The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Feb 12, 2020


First, we would like to start out this blog article with a thank you to our readers, and eyes out there who have remained more vigilant than we have over the last few months. 

We were just contacted by one of our outraged eyes over what the entire city should perceive as a slap in the face by Mayor Tim Keller and his administration of pocket filling political correctees. 

In his attempt to be mister popular, mister media honey, and the jolly good fellow, our Mayor who was elected to promote change, fairness, dignity, respect, and justice did what most self serving attention whores did, and that was to ignorantly take action on something he deemed would make him look good, without fully considering the whole picture, or ramifications of his actions, nor did he take into account the significance of the time frame of his actions. 

On January 13, 2020 the mayor showed that his vision of what is right is far less than 2020. In fact this mayor is blind on what needed and needs to be done to make things right again. On the above date, Mayor Tim Keller announced that he wanted out of parts of the DOJ consent agreement. You can see the story in the below link.


Do you want to know why the above date is so significant, and such a slap in the face? If you need reminding, you are part of the problem with your short memory. Short memories are the reason why the corrupt keep surfacing. The reason why the date Keller chose to run his mouth is so disturbing, is because it is the exact 10 year anniversary of the date Ken Ellis Jr. was murdered by an APD detective. Ken’s son was murdered January 13, 2010 outside the 7/11 at Eubank and Constitution. This is not just a little oversight Mayor Keller and since you seem to only care about events that promote your agenda and hero boy image, let us refresh your memory. 

The fathers, mothers and family members of Ken Ellis Jr., Alan Gomez, and Christopher Torres, and dozens of others fed up with the corruption, unjustifiable shootings and use of force, the stonewalling of the truth, lack of justice and fairness, being treated without dignity, the lack of respect, the bullying, cowardice, and criminal behavior, spearheaded the ousting of the last administration, and the bringing in of the DOJ. They fought for what was right, and spent years of their lives seeking the truth, and justice in this cess pit of corruption and favoritism. It seems politicians take what they themselves didn’t live as a nightmare, as a mere forgotten memory. It is obvious now that the blood, sweat, and tears that have been the last few years for many, are just a political obstacle for politicians. 

Since the last election, Mayor Keller was elected, and has chosen to not only do nothing to bring things back on line properly, but he brought back old problems, and even went back further in time to collude with the grandfathers of the problem here; people like former mayor Marty Chavez and the Chief Operating Officer Lawrence Rael who was part of the regime many years ago who instituted the culture we thought we ousted... the founders of the ideology that guys like former Coward Chief Schultz and now ghost former Mayor Berry emulated! CRONYISM, RETALIATION, INTIMIDATION, FAVORITISM, DISHONESTY, AND OBSTRUCTION. 

Mayor Keller saw fit to ignorantly and disgracefully disregard the feelings of a family, and community, on a date that significantly started the ball moving against corruption, an out of control city government, and an out of control police administration, that let some out of control officers get away with anything they wanted, any time they wanted it.  The sad thing is that although the detective who murdered Ken’s son is gone, and retired, there are still quite a few scum bags left at the watering trough here in the Albuquerque Police Department, and they are still looking for that parasitic high three paying years before they decide to unhinge their parasitic suckers, and let go of the blood meal for retirement. Instead of firing these unfit parasites, Mayor Keller kept them, and has been promoting them, just like Berry did with that coward Schultz. They have been poisoning the place ever since. 

Below are a few articles to refresh everyone’s memories...

Let’s get things strait right now. We back our officers. The just, courageous righteous ones out there, who do police work with dignity, compassion, and courage, without being political hacks, who carry water for a coward administration, those who are not looking for an easy pension, but who signed up to go to war against the evil out there victimizing our society, despite being possibly used by cowardly politicians every day as scape goats and propaganda for progress that is fraudulent and a hollow dog and pony circus show. It is not the system, nor the DOJ that ties hands, but a lying, corrupt, politically correct administration worried only about always looking good, and controlling the optics of everything, along with filling their pockets instead of the objective of getting the job done! Let’s not forget the enabling behavior and culture that started from the top that put APD in the position it’s in. We back the officers who speak out and refuse to be a part of the illusion. 

This mayor wants the DOJ gone, because they are a hindrance to him and his image manipulation.  The DOJ being here shines light on the facts that he still does what the former mayor did by hiding when controversy arises, and allowing his administration to put out disinformation when they get caught making mistakes,  like the one where they recently hired a felon. They recently  tried to cover up a domestic incident involving police cadets and our eyes have told us they refuse to release the police report on that one under an IPRA request, because it will show that they kept them ( BOTH ) employed long after they should have been terminated in order to fill manpower goals in APD.  They still stall and delay the release of public information that is not beneficial to them, and they still have city attorneys employed that are dishonest liars, unethical, and poor human beings, that were taught their wretched ways by the previous administration. All in all, nothing has changed much. They do not want you to know that, so they want the DOJ to go away. Ten years later and the pig just changed its lipstick. 


Albuquerque is becoming famous for politicians who do nothing for all, but all for one.... THEMSELVES AND THEIR FRIENDS. Their motivation is not for just reasons but only to gain influence. There are no political parties here. It’s all about what the next politician can do for themselves or their cronies, and if that politician is in another party the greedy favor seekers just flip flop on over to that side, until they get what they want. We here at the Eye only seek justice regardless of what side of the line things are on, this is not so with these self servers here. We are done with it. Tim Keller pulled a Richard Berry. The next election is going to be as fun as the last one but not for the sitting mayor because one too many slaps in the face is enough. 
Stay tuned for our next article on why you do not want to work here as a police officer or for any city position for that matter and why doing so could result in your life being ruined beyond repair. 

Thanks to everyone for reading our blog,

The Eye


Anonymous said...

Look at Keller standing there like he is modeling a cocktail dress with his right leg out. Hahahaha for the life of Christ this guy is a total poser. Oh man let the caption contests begin with these photos.

Anonymous said...

TLC? Not anymore. Go check your account there if you have not recently, you may be in for a surprise.

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's interesting The Eye is finally supportive of grieving families and concerned citizens demanding police reform. Having read your blog for years, dont remember your "support in 2012-14-15-16..... Do remember your upset when we demonstrated and got national and international coverage. Strong stories in The NewYorker, Rolling Stone, and Aljazeera spotlighted the gangster culture here more than local MSM did.
And Kelker was supported by the APD union, and Dennis Maez, and others.
He was expected to be an enabler, duh.
If you taut being anti-corruption, be consistent and walk your talk.
Recent I recommended that those interested in APD and Burque read this blog because it is the most educational and revealing of the dynamics and reality of. And would make a better movie than the Godfather, Training Day, Bad Lieutenant, the Departed, Two Guns, Breaking Bad, and on and on.
God help this hellhole.
#BlueMafia #Gotham

Anonymous said...

Thank you Timmy for the time it took you and and your sea wold seals to pose,You did a fantastic job on the new homeless shelter behind you. Timmy you look stupid holding onto your silk swat vest but you do fit in

Retired Door Kicker said...

Look at these goobers. Team Wendy exfil seal comm cut helmets with night vision mounts and 50 other gadget attachments, Solomon boots, plate carriers, and crude precision SF pants hahahahaha what a bunch of wannabe seal team 50 air soft wannabe commandos. I did police work for 25 years and with way less bullshif trinkets and gear than these nancys and I guarantee with way more violent crime arrests and confrontations and this makes me laugh. It’s like they research the GQ guide to SWAT wear for the seal team wannabe. These tool bags would have their pants shoved up into their taints the first hour of BUDS especially that munchkin with the space balls helmet fourth from the left of Mrs. Keller. And what the fuck is up with that guy all the way to the left with the hoodie? That mustache looks like he bought it at the dolllar store and stuck it on his face. What a gaggle of jokers. Hahahahaha. And the comm gear... I bet they have the latest navy seal versions of that shit too. WTF do these girls do? Sit around researching what SF guys wear? Lol, the city is burning. These air soft kids with their short barrel rifles try to look like tough guys and where are the arrests? What a pathetic joke. Bring back the days when we went out there with revolvers and saps got more results and the felons knew they would get their ass handed to them if they didn’t submit. This is silly. Nothing has changed because the department is filled with lingerie models and guys who get manicures. Fucking picture takers for social media is all we have now. If I was looking at this photo as a bad guy with any amount of training I would be hoping these were the guys coming to my house to try to get me. They would learn a very hard lesson that day. Halloween isn’t until next year. Oh, and we didn’t need a ram to blow a door off it’s hinges. Hahahahaha ha. Oh boy.

Anonymous said...

I think that Keller has lived a sheltered life. And now as a politician, he's trying to show that he's really "left" of all of the left-leaning politicians.

Just remember folks, these limousine liberals go home to their gated communities, and don't have to deal with the dregs of society like us working stiffs do.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts that if we had a plot of land for the $30 million homeless shelter in say, the Eubank & Ventura area, this abortion wouldn't have passed. What did James Earl Jones say to Kevin Costner? On yeah - "if you build it, they will come" So we get the freak show of drifters and transients from CA, IL, MI, IN, MO and other states where they won't tolerate this shit. I am so sick of seeing bums and freaks and this shit, puke and garbage they leave behind. And fuck this, I've served with my church in the shelters, and there are genuine people that need and hand up, but the doper freaks who don't want to work is another story.

I want my city back.
I want Manny Gonzales as my mayor.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah - and those cops in the second pic? I wonder how many of them served our country or did they just wash out of the Corps or Army? I wanna see proof that they won't shit themselves when they get in a sticky situation.

I want my city back.
I want proven police.

Stealth said...

2/12 @ 2:42,
Well we do not know where you were, in actually what was 2010 until 2016, which was the busiest years for us, but you must have been either in another country, or high as shit for those years. Please look at the sidebar links in this page, If you scroll down, the years are listed for you to be able to look up, and actually read what we wrote during that time, which was what most of those media outlets got from usin some capacity or fashion. Please do read all of their articles, then go back and look at when they were wrote. After you are done doing that, read the years we just pointed out to you here, and compare the times of publication then come back with the facts before you run off at the mouth without knowing what you are talking about or having the facts. Son we emailed information to many reporters and have supported those you are talking about since way before the years you quoted. 2912? Lol. Shit boy, the crap here started way before that. You forgot that we supported Keller also. We were mislead just like Berry mislead everyone to get elected, maybe you would have preferred one of the other candidates who were either too inexperienced, and naive to do what needed to be done or was friends with those who supported or protected Berry and Schultz.

Dennis Maez said...

To the “Anonymous “ who mentioned me in their post regarding my supporting Keller during the election. Yes, I supported Keller, and without a doubt that was a mistake, and I own it. I had hoped he would let cops get back to pro-active policing and doing what was necessary to make ABQ a city I wouldn’t worry about my daughter living in as a single mom and my granddaughter growing up in. That isn’t the case is it? From what I hear there are more officers investigating other officers than detectives investigating serious violent crimes against citizens.
Yes I supported Keller and I regret doing so.

Anonymous said...

I see Keller is trying to look the part of a COP. WTF is he doing with those guys? Why isn't he doing anything about the crime in Albuquerque? First he's a headbanger, then a quarterback, then a crybaby at the border, now he's a COP? Please stop taking pictures if this FOOL!!!!!!!! i am so glad I wasn't out there that day, don't want to be around any friggen political POSER!!!!!! What a tool.

Anonymous said...

There’s got to be a real political leader in NM! Once again we get stuck with a sub standard mayor and governor who care more about being in front of the camera than leading by the use of the elected office that the voters entrusted them with. Super disappointed AGAIN!

Both politicians are more interested in feeding their egos rather than serving the citizens of NM! Shame on both of you!

Please Governor quit this charade of taking shots at our president and do your job without bankrupting NM and causing undue harm on the hard working people of NM. You’re more interested in destroying small businesses than building a flourishing economy in NM in spite of the truth about the coronavirus!

Show some integrity folks or do you not know the meaning of the word?

Anonymous said...

Goobers is right. When do we learn to stop with the pictures. WHy is Keller there and he has done nothing to help Officers? Good ol boy system still in affect. Thought Geier was gonna stop this cycle. JOKE just like the entire 5th floor. Needs to be cleaned.

Anonymous said...

Lets face it, any candidate we promote, who sees APD like we do, that there needs to be change and fairness. We do have Schultz and him only to blame, I got interviewed by DOJ for something not related to the deadly shootings. But I certainly gave them a few patterns and people to look at and exactly like they say the "culture" here at APD. Paying Ginger millions a year isn't the answer when we hoped Geier would have did it and made the difficult change. We knew that would not happen when Medina came in. Remember Medina and his SWAT boys. SWAT 34s weren't stupid, they knew Medina had no business being in that possession and only a few spoke to him. Medina allowed the young 34 to do what they wanted so they would like him. We see that all time in people who have NO SELF ESTEEM. Medina isn't SHIT without his badge and he knows it. He just another overweight person buying some bread.