The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

May 12, 2019


The below comment was just received from one of our Eyes. We concur.

“In 2018 Geier earned $159,513. ($76.69 per hour)

In 2019 Keller just gave Geier a pay raise to $187.012 ($89.91 per hour)
Crime is out of control, Keller is having to bring in the NMSP for help and he just gave Geier a $27,500 pay raise (17% pay raise)”

We suggest a hard reset come election time. We really hope selling your ass and integrity as a man was worth it Mike. We really do. You’ll enjoy a place right between Schultz and Eden in the exclusive club of self servers who think they have everyone fooled.

When this reaches critical velocity, we’ll see how funny it still is.

To the public,

Well, y’all didn’t think it was about some guy sacrificing everything to come back, fight for righteousness and burn the midnight oil fixing the problems at hand, did you? Ha ha ha yea right, No. it is about what it is always about... MONEY, free shit, access, and power.

Geier can’t, won’t, and doesn’t do shit without the incompetents at the city attorney’s office, who were trained by former city mob attorney Kathryn Levy (Virginia Kathryn Kathy Cravens Levy or whatever name she is going by today hiding in the criminal protection program) advising him. He is the cuckold of the control freaks still looking out fir the interests of their mother hen and her turkey necked accomplice Ray Schultz.

Until we have truly selfless representatives of our community and leaders in place nothing will change and it will only get worse. They just don’t get it.

Just one correction though. Keller wasn’t smart enough. He didn’t call fir this initiative to bring in the state police. The governor did after citizens went over Keller’s head and put her on the spot calling for action.

These people are rewarding themselves for failing.

Thanks for reading,

The Eye


Anonymous said...

How many people in IA are monitoring JUST police officers? For this justice BS

Anonymous said...

It's a conspiracy. Geier allowed Drobik to steal from taxpayers and make over $192,000 per year. Geier then goes to Keller and says "hey I can't have a patrolman making more than me". Keller (who believes anything Geier tells him) says sure, and gives him a huge raise paid for by us.

Anonymous said...

Just completely insane. You have to bring in another department to do your job and you still get a $27000 raise. Unbelievable (except in albuq)

Anonymous said...

Keller is a fraud just like Drobik. What's next for these buffoons?

Anonymous said...

This Mayor lies so much. Bet he told his wife he wouldn't cum in her mouth...

Anonymous said...

Love my sisters and brothers in black, NMSP, but I am sure embarrassed that we couldn't handle our own. I was hoping this would be a sign for Geier's lack of leadership and instead he gets a raise. I must no be with it. RIDICILOUS

Anonymous said...

I hear NMSP is kicking ass and taking names.

Anonymous said...

Thank you SP for your 82.


Where is the hardest working 34 Simon at????


Anonymous said...

State police was in this city under a week and get involved in 2 shootings in the same day...crime is out of control

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

5/17 12:49.
I wonder if, after 2 OIS shootings in one day, the DOJ will go after NNMSP or will DOJ instead realize how fucking dangerous Albuquerque really is and that maybe they erroneously rushed to judgment by believing every criminal and their families who had an axe to grind against APD. The FBI did ride alongs with APD field patrol officers shortly after the DOJ Consent Decree was filed. They were openly amazed at how violent Albuquerque is. I'm sure NMSP now realizes it as well.

Anonymous said...

Keller is too busy sniffing dogs asses down at Animal Welfare. He has no idea what he is doing. He and his over paid staff are a disgrace to the hard working people of this City.

Anonymous said...

If we could just clone the human robot Drobik, he is the hardest working cop you know, then APD wouldn't need NMSP to bail them out.

Anonymous said...

I read this blog a couple times a week and I look at social media to see what is going on with a few issues that I know are the problems here.

What disgusts me the most are the people and individuals who are the problem, both themselves, and collectively, with their #mefirst self serving mentality. It’s not just their mentality, because you can deal with assholes like this. They can be dealt with, and put in their place. That is when not everyone around them promoted this behavior. What is slimy and disgusting is when these people pontificate on social media that they know what the root cause of the problem is in Albuquerque and then they say it is drugs, guns, or lax laws.

What a joke. They won’t point the finger at a corrupt police command staff because they are getting taken care of. They won’t point the finger at a do nothing Attorney General or State Auditor because they are BFFS with the scum bags. They won’t point the finger at the DA because it will get them put on the persona non grata list, and they won’t be able to go to galas and bullshit balls, when they should be working a shift handling calls on the street.

The same people who talk about knowing what the root cause of the problem out there are so full of shit that they smell up the room when they walk in. These people are the same ones never missing a free meal. They never miss a ball game, and they never miss a party. They are very careful who they criticize because they do not want to hurt their political future connections or fuck up their good thing.

One person who kicked a mental patient off of his bicycle, and killed him by tasering him ten times in less than 2 minutes is the problem in Albuquerque. The people who protected and covered for him, then settled the case when the 10th circuit court decided not to give him indemnification because his actions were the cause of a death of an innocent harmless mental patient are the problem. The same ones that railroaded officers who were doing their jobs while protecting cowardly scum like this, liars who tamper with IA cases and, people like Drobik who commit pay fraud, while hanging out at female reporters apartments at all hours of the night are the problem.

All of the cops like the ones who killed Gomez, Ellis and a bunch of others who threw their weapons away before being shot in the back or were just not armed at all are the problem. Officer Sanchez who released NCIC information on a domestic violence victim is the problem. They are the problem when they get protected and covered for them promoted. These bags of shit then become a bigger systemic problem.

This is all the problem because they all caused this shit. Quality officers left or shut down when they saw what was being done to the good ones while the filth bags were protected. Because officers shut down and had their hands tied, the criminals were emboldened and things got out of control. The criminals do not give a shift now. They know the police can’t do shit and it’s true.

You have a person who was promoted because the Auditor met with Keller and cut a deal to get him promoted while others had to sue. That same person can’t even be a cop. It’s al, about parties and political bullshit. That right there is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is going to change because the problems are talking about what the so-called problems are, and it has nothing to do with them at all. No surprise there.

When you have nothing but dishonesty and lack of transparency it is over. The house was built on sand. It is horrible that a mayor who can’t face shit like a man, acts like a frat boy, can’t keep a promise and is a fake was the best choice out of the candidates. This is the problem. The fact that a Commander in IA can falsify reports, the investigation can be done by caswell investigations by a person who worked for Geier at Rio Rancho Police department, and when she is covered for that person can be given a job at APD overseeing IA is a fucking joke. Do you still want to say drugs are the problem!?

The drug problem can be dealt with, but scum bags so skilled at working the system that they are part of, and covering shit up can not be dealt with, when everyone is involved.

Posters here poke at the fact that nothing will be done, and to forget about it, but that is the problem. There are still city attorneys in place who helped the last two police chiefs cover up criminal behavior that makes organized crime look like a joke. Nothing was done to Schultz because of these same people who are all in place. You wonder why? Just look at the names and pay attention. Robles, Balderas, Colon, Schultz, Jaramillo, Korn, Peacock, Levy, Eden... look at who they all hang with. Look where they worked or who appointed them to bullshit positions. Look back. Look at who they are related to, look at who has events and who shows up. They are all a bunch of creeps who look out for themselves, and do not give a shit about the root cause of what is going on, because they all precipitated it.

Do you want to know how fucked up this state is? Look who the NMSP police chief is. Another Kassettas BFF. Ask him where he is living. Another Kassettas disciple. Kassettas was kicked out of the academy for living there when he got kicked out of his house. The Governor sent someone over to evict him. Now his clone replaced him. It never changes because these assholes are all connected to eachother and on their way out they make sure someone they are tight with is next in line so they still have assess just like all the previous APD assholes above still have. The governor promoted a lieutenant to Deputy Chief of the NMSP WHO LOST A FUCKING GUN AND WAS CAUGHT WORKING HER SIDE JOB AS A REALTOR SELLING HOMES.

Make no mistakes about it. It’s not getting fixed, when the media plays right along with their little game by ignoring what is going on and painting the mayor to be so great.

Albuquerque and the State of New Mexico is permeated with corruption and incompetence. The incompetent need the corruption to happen. They need it because it is the only way they can survive. It is laughable and nobody outside of this shit hole cares because this state doesn’t matter.

The DOJ will not do shit because if they take out one of them it will be a domino effect and the entire state will go down. Just look how all the rats scurried when the santolina assholes all got outted including that Moe Maestas asshole.


The problem people here do not give a shit about what is going on until unit hits them or their family or until it embarrassed them like it is doing to Keller and Geier who are both worthless.


Anonymous said...

Medina already boasting he’s being groomed to be the next chief. Call me a liar Harold I dare you.

Anonymous said...

When are we going to discuss the con job Ginger and the rest of the monitoring team have run on the citizens of Albuquerque? Ginger has been collecting millions of dollars a year to NOT do his job. There hasn't been an Indepedent Monitor's Report since Keller took office. The administration was convinced it would be a good idea to put the monitoring on hold while APD completely overhauls its UOF policy... AGAIN! Lets be real... Ginger just gave himself a two year extension (at least) by convincing the department to do this. And the citizens of Albuquerque are footing the bill. Compliance is not in Ginger's best interest.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know we had a gang unit wholly swashbuckler!!! and they made an arrest??? Without SP???? Somebody needs to do something?

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what going on with Jude??? Hang in there, they are waiting to make an example of someone. Every new administration is. I like it when my friends who work inside brag then haven't been to IA No shit you fuck you have no contact with people like FSB does. This place blows. I need some more years to retire.

Fuck all of them said...

This mayor is a real piece of trash. Way to go asshole. Priorities... I’ll tell ya! Fucking rainbow crosswalks when people are getting shot in the face every day.

I have never seen more of an asshole that tries so hard to be the cool guy who kisses the ass of every political agenda that he thinks makes him look so inclusive and will get him votes. One of the only black men, most experienced and valuable on his team, Lewis saw it was all a shit show and left. When Keller kissed the freckled ass of Colon after colons people put up that pac lying about him that was all I needed to prove to me that all of these politicians are scum and out for themselves only.

And here we go with another asshole judge who doesn’t think killing two people while driving over 100 mph on a city street. Like two dead innocent citizens are not enough to tell a suspect he can not drive anymore? What a bullshit excuse of blaming the state for not bringing up two prior speeding violations. To people from not here, this state defies their ability to understand how fucked up in the head the police departments, DA, AG, AUDITOR, mayor and politicians are. Their first question is why haven’t the DOJ criminal division stepped in and started prosecuting the corruption? The reason is because all of these dick heads know each other.

Keep screwing over everyone who tries to do the right thing. Keep ignoring the corruption. Keep letting these assholes get away with doing whatever they want and it will be humorous when the next person smashed to shit in an intersection is a judges kid or the next person found with their asshole turned inside out is a relative of a politician, or district attorney. I won’t feel bad because none of them care until it’s their ass someone shoved a two by four up. #NewMexicoShit #NewMexicoGarbage #NewMexicoLies #NewMexicoExtinct #NewMexicoUntrue

1.7 million paid out to protect the fat pig Ex Governor too. Just wait until all of that gets out. Wait till it comes out about all of the strings she pulled to protect Schultz and Berry.

Brian Colon is a lying piece of shit fraud too. He is in that spot to protect his people. Read this shit.

The word was out during the election that Colon was going to hire that fat pos kasettas, and everyone knew it. That was one reason I didn’t vote for him among many others. That fucker needs to be investigated because he cut a deal with Keller to promote his friend Jaramillo to sgt. after he taxed a guy 10 fucking times killing him and having the courts rule that it was excessive and caused the death. Colon will only clear Drobik as a favor to be paid back later on. Just watch. Fuck all of these pieces of shit. They all deserve some real shitty fucked up karma.

Anonymous said...

Medina being groomed.... there aren’t enough grooming services in the world to groom that fat unprofessional pig into anything more than a man who looks like Mrs. Buttersworth. I hope they make that moron police chief. I really do, because it will throw gas right onto the burning down of the city that is already going on.

Anonymous said...

DOJ is too busy protecting Trump's financials from being investigated and fighting his impeachment attempts to give a crap about Albuquerque. DOJ was only here to make sure Eden, Berry, Schultz and that bunch of malfeasants were protected. They helped the 5th floor put the blame on the cops in the field so their job is done and they're gone. A total con job.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Jude wins his lawsuit but then gets put on admin assignment....coincidence???

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Medina should look up the definition of crosswalk.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen anything on the SUPER 34 Simon's case where one person it taking accountability for lack of firing the SUPER 34. If I missed it, some1 let me know. We have all these policies in place which are intended to bring the community closer to us but then the SUPER 34 incident happened and this isn't the first year he has been claiming all that OT.

We look totally stupid to the civilians so why are we trying so hard when we chop off our own hands with no accountability?

Anonymous said...

@ 1-11-19 8:20PM

Not only is a multi-colored croswalk not a crosswalk according to the MUTC 7C.03, but it is also a violation of NM Statute 66-7-108A.

Anonymous said...

Is the Nancy an earlier post mentioned Nancy Lafln from KOAT? If so, damn she is a nasty looking troll.

Anonymous said...

Is dispatch required to take randoms? If not they need to. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Tracy Drager stfu. When did u ever go get a receipt. We work grave and ur always calling asking for stupid stuff. Are you are bridging a gap that no one knew what was going on? You made all of APD sound like a bunch of idiots??? You have proof that we didn’t know what was going on?? Wow, such a bad article, who approved you talking to the media??? Simon??? You need to know your limitations. The 5th floor need to put a muzzle on you, bad, bad, bad. Go drink a coke and make your bad training videos while you burp into the microphone. That’s Ray Schultz quality.

Anonymous said...

I guess Albuquerque is starting to go in the right direction because there is no news here.

Anonymous said...

Watch them self destruct. This is what happens when you hire a self important narcissist with a bloviated bullshit resume to to the work of an intelligent, mature, objective, just, moral and fair person.

Anonymous said...

I’ve been told the off duty FBI agent involved in the shooting at a licensed liquor establishment (Nexus Brewery) was involved in a love triangle with the decedent, Cody Wrathall, and Wrathall’s ex-girlfriend. In fact, the agent was allegedly with Wrathall’s ex-girlfriend at the time the agent shot and killed Wrathall.
There needs to be more transparency and accountability with Federal law enforcement in the communities they serve. Their ability to consistently hide behind Federal policy only benefits the Government and does nothing for our communities. This agent entered a licensed liquor establishment while armed on his own personal time, which is a 4th degree felony. If it’s shown he was also drinking prior to the shooting, then it can be said his judgement was impaired at the time he chose to take another life. The life of his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend.
This situation makes one wonder if Wrathall was lured or baited into showing up at Nexus. This guy drove all the way from Utah, how in the world would he know where to go? A lot of unanswered questions here, but the Feds operate with impunity while the DOJ and the media remain silent. If this had been APD, the officer’s corpse wold be swinging from the rafters.

Anonymous said...

Instead of a raise for Geier they should have budgeted for extra crime scene tape. We seem to be going through it very fast even with the suspicious death. Nice try on suspicious death but if you think the citizens are buying that as something else you are wrong. A homicide is a homicide regardless how you release to the media. I get it they will forget about it within a few minutes but FBI stats speak the truth. No suspicious death category.

Rumor is it that Geier is stressed tested and dough boy Medina taking over. Garcia you need to move on and cut down your spending and leave. Same as with turkey neck if you luv apd you would leave.

Anonymous said...

“New Mexico... where you can’t even indict a ham sandwich.” Hahaha Hector Balderas is a clown. White will get off. That mayor will get off, and anyone else he charges for corruption, in order to make people to forget about the grand jury on Ray Schultz that he is making go away will get off. This patrone fuck isn’t interested in anything other than chasing skirts, while acting like the hypocrite virtuous sanctimonious asshole he is. All this dickhead has to say is “ although I respect the courts, I disagree with the judges decision “ every time the AGs office gets their dirty asses handed to them.

It defies belief that everyone forgot about the grand jury and subpoenas and nobody is asking questions about where the investigation and grand jury went.

But then again this is New Mexico where everyone has the memory of a gold fish and the media and newspapers are bought and owned.

Three years, and where is the outcome of an investigation and grand jury paid for by the tax payers?

Anonymous said...

It seems as though many of the posts are from cops on this site. Lot's of name calling that is just juvenile. How old are some of you cops? Sometimes it's like reading what a little gangster on a playground would say. Not the way to get any point across. Lot's of corruption here and things that need to be said, but enough with the childish name calling already. And yes eye, you did get stuffed in a trunk. Sorry to say.

Anonymous said...

Garcia you getting the boot from Geier for his bro Mizel that's some funny shit there. They gonna have to lower that table in the Chiefs office cuz Mizel won't be able to see over the top. Oh yea, you know what else the podium will need to be special ordered. Will that come out of Mizel's check or will the tax payers pick up the tab. Will somebody do something?

Anonymous said...

Get ready meal worms. Geier will be announcing his retirement, because the kitchen is getting too hot for him, and fat Mrs. Buttersworth Medina will be your new Chief. Talk about sliding down the shitty slope. Keller is only about numbers, and will bullshit his way through this place to get to higher political aspirations. He’s a fraud. Get ready for that lieutenant who got caught licking that civilian clerks asshole in the main to be promoted to commander. Keller was told that the upper command was a cancer and all he did was pour nuclear waste on the tumor. Whoever said it would take decades to fix this shit was wrong. It will take generations. It’s never getting fixed. Move your families out, because there are nothing but perverts creeps and criminals at the upper command and recruiting is hiring knomes, elves, dwarves and clowns to play court jester entertainers and villager idiots, instead of being cops and hunting the criminals who are preying on our city. It is over. In a couple more years this place will be the biggest joke and most violent place in the country, because the four foot tall 115 pound waifs they are hiring won’t have the balls to get out of their car unless it’s for a bullshit photo op of them playing basketball with an unfortunate juvenile because chasing violent career criminals will be bred out of them. All you have to do is look at the clowns training recruits at the academy. It’s a disgrace. We already have Sargents who work 3 day weeks and crybabies looking to go inside with 6 months on the job.

Anonymous said...

I know that Nancy Laflin is a cancer survivor, what the hell does that have to do with the fact that she is one ugly troll?

Anonymous said...

Tim Keller is not going to a higher office after his 8-year run as Mayor of Albuquerque. No Mayor has been able to get elected to a higher office after their time as Mayor of Albuquerque... *exception, Saint Pete Dominici, 35+ years ago!

Keller will continue with his payback/kickback scheme in employing his campaign workers with exorbitant pay raises and plush appointments, then, POOF, like a fart in the wind he will be one amongst many shitty Mayor's leaving Albuquerque with the stench of his shitty policies and lack of leadership.

Anonymous said...

@3:13 so are you saying that Nancy Laflin was nice looking before she had cancer? Once a troll, always a troll.

Anonymous said...

This is a true story. I called the non emergency number for a friend since her son who is from Colorado and he has people in and out of his hotel room yesterday. He really doesn't even know anyone in Alb they just moved here a few months ago and he just got back from Colorado. His probation is in Colorado. The 911 Operator told me "You don't have probable cause so I can't send the police." I asked what is probable cause and I want the Police to go anyway. she said no, they cant. I didn't believe this and called back again. Talked to another 911 Operator and they asked "what is wrong with having visitors in a hotel room." I explained he doesn't know that many people from Alb and just got back from Colorado. Still the operator wouldn't send someone over.

We called his PO in Colorado, they are coming tomorrow, a Sunday, to do a UA.

Anonymous said...

Is commacho, Dodi?

Anonymous said...

Nothing will ever get done in this City. We have people in office that have no idea what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

@0701 that kinda of stuff from the dispatcher is never given to us and no wonder there is no trust within our community. No wonder we have to do these silly coffee with a kop events. It would just be easier if we were sent on the calls and we the Police determine what to do, not some civilian giving legal advice over the phone. I sure hope Mayor reads this and pulls the tape and will hear for himself the unprofessionalism from the dp. Hotels are good u never know what or who you will find inside, the parking like stolen car, inside like dope in the safe occupants with warrants. just never know.

Anonymous said...

8/4/19 I called 911 because my neighbor in Abq was sellino meth. I called because they were doing it outside on their driveway and acting weird. Unbelievably the 911 operator told me it's not against the law to do drugs. I was upset & hung up thinking maybe I was wrong to call. This was a few years ago. Recently I called to report my car embezzled and that operator acted like the movie mean girls! Very very sarcastic and nasally and obnoxious like she was implying I was stupid. I thought it was me being sensitive but where I live now I had to call 911 once because of a loud party and the 911 operator was very professional and courteous and she dispatched the call immediately. Issue resolved without the 20 QUESTIONS TREATMENT!

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a city so corrupt has Albuquerque. Only read about them in crime novels.

Anonymous said...

I live here in Albuquerque and I have to say I never feel safe,
Something happend a assault on a child, called it in waited 3 hours to only get a phone call by a police officer telling me he is sorry that he has made we wait and he has to put as unknown suspect.
I told him if they would of came then it wouldn't be unknown.
I don't understand it I see a lot of cops standing at Walmart but yet there is no one to call for help.
I know the cops are busy due to the crime but it is sad when a littl kid is hurt and they cant even make it.
We want to move but it is not easy to pick up and move out of state sometimes.
Just wish something could be done.

Anonymous said...

@ 2:09 AM You need to file a complaint. There is no investigative policy in which a phone call is used to file a report. You should request a copy of the report be interesting to read.

Anonymous said...

At @ 209 At least you cared. The whole main and FAC need reorganization like a MO=FO. Its 2019 and all APD is creating new units instead of updating the old units and have accountability.