It is always fun to see the comments that pop up, while we are away for a well deserved vacation. (You can see them on the previous post, in the comments section)
No, there isn’t a spineless empty sack of a coward that is enough of anything to put anyone here into a trunk, and if they tried, the outcome for them wouldn’t involve anything remotely connected to due process, or the fair court system (two things they obviously have no knowledge of, or experience in) But we would we would graciously welcome the attempt.
We are not done. You have our word on that.
As we move into 2019, a lot of chickens will be coming home to roost.
One comment that was posted in the most recent article on December 8th, laughing at the fact that Berry fired Schultz, is actually amusing, because it is partially true. Rob Perry actually told Ray Schultz to pack his bags, and get the fuck out of here. Turkey neck, pink boy, flabby Ray already had plans to run away like the pantywaist he truly is, after the DOJ committed to their invasion of this scum infested corruption trap of a police department. You can read all about his flight, and the guy who lined him up in his new position right here in this blog. This pathetic, self promoting and proclaimed bigshot landed in a tiny department, where he had to rely on a friend returning a favor, in order to get him in the door. Yea, real accomplishment there. He was so disgraced for ruining our entire city, that he was only mentioned as previously being the chief of a police department in a large city in the social media of the “village” he was hired in. Oh yes... and it’s a village he works in. He may make some money, but money isn’t everything, when your asshole is falling out over worriment, and you look like a potbellied pink salamander, with a turkey neck. Nobody envies a coward. Nobody envies a liar, AND NOBODY ENVIES Raymond D. Schultz. Nobody. The laugh is truly on Ray every time that nutless sack looks in the mirror. Most men prefer to leave on their own terms. This coward did not get that luxury.
You see... Ray and every one of his gutless cronies took a major hit from karma, after fucking over so many people, while trying to keep the Feds out of their business, for fear of having the intracacies of their lifelong parasitic, criminal enterprise found out, and prosecuted. (Still nothing from the office of the Allorney General, who said years ago that the outcome of their investigation into Tasergate, and liar Schultz would be out shortly! EVEN AFTER SAYING THE SCOPE OF THE INVESTIGATION WIDENED.... It’s not low hanging enough, or more likely, they are protecting people that are connected to Schultz and themselves) No matter what they say, many cowards were run out of here, like the rats they are. Some of them ran so far away that nobody has seen them since they started running! Ha ha ha just ha ha ha. Now that is “done.” That is being over.
We will be returning with a few stories concerning some old issues that are coming to the forefront, but for now, we will keep it positive and amusing.
We would would like to wish all of the good folks out there, trying hard to do the right thing every day a safe and happy entry into 2019, and advise all of the slimy little motherfuckers who want to poke the blob... stand the fuck by!
We will leave you with the below photo of a court jester, who has to dress up like a lighted clown to pathetically enamor himself to the people of his community, like the manipulative coward he really is. All those years of bullshitting people, only to be an amusing Christmas elf. Here’s to being that pretentious fraud who has to work hard every day to fool everyone around him into liking him, in case his past catches up with him. To us... now that just seems like too much work.
Glad you were not put in a trunk. Good to see you back. Was getting tired of reading the news they want us to believe. Happy holidays.
That's right its true I know it.
I like Geier saying they had crime under control at the "Ball" then all hell breaks loose on the 16 and 17. Geier feeling some heat.
Had to laugh after Keller and BF Geier bragging about crime stats then just a few days later we have a number of 27-1s. Doesn't that always happen to you when you brag about how great you are, you seem to fall faster. Keep brining in all these cops a few on grave need a cane and yeah maybe you will hit your goal of 1000 but probably only 5 are good.
I see Geier's collar getting a little tighter and him getting canned.
With trash like Jaramillo and Sanchez as supervisors along with half of the others, APD is over. The media only reports propaganda and work is like a fashion show. It really is sickening. It is all a popularity contest and officers are still getting railroaded. Keller has done nothing to make the past actions against good officers right. There is still no trust in the command staff. There is buzz about TJ threatening to out Geier leaving Rio Rancho PD because he was caught in a lie to the mayor by the mayor’s second in charge who never really liked Mike. They are saying Geier was told to resign or be fired.
Nobody has any clue about how to do police work and the new fool running the police academy is a joke. They are coming up with scenarios that are going to get officers killed. One such scenario is about an officer arriving as 82 (backup) to an officer who has his gun taken and has the suspect standing over him saying he is going to kill him. They are ripping into people for answering with deadly force answers. They are telling everyone not to draw weapons and to talk to the suspect. It will be interesting when we have two officers killed and a suspect on the loose with two duty weapons enabling them to engage more responding officers and innocent citizens.
They are sweeping the Drobik investigation under the rug too. They gave the guy a new undercover car so he can’t be spotted parking at his side pieces apartment complexes while on the clock.
Medina is an embarrassment every time he shows up and opens his mouth. I would love to see that guy brought into a room full of SF team members and sat in the middle of them so he is made to feel like the fat pathetic little manwoman he is. Nobody can understand why Keller put him and Sanchez, who failed the SWAT entry test multiple times and was refused entry into the FBI academy in the positions they are in.
The media is controlling all of the negative information flow concerning APD. It is a mess. The laterals are a joke. It is not like we are getting laterals from large cities like LA MIami, New York or Boston. We are getting tag little chubbers who would have washed out of the APD academy 10 years ago. All they want is to increase their pension. Nobody is doing anything because they are all afraid of the exact sand thing that has been going on for the last decade. To be used by some inadequate criminal, power hungry supervisor for political purposes.
I would advise anyone looking to come here to look elsewhere. You will regret it. And if you are one of those thick headed morons that has to learn the hard way for yourself, save all your pennies, because you will need it to retain a private attorney when they railroad you for doing your job just because someone is jealous of you or doesn’t like you. Save all of your sick time too, because if not when you get shot you will be left hanging when burn out all of your own time and they put you on disability because they do not give a shit about you,
It needs to be known how bad it is here from an inside prospective.
There are supervisors here that I have heard about, who have disgusting issues in their backgrounds, and IA files. They have had sex on the job and inside city offices while on duty. This is disgusting. What’s more disgusting is how explicit the acts were described as being with most of these people being married. Oral sex and anal sex in offices bathrooms and fire escapes. People being kicked in their vaginas and videos of these actions being destroyed by the police department.
This is one of the most dishonorable organizations I have worked for. I am not even scratching the surface. They laugh about how all relationships end when you become an APD officer because they all fuck eachother. Well, I did not come here to have sex, catch an STD, or get shot at by a drunk cop. That is another thing. There are officers here who were fired because they were drunk and fired their guns off. Other officers beat the shit out of their spouses and nothing was done and others were caught having sex in their cars. Other officers were caught lying in investigations and nothing was done. One female officer gave NCIC information of the residence of a domestic violence victim to the suspect’s family member who then gave it to the suspect endangering the victims life. Nothing was done to this person. This same officer slept with a homicide suspect. I do not want to be around these people let alone have to rely on them for backup. Because of this, I respond to calls by myself.
There is a culture of disrespect here for the DOJ. They blame them for everything. I do not know how you can blame the DOJ for pulling your pants down, lying in investigations, and bad calls in deadly force situations. They constantly talk about second guessing officer’s actions yet all everyone does is criticize and talk bad about everyone. Working here is like being around adolescent babies who need constant attention, do not know what hard work is and are constantly looking for the easy way out.
We have sergeants who are never at work. We have officers who are constantly in the book to the point that only a small core group of officers are pulling all of the weight and they are getting burned out. Keller may be better than the last mayor but the Hollywood image thing is getting really old. They only care about numbers. They are only trying to build up the ranks without any regard for who they are hiring. The department will get worse because of this.
The investigators are horrible. Gonterman has screwed up every single high profile case in the last few years but nothing was ever done and she is still there destroying what little is left. It is sad to work for an agency where everyone is suspicious of us because of all of this. We are told to engage the community but many do it for a photo op or to get the attention of the brass. It’s embarrassing.
I have spoken to several officers over the last few years and I believe that there are over 200 officers and supervisors with issues in their IA files that they should have been fired for. Dozens of officers have criminal records here... DWI, Domestic, poaching, battery, assault.... it is beyond the comprehension of someone that does not know this.
It is like being surrounded by frauds. Why do officers call the media on themselves, or have someone do it? Most want to do their job and just go home. Not here, because it is like a fight for attention every day.
Whoever is requesting information through IPRA on that homicide case involving the stolen bike from old town and the botched chase into the Bosque, they are purposefully blocking your request. I heard them talking about it the other day and how bad Art Sanchez fucked up the call out there on the scene. All of the posts here about that guy are spot on. He is full of himself and fucks up everything he comes in contact wit out there on the street. The combination of SMA machismo and little man syndrome makes it over the top. They were warned about this guy. Him and Medina will continue to destroy this department from the inside out.
Art had no business calling of that foot chase and the 34s should have continued. You don't have to take an order if you know it is wrong and that was wrong. The re-treads on grave do noeed walkers and if I hear one more story of how things were when they were cops I may just have to do something. Things have changed and these retreads can't stay up and all they do is brag. stop bragging and show us.
I did think Keller would have stepped in and confronted the atrocities that were leveled on good hard working officers who were railroaded by the last bunch of criminals. He hasn’t. He has actually embraced a lot of people who are very connected to the past group. This is really sad because we all know what went down, and we all know how dirty they did people, but something everyone thought would right a lot of this is only concerned solely on image and optics. It is status quo with IA making up allegations on individual officers out of retaliation. Supervisors and command staff are absolutely clueless and it is sickening to watch Harold Medina act like a pretentious little liar as he feeds the citizens loads of shit at these community meetings by saying he wants to help. He is the problem and he was the problem with the last administration. It is just unbelievable to watch and or hear how easily people are fooled. Everyone forgot how he whitewashed the “Johnnie” Salas case where he was drinking with a gun on in the bowling alley. It was obvious that Medina took off just like all of the others when the DOJ came in.
Keller could have drastically changed things in a way that would have had long lasting effects if he would have gone into office and just did right by everyone instead of worrying about a paper machet image. This place needed a hard reset.
The hiring of the last few groups of laterals and quite a few new hires was deplorable. These were not the best that we could have gotten because the word is out about how bad it is to be an officer here. We have no rights and are at the whim of a juvenile, immature, and very vindictive command staff, who will destroy your life if they do not like you. There is no backing. This is just at department level. If they knew how criminal the NMLEAB is with going after officers as favors to certain people, we would get nobody applying.
It seems as if the entire state is run by out of control criminals and self promoting camera hogs who are not in it for the proper reasons but only to enrich themselves and move on. We have supervisors who are constantly off when we are running from call to call with not nearly enough help out there. We are more worried about people like the ones mentioned above taking your life away than we are with the criminals on the streets killing us.
The Feds have abandoned the place. They know it is a lost cause and word is they are just mitigating their losses.
You are right. Schultz, Levy, Banks, Perry and Berry have all defrauded the state. They covered up what they did. They lied under oath numerous times, actually too numerous to count. Levy taught them everything she knew and promoted perjury with impunity. Everyone stood by as they witnesses crime after crime unfold, almost weekly in every case these individuals were involved with. Wether they were defendants being sued, or retaliating and or scapegoating officers to take the attention away from their crimes by the DoJ, all they did was make a spectacle out of our state, destroy numerous lives, get officers hurt, eliminate morale, and cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars.
If half of the actions that were done here over the last 10 years were done anywhere else, these individuals would have already been serving their 5th year in federal prison. Not here though because the sentiment by those looking at this is that this place does not matter. They consider New Mexico a joke and the lives of people here are “relevant” to just that. Lower that anyone anywhere else. The lack of response and punishment for the joke Schultz made out of the DoJ, the obstruction that Eden participated in and the outright crime of the ART project is pure dereliction of duty on the part of those we all rely on to not stand for this.
Crime is out of control as a direct result of what these people have done to the police department and the city. It is not the DOJs fault. It is the criminals who were allowed to walk away and a top law enforcement official who is allowed to tell people to fuck off when they ask about the Schultz Taser investigation. There is no faith or confidence at all in the system, and the politicians here do not have the spine to address the real issues, because the real issues ARE connected to people they need support from because of how incestious dealings are here. New Mexico is the most corrupt state in the United States and letting these liars pat themselves on the backs while placating everyone with their smiles and bullshit is dooming the place to way darker days.
I would like to thank all you officers out there trying to do right. I salute you. We all still need you and appreciate your service. We are not the drunks or the drug addicts out there giving you hell. We go to work and pay our taxes (lots of taxes in this state) and cross our fingers that we will make it through the day safe. New Mexico is a dangerous and corrupt place as we all know. We still need you. Stay safe and thank you.
Geier and your boys want us to work? Get Schultz indicted and charged with the tazer investigation. No investigation, no work. It goes both ways. Schultz ruined so many careers with his judge and jury findings now its his turn but we need to do it right. The EYE should public record the AG's office to see what information they have, lets see what we get. Schultz was on TV lieing and remained a city employee. You want work lets get movement on Schultz lies and double dipping. Whats going to happen to Art for calling off the foot chase. That 27 1 looked like a hit and Art has to fuck it all up by trying to be the hero all 5' of him. Looser needs to be in TRU that's about his speed. Hey, you think his AR is taller than him???? I think I may be on to something.
When the Feds leave Albuquerque, APD will devolve completely back into the corrupt mess it allegedly rose out of. Thanks Mayor Keller for rehiring all of APD's former problems and promoting them into key decision making positions far above their mental and moral capability.*When the cat's away the mice will play* is applicable to this train wreck of a police department.
Here’s Simon Dicklick AGAIN not doing any police work. The investigation into his hundred thousand dollar overtime scheme went nowhere as we all can see. It will all go the way of the Schultz investigation, because of how close these dick heads are to the mayor and what they can do for them through their contacts. It is all bullshit. Eye, I sent you documents and the audio you need to bury these assholes. Please do it. There are two attorneys from the AG’s office that were directed to make sure an old case concerning Schultz gets pushed through, and the AG himself is looking the other way, despite it being directly related to the Taser investigation. One of the attorneys resigned after being caught tampering with two cases as a favor for Kauffman for Ray Schultz. What you have is direct evidence of collusion between the AGs office and people who were helping Schultz cover up his tracks and obstruct the Feds just before they came and after Schultz left.
The Feds need no come in here and level the place beginning in Albuquerque and finishing at the state capital. The old adage of watch what you say because you never know who is listening applies to what is about to happen because you morons just pulled a judge into the fray.
I can't believe in watching the news last night March 6 that Raul is doing all this Police work, i.e., getting warrants for 34s etc. We can't do that on our own. Why isn't APD involved in this crime fighting stuff. It use to be a partnership with the DA's Office. Are we that insecure that we can't be partner's anymore. Come on, this is stupid.
Hey Keller you guys fired Deputy Chief Bañez after using him to promote how ethnically backing you were of our community and gaining your bullshit street cred with the Hispanic community. Now, what are you going to do? Now your chief of staff is judging people, and calling them less than standard. You are all a bunch of frauds using people of color to get what you want. You don’t care about anything but your political careers. If you fired Bañez, Sanchez better be not too far behind him for fucking up that entire case where the guy was assassinated for his bike and Sanchez called off a fucking foot pursuit. Now idiots like Sanchez call off foot pursuits?!? That guy is and always was a shit cop in the field and now because of him a killer is still at large. It’s not a coincidence how the media is silent on it because he is Medina’s boy and the APOA’s little midget angel. Maybe the media can do a story on why DCOP Bañez was terminated last week but they won’t because there is a bad news blackout on anything negative on these little liars.
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