The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Sep 8, 2018


As everyone knows, we do not suggest blind support of electoral candidates based on party lines. We believe in voting for who would be the best option for our citizens.

We would like to remind everyone to get out there to support and vote for Janice Arnold-Jones for Congress.

Janice has strong military and family value roots. She has always been supportive of our military, and first responders.

Mrs. Arnold-Jones served as a member of Albuquerque City Council, and in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

The New Mexico Foundation for Open Government awarded her the William S. Dixon First Amendment Freedom Award, and Rio Grande Foundation awarded her the Liberty Award.

As you all know OPEN GOVERNMENT is a big issue in our state right now.

We believe Mrs. Arnold-Jones has the integrity, and work ethic needed for the position she is running for, and she cares about her community.

Below is a link to her campaign page. Check it out for yourself.


Thank You,
The Eye


Anonymous said...

After her weird comments about Haaland native American background I can't support Janice. I will be supporting Haaland, but it's good to have a friendly political conversation, that doesn't happen much these days.

Anonymous said...

It still boggles the mind, why people vote in these bogus elections. When will people learn that these selected politicians have no power. They are the faces that the true rulers roll out. The true rulers do not care about our opinions. Do you really think untouchable billionaires care about public opinion? It's all a game, stop being played.

Anonymous said...

Wait... the retard who had the audacity to question the ethnicity of her opponent? Get out of here.

Anonymous said...

CD1 has a choice to elect a proven leader or "select" the puppet candidate with almost zero experience in any job who will always play the race card to avoid accountability. Please elect Janice Arnold Jones so we may have someone who will represent our interests and not those of the Democratic Party elite and the Republican elite at Laguna Development Corporation (Harold Medina's buddies).

Anonymous said...

This is for the fools who want to jump on the “you’re a racist” band wagon.
Nothing, and I mean nothing about what Arnold-Jones said was racist, but explaining what the difference is between someone being pretentious and using race to divide, while getting votes for themselves, is just as bad as Bering a racist. As a matter of fact, a candidate who lays back while people laud them as being for one group of people while not stepping up and saying they are for all is racist in and of itself. It seems popular for the mouthpieces out there today to pipe up about racists like they are fighting some noble cause. Well, where were these people over the last decade and why weren’t they piping up all this time? Why did it take for it to be popular for them to have the balls to open their mouths. What is going on today is a pompous pat themselves on the back feel good movement sponsored by lies enabled by people with agendas who are operating from emotion without any facts at all. We are seeing more and more frauds claiming they are whatever is popular to get them what they want at the time they want it and it is more egregious to pull that crap than it is calling them on their pretentious behavior. Barack Obama is half white but calls himself black because it benefitted him. This is done all the time. This country is a melting pot of people and no candidate should be running on a race ticket. They should be for all.

What I saw when I read Arnold-Jones’s statement was her saying there was no question of her ancestry. I also saw her compare Haaland to her own life as an army brat. It sounded real to me. I came from a poor family and can not stand when someone tries to portray themselves as the same to pretentiously find some common ground and try to manipulate a vote out of me when they could give a shit about me or my family and their life was actually the opposite. That is fraud.

I do not know Haaland well at all, but I do know the statements made about her have nothing to do with being a racist. The social engineers today have been very successful at making fools out of voters with the current bandwagon mentality and ANYONE who says they are voting for someone else based on a statement like what is the topic here lacks depth and the ability to comprehend a simple statement. It is for this reason that the next two years will shape the doom of this country. The stupidity and knee jerk emotional decisions are getting more and more pathetic, and it is so obvious it is more about the mouth that is uttering them, craving kudos for being such the champion of social justice and getting those pats on the backs for being such jolly good fellas.

I’d have more respect for people, if they gave factual political stance and policy reasons for not backing a candidate, rather than the ANTIFA bullshit of “they’re racist!” It really is getting old, and the finger pointers really look stupid. Odds are,the ones saying this don’t even know what was said, but are relying on what they were told, or read in some slanted rag. Sorry, but I will make my own mind up without emotion and based on the facts.

By the way, I am a mixture of ethnicity with Native American being one of them, and I am not offended at all by what Arnold-Jones said. I understood exactly what she meant. You shit stirrers need to get off of your bandwagons, especially if you are white. Sorry, but nobody thinks you’re the righteous white guy when you blindly support something. It’s more like stupid.

Anonymous said...

It is amazing who’s political dick the media and newspaper sucks in this state. If you are some dipshit like Youngblood they paste your stupid antics all over the place, but if you are a long time city counselor with deep political ties who has been pulling back door filthy bullshit for years they act like nothing is going on.

Right now there is an investigation concerning Sanchez sticking his nose into it to make it go away, and if it were anyone else, the media would be all over, it talking about how a politician tried to cover up a family member pulling a gun on an elderly motorist. This state is full of a bunch of scum bags, and the media is at the top of it.

The media covered for everyone who destroyed our police department and they are silent on the Schultz investigation while Balderas runs interference by not prosecuting it because it will drag his buddy Brian Colon right back into the pro Schultz spotlight for working for the Robles law firm when Robles has to step in to represent Schultz if they prosecuted. Any opponent of Balderas should level the fraud on this because it’s the exact reason that fraud isn’t prosecuting it.

Think about it. Balderas has the time and resources to offer to take over the Rio Rancho case involving the child murdered along with the prosecution of those at that northern New Mexico compound, but let’s Schultz’s case go unprosecuted for years, because his boy Colon is running for state auditor. What a bunch of scum bags.

They all know what the affiliation of Colon to the Santolina project and Schultz did to him in the election and they want to avoid it at all costs for his Auditor election. Just looking at these creeps makes me sick. Poor excuses for men. For that matter, poor excuses for rats. 🐀

Anonymous said...

Haaland can’t run on any record of success, so her campaign has obviously decided to play the race card against Janice. Janice asks a legitimate question in the interview about how more open borders (that Haaland supports) helps the Native American community. Because open borders doesn’t help them and Haaland is unwilling to talk to that...instead she is allowing Janice to be called a racist for pointing out Haaland grew up in a military family. Haaland is running on her heritage, so the voters have a reason to know what her upbringing entailed and decide on the merits. In the case of their childhoods, the candidates have more in common than not. Watch the interview yourself.

Anonymous said...

Deb Haaland has not been endorsed by her original Pueblo Mesita because she was banned and tossed out due her "deficits" and that takes a lot to be shunned and removed from your ancestral pueblo. She has not been "endorsed " by Laguna (yes they gave her some money) because she is a swamp creature of the corrupt blood sucking and self-serving Laguna Development Corporation and basically been fired from any job she ever held. Deb's incompetence is the reason nobody would should vote for her.

Anonymous said...

9/11/18 @ 5:43,

You had to go and insult clowns now didn’t ya!

Anonymous said...

And what's more racist than a white female right Haaland. When all else fails let's do what Obama and his cronies did for 8 years. Call the race card at every turn.

Anonymous said...

To Mel Sharples...Then file a citizen complaint instead of simply venting on line you turd. Oh, I forgot, if you file an official complaint you will have to prove it and spend time doing so that will take you away from your computer.

Anonymous said...

9/11@943. Perfect to use as cheat sheet when I can't think of good insults for text arguments! 👍

Anonymous said...

Such nice people post here.

Anonymous said...

Deb Haaland took what, 3 bar exams....??!!

Anonymous said...

Deb Ha Ha Land gonna Ha Ha all the way to WA WA.

Anonymous said...

In the state auditor race between Wayne Johnson and Brian Colon here is an update.

Anonymous said...

Tough guy Mel Sharples for you not acting like a cop why you know so much about mijo on graves? You blowing him?

Anonymous said...

My Bro Bro Mel: Whew take a breath and calm down I got your lil mijo covered don't be jealous bro. My 21 works pretty good I use one hand to dial.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, your mamma took the mirrors when she left my bed the other morning.

Anonymous said...

My family for sure will not vote for anyone from a party that wants to rip Medicare away from seniors, privatize social security, plan DEEP cuts to all such programs. Social security is not an entitlement. It is an earned benefit. Same with Medicare. Everyone who works has paid in to these funds with every paycheck. Now the GOP has stated their goal is to reduce Medicare, Medicaid, and social security. As for younger folks who need a decent wage and health care, if politicians and the private sector cannot come up with jobs that provide stability and benefits for people, then people wind up needing help. We are the only western nation who doesn't believe in giving people a hand when they are down. Why? Oh my goodness, so the wealthy .01% can get richer and richer. Then they fund false attack ads on candidates who actually want to work for the other 99.99%. Members of one party constantly vote against their own interests, because they believe false attack ads. On the other hand, the leadership of the other party have not exactly stood behind the people. We essentially have an oligarchy right now, and I can't wait until people stand up and fight back.

Anonymous said...

You say it yourself that Fascism is "An authoritarian right wing system of government." The Republican Party is the party of Fascist America. Hitler and Mussolini led populist campaigns (just like Trump), and both were elected (just like Trump). You're either willfully dumb or a privileged hypocrite.

We need a more representative government, not more white people who will hail Trump. Deb Haaland was and is obviously the best choice, and I'm glad more people got out and voted for her and that few people actually read your hypocritical nonsense.