albuquerque is not some special to Albuquerque. Take for instance, our friendly sheriff of Sandoval County, Mr. Doug Wood.  Below is a letter we received a few days ago. Thanks to some help we've verified the info. So as folks in Sandoval head to the polls, they might want to think again when it comes to voting for the incumbent sherrif...

Incumbent Sheriff Doug Wood, arrested....

The Eye on Albuquerque has been responsible for exposing corruption and malfeasance
extensively in the city of Albuquerque over the years. We have dealt mainly with issues in "Our
House." Some people see this site as a way to get the truth out about the unfairness,
discrimination, vindictiveness, retaliation, lies, harassment, nature at play, civil rights violations,
and outright criminal acts involving corruption. Some see it as a way to vent their anger in rowdy
lewd tirades that cut directly to the bone. And those who perpetrate the above acts thinking no
one is watching realize that they are wrong. These are the people that detest and despise this
forum. They hate it for what it does. Right, wrong or indifferent, you have to agree that attention
needs to be paid to things, or what you get is what we have here, a city out of control. Because
of the word getting out of the exposure we here at the Eye can provide to those seeking to put
out information, we have been receiving correspondence from people all over the state. Below
is one that we think relates to things close to the city and may show that the dirt runs deep.

Eye on Albuquerque,

I would like to commend you on your efforts to expose corruption and fight for what is right in

your city. It is obvious that it is making an impact due to the many followups on articles in the

media that stem from some of your blog entries and obvious inside contacts.

I know you have your own battles going on, but I ask of you to please print this if you see fit.

Back in August of this year, the 21st to be exact, the Sheriff of Sandoval county had an

altercation with the family members of a Deputy from the Sandoval county sheriff's office who is

running for sheriff in the election against him. The incident happened inside the Range Cafe in

Bernalillo. An elderly gentleman and woman voiced their displeasure to the Sandoval County

sheriff Doug Wood over his petty antics involving the up coming election. The woman was the

mother of the Democratic candidate Jesse Casaus. The elderly gentleman was her brother. The

argument was verbal, until this Sheriff showed his true colors and grabbed the man by the back

of the neck. This was totally uncalled for.

I have family and friends all over the county. I also have friends in Albuquerque and I follow

current events on the situation there too. Many of them have city jobs and hear things.

I am concerned. I am very concerned that if this Sheriff is not kept in check, we will have here

exactly what you have going on there; officials who think they can do whatever they want to

whoever they want by breaking the law any time they wish.

Over the last six months I have seen Doug Wood parking his Hummer in the County lot with his

posters and election signs all over it. I have seen him, his under sheriff, and a heavy set captain

with glasses campaigning while on duty and wearing uniforms. Sheriff wood goes around

digging post holes and putting huge signs on people's private property without their consent or

permission. Many of these residents are elderly and feel intimidated. They do not want the signs

there, but they are afraid if retaliation if they say something about it.

After hearing about this, I dug a little deeper and found out that Wood was arrested for felony

vin fraud and several other charges. This man was also accused of domestic violence and had

a restraining order put out on him. I do not understand how this person was elected to sheriff

with all of this in his past. I have friends who work in the labs and just one of these issues would

disqualify them from having a security clearance. If you listen to Wood everyone else is the

problem but him. This is disturbing to say the least. What I found more disturbing was the fact

that Albuquerque's chief administrative officer Robert Perry was Doug Wood's lawyer. This was apparently when he was a private attorney. If this is the same person I see on the news all of the time

bullying people, there is no doubt in my mind that we have a huge problem here in New Mexico,

and the corruption runs deep. If in any way this information can prevent the type of situation

going on in Albuquerque, please put it out there. Also, please take a look at the information I

sent with this e-mail.


(Name withheld due to fear of retaliation)

The Eye would like to commend the above citizen for their concern and for doing the right thing.
This is not the first time we are hearing about this. A few weeks ago one of our eyes reported to
us that Sheriff Wood likes to threaten the smaller police departments within his jurisdiction with
the revocation of their Sandoval County commission cards for not doing his bidding. We here at
the Eye wonder if this is the reason that Bernalillo PD has not charged Wood with the above
mentioned incident. Just last week one of our LE eyes reported to us that the huge pot grow
bust up in the Jemez mountains that Doug Wood is taking credit for had nothing to do with him.
As a matter of fact we were told his office blew off several complaints on the issue. It was the
DEA who had to step in, and take the initiative to locate and process the grow. And finally, we
are hearing that Wood has destroyed morale so much so that several Deputies are
contemplating leaving the agency if Wood wins the election. So yea, where there is a lot of
smoke one has to say there is fire somewhere. There sure looks to be a lot if smoke up there in
Sandoval county. There seems to be a like minded narcissism and bully mentality within the
upper ranks of law enforcement. One thing is for sure It is spreading like wild fire and it’s out of control This sounds all too familiar folks.