The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 3, 2015

We Stand Behind Our Coppers

To all of our friends:

The Eye On Albuquerque has been dedicated to exposing lies and liars of the City of Albuquerque, the Albuquerque Police Administration and other government agencies and personnel.
The intent of the Eye On Albuquerque was NEVER to be cop haters or to bash our coppers.  The intent of the Eye On Albuquerque is to support and improve our law enforcement community by exposing the truth and rooting out the bad and evil.
In the coming weeks we will begin a systematic process of cleaning up in general. If you are for the truth of the matter this is a great place; if you are anti-police you may decide this is a site you may not wish to visit. We completely understand and harness no ill feelings.
Our message is clear: We stand firmly behind the men and women of the Albuquerque Police Department. We will not stand to see any police officer hurt or injured.

The Eye On Albuquerque
"The Piercing Truth"


Anonymous said...

FINALLY. I would ask that you clean up the bad language and childish comments also. But remember bashing the administration in no way reflects ill will on the beat cops and detectives. The policies, idiotic actions, and arrogance of the 5th floor only add to the negativity that our officers face. If we ease up on crooks like Roseman, Huntsman, Garcia, Montano and Gonterman, they will soon be making 300,000 a year and the field will be down to 10 officers. Keep the pressure on and remind them that better people out there exist who can do their jobs with much better results.

Anonymous said...

Eye, no one blames you, except some fools that know no better. People are tired of APD and the BS they hand out, any blood spilled is the work of the 5th floor because they failed, and of course its never the ones that need it, Dear, Chavez, etc....but Hell is coming to the 505!!!

Anonymous said...

Eden, Berry, Perry, and Schultz got just what they wanted. This is your fault. You have justified unjustified shootings, fired officers when they don't shoot criminals who should have be shot, given ridiculous and disparate discipline to make everyone think you are hard on bad behavior, you have fabricated allegations on others who have done nothing, in order to deflect attention from yourselves, and you continue to ruin morale within the department by dividing it's members and continuing with your retaliation and ongoing witch hunts for bullshit which is nothing but a smoke screen. Schultz started this, and this administration continues it. So don't you cowards dare pull out the crocodile tears now, and even attempt to act the advocate for officers. You have fucked up officers minds so much that they are scared shit to do anything and they hesitate. This is what you have now.
This is the result of all of your lies and bullshit you cowards. This administration has destroyed Albuquerque.

Anonymous said...

It's all about the Beat Cop. That man/woman who has been forgotten for years at APD. Get in trouble and the Command Staff threatens you with going back to the field. Since when did becoming a Beat Cop mean you were in trouble or being punished? When I came on APD we were told everything was done to support the Beat Cop, now there are so few beat cops and no one wants to be one.

I am proud of all the men and women who wear the shield, but I have a special place for those who put on the uniform and go alone into 911 calls. Those are the officers we call heroes.

Chief Eden and Huntsman you need to turn this around. Close up all the closet positions and put as many officers into field services as you can. Go before the city council Monday and have the ENTIRE COMMAND STAFF hand back the retention bonus. Tell the councilors that it needs to go to the lower ranked officers, the ones it was meant for originally.

Put civilians in positions that currently have officers in them (those closets where officers hide), flood the field with officers so they have back up and citizens don't wait for hours for a cop to arrive, show leadership and have the command staff give back the retention bonus and finally start treating the beat cop as the best job on the department.

Being a beat cop was the best job I ever had. APD, City Hall and the entire community needs to start treating the beat cop with the respect these heroes deserve.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The sad thing is they put civilians in charge in all the wrong places. Remember when a civilian was in charge in missing persons. She didn't do her job until west mesa was found. Then we have the mightly Alcalde appointment of TJ.
Now there is a civilian and a has been getting political favors for redoing cacu.
Civilians would be great if this department knew when to hire them and when not to.
Hell, remember their idea to redo what calls PSAs could respond to? Under that rule the officer down could of been a PSA.

Anonymous said...

Under the rules of this coward administration and the previous coward chief, anyone could go down, just as long as it is not one of them. They've put officers in situations that was just as good as trying to kill them to protect themselves. Even those who took orders to throw people under the bus are expendable, like that little weasel Feist who Schultz threw under the bus and blamed for the School Principal arrest in his latest lie filled interview. The quicker people understand and retain the knowledge and fact that these people are the highest level of cowards, who would no sooner see a cop or citizen killed, than give up their selfish greedy way of life, the quicker people will see through their bullshit every single time one of them tries to pull their bullshit.

Anonymous said...

8:05 ....this has been an issue for as long as I can remember and it's only getting worse. We have more PIOs, more detectives, and more admin positions than in the last 25 years. We are creating more DOJ recommended positions to investigate fewer officers, and have too many positions that could easily be performed by civilians. The command staff even added a position to homeland security even though we all know it was the only way to keep Wallace from killing anyone else. They even allow people like Tasia and frank to float from position to position to avoid taking calls for service. Bringing in Huntsman has been such an overwhelming failure but hey, he only collects the salary and bonuses high enough to hire 3-4 people who could actually help the department.

Anonymous said...

I understand the frustration with Drobik, it's just another scam involving an officer who will make 120,000 a year and don't take calls for service. But as in a previous post, I have to ask the question again, who was the little thug with the beanie and sunglasses behind the chief during the press conference. He looked like he had just gotten caught tagging an underpass while drinking a forty. Where is the supervision to show that guy that his look was inappropriate? If he showed up at my house, I would grab my gun and call 911. WOW

Anonymous said...

Is it true the Sgt responding to the shot officer failed to set a perimeter?? Get well soon officer Golston.

Anonymous said...

Albuquerque is disgusting. A police officer gets shot and almost killed, and some cop with cheap sunglass imprint marks on his fat face is the one addressing the media with a press conference. What a disgrace. At least that turkey necked Schultz had someone put pink makeup on his pasty face so he could ham it up like a creep for the cameras, and make it all about himself every time something happened until he had to flee from the DOJ and hide under a rock. Now, the entire command staff have burned themselves to the point that none of them want to face the media. The guilty consciences must be running rampant. It's hard to put yourself out there when everyone sees right through your games, isn't it you clowns? It is obvious to the point you can see the agony on Eden and Schultz's faces every single time they can't avoid the media. Look how that punk Perry has disappeared, but now he will read this, and magically resurface for a statement some time in the near future to show everyone how manly he is. What a bunch of dirtbags.

Anonymous said...

Any anti-police comments or bashing will not be published. Constructive criticism is always welcome.

The Eye

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Eye on the police bashing, however in many ways this blog has become a way to vent and expose the wrong doings of the elected officials and those they appoint to do their dirty deeds. I hope you know the difference between that and bashing. As an example, if the above post is true and a supervisor did in fact fail to set a perimeter, they allowed a violent offender to stay in our city. The cowards that call themselves leaders won't do anything about it, so I feel it's important to expose that supervisor so everyone is aware of their incompetence. Knowing which supervisors can't do their jobs will give officers more info at bid time or step up when that supervisor is on a scene.

Anonymous said...

What officers was the sergeant supposed to use to set up a perimeter? The field is down to hardly no officers working. You can't set up a perimeter when you don't have enough officers available.

Oh but I forgot, Berry and Eden both say APD has 850 officers available! Such BS.

if you want discipline then it starts with Eden. He has been chief for 10 months and he still refuses to shut down unnecessary units and move officers back to regular patrol.

And how about that great lapel camera the Schultz spent our money on. You can't make out the back guy, even Eden says the picture from the lapel camera is worthless. But Schultz spent our money on it so Taser would give him a job.

Eden, Schultz, Berry they are the worse management APD has ever seen.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is going on? First its the endless whine of somebody who gets offended by bad language. Now the Eye is censoring comments? FTP!!

Anonymous said...

1-4, 4:41pm - agree with you about police bashing in general, but in the first comment on this post is the poster "bashing the police" or making a justifiable comment about an incredibly shallow and stupid individual? Mr Drobik (not to be confused with "Officer Drobik", who apparently doesn't exist) has found his "comfort zone" in APD and is enjoying it - immensely. There have been many comments posted here about employing civilians in positions that would put more APD personnel more time on the streets. Think about it - Drobik, Tasia, Trish, etal - for what? PIO - another hidey-hole for people who should just face up to the fact that they are uncomfortable in the situation they chose and should actively be looking for another "situation" that could give them the freedom and dignity to actually live without constantly looking over their shoulder for threats from their own + from the criminals? As other commenters have posted, there appears to be a lot of "closets" in APD to hide in to avoid the streets, but nobody nails them shut?

Anonymous said...

I agree, and would like to know their name!!!

Anonymous said...

1-4,8:54am - Jeezus! Calm down and be quiet! The person you are blowing all over the internet is the lead undercover detective in the DOJ. Speculation in Homeland Security is that she is the fearsome great grand-daughter of Idi Amin. Just check out those eyes. With a magnifying glass you can make out the talons on her fingers. NEVER make eye contact with her - certain doom. You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Leave Drobik alone he has been non stop on the clock Overtime since the shooting occurred in case the media needs someone to talk to. I guarantee he is not doing any of his time for free, out of the goodness of his heart. Don't hate the player hate the game! haha hes playing us all

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Santa Fe porn mansion is connected to the Southwest companions which is connected to the west mesa murders. Bet a lot of political assholes are shitting bricks about now. When one goes down, they all go down.

Anonymous said...

What is the importance behind the Southwest companions. A google search didn't tell me anything relevant. Can someone tell me where I can look to get more information?

Anonymous said...

Off topic......what is Joe Wolf on admin leave for?

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why police officers, retired and working, are afraid to speak to the media and tell them what a great guy Lou Golson is. What is wrong with you people that you are so timid to stand up and voice your support for Lou? All the news outlets are reaching out to retired and current officers for positive comments about Golson and all we get are scared cops who refuse to say anything. What's wrong with you people, Golson deserves your public support. Don't be afraid, we don't bite.

Anonymous said...

Why is it nobody pays attention?

Anonymous said...

I truly hope you, Perry, and that piece of dog shit Schultz are happy with yourselves. After watching the video of Golson's shooting, it is evident that you scum bags have terrorized officers out on the streets to the point that they are hesitating and afraid to defend themselves. Golson was shot, down, and vulnerable to being killed by that scum bag, and he hesitated in shooting when the creep popped out of the car on him a second time. Several other officers or citizens could have been shot. This is sad, and it stems from everything that you have done to your officers. From 2011 until today you have conducted witch hunts to smoke screen the DOJ and divert attention away from the illegal and corrupt actions of Ray Schultz and many others. Until a few high ranking former brass are indicted alongside this criminal, justice is a joke here. I hope the justice department brings down the hammer of hell on you cowardly bags of scum.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is afraid to talk to the media because we know, and have seen first hand how after we give you guys a few sound bites, you go back to your editing bays and "pick out" what you think will be the most controversial things said. If you actually ran EXACTLY what was said it wouldn't be a problem but no one wants to hear the boring old truth of the matter. Just go away you media vermin, trolls, and get your stories from your usual protesters and cop haters. That's what you know will sell ratings!

Anonymous said...

What happened in city council last night? Were there hundreds of Officers there standing in solidarity for their retention bonuses wrongly taken from them? Inquisitive minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

7:16..... You don't understand the environment the APD management has created. They control the PIOs and brainstorm on every call to ensure the media only gets bits and pieces of the truth. We are specifically ordered not to talk with the media about anything without full permission. Although Lou is a great guy, we have families we need to support and cannot risk getting disciplined or shunned because we don't follow those orders. Even many retired officers still have family on the department that can pay for their comments to the media. In addition, retired officers many times still need job recommendations etc that can be affected by the childish behavior/payback of the chiefs. Sorry, but our comments won't help in Lou's recovery so if you want any comments go ask a PIO that's why drobik and others get paid twice as much as a normal officer

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of the previous posts about the media. 6:20/11:45. As a supervisor I have had my ass chewed on more than one occasion for talking with the media. I have also sat down with the media for a lengthy interview after being ordered to do so, only to have the reporter chop an hour into 5 seconds and take what I said out of context. So I highly recommend everyone avoid the media and let one of our 20 PIOs deal with the reporters. We don't need our faces plastered all over the news to show we care about Lou's recovery.

Anonymous said...

They were a prostitution website run by UNM professor that catered to the well connected and wealthy in this State. Both the previous AG and APD has the entire client list but failed to prosecute anyone over it other than the Professor, who got his case thrown out.

Anonymous said...

They are banned from City Council under current rules. No city employee may appear at City Council unless they are there in a union capacity. Otherwise they will be retaliated against.
This rule went into effect under Mayor Berry

Anonymous said...

Many 34s continue to carry a weapon after they retire, in case they are confronted in public by someone they arrested.
In order to get these credentials their agency submits a letter which waives the fees and liabilities that someone who simply obtains a concealed carry permit would endure.
This is why you will never see a 34 speak negatively in their official letters of resignation.
I can only think of three civilians from APD who named names officially and they left in 2012 and 2013.

Anonymous said...


Oh we do understand, you are to scared to stand up for your rights. How can you live with yourself? Never speaking up, never taking a stand, never showing courage. You talk about your family, well if this is what you teach your children, if this is what you want your legacy to be, then say nothing. Post nothing. Be scared.

Anonymous said...

Buried deep in a story KOB did on Gibson and Perry bumping heads on return to work
"APD told KOB Wednesday evening that there are about 622 regular uniform patrol officers on the force, and only 25 are return to work."

He is counting all FSB Commanders, Lts, and Sgts too.

Anonymous said...

The heroes know there is no point anymore. They have been defeated too many times. They have pushed this boulder up the hill everyday and what has it gotten them. You want a hero? Try being one yourself instead of expecting someone else to do it.

Anonymous said...

The DoJ has announced they are investigating UNM for the lack of cases submitted to the DA for sex crimes.
This is important because UNM Police are over 80% recently retired APD.
If they cannot make a case stick at UNM then what did they drop at APD? Since Kathy Levy ordered all old case rape kits destroyed prior to testing, after West Mesa was found, we may never know.

Anonymous said...

For the last time How many police officers are on the force? If the city of Albuquerque can't tell us in simple terms, without spin, then we(tax payers) must ask why we pay such high salaries for Chief , Payroll Dept. Director CAO., DeputyCAO etc. and none of them can count. This is not rocket science it's simple math

Anonymous said...

January 8, 2015 at 12:47:00 PM MST

Everyone wearing a uniform counts towards the bloated and unreal numbers. Including School officers who wear uniforms but never ever leave the schools, SWAT officers who never ever leave the gym or police range, Horse officers who never leave the stables, motors who are too few to count anyways and they're always in training anyways. FI's who are not taking calls they are taking pictures, bicycle cops who are only allowed to "ride" within one mile of a call. k-9 officers are in uniform but they stay in their trucks until called out. Oh and yes lets not forget all the ranking officers(sergeants, lieutenants, & commanders) who wear uniforms but have under cover cars to make sure they never get bothered with any kind of field work. Anyone know the real numbers? haha YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!

Anonymous said...

622??!! Counting the Commanders, Lieutenants and Sergeants??!! So how many actual officers are working and responding to calls for service? God knows the royalty don't trouble themselves with actually working, same problem for the majority of Sergeants.

You would think this fact would be pushed strongly by APOA.

Anonymous said...

I will never support bad cops or officials, but my heart goes out to the families of both police officers shot in the line of duty. Police, in general, are taking the heat for the bad cops. You have a hard job, I know I couldn't do it. Prayers for the two police officers.

Anonymous said...

Why was the Santa Fe PD PIO running the APD press conference today? Did we hire her to replace Janet Blair.

Anonymous said...

@ 4:08 it might be because there are many angencies involved investigating the shooting of Officer Golson. It has always been a departments way to make sure the investigation is done correctly. Almost every department has a " shoot team" to assist others. The department involved is going through a lot of emotions and concern for the officer involved.

Anonymous said...

I'm hearing there are only about 350 of you guys assigned to take calls and conservatively a city the size of ABQ should have 1625. That means the department is understaffed by 465%.

You guys are in serious danger and all the brass seems to be concerned about is firing you for not using the lapel cams they have given you that are obsolete pieces of crap.

In the meantime the brass has completely mismanaged the department to the point of having to have it restructured, under court order, by an outside source that is going to rake you over the coals if you don't take a piss the right way.

Get out while you still can. Before you too are the victim of friendly fire.

Anonymous said...

I thought ROP was disbanded, guess not.
I thought there was a huge shortage of officers, guess not.
I thought everybody got their 1911s taken away, guess not.
I thought we got rid of all our PIOs, guess not.
I thought everybody had to run video, guess not.
I thought Brachle was on desk duty, guess not.
I'm done trying to fight and fix this place, June can't come soon enough.

Anonymous said...

They are importing liars now?!?!

Anonymous said...

Vic Mackie stuff right there, you can't write that script........right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.......Ha-ha.....

Anonymous said...

I thought Eden had ordered all officers to stop carrying their personal guns, 45, and start carrying the department gun, 9mm.

This shows why Eden / Huntsman are failures. They issue orders and the command staff underneath them find ever way and reason to ignore and delay. This order was almost one year ago, those guns and the training with them should have been done 6 months ago. I smell BS and Eden just drinks the kool aid.

Eden is a failure, he has no idea what is going on. APD is out of control. We need a new chief, one who actually spent his time as a cop, not a politician.

Berry won't do anything, he is already running for governor. He thinks if he makes a change it shows weakness. We are screwed.

And have you all seen the list of who is getting the retention bonus? All of the command staff (minus eden who signed up and then removed his name). Yep Huntsman and all the rest took the money that was supposed to be for the officers. Some call that stealing.

APD command staff is not in command of anything except taking money from the beat cop.

Anonymous said...

In the last year we have now had three incidents where APD friendly fire has injured innocent people, yet Eden / Huntsman have done nothing to retrain and reinforce gun safety. There has been no additional mandatory training ( a refresher course) to remind officers of gun safety rules. There also has been no discipline for anyone involved.

Yes, don't run your camera (unless you are SWAT) and you will be fired. Show that you cannot handle your handgun and you injure innocent people, and Eden does nothing.

This is BS. This is APD Command Staff. All they are interested in is stealing the retention bonus money from their officers.

Anonymous said...

Reading these comments is like reading a textbook on failure. Everybody has an excuse or someone else to blame.

Anonymous said...

Jason Peck precipitates a shooting during a drug buy by jumping the gun like a wet behind the ears punk and screwing up the buy. The city covers his fuck up zealously because he is their go to creep for doing dirt to people. Now you have another officer jumping shit, and lighting up a cop this time. How the hell does this stuff happen when people are trained? This agency can't handle the responsibility of conducting UC operations. It needs to be stripped from them. Embarrassment after embarrassment because the city covers for cops who are scared shitless out there that they go to guns first. Absolutely nothing is going to change because they will always find a way to justify shooting someone even if a cop shoots another cop. You will see. Just watch the bullshit fly on this one. Just imagine what would be being said if an officer shot a Lieutenant. APD is an embarrassment run by a bunch of embarrassing lying cowards. Anyone who takes a job with APD NEEDS THEIR HEAD CHECKED. You have a better chance playing roulette with 5 out of 6 chambers loaded. The department will never recover from all of the damage these idiots have done. Idiots running the Academy. Idiots running the units. Idiots running the entire department. Idiots in city hall. Idiots in the city attorney's office. No wonder why NM was number one for the state most moved away from.

Anonymous said...

Southwest Companions was not run by the UNM prof. It was owned and operated by David Flory, a prof at and eastern university. the UNM prof took the rap for Flory and 1400 others that included public officials and business leaders in the area. the list is known, but the garcia bust served its purposes. No connection whatsoever to the sex mansion near Stanley and the west mesa murders.

Anonymous said...

It's easy to sot there from the comfort of your home and consistently hate on the police, isn't it? It must be nice to be so morally and intellectually superior. I wish I could tell an entire group of people who KNOW the system to trust the system.

What are you doing? What do you do for the "cowardly" police? Since youre so much better than they are,,isn't it your civic duty to stand up and fight on behalf of this who can't fight for themselves? I would say so.

But instead, YOU sit scared, or arrogant. Say nothing. Do nothing. Are nothing.

Anonymous said...

Botched investigations, falsifying paperwork, shooting homeless campers, ROP and Gang units out of control, guys in narcs who don't work and have been hiding for 15 + years, and now detectives shooting each other. The question is....? Why is Les Brown still in charge? SID is by far the most unorganized and mismanaged division on the department. I know Brown and Sullivan are his boys, but it's time for DC Garcia to do the right thing and start getting rid of these guys for the good of the department and city.

Anonymous said...

One cop is fighting for his life because his LT. was either dirty or incompetent. Can The Eye blame this on admin too, or is suggesting there are some rather serious problems in APD that aren't exclusively the fault of admin "anti-police"?

Anonymous said...

A little while ago a female sergeant shoots an officer while clearing a house. A few weeks ago an officer shoots a citizen drinking a glass of water in the back. Now a lieutenant shoots an officer. Can anyone explain why these officers are so friggen jumpy. What the hell is terrifying these officers so much that they indiscriminately shoot anything that startles them without identifying their target or even ascertaining if that target is armed? How in the hell can you say something is a threat when you don't even know what that something is. This is getting out of control. The old " I feared for my life" is getting worn out.

Anonymous said...

All the Colt 1911 on APD reminds me of the Wild Bunch.

Anonymous said...

Please elaborate on your assertions. I know the purpose it served. Removing judges to influence a decision is one thing that will go over everyone's heads. This is why the administration is untouched. The magnitude of the influence and the audacity with which that influence is blatantly flaunted rivals any of the best political scandals in this country's history. This is just the tip of it. When the rest comes out later on this year, I think people are going to shit themselves at how big this is. Other cities have mafias formed from street criminals. Albuquerque is run by a mafia of city officials. It is filthy beyond comprehension.

Anonymous said...

AGAIN......why did APD hire Wolf?

Anonymous said...

Les Brown? I hope you read this blog. You and all the Henz era motor unit twats made the dept look terrible. Worthless cops. Weak men who woulda been fragged back in the day.

Anonymous said...

Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians..

Anonymous said...

We pray that the officer survives.

Anonymous said...

Brachle was the hitman on the Young case. Watch the mob lawyers down at the city attorney's office cover for him like they do for all of the yes men who do their dirty work. The administration is hard at work weaving the story on this one to protect their man. There are people on APD who can do no wrong especially if it involves shooting someone and especially if they complete tasks with no questions asked.

Anonymous said...

Brachle the debacle!!!!! APD is so sad. That dude can't form one perfect sentence. So glad to be retired. He was a retarded patrolman when I a narc Lt?

Anonymous said...

Troy Luna was a lieutenant?

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that officer recovers...but I don't understand why this happened over a $60.00 deal. The news stories I read indicate that the two guys were runners, not even the main supply. I'm not a cop, clearly I dont get it, but it doesn't make sense to me.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you turn the focus on NMSP Pete Kassettas & his new Deputy a Chief Adrian Armijo! Adrian is known as Teflon because he can't be touched promoted from lieutenant to DC in two years???? What's his history? Having sexual relations with a recruit Tiffany South then impregnating her while in recruit school then roll forward ......gets stationed again in training & recruiting has another relationship with a subordinate Liz Whitfield then it gets exposed by fellow officers but the blame is placed on an admin tech forcing her to be transferred & forced out. He gets rewarded for retaliation on an employees, That departments moral is so shot by Kassetas & his actions priding himself as the honey badger. Come on someone do an investigation into that! If anyone needs the DOJ that department does!!!!!!!! Where are their IA files that they no longer exist?

Anonymous said...

This was not the Golson shooting. This was the narc screw up.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone out there go to the motel room where one of the "runners" went to get the METH and take anyone into custody?

Anonymous said...

Of course not. That is police work. These clowns just want to act like they are on television and play Miami vice. Now a cop is almost dead because of it. If people knew just how catastrophic this officer's injuries are, they would know how reckless this situation was. Someone should be fired, but they won't because the whole unit is the in crowd, and we all know that excuses are made for the in crowd, so it will just be categorized a horrible accident that we all just need to get past.

Anonymous said...

No one would even care if the person shot wasn't a cop. Otherwise the made up story would be the bad drug buyer/user shot at the cops first. Until you start to clean up your own, be accountable and stand up for good policing, APD will continue to rot from the inside out. Reading this blog gives me no hope that APD will change. The refusal to accept responsibility for anything is so evident from the comments. Now, it's time to attack me.

Anonymous said...

Heres the hard part:
Not many officers on APD.
How many UC?
LT didnt know he was shooting another cop?

Anonymous said...

No he honestly didn't because he figured the BMAs were the cops right?!

Anonymous said...

Wow. Didnt even think about that. But the skin tones of those involved isnt readily available information. LOL is Albuquerque so screwed up?

Anonymous said...

Who do you think becomes LEO's CIVILIANS, Who joins the military to protect this great nation CIVILIANS, who the hell are firemen before they became firemen CIVILIANS, And who is going to rise up against all this oppression CIVILIANS! MORON!