What is it with Mayor Berry and Chief Schultz that despite being the chief executives of the state’s largest city and the state’s largest police department, they always seem to come up short when pressed and questioned about significant events by the media?
This past week has been especially troublesome for both Berry and Schultz. Instead of working with city council to get the Paseo project underway, Mayor Berry felt it was more important to—once again—insert himself into APOA concerns. Whether you feel the support the police union gives to officers involved in shootings is “bounty” money or “therapy” money, for the Mayor to assert that the APOA needs to stop that practice is absurd. (If it weren’t for labor unions and labor oriented laws, Berry’s wife’s construction company wouldn’t get minority tracked contracts from the government.) Then complimenting that action is Chief Schultz stating he was unaware of the support the APOA offers its officers.
Remember this is the same Mayor Berry who claims to have not watched (or only part of) the video showing Officer’s Doyle and Woolever arrest a fleeing fighting felon while the rest of the country was watching repeats of it and wondering why a police department would discipline officers for NOT resorting to deadly force.
Remember this is the same Mayor Berry who stated he’d demote Commander Murray Conrad by taking away his area command for sustaining Doyle’s use of force if Conrad hadn’t already retired from APD, yet Cmdr. Conrad was very well employed by APD when he sustained the force.
Remember this is the same Mayor Berry who launched a campaign to reduce property crime without considering what exactly drives people to steal property in the first place—here’s a hint Mayor Berry, it’s not to play the video games they steal, it’s for drugs.
Remember this is the same Chief Schultz who modified the officer’s shift schedule from four ten-hour shifts to five eight-hour shifts expecting there to be a reduction in calls for service wait times and cost savings when in fact calls hold as long as ever and the department’s budget continues to explode.
Remember this is the same Chief Schultz that sat on the Levi Chavez debacle and did all he could to dissuade Valencia County law enforcement to pursue an investigation.
Remember this is the same Chief Schultz who’s fired many officers involved in seemingly high profile incidents only to find he was without cause to support the terminations. From Chavez and Comacho to Perea and Wilson, Schultz is losing hearing after hearing because they fail to follow established procedures. And when they lose, they fail to assign responsibility where it rests: poor legal representation or deputy chiefs who commit perjury.
Remember this is the same Chief Schultz that tossed the careers of two officers in favor of a recidivistic offender and member of the Aryan Brotherhood to appear as if he’s “tough” with his officers to thwart a DOJ probe.
Remember this is the same Chief Schultz that endorsed the actions which resulted in the defective complaint against a senior district court judge.
Remember this is the same Chief Schultz that has implemented more computerized report, evidence, and database systems yet routinely states he was unaware of developing situations.
And from what our Eyes tell us, much worse is coming.
The current administration of the city and APD routinely attack the truth while supporting lies. We think it’s time for that practice to come to an end. We just witnessed possibly the saddest day in the history of the APOA and from what our Eyes tell us, much worse is coming. Now is the time for change with APD as well.
The Piercing Truth
This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
Mar 29, 2012
Mar 28, 2012
APOA Critical Incident Financial Assistance
The Eye receives many letters. This one caught our eyes. Below is an open letter to Albuquerque City Councilor Debbie O'Malley from (Ret.) APD Captain David Gilmore.
Councilor O'Malley,
I am responding to your comments in the Albuquerque Journal of March 25, 2012, regarding the payment of money to officers involved in "critical incidences." I served APD for twenty-five years retiring as a captain.
During my tenure I was involved in a high speed chase/gun battle. My only regret is that my aim was not more true as the offender years later shot and killed an APD officer, the son of a very good friend. I relate this fact to demonstrate that I have some feeling as to how the officers feel after such engagements. I cannot speak as to how officers deal with the fact of having killed someone.
I do not believe there is a single officer on the Department that goes to work wanting to shoot someone or to take the life of another. The thought of financial gain, as minute as it is in these cases, never crosses the mind of an officer who is put into a situation of having to use deadly force. Their main concern is to return to their family at the end of their shift.
I understand your concerns regarding the APOA's payments but, the mere fact that the officers are given three days off with paid leave plus counseling probably does little to console them. It is absurd and perhaps verges on the politically correct to call the APOA's small donation for the mental heath of an officer a "BOUNTY" as reported in the article. In view of the fact that neither you nor the Mayor will in all likelihood never know the experience of "dropping the hammer" on a person and the repercussions I would strongly urge you, Mayor Berry and the APOA to find a solution that is agreeable to all concerned. The City of Albuquerque must stand by its officers on all justifiable shooting no matter the count.
David M. Gilmore
Councilor O'Malley,
I am responding to your comments in the Albuquerque Journal of March 25, 2012, regarding the payment of money to officers involved in "critical incidences." I served APD for twenty-five years retiring as a captain.
During my tenure I was involved in a high speed chase/gun battle. My only regret is that my aim was not more true as the offender years later shot and killed an APD officer, the son of a very good friend. I relate this fact to demonstrate that I have some feeling as to how the officers feel after such engagements. I cannot speak as to how officers deal with the fact of having killed someone.
I do not believe there is a single officer on the Department that goes to work wanting to shoot someone or to take the life of another. The thought of financial gain, as minute as it is in these cases, never crosses the mind of an officer who is put into a situation of having to use deadly force. Their main concern is to return to their family at the end of their shift.
I understand your concerns regarding the APOA's payments but, the mere fact that the officers are given three days off with paid leave plus counseling probably does little to console them. It is absurd and perhaps verges on the politically correct to call the APOA's small donation for the mental heath of an officer a "BOUNTY" as reported in the article. In view of the fact that neither you nor the Mayor will in all likelihood never know the experience of "dropping the hammer" on a person and the repercussions I would strongly urge you, Mayor Berry and the APOA to find a solution that is agreeable to all concerned. The City of Albuquerque must stand by its officers on all justifiable shooting no matter the count.
David M. Gilmore
Mar 27, 2012
APOA President and Vice President Resembles Los Zeta’s Drug Lords
A quote from the film “A Few Good Men” emblazons the back of APOA t-shirts. It includes notions of honor, code, and loyalty. Honor, code, and loyalty are powerful words for if a person is to be faithful to such notions they will do what’s right, for the right reasons, regardless of who it’s for and what challenges face them.
For several years now, concerns about how the APOA leadership spends membership dues funds has always lurked in the background. In fact the Eye broke a story about how then APOA President Ron Olivas seemed to use the APOA credit card for personal expenses (yes, this is the same Ron Olivas who is now a paid employee for the APOA with duties we and APOA members are unclear about.) (Link for 04/04/08 story). We then followed up the story a year later with (link 05/25/09) where it seems little had been addressed despite there being outrage by the membership in general and by Sgt. Paul Heh in particular (link 05/30/09). Despite all of this attention our Eyes tell us little change occurred and now a crisis of confidence challenges APOA President Joey Sigala and Vice-President Felipe Garcia.
A couple of weeks ago the Albuquerque Journal ran a story regarding a leaked email from APOA lawyer Fred Mower. Mr. Mower expressed concern to Sigala and the Executive Board that the APOA’s fiscal house was in need of attention. Namely it seemed “self-paid” activities were consuming significant amounts of APOA funds and Mower raised questions about the APOA covering the cost impending costs associated with the wages lawsuit against the city and Mayor Berry. Now the story has evolved into something that has been a long standing practice between the APOA and officer involved in shootings. Because Sigala and Garcia have been inept in their handling of the issue, the mayor has entered the fray ordering the Chief to compel the APOA to stop its practice of paying funds for officers to help get out of Albuquerque when they’ve been involved in a shooting. From the spending of APOA funds at cigar shops to the mayor’s politicization of this issue, there are so many lies involved and being expressed by persons of leadership we can hardly keep up. These revelations however lead to more question as asked by current APOA members:
•Was personal spending of union funds by APOA President Olivas and now current APOA President Sigala ever explained and reigned in?
•How much has Sigala in fact paid himself in addition to his police salary?
•What hours worked justify this payment to Sigala?
•How much has Garcia been paid in addition to his police salary?
•What hours worked justify this payment to Sigala?
•How much were APOA executive board members in fact paid in Christmas bonuses? How long has this practice been going on?
•What other per diem funds has the APOA paid out to other members?
•What precisely is Ron Olivas’s job function within the APOA and what is salary, and what benefits does the APOA provide to him?
•Why does the APOA vigorously defend some officers in asserting their rights and abandon others?
•When exactly did President Sigala’s wife work at the APOA, what were her hours and how much money was she exactly paid?
•Why does Sigala remain silent in front of Chief Schultz’s lie about not being aware of the APOA policy to support officers after they’ve been involved in a shooting?
While we agree with the APOA that how they spend their money is none of the public’s concern. However it is of immediate concern to the membership. The membership expresses to us that there is unfair and unequal treatment as to how officers are represented by the APOA and they are concerned that if they speak out they will find themselves at odds with Sigala and Garcia who seem to practice personnel issues much like Chief Schultz: with vindictiveness. President Sigala said “he’d rather resign than do a cop.” If that the case, why did the APOA NOT represent APD Officer Doyle in his recent termination? Our eyes tell us Sigala had seen the disputed video with Chief Schultz well before a second IA inquiry yet did nothing to help Doyle keep his job. Why did the APOA not only fail to represent APD Officer Ahrensfield but provide cover and employment to Officer Olivas who facilitated the events that led to Ahrensfield’s termination? One officer was fired and faced criminal charges while the other got three weeks off and now works for the APOA. Why is President Sigala granting cover to Chief Schultz who knew and always has known about the APOA’s payment to officers after shooting incidents? The facts supporting these questions reveal there is much merit to the claim that the APOA picks and chooses what battles it’s going to fight rather than following the words offered on its t-shirts: Honor, Code, and Loyalty.
Lastly, and possibly most unsettling, the Mayor has inserted himself into an issue that he has no stake in. If he in fact can order the APOA to stop spending money in this instance, can he order the APOA to stop spending money in other instances? If the APOA wants to support a candidate who opposes Berry in the next election, can he order the APOA to keep from spending money in support of the candidate?
These are some of the biggest issues to yet challenge the APOA and APD in the history of their institutions. We at the Eye believe in Honor, Code, and Loyalty amongst the profession of police officers. Our advice to all of the APD officers out there is to step up and get involved because you are seeing the destruction of two noble institutions at the hands of people who prey upon your lack of involvement.
For several years now, concerns about how the APOA leadership spends membership dues funds has always lurked in the background. In fact the Eye broke a story about how then APOA President Ron Olivas seemed to use the APOA credit card for personal expenses (yes, this is the same Ron Olivas who is now a paid employee for the APOA with duties we and APOA members are unclear about.) (Link for 04/04/08 story). We then followed up the story a year later with (link 05/25/09) where it seems little had been addressed despite there being outrage by the membership in general and by Sgt. Paul Heh in particular (link 05/30/09). Despite all of this attention our Eyes tell us little change occurred and now a crisis of confidence challenges APOA President Joey Sigala and Vice-President Felipe Garcia.
A couple of weeks ago the Albuquerque Journal ran a story regarding a leaked email from APOA lawyer Fred Mower. Mr. Mower expressed concern to Sigala and the Executive Board that the APOA’s fiscal house was in need of attention. Namely it seemed “self-paid” activities were consuming significant amounts of APOA funds and Mower raised questions about the APOA covering the cost impending costs associated with the wages lawsuit against the city and Mayor Berry. Now the story has evolved into something that has been a long standing practice between the APOA and officer involved in shootings. Because Sigala and Garcia have been inept in their handling of the issue, the mayor has entered the fray ordering the Chief to compel the APOA to stop its practice of paying funds for officers to help get out of Albuquerque when they’ve been involved in a shooting. From the spending of APOA funds at cigar shops to the mayor’s politicization of this issue, there are so many lies involved and being expressed by persons of leadership we can hardly keep up. These revelations however lead to more question as asked by current APOA members:
•Was personal spending of union funds by APOA President Olivas and now current APOA President Sigala ever explained and reigned in?
•How much has Sigala in fact paid himself in addition to his police salary?
•What hours worked justify this payment to Sigala?
•How much has Garcia been paid in addition to his police salary?
•What hours worked justify this payment to Sigala?
•How much were APOA executive board members in fact paid in Christmas bonuses? How long has this practice been going on?
•What other per diem funds has the APOA paid out to other members?
•What precisely is Ron Olivas’s job function within the APOA and what is salary, and what benefits does the APOA provide to him?
•Why does the APOA vigorously defend some officers in asserting their rights and abandon others?
•When exactly did President Sigala’s wife work at the APOA, what were her hours and how much money was she exactly paid?
•Why does Sigala remain silent in front of Chief Schultz’s lie about not being aware of the APOA policy to support officers after they’ve been involved in a shooting?
While we agree with the APOA that how they spend their money is none of the public’s concern. However it is of immediate concern to the membership. The membership expresses to us that there is unfair and unequal treatment as to how officers are represented by the APOA and they are concerned that if they speak out they will find themselves at odds with Sigala and Garcia who seem to practice personnel issues much like Chief Schultz: with vindictiveness. President Sigala said “he’d rather resign than do a cop.” If that the case, why did the APOA NOT represent APD Officer Doyle in his recent termination? Our eyes tell us Sigala had seen the disputed video with Chief Schultz well before a second IA inquiry yet did nothing to help Doyle keep his job. Why did the APOA not only fail to represent APD Officer Ahrensfield but provide cover and employment to Officer Olivas who facilitated the events that led to Ahrensfield’s termination? One officer was fired and faced criminal charges while the other got three weeks off and now works for the APOA. Why is President Sigala granting cover to Chief Schultz who knew and always has known about the APOA’s payment to officers after shooting incidents? The facts supporting these questions reveal there is much merit to the claim that the APOA picks and chooses what battles it’s going to fight rather than following the words offered on its t-shirts: Honor, Code, and Loyalty.
Lastly, and possibly most unsettling, the Mayor has inserted himself into an issue that he has no stake in. If he in fact can order the APOA to stop spending money in this instance, can he order the APOA to stop spending money in other instances? If the APOA wants to support a candidate who opposes Berry in the next election, can he order the APOA to keep from spending money in support of the candidate?
These are some of the biggest issues to yet challenge the APOA and APD in the history of their institutions. We at the Eye believe in Honor, Code, and Loyalty amongst the profession of police officers. Our advice to all of the APD officers out there is to step up and get involved because you are seeing the destruction of two noble institutions at the hands of people who prey upon your lack of involvement.
Mar 26, 2012
Last Straw: Public Safety Remains Compromised
Below is an open letter to the Eye. It is not just us at the Eye that can see through Schultz and his band of thugs...
Last straw…from the experiences of a retired APD civilian employee
I was out of town when Officer Al Walck died and was shocked to learn of the circumstances surrounding his forced retirement and death. It is my understanding that APD's Chief and/or his minions were pursuing law enforcement de-certification of Officer Walck, a retired, 38 year APD veteran, which is believed to have led to his massive heart attack and death. This course of action taken by APD management has since been dismissed as unwarranted by the NMDPS Law Enforcement Board. Will there be any disciplinary action taken against those who submitted the unwarranted, de-certification request against Officer Walck? How come the APD brass are able to continue immoral and unethical behavior toward APD officers and civilians with impunity, time and time again? Why are they allowed to continue to use APD's Internal Affair's Unit to intimidate and harass not only APD officers, but also APD civilians who dare to question their actions? And finally, how much longer will Mayor Berry continue to support this police chief's administration of the Albuquerque Police Department which has cost the citizens of Albuquerque millions of dollars in law suits and many APD employees their health?
I recently retired from APD after 26 years as a civilian in the Crime Lab/DNA Unit and wasn't sure I would make it out alive due to the stress from an incredibly hostile work environment. Trying to address serious issues of concern in the APD Crime Lab/DNA Unit, the other DNA analysts and myself brought these issues to the attention of our immediate supervisors, and then proceeded up the chain of command to Chief Schultz when our pleas for help were ignored. Instead of any positive solutions, our attempts for assistance were met with an increasingly hostile work environment. I spoke with Officer Walck last summer after he had another run-in with APD brass over the circumstances involving Mrs. (Darren) White's car accident. The paper reported that Officer Walck had been ordered to change his accident report by his deputy chief and he refused, which resulted in an Internal Affairs (IA) investigation. Similarly to Officer Walck, I had been ordered by my deputy chief to do something illegal and was targeted for an IA investigation when I wouldn't comply. Unlike Officer Walck, I did not have an attorney, so my charges were not dropped immediately. Instead, the proposed 40 hour suspension punishment (after 25 years service with no discipline issues) was used to try to force me into retirement by my deputy chief, prior to resolution of my medical issues. When I later requested a witness after being called to the Crime Lab Director's office (a valid request according to city HR), I was immediately reassigned to the Records division through IA. This drastic action was based on a trumped up charge of insubordination, which involved another IA complaint (never investigated) and I was barred from the Crime Lab property and Crime Lab personnel. This went on for 4 weeks until I submitted my letter of resignation, at which time, during a so-called "mediation" with only my deputy chief present, I was re-assigned to the Crime Lab to finish up my work. All IA charges and proposed punishments were to be dropped, as long as I did not "misbehave" again before I retired. These actions were not only a huge waste of taxpayer's money and resources, but highly unethical and, in my opinion, an incredible mis-use of police powers. As far as I know, the same individual, Deputy Chief Feist (acting as Chief Schultz' agent), who issued what I believed to be illegal orders, was also the one who targeted me for the Internal Affairs (IA) investigations, reviewed the results from the IA investigations, determined the proposed punishment that was used in what appeared to be a thinly veiled blackmail attempt to force me to retire, banished me from the Crime Lab on an unsubstantiated IA charge until I submitted my letter of resignation and then acted as "mediator" to set the terms of my return to the Crime Lab to finish up my work and the dismissal of all charges. How is this not a huge conflict of interest? The investigation of issues involving police employees should be completely separated from the control of the police chief and his staff to avoid any temptation to manipulate the system for their gain. Civilian employees should not be supervised by sworn police officers or investigated by Internal Affairs, especially when the city already has disciplinary procedures in place. As stated by Lord Acton, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
In the meantime, public safety remains compromised. Upper APD management continues to ignore the issues of serious concern raised by the analysts of the APD Crime Lab DNA Unit to include inadequate staffing and the enormous backlog of DNA cases. Detectives have been frustrated when their cases can't be worked since the priority cases being worked have been those going to court. The public has been told in the past that the Crime Lab DNA Unit does not have a backlog of sexual assault cases to be worked- I almost fell off my chair when I heard this stated at a conference. While Mayor Berry has been hard at work addressing the Property Crime issue in Albuquerque, the public would be safer and better served if he prioritized and provided the resources required for the DNA analysis of unworked violent crime cases (Homicide, Criminal Sexual Penetration and Aggravated Battery cases), as well as Property Crime cases.
The posts I have read on the Eye primarily have to do with sworn officers, with little or no reference to the civilians who work alongside these officers as support staff to accomplish the law enforcement mission. As mentioned in postings prior to mine, there are many examples of harassment and a hostile work environment for officers who get on the wrong side of the current APD brass. There are many more unreported examples of injustice and harassment for APD civilians who find their numbers dwindling while their duties are expanded in order to try to accomplish the increasing work demands with less personnel. Many times there is little consideration or respect for a civilian's point of view- we have been referred to as "snivilians" or categorized as "the sworn at" vs. "the sworn", although, I do want to acknowledge, with appreciation, the recognition and thanks our DNA Unit received in the past from many individual officers or units like Cold Case and Sex Crimes.
I have written this in honor of Officer Walck and his numerous efforts to shine the light on unethical behavior demonstrated by some of APD's brass. As I have experienced, the chief's influence and power must be very extensive because NO ONE I contacted over the years concerning the DNA unit's issues would take a stand to problem solve unethical actions or orders our unit experienced…to include the APD Internal Affairs Unit, Mayor's Berry's office, the Independent Review Office, City of Albuquerque Human Resources Office and the city Inspector General's Office.
Enough is enough: Mayor Berry, too many people have been negatively affected by this chief and his minions during his tenure as Chief and I fear for the safety of our current officers as they deal with a disillusioned public and the fallout from failed policies. Please take a stand for positive change at APD that would encompass honor and respect for all people, regardless of whether they are police officers, civilians or the public that is served by Albuquerque's police department.
Cathy Pfefferle
Retired APD Forensic Scientist
Last straw…from the experiences of a retired APD civilian employee
I was out of town when Officer Al Walck died and was shocked to learn of the circumstances surrounding his forced retirement and death. It is my understanding that APD's Chief and/or his minions were pursuing law enforcement de-certification of Officer Walck, a retired, 38 year APD veteran, which is believed to have led to his massive heart attack and death. This course of action taken by APD management has since been dismissed as unwarranted by the NMDPS Law Enforcement Board. Will there be any disciplinary action taken against those who submitted the unwarranted, de-certification request against Officer Walck? How come the APD brass are able to continue immoral and unethical behavior toward APD officers and civilians with impunity, time and time again? Why are they allowed to continue to use APD's Internal Affair's Unit to intimidate and harass not only APD officers, but also APD civilians who dare to question their actions? And finally, how much longer will Mayor Berry continue to support this police chief's administration of the Albuquerque Police Department which has cost the citizens of Albuquerque millions of dollars in law suits and many APD employees their health?
I recently retired from APD after 26 years as a civilian in the Crime Lab/DNA Unit and wasn't sure I would make it out alive due to the stress from an incredibly hostile work environment. Trying to address serious issues of concern in the APD Crime Lab/DNA Unit, the other DNA analysts and myself brought these issues to the attention of our immediate supervisors, and then proceeded up the chain of command to Chief Schultz when our pleas for help were ignored. Instead of any positive solutions, our attempts for assistance were met with an increasingly hostile work environment. I spoke with Officer Walck last summer after he had another run-in with APD brass over the circumstances involving Mrs. (Darren) White's car accident. The paper reported that Officer Walck had been ordered to change his accident report by his deputy chief and he refused, which resulted in an Internal Affairs (IA) investigation. Similarly to Officer Walck, I had been ordered by my deputy chief to do something illegal and was targeted for an IA investigation when I wouldn't comply. Unlike Officer Walck, I did not have an attorney, so my charges were not dropped immediately. Instead, the proposed 40 hour suspension punishment (after 25 years service with no discipline issues) was used to try to force me into retirement by my deputy chief, prior to resolution of my medical issues. When I later requested a witness after being called to the Crime Lab Director's office (a valid request according to city HR), I was immediately reassigned to the Records division through IA. This drastic action was based on a trumped up charge of insubordination, which involved another IA complaint (never investigated) and I was barred from the Crime Lab property and Crime Lab personnel. This went on for 4 weeks until I submitted my letter of resignation, at which time, during a so-called "mediation" with only my deputy chief present, I was re-assigned to the Crime Lab to finish up my work. All IA charges and proposed punishments were to be dropped, as long as I did not "misbehave" again before I retired. These actions were not only a huge waste of taxpayer's money and resources, but highly unethical and, in my opinion, an incredible mis-use of police powers. As far as I know, the same individual, Deputy Chief Feist (acting as Chief Schultz' agent), who issued what I believed to be illegal orders, was also the one who targeted me for the Internal Affairs (IA) investigations, reviewed the results from the IA investigations, determined the proposed punishment that was used in what appeared to be a thinly veiled blackmail attempt to force me to retire, banished me from the Crime Lab on an unsubstantiated IA charge until I submitted my letter of resignation and then acted as "mediator" to set the terms of my return to the Crime Lab to finish up my work and the dismissal of all charges. How is this not a huge conflict of interest? The investigation of issues involving police employees should be completely separated from the control of the police chief and his staff to avoid any temptation to manipulate the system for their gain. Civilian employees should not be supervised by sworn police officers or investigated by Internal Affairs, especially when the city already has disciplinary procedures in place. As stated by Lord Acton, "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely".
In the meantime, public safety remains compromised. Upper APD management continues to ignore the issues of serious concern raised by the analysts of the APD Crime Lab DNA Unit to include inadequate staffing and the enormous backlog of DNA cases. Detectives have been frustrated when their cases can't be worked since the priority cases being worked have been those going to court. The public has been told in the past that the Crime Lab DNA Unit does not have a backlog of sexual assault cases to be worked- I almost fell off my chair when I heard this stated at a conference. While Mayor Berry has been hard at work addressing the Property Crime issue in Albuquerque, the public would be safer and better served if he prioritized and provided the resources required for the DNA analysis of unworked violent crime cases (Homicide, Criminal Sexual Penetration and Aggravated Battery cases), as well as Property Crime cases.
The posts I have read on the Eye primarily have to do with sworn officers, with little or no reference to the civilians who work alongside these officers as support staff to accomplish the law enforcement mission. As mentioned in postings prior to mine, there are many examples of harassment and a hostile work environment for officers who get on the wrong side of the current APD brass. There are many more unreported examples of injustice and harassment for APD civilians who find their numbers dwindling while their duties are expanded in order to try to accomplish the increasing work demands with less personnel. Many times there is little consideration or respect for a civilian's point of view- we have been referred to as "snivilians" or categorized as "the sworn at" vs. "the sworn", although, I do want to acknowledge, with appreciation, the recognition and thanks our DNA Unit received in the past from many individual officers or units like Cold Case and Sex Crimes.
I have written this in honor of Officer Walck and his numerous efforts to shine the light on unethical behavior demonstrated by some of APD's brass. As I have experienced, the chief's influence and power must be very extensive because NO ONE I contacted over the years concerning the DNA unit's issues would take a stand to problem solve unethical actions or orders our unit experienced…to include the APD Internal Affairs Unit, Mayor's Berry's office, the Independent Review Office, City of Albuquerque Human Resources Office and the city Inspector General's Office.
Enough is enough: Mayor Berry, too many people have been negatively affected by this chief and his minions during his tenure as Chief and I fear for the safety of our current officers as they deal with a disillusioned public and the fallout from failed policies. Please take a stand for positive change at APD that would encompass honor and respect for all people, regardless of whether they are police officers, civilians or the public that is served by Albuquerque's police department.
Cathy Pfefferle
Retired APD Forensic Scientist
Chief Schultz,
Senior Officer Walck
Mar 23, 2012
Schultz Has Fails To Manage; Again
APD’s new Field Services Bureau bid takes effect this Saturday, March 24, 2012. Officers throughout the city will start new patrol assignments with many working for new supervisors, in new beats, new shifts, and in new area commands. For many officers this is an exciting time of year because it’s a chance to start fresh; a new beginning. Sadly, this bid is not new in many ways and details of it reflect a continued failure of the APD’s command to manage the department’s most valuable asset: Field Officers.
When Raymond Schultz became APD’s Chief of Police in 2005, 362 officers participated in the FSB bid. In keeping consistent with the Covey analysis of APD, we now consider the financial efficiency of APD. The chart below present the number of officers who participated in each year’s bid and that year’s operating budget for the department.
YEAR FSB Officers* Operating Budget** Per Officer Ratio
2005 362 $122,120,000 $337,348
2006 408 $127,710,000 $313,015
2007 362 $130,503,000 $360,505
2008 378 $143,732,000 $380,243
2009 383 $145,086,000 $378,814
2010 435 $148,904,000 $342,308
2011 404 $152,587,000 $377,690
2012 388 $158,000,000 $407,216
What’s striking is that not only is APD continually challenged to keep over 400 officers assigned to the field but the cost of the department relative to the primary service it offers—patrol officers—continues to soar. Despite dishonoring a contract for an increase in wages and burdening officers with increased healthcare costs, the operating budget of APD continues to record levels. Even under a supposedly thrifty Republican mayor, the expense per officer is at its highest.
Now we know Aubrey Thompson and Ray Schultz will argue that there are more officers in the field because we’re not counting FSB sergeants or other officers available to take calls. However, we challenge them to provide the data that there are in fact more FSB officers whose primary duty is to provide service to Albuquerque citizens. And while they’re at it, provide the data which reflects all the officers resigning or retiring as well. We know you have this data because your HR people publish a “separation” list each month.
These numbers indicate that APD is severely bloated on the inside—the soaring costs are not going to pay field cops. The question is, where is the balance of the funds going? The citizens and the Eye challenge the city councilors and/or the mayor to MANDATE that APD ALWAYS field at least 400 FSB officers and that if there’s a shortage then personnel are pulled from internal units. Sadly we anticipate that 2012 will be a challenging year for FSB officers as not only are you understaffed, but as the year so far reflects, you will be very busy. Much as the Albuquerque Journal ran a series of articles in 2007 criticizing APD for its reduced ranks of FSB officers, failure to fix this staffing level is going to increase calls for service times and impair the ability of officers to handle calls thoroughly. The excuse to move officers from four 10-hour to five 8-hour shifts was to reduce call wait times. Well, we are back where we started. Be a leader Chief Schultz….own the problem you created and fix it.
*From APD Operations Review bid lists
**From City of Albuquerque Comprehensive Financial Reports (CAFR).
When Raymond Schultz became APD’s Chief of Police in 2005, 362 officers participated in the FSB bid. In keeping consistent with the Covey analysis of APD, we now consider the financial efficiency of APD. The chart below present the number of officers who participated in each year’s bid and that year’s operating budget for the department.
YEAR FSB Officers* Operating Budget** Per Officer Ratio
2005 362 $122,120,000 $337,348
2006 408 $127,710,000 $313,015
2007 362 $130,503,000 $360,505
2008 378 $143,732,000 $380,243
2009 383 $145,086,000 $378,814
2010 435 $148,904,000 $342,308
2011 404 $152,587,000 $377,690
2012 388 $158,000,000 $407,216
What’s striking is that not only is APD continually challenged to keep over 400 officers assigned to the field but the cost of the department relative to the primary service it offers—patrol officers—continues to soar. Despite dishonoring a contract for an increase in wages and burdening officers with increased healthcare costs, the operating budget of APD continues to record levels. Even under a supposedly thrifty Republican mayor, the expense per officer is at its highest.
Now we know Aubrey Thompson and Ray Schultz will argue that there are more officers in the field because we’re not counting FSB sergeants or other officers available to take calls. However, we challenge them to provide the data that there are in fact more FSB officers whose primary duty is to provide service to Albuquerque citizens. And while they’re at it, provide the data which reflects all the officers resigning or retiring as well. We know you have this data because your HR people publish a “separation” list each month.
These numbers indicate that APD is severely bloated on the inside—the soaring costs are not going to pay field cops. The question is, where is the balance of the funds going? The citizens and the Eye challenge the city councilors and/or the mayor to MANDATE that APD ALWAYS field at least 400 FSB officers and that if there’s a shortage then personnel are pulled from internal units. Sadly we anticipate that 2012 will be a challenging year for FSB officers as not only are you understaffed, but as the year so far reflects, you will be very busy. Much as the Albuquerque Journal ran a series of articles in 2007 criticizing APD for its reduced ranks of FSB officers, failure to fix this staffing level is going to increase calls for service times and impair the ability of officers to handle calls thoroughly. The excuse to move officers from four 10-hour to five 8-hour shifts was to reduce call wait times. Well, we are back where we started. Be a leader Chief Schultz….own the problem you created and fix it.
*From APD Operations Review bid lists
**From City of Albuquerque Comprehensive Financial Reports (CAFR).
Mar 18, 2012
Schultz Tarnishes Badge but Expects Others to Shine
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines happenstance as “an occurrence and development of events by chance.” This past Friday, such an occasion granted itself upon the citizens of Albuquerque. Periodically, the Albuquerque Police Department conducts a “quarterly managers meeting.” During this session the majority of the APD’s sergeants, lieutenants, commanders, and sometimes a deputy chief, meet to discuss various issues. Frequently it’s a review of current efforts by APD—a sort of “state of the department” lecture. Occasionally outside presenters are brought in to facilitate training and instruction. Having the personnel who run an institution get together to talk about issues affecting their institution is commonplace in most successful enterprises. It should be an opportunity for problem solving, program feedback, and development. Our Eyes tell us that this past Friday, the quarterly manager’s meeting was especially difficult to swallow. The theme of the meeting was “trust.” Not just regular trust, but trust as a commodity as offered by Stephen M.R. Covey in his book Speed of Trust.
Speed of Trust is a bestselling business book built upon a basic formula: “When trust goes up, speed will also go up and costs will go down.” As supporters of law enforcement in general and the men and woman who honestly swear their oath to wear a badge in particular, we could not be more pleased because the ideas and principles laid down in Speed of Trust are a roadmap for restoring APD to the great department it used to be. Covey profiles “trust” in five wave: Self trust, Relationship trust, Organizational trust, Market trust, and Societal trust. The leadership of APD invited this analysis, they will now be held to it until we can give the department a passing grade.
There are four core elements of Self trust: Integrity, Intent, Capabilities, and Results. Integrity involves a balance of congruity, humility, and courage. And since trust flows downhill, the question we are left to answer is: Does Chief Raymond Shultz of the Albuquerque Police Department model behavior he desires to see of his employees? Does he act according to his values? Are his actions consistent with his spoken principals? Is he concerned about what is right rather than being right? Does he embrace new truths or does he defend outdated positions? Does he have the ability to do the right thing even when it is difficult or unpopular?
Our Eyes tell us these questions put their stomach in knots because since 2005, the majority of APD’s leadership conveniently acts against these principles. Not only are these good principles, but they are natural principles. And if a department, by the actions of most of its management and the culture they reinforce, is not acting in allegiance to these principles then what you get is what’s going on with APD now: A department whose most experienced personnel are leaving as soon as they can (the mass exodus of the burglary unit), a declined personnel pool (a stagnant and declining pool of patrol officers), declined hiring standards (academy admissions and retentions), legal shortcuts (Murdoch scandal), infighting (where do we begin?), decimated morale (performance and APOA attendance), disorganization (recent violence downtown), non-merit based promotions (where do we begin? Gomez’s promotion? Mason’s promotion?), financial inefficiency (increased budget despite fixed pay schedules and decreased staffing levels), and worst of all from what our Eyes tell us and we see in the paper, cover ups. In other words, Nature, is exerting pressure back upon APD for its institutional misconduct and its failure to be faithful to natural principles.
PS: Don’t think these principles don’t apply to the APOA leadership as well. Our Covey analysis includes you too. And given the recent matters that have come to light regarding the spending of dues money all find their stomachs in knots as well.
Speed of Trust is a bestselling business book built upon a basic formula: “When trust goes up, speed will also go up and costs will go down.” As supporters of law enforcement in general and the men and woman who honestly swear their oath to wear a badge in particular, we could not be more pleased because the ideas and principles laid down in Speed of Trust are a roadmap for restoring APD to the great department it used to be. Covey profiles “trust” in five wave: Self trust, Relationship trust, Organizational trust, Market trust, and Societal trust. The leadership of APD invited this analysis, they will now be held to it until we can give the department a passing grade.
There are four core elements of Self trust: Integrity, Intent, Capabilities, and Results. Integrity involves a balance of congruity, humility, and courage. And since trust flows downhill, the question we are left to answer is: Does Chief Raymond Shultz of the Albuquerque Police Department model behavior he desires to see of his employees? Does he act according to his values? Are his actions consistent with his spoken principals? Is he concerned about what is right rather than being right? Does he embrace new truths or does he defend outdated positions? Does he have the ability to do the right thing even when it is difficult or unpopular?
Our Eyes tell us these questions put their stomach in knots because since 2005, the majority of APD’s leadership conveniently acts against these principles. Not only are these good principles, but they are natural principles. And if a department, by the actions of most of its management and the culture they reinforce, is not acting in allegiance to these principles then what you get is what’s going on with APD now: A department whose most experienced personnel are leaving as soon as they can (the mass exodus of the burglary unit), a declined personnel pool (a stagnant and declining pool of patrol officers), declined hiring standards (academy admissions and retentions), legal shortcuts (Murdoch scandal), infighting (where do we begin?), decimated morale (performance and APOA attendance), disorganization (recent violence downtown), non-merit based promotions (where do we begin? Gomez’s promotion? Mason’s promotion?), financial inefficiency (increased budget despite fixed pay schedules and decreased staffing levels), and worst of all from what our Eyes tell us and we see in the paper, cover ups. In other words, Nature, is exerting pressure back upon APD for its institutional misconduct and its failure to be faithful to natural principles.
PS: Don’t think these principles don’t apply to the APOA leadership as well. Our Covey analysis includes you too. And given the recent matters that have come to light regarding the spending of dues money all find their stomachs in knots as well.
Chief Ray Schultz,
Commander Rae Mason
Mar 16, 2012
You Can Always "Bank(s)" on a Liar
The credibility issues challenging the Albuquerque Police Department are not the result of sporadic officer misconduct incidents. Rather they are the consequence of persistent deviations from sound management practices and leadership. As echoed throughout the EYE there are endless examples of these deviations. Most recently the violence that unfolds each weekend night downtown was given special attention. The fights and mayhem that occurred during Fat Tuesday are nothing new to any officer who has worked Valley graveyard for the last twenty years. Despite the downtown shootings which occurred on New Year’s Day, APD again failed to adequately prepare for another holiday distinctive for its celebration and partying: Fat Tuesday. APD’s response was to present an effort represented as novel and new: out came a watch-tower, horses, and additional cops on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal. Sadly, nothing is new. The watch-tower was purchased over four years ago. Horses have always been used to combat the crowds, and officers have always been expected to be present at bar closing time. This information may appear to be new to average citizens, but to the ranks of officers throughout the department this representation is false. What message does this send to officers when their chief openly lies to the public when addressing a legitimate safety concern? What issue does this raise for patrons of downtown bars/restaurants expecting a safer environment because of Chief Schultz’s representations when in fact they are simply the same?
Discipline practices continue to be disparate and arbitrary. Some officers seem to do no wrong despite egregious misconduct while others are subject to unprecedented scrutiny. Frequently, officers become scape-goat targets when there is media generated negative publicity concerning APD. Last summer, Detective Russell Perea was named as a target in an IA investigation related to former officer Levi Chavez. The media focused significant attention upon APD’s leadership for the ongoing employment of Levi Chavez who for years had been on administrative reassignment pending a Valencia County investigation. With Chavez’s employment with the city finally terminated when he was indicted for the murder of his wife, attention was given to officers associated with Levi Chavez and those that responded to his house the night it seems Tera Chavez was murdered. This attention immediately followed negative publicity in the Albuquerque Journal. Russell Perea was named as a target because he is Levi Chavez’s alibi as they were working together as a two-man unit that night. Despite the fact that APD had recently just praised Perea publicly for his involvement in some highly publicized cases, APD conducted an IA investigation into Perea. It’s not clear what the triggering offense was that Perea did other than be assigned to work with Chavez but nonetheless he became a target. Ultimately, Perea was found to have violated a few SOPs carrying low levels of discipline (a verbal reprimand for being profane for instance) but was terminated for “untruthfulness.” The issue of untruthfulness draws from inconsistencies Perea made in statements to IA investigators when compared against answers to similar questions made during a deposition of a civil case. APD claimed Perea’s statements to the lawyer of Tera Chavez’s estate were not identical to the statements he made to IA investigators. The statements that were inconsistent or (unforthcoming as DCOP Allen Banks likes to say) involved whether or not Perea remembered seeing Chavez texting a lot the night Tera Chavez died. The difference was much like “Not really” and “I don’t know.” In January, Perea won his labor hearing with the hearing officer finding that APD was without cause in terminating Perea never mind disciplining him.
Yet, in the midst of Perea’s investigation, APD found no issue with almost all of the other officers involved with Levi Chavez. All the APD officers, including APD Lt. Shawn O’Connell, who went out of their jurisdiction to a violent death scene, who removed and destroyed personnel effects not belonging to them, and who intimidated in jurisdiction officers were found to have NOT violated ANY SOPs. That is except for Officer Nick Wheeler who was disciplined with hours off for having a personal relationship with Tera Chavez. Keep the elements of this incident in mind as another tragedy equally as disheartening yet involving even more and higher ranking APD personnel is starting to unfold....
Below is a recording from the closing arguments at Russell Perea’s public labor hearing. While you listen to the representations made by SID Commander Doug West, Deputy Chief Paul Feist, and Deputy Chief Allen Banks, ask yourself the most glaring question of all that remains unasked and unanswered: If Russell Perea in fact lied as he covered up for Levi Chavez, why is he not the subject of a criminal investigation law enforcement? It stands that IF indeed Perea lied in his actions and statements then he is guilty of numerous felonies from tampering with public records to being an accomplice in a murder. Yet, he has not been investigated, nor seems will he be investigated, for these offenses because if he is named as a target than all of APD’s involvement with Levi Chavez is subject to scrutiny—including the numerous attempts of other supervisors who tried to have Chavez terminated before his wife’s death. Ask yourself if the statements and representations made by two of APD’s Deputy Chief’s reinforce confidence in their ability to run a major city police department? Ask yourself, if Perea’s discipline for discrepancies between two sworn statements is termination, what level of discipline for Deputy Chief Allen Banks’s intentional misrepresentations are justified?
Sadly these two examples of APD’s challenges are not isolated but are part of a management culture that has lost all value of what it means to be a police officer. Being a police officer means more than maintaining order and enforcing laws, it means setting an example and doing the right thing ESPECIALLY when nobody is looking….
Due to overwhelming requests;please click here to hear the actual recording.
Discipline practices continue to be disparate and arbitrary. Some officers seem to do no wrong despite egregious misconduct while others are subject to unprecedented scrutiny. Frequently, officers become scape-goat targets when there is media generated negative publicity concerning APD. Last summer, Detective Russell Perea was named as a target in an IA investigation related to former officer Levi Chavez. The media focused significant attention upon APD’s leadership for the ongoing employment of Levi Chavez who for years had been on administrative reassignment pending a Valencia County investigation. With Chavez’s employment with the city finally terminated when he was indicted for the murder of his wife, attention was given to officers associated with Levi Chavez and those that responded to his house the night it seems Tera Chavez was murdered. This attention immediately followed negative publicity in the Albuquerque Journal. Russell Perea was named as a target because he is Levi Chavez’s alibi as they were working together as a two-man unit that night. Despite the fact that APD had recently just praised Perea publicly for his involvement in some highly publicized cases, APD conducted an IA investigation into Perea. It’s not clear what the triggering offense was that Perea did other than be assigned to work with Chavez but nonetheless he became a target. Ultimately, Perea was found to have violated a few SOPs carrying low levels of discipline (a verbal reprimand for being profane for instance) but was terminated for “untruthfulness.” The issue of untruthfulness draws from inconsistencies Perea made in statements to IA investigators when compared against answers to similar questions made during a deposition of a civil case. APD claimed Perea’s statements to the lawyer of Tera Chavez’s estate were not identical to the statements he made to IA investigators. The statements that were inconsistent or (unforthcoming as DCOP Allen Banks likes to say) involved whether or not Perea remembered seeing Chavez texting a lot the night Tera Chavez died. The difference was much like “Not really” and “I don’t know.” In January, Perea won his labor hearing with the hearing officer finding that APD was without cause in terminating Perea never mind disciplining him.
Yet, in the midst of Perea’s investigation, APD found no issue with almost all of the other officers involved with Levi Chavez. All the APD officers, including APD Lt. Shawn O’Connell, who went out of their jurisdiction to a violent death scene, who removed and destroyed personnel effects not belonging to them, and who intimidated in jurisdiction officers were found to have NOT violated ANY SOPs. That is except for Officer Nick Wheeler who was disciplined with hours off for having a personal relationship with Tera Chavez. Keep the elements of this incident in mind as another tragedy equally as disheartening yet involving even more and higher ranking APD personnel is starting to unfold....
Below is a recording from the closing arguments at Russell Perea’s public labor hearing. While you listen to the representations made by SID Commander Doug West, Deputy Chief Paul Feist, and Deputy Chief Allen Banks, ask yourself the most glaring question of all that remains unasked and unanswered: If Russell Perea in fact lied as he covered up for Levi Chavez, why is he not the subject of a criminal investigation law enforcement? It stands that IF indeed Perea lied in his actions and statements then he is guilty of numerous felonies from tampering with public records to being an accomplice in a murder. Yet, he has not been investigated, nor seems will he be investigated, for these offenses because if he is named as a target than all of APD’s involvement with Levi Chavez is subject to scrutiny—including the numerous attempts of other supervisors who tried to have Chavez terminated before his wife’s death. Ask yourself if the statements and representations made by two of APD’s Deputy Chief’s reinforce confidence in their ability to run a major city police department? Ask yourself, if Perea’s discipline for discrepancies between two sworn statements is termination, what level of discipline for Deputy Chief Allen Banks’s intentional misrepresentations are justified?
Sadly these two examples of APD’s challenges are not isolated but are part of a management culture that has lost all value of what it means to be a police officer. Being a police officer means more than maintaining order and enforcing laws, it means setting an example and doing the right thing ESPECIALLY when nobody is looking….
Due to overwhelming requests;please click here to hear the actual recording.

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