The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Apr 1, 2010

All About the Money

Recently in a 5th floor conference room not far enough away... APD's brain trust met to talk about revenue, money, moolaah. The meeting's main man was more than a little miffed that the New Mexico Transportation Commission had ordered the city to take down the city's red light (and green light) revenue generators at 6 of the most profitable intersections.

The solution Ray and the boys came up with? Add another 50 scam-eras to intersections around the city that aren't on state roads - a plan that was apparently confirmed on 94 Rock this morning. And if our Ears heard right, Mayor Berry confirmed that the city needed the additional cameras for their revenue generating capabilities. Our Eyes confirmed for us that Chief Schultz' 5th floor confab focused on the need for additional revenue to help bridge the $54 MILLION chasm that runs right through the city's 2010-2011 budget.

Due process be damned! Public safety be damned! Liberty be damned! The scam-eras were always about the money.

The one good thing is that you won't have to waste your time wading through the creative writing project better known as the UNM "study" on the red light camera system. By confirming for radio listeners that the city can't afford to lose the revenue, they study's outcome is already painfully clear.

In fact, our Eyes tell us that The 5th Floor isn't taking any chances... they're cooking the study's books by releasing data that favors the STOP program.

It's about time someone drained the swamp up on APD's 5th floor. We're sure that there's more muck than water despite the efforts of a few who are simply trying to keep their heads above the water and their feet out of the mud.


Anonymous said...

Yeah yeah yeah, April Fools... I hate this day

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a District Court case which went against the City and it's green light radar tickets? Seems to me that if that case law was known to the general public, the scameras would fail to be a money generator and would become a money pit. If this happened, they would disappear......just a thought

Anonymous said...

Wow ! Berry you're a real popular guy.
But then again you deserve what you get when you surround yourself with assholes.
'You are judged by the company you keep'

'You sleep with dogs, you get fleas'

'You are what you eat'

In your case; ONE BIG HOT DOG

Anonymous said...

Good luck with enforcing this crap.
people are fed up.










Anonymous said...

So few people have the integrity to stand up to the fifth floor, because they want whatever bone or scrap the almighty administration might throw them if they are submissive. I'm glad I told them to kiss my grits. A team of monkeys working around the clock could outperform that buffoon Ray.

Anonymous said...

If it came from 94 Rock on April fools day it's gotta be a joke. That station for years has involved the city in pranks to their listeners. At least i'd hope its another one of their pranks!

Anonymous said...

Check out Maria's new Mercedes, Eye. She's got the scamera blocking film over her plates. Red Flex takes care of its own!

Jake34 said...

Ray Schultz should be arrested and tried for treason. He is a non-leader and he has no integrity. Whater ever happened to upholding your oath of office?

Anonymous said...

Of course its about the money! Someone has to pay for the actions of former APD Officer David Maes. You know him as the APD cop who rapes a woman repeatedly and ends up with 5 years unsupervised probation and a conditional discharge. And of course, the cost to city taxpayers for a civil suit to the tune of $575,000.

APD, never complain about the courts again being soft on crime. We see how they treat criminal cops.

Anonymous said...

This has become the "norm". Like the saying goes ... give them an inch, and they'll want a mile!

Anonymous said...

April fools! (I hope so anyway)

Anonymous said...

Who is Maria?

Anonymous said...

"Who is Maria"?
Maria Medina Berry.
The mayor's wife.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of fleas; Where's Peaches?

Anonymous said...

The city has money they just hired Former Councilor Sally Mayer at city hall at $45,000 a year.

Anonymous said...

DON'T Pay. The proof of burden is on them, not you. The videos suck and in a real court of law they'd be thrown out.
What a Joke.
As for the millions($) that were spent on the UNM study; they'll make up any old shit to prove that the cameras are legitimate tools for Public safety. For what it's worth, Berry could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money and just have Darren and Ray write the report. There is probably at least
one Red Flex member on that bogus UNM camera study team and the recipients of this is one of Berry's LOBO Club Butt buddies.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read today's journal? Schultz is one slick dude. He can buy his way out of anything and you cops pay the price!!!

Anonymous said...

The new administration is a bigger sham than the last one.

Rey Garduno was the only dissenting vote on City Council in the approval process of Darren White for Dir of Public Safety.
Why might you ask?
Because Rey new what a bigot he and Rey are.
They racial profile big time.

Anonymous said...

Im glad State Police is standing up to the city of albq bums...

Anonymous said...

Does White get compensation from the city for doing his radio show?

Anonymous said...

Stop with all thee:
"Berry wake up, Dareen,Ray & Campbell are breaking you bad"

Or; "he's a nice guy, just doesn't know what he's doing yet"

Or; Dareen and Campbell are doing things behind his back that will doom him"

Or; making him the innocent victim here.

For Christ sake, he's the mayor !!

He is not an innocent bystander. He is not ignorant to the facts. He is not keeping his campaign promises.
So stop saying It's only Campbell, Dareen & Ray.(Corrupt as they are)

HE'S ONE OF T-H-E-M !!!!!!!!

Talk about wolf in sheep's clothing. What a fraud.

Anonymous said...

C'mon; the freakin Easter Bunny run everyone off? We're not done here.
Comments, comments , comments !!
Darren compensated for doing a radio show? Please!

Question on Channel 4 news to mayor.
"Will the 3% pay cuts fix this deficit"?
Answer; "Ah, I hope so"
What the hell kind of an answer is that?
Don't we have someone on the payroll that can answer questions, with some confidence and assurances.
We're in trouble folks.
JEEEEZZZZZ.... $%^&*(

Anonymous said...

Who's gonna be chief after Ray leaves?

The obvious choices are a laugh for sure.
Beth may be green, but at least she has out ranked Darren.
Darren won't know how to run a PD. He'll have to put Ray on a full retainer contract.
Maybe they could just switch Jobs.

He's no more qualified to lead this department anymore than he was being sheriff. Sal ran the S.O., and had to dress him in the morning. All fluff, not tuff.

Irritated said...

How 'bout this:


You're not standing up for your troops well guess what, good luck finding a job after your little stint with Berry Pie. Who would hire/elect a two time double loser with two votes of no confidence....

Anonymous said...

No confidence? Perfect. He's running to Ray everyday for advice.
Now we hear that Ray's not leaving.

Every time Berry ( Eeyore) comes to Ray's office, the 'head lights' on the fifth are on 'high beam'.
Forget it Allen, you'll be passed over for chief as long as you're not puttin' out the scent.

Anonymous said...

No Confidence for Darren....freaking brilliant!!!

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it Darren will be new chief.
Bad news.

Ray stays.
Bad news.

Beth becomes chief.
Not perfect, but better

Anonymous said...

What does Darren do?
Really; can anyone answer that?

If he stays in a position that was supposed to be eliminated what will he do to occupy his time.
Taxpayer's are getting screwed. Berry was supposed to cut this kind of fat.

If he becomes chief, who will guide him? Sal, Beth, Campbell?

Maybe Sal will be Chief. That'll make the troops happy.

Anonymous said...

Who will win the Guv's race?
bets on Allen Weh & Suzanna Martinez in primary?

Anonymous said...

as long as the schultz is the new pio thats all that matters, keep that scary chola hamby off the tv.

Anonymous said...

Vote of no confidence?? BLAH BLAH BLAH!!

That's been brought up here so many times, it's like a bad joke that keeps resurfacing. 34's in this town don't have the balls. The APOA doesn't have the balls. NO ONE HAS THE BALLS TO DO IT...IT"S BEEN PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN. So stop bringing it up already. It's never, never, never, never, EVER going to happen, and you ALL know it.

Anonymous said...

Comment above on 'NO CONFIDENCE'
Unfortunate that you're right.

Anonymous said...

Ok were looking to save 66 million dollars, how about getting rid of the re-hires, these guys and gals are already have a pension. Get rid of them and let the other folks who have not attained pension status get to ours, without pay cuts! APS did it, APD should follow suit, and on the subject of APS, APD should start charging the most inept school system in the nation money for having officers at their schools. Risky political move, yep but that’s politics, commeon’ Mr. Berry do what is right and eliminate all double dippers form the city….you’re budget problem will be solved overnight!

Anonymous said...

send the double dippers packing!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mark will you let me pose w your lieutenant badge you already made yourself in advance of promotions?


adolescent teen