Check out the below video. It really puts a realistic perspective on the games leftest politicians are playing on America. If you think it’s too long then skip to the 48 minute mark.
Keller still isn’t sure that the federal law enforcement coming here is a good idea....
Now that the United State’s Attorney’s office proved Keller’s act is full of shit, please, give us a break with the pandering dramatics you two faced clown. How quickly you stopped talking about funding the hiring of more cops didn’t you. You should get an academy award for being a clown.
It is now time to call out these politicians who are two faced, and self serving.
We are going to start to post videos here and there, to give a perspective on what is really going on.
Liberal democrats across the country have in lockstep allowed people who all alone are weak, pathetic, cowardly, and fragile to take out their sociopathic feelings of inadequacy and impotence on American society. They have allowed the ranks of punk ass, racist, violent anti American radical liberal little white bitch kids with ski goggles and bicycle helmets dressed in black to throw shit, piss, and explosives on law enforcement, while trying to burn down court houses. They stand by, while these little pieces of shit lock cops in Aurora Colorado police stations with the intent to burn them alive inside, then asshole politicians call the deserved response of crushing these attacks a gestapo tactic by storm troopers. They say terrorist’s rights are being violated while these punk ass bitches surround innocent citizens in their cars like the mother and child in Fredericksburg Virginia in the article below.
Well folks, the real shock troops are the ones dressed in black, like idiots wearing ski goggles, bicycle helmets, and backpacks out there advocating killing police officers, and following officers home to attack their families. They are the shock troops for the radical leftist cause, and every politician who fails to condemn them supports them. Every politician who calls the shit going on a peaceful protest is a liar, who advocates lawlessness, and anti police behavior, because it is part of their agenda to advance their own political careers. These malfeasants turn a blind eye for votes. Ask the shithead mayor of Portland how that worked out, when he got attacked by the same assholes he was protecting, then got to inhale some CS from the responding officers.
Anyone who thinks letting the out of control behavior in our country go any further is constructive to progress is insane.
Do we want insane people leading or cities? We think not.
Keller, you’re going to sleep in the pissy bed you made come election time.
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