The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Apr 22, 2021



Below is an article we just spotted, as we were having our morning coffee. Check it out, because as much as fat Harold wants to proclaim himself the solution, he will always be the problem. 


This is case in point for how much pathetic crap comes out of the police chief’s mouth. He is a crybaby, and he’s is vindictive. While he is feeding you baloney, like he is in the video below, he will always pull vindictive shit, like the crap he is pulling above.

Fat Harolds Twitter on the Chauvin Verdict

Will the fake pandering ever stop with these pretenders? 

Harold forgets that he shot a kid with a BB gun, who was having a bad day in a church. 

The above frivolous investigation is being done out of butthurt retaliation, plain and simple; nothing more. The more Harold wants to paint himself the face of change, the more he is proving himself the face of APD’s decades old culture of smiling in your face, while stabbing you in the back, telling you one thing, while doing the other... These bullies can’t help themselves. They truly are the ones who’ve had their lunch money taken. 

So now, when the APD can not respond to calls within an hour, they don’t have the manpower to investigate homicides properly, and now no ERT team, there is yet another investigation into some old retired guy, who wanted to speak his mind about the true problems here, and the frustration of having to retire from a failed police department. Well, that’s great. 

If all of this isn’t proof that Harold is nothing but an immature baby, you are all blind. November needs a sweeping change and mister vigil, below knows it.

Vijil PAC to beat Keller

We would like for all of our readers to take note of the above clip from the Chauvin case, every time Harold Medina opens his mouth, because a Sergeant works for Harold, whom Keller promoted, and whom the 10th circuit court deemed was liable enough for the death of a man, that they took away his qualified immunity, just before former scum bag police chief Schultz swept it under the rug, and he still works at APD. Medina just commended this employee, who Tased a mental patient over ten times, in under 2 minutes, resulting in this man’s death. What say you Harold? What day you Timmy? Oh yea, that’s right, he helped your election campaign. 


Anonymous said...

Tasing someone more that 3x in that amount of time is considered as a rule of thumb, excessive, in and of itself. Ten times in any timeframe like that, is just plain torture. How the DOJ did not prosecute that war crime is as beyond me, but I remember it well. Schultz got a phone call on that one and a favor was called in. It was blatant because that was at a time when they were throwing everybody under the bus. The guy who did that is a Sgt. now. That is the problem here. That is the same guy who used to cal, out with foot pursuits when he had the suspect already sitting on the curb in custody. He is a total fake. Let’s see who’s ass he climbs up for the election. He jumped on Keller’s lap right after Colon failed. He will probably wait to see who is the front runner, then jump right on their lap. The guy is the exact example of the problems with APD, but these are the ones they push to the top and reward. APD is the perfect place to work if you are full of shit, and a poor human being who’s parents got an F in child raising.

Anonymous said...

Three homicides in 24 hours. Hey Tim, just quit now. You’ve lost control of the city just like the Portland mayor you hipster loser. That’s what happens when you sell your ass, accept help from self serving perverts and corrupt pieces of shit instead of those with the right intentions who thought you would do the right thing. I hope you enjoy the humiliation coming your way for being a two faced piece of shit Dan Lewis said you were.

Anonymous said...

What's going on with Simon Drobik? Has Sammy BIG HEAD Bregman put his case on the back burner, while he goes out and chases ambulances for the bigger payout?

Anonymous said...

There is so much crap that still happens at APD on a Daily basis. Here’s one. Why is there still 3-4 officers making almost $200,000 a year even after the Drobik fiasco. I hear Harold knows about it, at least the Edison thing, but who in the hell is signing these timesheets and why does it take a media scandal before anything is done? I’m sure that clown will blame it all on Geier again.

Anonymous said...

Is it luck that a 30 year old case that he was close to got solved under his leadership or does something not smell right?