The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Oct 18, 2018

Open response letter to CABQ... Our stance.

Below is a the final draft of a response we have written to reply to CABQ concerning the disappointment we are hearing from many. We do not believe this administration takes this into consideration, but we would like our readers to know that we are not accepting the dog and pony show going on. Until there is action taken, below will be out stance. We are tired of seeing the filth rise, causing a ripple effect in our community, that continues to endanger everyone and reward the wrong.

To whom it may concern,

Please remove us from your mailing list. The change we envisioned was ignored. The same people we advised candidate Keller were corrupt, were promoted and retained. You may confer with him to verify this. There is extensive bad history in the backgrounds of certain individuals retained, and promoted that we spoke out against. We advised against certain PIO individuals, along with their behavior involving the past administration, but our advice was ignored in favor of convenience. 

It has come to our attention that timesheet fraud is going on, and that too will be explained away, or ignored by this administration. We are disappointed that Keller decided to hold the hands of those who were biting his back, and sabotaging him during his election time, as we supported him. 

We are disgusted with this administration’s handling of the Jenifer Garcia case, and the way the city attempted to hide the investigation, and still tries to hide the interviews. 

Many individuals had their lives ruined over the years by the behavior that is still going on. We will no longer support an administration that does not promote complete and unrestrained transparency.

As we see it, this administration is continuing in the same direction as the last. 

Election campaign deals resulted in the promotion of an individual who was deemed to have caused the death of a mental patient, through the use of excessive force, after tasering that individual ten times within 2 minutes. The federal circuit court called it excessive, and a cause of the man’s death. This individual was promoted, despite bragging about it being a deal that was made. That is a fact.

Currently, there are several other cases of retaliation against 
whistleblowers going on. The culture has not changed, if you speak out about corruption within APD, IA will still be tasked with discrediting you, through trumped up investigations, that are obvious retaliation, engineered to ruin your life, in order to protect the guilty, who have a bigger connection.

Nothing has been done with the Taser Investigation into Ray Schultz, and Keller has been silent on it. This is also unacceptable. Sometimes you have to make the controversial high profile choices to do the right thing, and this administration is failing in that. Fear of doing the right thing is unacceptable. Picking the easy and popular route, while avoiding the unpopular and dirty issues that need to be addressed is poor leadership. Anyone can take credit for the good times. It is what caused the bad times that left unaddressed, will cause more bad times. This administration fails in their vision of that.

We have PIOs hanging out at the residences of reporters in city vehicles, at odd hours, and making $200,000 a year, while officers are running from call to call on the streets, risking their lives to plug the manpower deficiency holes, and violent crime is out of control. 

This is all going on while this administration jumps at any little drop in crime stat as a success. We feel that the leadership has no idea what community policing really is, and is endangering our officers with deficient leadership, training and intimidation, that suppresses police officer, discretion and ability to safely do their jobs. Essentially, politics is putting the lives of officers, and the public in danger.

Instead of appreciation for change or varying visions, we are seeing contemptuous behavior from appointed hypocrites, who want it their way. These political appointees were placed in positions, not out of qualification, but for image reasons, and their ability to be controlled. Their behavior is not much better than the previous administration either. 

Keller condemned previous Mayor Berry’s assignment of an alphabet acronym task force to every issue that pops up, but continues in that very same direction. 

Many, who could have steered this administration in a proper direction were ignored in favor of people who were recommended politically, by people who are politically established and connected, and would be beneficial politically for mayor Keller in the future. This is nothing but the same back door patron system of government responsible for the trash going on statewide. 

Netflix, more businesses, investors, and money will not fix the problem Albuquerque has. We have a corruption issue. That issue stems from poor leadership, and it involves the police department, court system, and politicians at all levels. The corruption is so embedded, that it takes aggressive investigation, and prosecution. This administration still covers for the corrupt, and they have no stomach for doing what needs to be done. Even the guilty have no shame to the point that after being caught, they think they are still fit for office. This is the epitome of being above the law. 

As more businesses pour their money and resources into the city, nothing will change, as no action is being taken on the root causes of the issues. All because the causes are connected to people politically behind the scenes, who are deemed more important than the city as a whole. Officers can not do their jobs, due to no confidence in a corrupted chain of command, who are nothing but pretentious liars. 

This reply was written as a quick response, and lacks many more, and intense reasons that may not have come to mind for our reasoning  behind this decision, but for all intents and purposes, we expect that the message has been relayed. 

Should we hear back, or continue to receive correspondence, I am sure we can come up with the 20 to 50 individuals, some of them ranking, who should be terminated for corruption, along with detailed descriptions of the actions that warrant it. We will start with a few who were promoted as political favors by Mayor Keller, and others who were protected for the 2nd and third times for having sex in city buildings while others were terminated for less. 

You may resume contact after Keller has a discussion with Hector Balderas about prosecuting Ray Schultz for his actions, which lead to the situation Albuquerque is in. A few others need to be asked to resign. After that is completed, and a few atrocities are made right, maybe things will change. He knows exactly who, and what we are talking about. We are still waiting for the “owning” and “admitting” part of Keller’s promise. He has forgotten all of this, because of some issues being unpopular, and a city attorney’s office who is vindictive, and supportive of past ways.

The cases that were made right were done quietly and off the grid. Although we are appreciative of this, it does not send a message that something was “owned,” especially when the same conduct is ongoing.

Nobody said this was going to be easy, but choosing the easy way, instead of the right way is malfeasant, lacking in courage, and a cop out. We get it. Nobody wants to be negative, or the bad guy, but sometimes you have to roll your sleeves up, and scrape your knuckles, in order to make people do the right thing, and make sure they do not do the wrong thing anymore. 

We are contacted daily about the poor behavior and leadership at APD. We have received emails containing some very disturbing concerns that are being ignored. We are seeing comments about the poor morale, and disparity in treatment within the ranks of APD, and we are still hearing about the out of control corruption. 

Frankly, we are tired of advising so many people to remain patient, while the same things are transpiring that were going on when RJ Berry was the mayor. We are being told daily that it is actually worse within APD.

Claiming success with the natural ebb and flow of crime rates, while merchants and citizens are victimized daily is embarrassing. What’s more embarrassing is telling victims that it is hard to protect them, or prosecute crimes against them without video proof as they worry daily about having their cars burglarized and windows smashed. 

As we sit here, and watch Chief Geier play hockey, APD hire officers who are just in it for the money, a mayor who needs an assistant, and a former federal overseer (whom we actually like) responsible for going after the corrupt, now working for that same agency, we can only say that this only happens in Albuquerque and it is not “Albuquerque One” as you have been marketing. It is individual political interests that come first, and the positivity only exists when certain individuals are getting their way. This is sad. 

Thank You, and good luck on all future endeavors,

The Eye


Anonymous said...

They folks at ABQReport are the only media in town giving us the truth. Why do reporters know how Drobik claims his overtime? Didn't the Eye post pictures a few months ago of Drobik's police car parked outside a female reporter from KOB house? Where is KOAT, KOB and KRQE on the Drobik story? Are those female reporters really sleeping with this clown to get stories, barf. The media in Albuquerque is in on this joke. I agree that the news directors need to start investigating their own and actually give the citizens real stories. Are local reporters ignoring corruption (or in on the corruption) at APD, just so Drobik will give them stories? It sure seems that way.

Anonymous said...

Lock em up!
Lock em up!
Lock em up!

Anonymous said...

The woman they hired from the NMSP is pregnant and will be going out on leave right after being hired! What a füçking joke. All of this really makes you wonder what kind of scam is going on and who was owed a favor.

It says volumes that some of the worst incompetent creeps keep returning as retreads over and over and over again. This does not happen anywhere else. You know why this happens? It is because ABQ is a little closed community where incompetent corrupt dirt bags network and all take care of eachother. They realize how stupid they are when they retire from here and try to pull their bullshit or take their traveling circus elsewhere and they fail, are seen right through by real professionals and then leave because they can’t hack it in a real professional community where this patron shit doesn’t fly. It is no surprise that all of the scum is funding its way right back. It’s the only chance they have. These turds would never be considered for employment in an actual 1st world 1st class city in this country.

I remember when that dip shït was put in charge of the balloon fiesta before she retired so the city could say a woman was in charge. She was so incompetent that they actually told a lieutenant that he would actually be running things. This was all done behind the scenes because they knew what a mess she would make out of it. That is what Albuquerque is. Image over competence.

All this rehire was concerned with was clinging to her buddy Rae Mason like a safety blanket. All they did was go to yoga and Zumba classes on city time. None of these so called commanders could have given a shit about police work. As a matter of fact when they were cops on the street which wasn’t long they were the worst and almost got people hurt.

This administration needs to be called out. The cronyism needs to stop. It is getting out of control. Now Geier is going to bring over the Caswell Investigations investigator who did the investigation on Garcia. His name is Brett Dennison. He is retired Rio Rancho PD and another Geier buddy. They are going to make him a lieutenant commander. This is a joke. This making up of ranks and appointing of your friends. Let’s see how Keller’s approval rating looks after a vote of no confidence.

They jump to take credit for the little drop in crime stats in some crimes which is usual. They claim some car stops and arrests are the reason. I have never heard more bullshit. The reason is that BCSO is out there doing police work and making the real difference while APD hires fat old weak punky pukes from other departments only looking to boost their high three for retirement and do absolutely the bare minimum to get by.

You are looking at the beginning of the end and if a person is not elected in 2 years that will come in and fire all of these dirtbags and start over the next decade will be worse than the last,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Why is this stupid motherfucker even allowed to speak to the media? It is an embarrassment. It is a shame that zip line wasn’t strung from the sandia peak. They want to spend all of this money, and they do not even have the competency on the street to do common police work. It is funny how the public falls for the bedazzled bullshit. They don’t even have the staff in forensics to run this. Get your popcorn. It is going to be one hell of a show watching this epic fail.
Crime programs, initiatives, plans, software, tracking data... all just a bunch of big words for stats and files that are AFTER THE FACT. AFTER THE FACT that a crime was committed and someone is dead. Purely reactionary and useless to prevent. The only way any of their plans work is after something has been already committed. They have no idea how to do police work. The officers won’t do police work because they know the command staff are a bunch of back stabbers. There is no faith in who is in charge. They must have bought stock in KOB because it is obvious that they are only reporting the spoon fed propaganda.

Anonymous said...

Yea Liz Armijo married to the pussy Adrian Armijo who got a recruit pregnant at state police. Aka golden boy. Liz went to APD because she was going to be transferred to hell. She got all of Tiffany Souths scraps. Worst mistake Geier could make hiring that red head cinnamon price of shit. Bunch of Kassrtas ball lickers!!! Get a life is that the best you can do Keller? Your a disappointment. We should have never voted for you. May as well hire Tiffany South after all she's still sleeping with Adrian that psycho who tried to kill himself for her on a swat call out. And SP still promoting that freak. APD get a life hiring pos!

Anonymous said...

Very good points are made here. The one who keeps threatening about the Rio incident on the task force can you send the eye the documents or give us some info?? Very interesting story you have. Nothing gets better only gets worse. Geier and Medina will finish off Schultz job of destroying APD don't worry. Why are we hiring all these 34s from other agencies that don't attend a full academy?

Anonymous said...

Haha, Dodi Camacho, representing APD to potential recruits. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

The local media doesn't have time to investigate any stories. They're to busy learning to roll their R's and pronouncing the Mexican street names.
ABQ will never change. Its a culture that is embedded in the community.

Anonymous said...

The media is too busy reporting THE REAL NEWS. Breaking news a dog or a cat was abused.

Anonymous said...

Most ridiculous press conference ever. Today, Michelle Lujan Grisham a no show to her own press conference because she had Darren White defending her against Steve Pearce's ad accusing MLG of being to o cozy with a known ABQ drug/crime family. The grand daddy of dare and just say "no" was justifying the relationship between MLG and the criminals he was supposed to be defending kids from. Darren is a changed man ever since he resigned in disgrace as the Berry administration APD crime czar after interfering in a motor vehicle accident by taking his allegedly stoned wife "Peaches" away from the crime scene before she could be tested. Now because he is a certified grower making a crap load of money selling "medicinal" marijuana; White is the champion of candidates who roll with the dealers. Only in ABQ.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, Tiffany South. Haven't heard that name in a while! Hypocrite. 100% certified hypocrite. That's all I can say. Wasn't she KS' detective partner at NMSP?

Anonymous said...

All we need now is a picture of the sometimes Democrat sometime Republican Terry and Scotty Baird with Michelle to complete the circle!

Anonymous said...

If you look at the photos or video of the press conference you will see recently promoted Sargent Jude Lujan and a family member of meijo Sargent ,

Anonymous said...

Chief Geier is the most corrupt piece of crap this department has ever had. Look into all of his lawsuits still pending and they're all still coming in too!! The Mayor doesn't care either why would be bring in a Chief from Rio Rancho knowing all the shit he got himself into.This whole chain of command is corrupt and retaliate against anyone and everyone but why would he care he is ready to retire within the year anyway after him and Ross and his BFF Command staff screw up the department more tha it already is. I feel for the good officers risking their lives on the line when the Chief, DC, IA officers and other Commanders wont even look our for them. Flush them all down the toilet and start over.

Anonymous said...

Communications continues to hide in the background while the management runs all the employees out for other jobs even for less pay. Still another hang around from Schultz. Why doesn't anyone look at why the retention is so horrible? The stats are a bunch of bullshit to make it look like crime is down and ringtimes are better while there is a constant wait to get anyone to answer non-emergency lines much less EMERGENCY lines that place the citizens on hold. Management has been sinking this ship at a rapid rate these days. Bring on all the excuses with the 5th floor buddies.

Anonymous said...

Timecard fraud is rampant throughout the department from sworn to civilian. Just need to have the right boss cover for you. An entire overhaul needs to be done on the system. I heard comms and sone other depts got away without a timeclock hmmmmmm?!?!?!?! Wonder why the budget for the city can't get balanced lets bring in all these liars and pay them 6 figures to sit on their asses all day with their thumbs up their ass!

Anonymous said...

What is a meijo Sargent???

Anonymous said...

10:42, oh please. Get off your IHateAllThingsGeier song. What endless string of lawsuits? Considering the shitshow that preceded him he’s a saint.

Anonymous said...

Dam, Dodi back? I had to leave the NW because of that Bitch. Talk about someone rising to the level of her incompetence. At least we know she will never take calls, because she never did.
I think it's time to retire and move to Florida because she left.

Anonymous said...

I have a re-hire outta the last lateral class all he does is drop names like "Harold this" "Harold sent me a text on that" and I don't like Medina or Geier I have worked with them both. They are both snakes when I get my time I am outta here and they can have this guy I am training. If I can only hold on for a few more days my phase I is over. He can name drop to the next FTO Lord help his soul and I am serious.

Anonymous said...

Whoever is in charge of hiring for communications needs to go. Is 'stupid' now a category of "Protected Class" individuals that the city is legally required to hire?