The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Mar 9, 2007

Trash, Trolleys, and Ticket Takers: The Mayer to Clear Up "Misinformation"

Councilor Mayer (The Mayer) takes particular pleasure in telling constituents about her "Heart of the Heights" monthly meetings. They're typically a dog and pony show with some city official giving a presentation about their particular area of expertise. The Councilor herself sets the agenda and is rarely exposed to criticism.

Our Eyes just got on an email previewing The Mayer's next show. Her "agenda" contains two things that you've read extensively about here... Red Light Cameras and the Transportation Infrastructure Tax extension. In addition Leonard Garcia, Director of Solid Waste is going to tell the audience how the recent disposal of recyclables in the city's landfill is an aberration and how it will never happen again. (We know of at least one other time where the city found it more convenient to dump your contribution to saving the environment in the landfill, rather than recycling it.) The Mayer's email Missive:

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to remind everyone about the Heart of the Heights meeting this coming Thursday, March 15 @ 7:00pm. It will be at the Sheraton Uptown as usual.

Leonard Garcia, the Director of Solid Waste, will be our guest speaker. He will be able to answer any questions you might have about recycling. It should be really interesting considering what has been in the news lately. After recycling I want to take some time to talk about the Transportation Tax and the Red Light cameras. There is a lot of misinformation out there on both those subjects.

I hope you will try to come. The next meetings are both on Thursdays - April 19th and

May 17th - mark your calendars.

Sincerely, Sally

If you can make it through the trash talk and the recyclable ramble, she's going to address the "misinformation out there," regarding the Red Light Cameras and the Transportation Infrastructure Tax extension, both of which she supports. You'll remember that The Mayer was responsible for spiking the transportation tax repeal in committee and then for leading the charge to defer it in open council Monday night. It should be entertaining to watch the councilor with the Texas twang try to twist the truth into something that lets her off the hook.

Remember, these meetings are open to the public... if you'd like to ask about all of that "misinformation."


Anonymous said...

Can't wait for her to "Clear Up" the "Misinformation" It'll be as clear as "mud" when she's done I'm sure. I'm sure she's working on her spin as we speak. I'm sure the "Mayer" is running her information through the "Mayor"

Anonymous said...

The 'Heart of the Hieghts' is nothing more than a charade to let us think she's doing her job. These meetings are simply staged 'warm and fuzzies' for other Department heads to justify THEIR existance and have nothing to do with Distrct 7 issues directly. Lets talk D-7 issues Councilor, the job for which you were hired and stop carrying water for the person who made you the star you are,The Mayor. Stop talking smack, and address the issues in this 'East Berlin' district, that you've neglected.

Anonymous said...

Why did Councilor Mayer vote NOT to repeal the illegal tax extention?
Why did she vote to extend it without the permission of the voters?
Why do we allow her to continue to work for the Mayor and not the constituents?
Why does she support the screwing of her constituents in her OWN district with excessive 'Red light' camera fees?
Why does she no longer have a real job selling Real Estate?
Where does she make a living? (City Council only pays $9,200 a year)
How many City Councilors besides Sally does the Mayor own?
Can anyone answer these legitimate questions. Don't rely on her to answer those. She won't. Or better yet, YOU won't be allowed to.
How dare you.....

Anonymous said...

He owns two, Mayer and Loy!