The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

May 8, 2012

Too Little Too Late

The Albuquerque Journal ran a story (read it here) on Monday that was titled, “Database To Warn Cops Of Dangers.” In the story, the Albuquerque Police Department’s leaderless Chief, Ray Schultz, stated, “‘Project Guardian’ is essentially a database-driven system that will alert officers who are serving warrants or responding to other types of calls that the officer is about to encounter someone with a mental illness.” This data base is too little too late.

If you remember on June 15, 2011, the Eye On Albuquerque posted a story (read it here) titled, “Violent Mentally Ill Issue is a National Problem.” In this story we noted the national tread of police shootings involving mentally ill people. Placing our best foot forward we offered the idea to Schultz. Below is an excerpt from the story:

“This is not a local police issue but a national crisis and should be addressed as such. Chief Schultz is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) which offers national support for police issues in addition to the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). The IACP and the FOP Presidents have spoken directly to the President of the United Stated as well as our Congress. With assistance at a national level, not only from the FOP and IACP but from our house of representatives and our senators Understanding HIPAA and other restrictive laws, the time has come to create a new index for National Crime Information Center Data Base (NCIC) to house information concerning mentally ill persons across the United States. The NCIC data base is a computerized index of criminal justice information. This would give law enforcement officers across the Country a valuable tool in dealing with this segment of our population. Knowledge is the rawest form of influence and with this type of knowledge (influence); the officer’s decision making process would shift into high gear and hopefully save lives.”

Why didn’t the City’s leaderless Chief Schultz create the data base eleven months ago? Could this type of data base have stopped the last dozen or so police shootings? Think about it folks… Even if it only saved one life; for any family who has lost a loved one they would pay ten million dollars to have their loved one back. This only proves Schultz is a washed up failure and does not truly have the community’s best interest at heart. Great idea Schultz; we wonder where you got it from…

Perhaps the next mayor will bring in a true chief who really cares about the people of the community.


Anonymous said...

They should of done this after the John Hyde incident. Good job shultz on looking out for 34's and the community.

Anonymous said...

Give me a break. APD has/had a hazard file for many years with the same intent, to alert officers of potential problems. The issue of shooting the mentally ill goes back decades.

And I really like the story in he paper today that basically pulled our officers off of a hot pursuit if it goes into another jurisdiction. Let the State or County shoot the SOB. Doubt they would shoot without firsthand knowledge from their own.

Ray get your stuff together and back your officers.

One last thing, think about the fair and how amny times the officers will be downloading the films since they will be in contact with the citizens all day and night long. Great piece of admin work. Duh.

Anonymous said...

What about the section pertaining to emails. The article said APD will get email addresses from its citizens where a report is written. Officers (not report review) will then email the report to the citizen along with a survey for them where they will grade how the officer performed!!!! WTF!!!! Just when I thought it couldn't get worse. This department Is a joke and it is truly sad. The citizens of albuq will pay the price for this level of bullshit we are tasked with. Field officers don't have time for this and calls will never be answered if we send surveys and download worthless video. This isn't an order yet but if the media posts it then it soon will be. Hold on folks its about to continue with more......,,UNREAL!!!

Anonymous said...

“Too Little Too Late,” just gotta love this title.

Ok so now we will have a data base… “Project Guardian” to log information on individuals with mental illness. What about the Hazard Files that Dispatch has kept and provides information to 34’s for the last 20+ years that I know of??? Is this more “lip service” to our citizens. A false sense of security that we are giving those that we are sworn to serve and protect. C’mon they deserve better than that!!! Ok, so are these intelligence files going to be maintained and purged in accordance to FEDERAL LAW/GUIDELINES as other gang and criminal files are??? Oh wait, being mentally ill is not a crime is it, so why would we have to stay within federal laws. So what’s next? Dispatch already uses the term “Universal Precautions” for locations with individuals with Hepatitis, AIDS, MRSA, etc. All this indeed is very useful information, I don’t deny that. But at what point is APD going to encourage safe and sensible practices, AND BACK IT’S 34’s for that matter, instead of keeping special files on citizens who may or may not be involved in criminal activity at the time. Here is the answer, as it was 20+ years ago. Don’t C4 your 82 (EVER), treat everyone that you encounter as though they are armed until otherwise determined, wear gloves and maintain safe distances and utilize proper tactics, and be aware of the transmission of common diseases. 34’s tend to deploy tactics and respond according to the information that they have at time. So that being said, with this type of prejudicial dispatching how many sick individuals are going to get harmed as a result of this policy because of stale information not relevant to the incident at hand??? The 34’s in the previous shootings were presented with violent criminal behavior, whether influenced by mental illness or not, and acted in accordance with dept policy and the law. Who out there doesn’t get that?!?!?! Heck, if we are going to do this to our citizens why not also have 34’s walk around a “scarlet letter” draped over their neck in support of our fraternization policy or maybe some special insignia that would indicate that a he/she has committed perjury or been found guilty of civil rights violations.

Furthermore on the irony of this story’s title. The 11th floor (mr berry) has been in office for the entirety of the officer involved shootings scrutiny, yet mr berry FAILS to speak out on the issues or back 34’s. Instead, he maintains his agenda in running APD like a business and force-feeding his “property crimes” initiatives. Why is it that most property crimes occur here in ABQ mr berry??? Is it possibly due to the fact that ABQ is infested with violent gangs, most of whom are influenced or are tied directly to organized crime, major drug traffickers, and cartels for that matter. And, much of the stolen vehicles/property funds their cause. Certainly as a business man, theft or destruction of property adversely affects your “bottom line” and that of your buddies. But you were not elected to serve the business community. You are supposed to serve and protect all of ABQ’s citizens without prejudice just as we as 34’s do. Your law enforcement directives do no more than react to the peripheral bi-product of more serious gang and narco-related crimes… those are VIOELENT CRIMES mr berry!!! Shootings, stabbings, homicides, kidnappings, home invasions, rapes… maybe these don’t hit the pocket book as does the loss of property, but they cause far more damage to our citizens than the mere loss of $$$. Ask the victims of these violent crimes if they give a crap about your property crimes initiatives as they try to physically and mentally recover from their crisis.

Anonymous said...

@ May 8, 2012 8:51:00 PM MDT

To further your point...

We as APD 34's are state certified via the New Mexico Department of Public Safety and commissioned by the City of Albuquerque. We are all cross-commissioned by the County of Bernalillo and many by other neighboring jurisdictions as well. That being said, APD has always participated in the concept of "mutual aide" as it pertains to public safety and emergency deployment of personnel. Even when the situation may not neccessarily by a police emergency but the requirement of a police presence as in the Los Alamos fire last year. Our 34's were sent to a jurisdiction where they were NOT cross-commissioned. But hey we are "state certified," right? Having a clear understanding of that, if a 34 fails to do his job and allows a fleeing felon to get away (due to an APD policy) and that individual in his flight continues his behavior resulting in further criminal acts, injury, or death to innocent citizens APD policy doesn't change the fact that you are guilty of non-feasance of your duties. These decisions and imminent scenerios created by the 5th/11th floor remind me of the movie "A Few Good Men" where Lance Corporal Dawson and Corporal Barnes did their job as they "followed orders," but failed to protect by following orders that were clearly immoral and illegal. We are first and foremost sworn to serve and protect. The city has its' attorneys and its' inflated risk management fund incase we as 34's make a mistake in the lawful commission of our duties, so don't put it on us whether to place $$$ in front of lives.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a fraud. Enough is enough already. It's evident that these dirt balls read the Eye, and now they are taking ideas from the site, and acting like it was theirs the whole time. What else is new with the frauds?

Why? because they know the Eye is right. The Eye is telling it like it is. The Eye is calling out all frauds. The eye is pointing out the CRIMINALS.

Schultz hasn't had one original thought in his pathetic life. What has this man done as an officer? Nothing. Why is it that lazy officers fly up the chain? Because doing nothing at all exposes you to no scrutiny whatsoever. An aggressive officer might have a complaint or uses of force on their record if they choose to be a cop, do cop work, and work in a place where cops are needed. The aggressive officer might be envied by the chain of command for their accomplishments, that of which their wormy chain could never accomplish without a team behind them. The respected, aggressive, competent officer will be seen as a threat to the chain above them because they fear for their position, status and their ego. It seems alot of the primadonnas wearing gold trim around APD need to feel important, and have their punk egos stroked. They need to walk around like they are bad ass and have "been there" when they couldn't even find "there" with both hands, and if they did, they would piss their panties. Notice that it is not the supervisors that have been good well rspected, hard working cops who act like this. It is the Frauds who were appointed through politics, the buddy system, or reward for doing the head chump's dirty work. Every single person who has had a hand in doing dirt for Chief Turkey Neck has been handsomely rewarded with promotions and choice, if not made up assignments for them. And typical to these creatures of limited life experience, they don't know how to act or treat people. They are intimidated, and they resort to primitive, primevil tactics to insure their survival. This is what you have here today. We have a bunch of mental adolescents, thinking they are something because of a title, and not knowing how to act. An experienced leader does not need to resort to name calling, extortion, intimidation, threats, retaliation, tampering with investigations, lies, purjury, hate, and slander. There is no need to because from the point of their inception into the field that they have chosen and sworn to work in, they carried themselves with dignity, integrity, and fairness. They are respected. They would take the heat for their officers and stand up for them whether or not they did right or wrong. Reward for the right, and punish with dignity for what is wrong. Not like these lowlifes who plan out public displays of discipline in an attempt to gloat, and appear as the holy on high, then break every law, ethic and proceedure when their plan falls apart, and they are seen through for what they truly are; slimy, cowardly, two faced, back stabbing, half cowards.

Anonymous said...


They pick and choose who they burn, violating rights, and attempting to destroy people along the way. Their disparity in treatment runs the gammut from brushing off duty felony violations under the rug for their chosen ones, to framing officers for termination for doing their jobs. For doing something none of them could do.
If they knew how to be leaders they would know that a true leader's reputation preceeds them into a room, unlike their reputations which resemble a shitted up piece of toilet paper that blew into the room and got stuck on someone's boot heel and tracked around the room smelling it up. All they do is crap up the place. Taint it. Stain it. People laugh at them before they even enter a room. This is what APD has as leaders. Interview anyone who has worked with these pieces of work as an officer. Other than what you see, that is where the proof is. None of them were true cops. They took the job, and let personal agenda strangle the oath they took. Disgraceful, all of them. There would be justice if it even mattered to just one of them that they have to look at themselves after what they all do, but that doesn't matter. It doesn't matter because someone failed in their upbringing. Their upbringing as law enforcement professionals, and surely in their upbringing as a person. Honor and integrity is needed to suffer from your wrong doing as a person, but disgrace, termination, dishonor and possibly jail will suffice just as well.

Where else in the world do people move through three ranks to get to DCOP in less time than it takes a recruit to complete the academy, and get off probation? How can a leader be competent when they don't even know their ranks or have experience in them? Where else do you get promoted when your selfish ass can't keep your tool in your adulterous pants, and you screw up everyone's life? How do you promote someone who gets caught by officers making strangled wild boar noised while taking it in the corn hole in a lawn chair in their back yard and disturbing their neighbors? This isn't even a microscopic sample of the examples and problems. It is embarrassing. How do you justify these people being employed, let alone being supervisors?

This embarrassment needs to end.

Anonymous said...

So you're telling me the mentally ill guy who 1) impersonated a cop, 2) had an arrest warrant issued for shooting at someone/something and 3) tried to steal the detectives gun would have all his information entered in this new system?

I'd like to see his family call APD and fill them in on all his mental issues so they could build an intelligence file. I'd love to see his doctors who are handcuffed by HIPAA call APD and give them medical info. I'd love to see the APD or Court bureaucracy actually communicate and enter this.

It's a great idea but it isn't the be all end all that Schultz is promising.

Anonymous said...

Kendras Law was sought after in 2006 after the John Hyde incident. The NM State Legislature shot it down. Then Mayor Marty Chavez attempted a law locally with the city ordinance with the help of Officer Carol Olezak and it was shot down by the courts as unconstitutional stating the city did not have juristiction. It went to the State and was shot down in their beurocracy of committees.

This State needs to wake up. People are getting killed on the streets and families have no where to turn with mental illness. Only the Governor and the State Retards can do something about it.

This is not a POLICE issue but a mental health issue.

Anonymous said...

Freddy help meeeeeeeee!
I'm outta here...weeeee!!!
You can't catch meeeee!
Mijo Joeeeeeeee!!!!
Goin to the Pokey!

Anonymous said...

Joey ran and fled to his mommy's. Let's see if the media gets this right:

1. Joey resigned because of being confronted about the embezzlement issues NOT the police shooting money.

2. Joey was given a cushy spot upon resignation by Chief Ray Schultz.

3. Joey has a history of domestic violence and battery upon women...this info is known by many, certainly Schultz, yet Schultz chose again to DO NOTHING!!!!

Anonymous said...

Another cop another dv love that blue line you guys have

Anonymous said...

Stop your fucking whining and do your jobs. If your superiors make policy then by virtue of your employment you need to follow it.

If you don't like it then seek employment elsewhere.

I'm tired of hearing cops complain about changes at their job. It happens with every job. For those who constantly complain, do the citizens a favor and quit. You will not be missed. No one is irreplacable.

Anonymous said...

Hey mr "I'm tired of your whining but can't keep myself from reading this blog" please enlighten us how as employees we must follow policy when it is wrong. If they make policy that harms others are we to follow it? If they make policy that puts employees in danger do we follow it? If they make policy that shelters criminal do we follow it? Maybe in ur nazi-style thinking, but last time I checked this is America, and to that I say enjoy that what you call whining because if it weren't for us none of this bullshit would see the light of day...

Anonymous said...

@ May 9, 2012 10:36:00 PM MDT

Here you go again speaking with profanities... It is expected that when an individual has no arguement to the topic @ hand when presented with valid information and facts they will try to "bait" and "deflect."

First of all, it would be a fair assessment to say that WE as 34's all love our jobs and care deeply for the people that we are commissioned to serve and protect. We recognize that law enforcement is an institution that goes beyon APD and we are proud of our our membership to it. If that was not the case, WE would not care if our "bosses" were such FAILURES IN PUBLIC TRUST ro that they CONTINUE to make the same mistakes over and over. So you know, althogh we have a fugure-head @ each the 5th/11th floor, the fact remains that we work for the citizens of ABQ. And unfortunately for our citizens, they only know the filtered BS that that comes through the media. Why else would APD have retained the "services" of that sloppy mess of an individual (TJ) who has direct ties to the media??? Much comes by virtue of our employment, WE ALL KNOW THAT. The most imortant of which is the fact that we may not make it home at the end of our shift. As final as that may sound, WE ALL know that we must do our jobs because there are sheep like you who would no more than be devoured by wolves. (BTW, you stink like TJ, that would be one heck of a feast) Back to the point, when changes in policy are such a FARCE as the most recent changes are, coupled with administrative appointments that 1000+ 34's know are based on POLITICS and have nothing to do with KNOWLEDGE-SKILLS-ABILITIES, it would be a disservice to ABQ and ourselves not to bring light to it.

As for your "seek employment elsewhere" comment. Heck why??? So that berry gets his way by shrinking the dept & its' budget, we ALL know he is not trying to "grow" APD. No, instead I'll stick around and maybe let him fire me... hahahha we all know how those scenarios go, right???

Anonymous said...

@ May 10, 2012 6:30:00 AM MDT

Dont't expect that sloppy jerk to respond to you until after 5pm and from a personal computer otherwise he too would be in violation of the city's "social media" policy. Yeah right... do we really believe that the likes of TJ and JG over in IA aren't reading/posting on social media sites during business hours and from city computers.

Anonymous said...

To the poster that wonders why the laziest get promoted up the chain -- let me tell you it's the same in my city department - - I'm thinking of at least 3 individuals that have made co-workers cry, they made racial slurs against people, and never did their fair share of work--and were promoted up the chain. It's because they are SYCOPHANTS to the Director in our department. They're bobble heads that nod yes, yes, yes no matter what this guy does. SICKENING!!

Anonymous said...

@ May 9, 2012 10:03:00 PM MDT

This has absolutely nothing to do with the "blue line," nor should it. What you insinuate would be true if joey had not been arrested, BUT HE WAS!!! If this idiot in fact committed a crime then so be it, I have no sympathy for him. The major aspect of the "Thin Blue Line" that you speak of IS that it does not pertain to lies and cover-ups like you would like to believe. That would be the other catchy phrase, pertaining to the "wall of silence." Instead, the fact is that the vast majority of us uphold the values, morals and ethics that sets us apart and keeps us above reproach. For those few who fail to recognize this fact (including those on the 5th/11th floor) they will at some point fall due to their reckless behavior and failures. The recent arrests of APD officers is a big embarrassment; however, the fact that the LE community upheld their oath to make these arrests grows my confidence in the 34's that I work with. The fact is that these guys might have possibly been ushered out of APD prior to these incidents even happening if not for management failures.

Anonymous said...

May 9, 2012 2:11:00 AM MDT

OMG. So you're saying that because you're tasked with providing some accountability to the citizens you work for, you will now refuse to do your job. You're disgusting. The citizens of Albuquerque are already paying for your pathetic work ethic and ridiculous morality! Go to hell

Anonymous said...

Joey knows too much, be careful. Somebody better do something!

Anonymous said...

Those of you who continue to defend Ron are obviously implicated in something or are just plain idiots cause u need him to hold ur hands while u do ur jobs in the APOA office. We all know the new crop of board are just as incompetent as the last batch yet they all depend on Ron for his expert advise for some reason? Is it true Ron knows way too many secrets that he's not as expendable as people act?

There's a good reason everyone ignores what Ron did all the years he's been in that office. It's called skeletons folks. And he knows where they all lie. Ron has a great retirement gig and as long as he blames others & pretends he knows NOTHING as Schultz continuously does then he will remain with us for a very long time unscathed from his continuos involvements in the union affairs.

Some body brave within the NEW board should call HIM out. Oh wait RON actually backed & endorsed the current board. Seems like more of the same for the CURRENT association known as the APOA.

I predict more members drop their dues down to fair share as they are not being represented correctly as full paying members. The association will be broke soon just like the FOP and teachers unions and then it's all over.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Joey and his wife were fighting over the fact that she might roll over on him and the inner workings of the APOA.. How can someone become a cop if there has been past DV incidents??? Oh I know how... The standards for entry into the Academy have been changed so the numbers would go up.. Years ago if you had a traffic ticket you were dropped from the process.. Let's get back to the old standards of the early 1980's and we won't have so many problems....

Anonymous said...

Filiberto gets arrested amid a scandal of this scale, and kob is the only channel covering it. Are you fucking kidding me? And you tell me that these clowns in the PD aren't in cahoots with the media. Notice how schultz is mum on his boy? Notice how schultz isn't running off at the mouth on his buddy. Gee. If schultz does not fire this guy it is blatant BIAS. YES BIAS.... That is what the administration idiots attack everyone on these days. We'll see how bias schultz is. This guy was booked and he still has a job.

Anonymous said...

Nice mediocre aricle in the one sided, bought and paid for rag journal about Sigala's arrest. If it were any other REAL cop that was arrested they would have been lamb basting them with slander, and accusations. But not joey, and not by Chief know nothing. Funny how schultz knows nothing again, and sends his mouthpiece shoeshine boy feist to do his dirty work, because he just doesn't have the heart to. Not that that sissy of his who was never a cop is useful for anything more, but an interesting observation none the less. Is anyone else noticing the lack of attention this is getting compared to every other officer who these two fraud administrators have attacked. You can't escape justice.

Anonymous said...

Saw CC on Joey WTF is going on with APD. That is a horrid document Schultz you should be embarassed that a Officer under your regime wrote that. Joey broke into his own house?

Anonymous said...

Beware all 34's. Schultz and company will be looking for more cops to burn like fire wood to take the heat off his mijo Filiberto.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Feist the one who screwed up the criminal complaint of Judge Pat Murdoch???

Anonymous said...

The wife has a misd warrant. Talk about mudd in our face. You think there is some credibility issues with her?

Anonymous said...

@ the idiot (TJ) who made this statement...

Anonymous said...
May 9, 2012 2:11:00 AM MDT

OMG. So you're saying that because you're tasked with providing some accountability to the citizens you work for, you will now refuse to do your job. You're disgusting. The citizens of Albuquerque are already paying for your pathetic work ethic and ridiculous morality! Go to hell

May 10, 2012 9:23:00 AM MDT

Where is the relevance??? No one affected by these new policies refuses to do their jobs, they just recognize that they are unethical, immoral, and illegal.
Our job is to serve and protect and uphold the law. While your job is to stir the shit and run to the closest drive-thru to feed that tummy while driving that lop-sided vehicle of yours'. When you feel that you are man enuff to look a man in the eye to make these statements I will be more than happy to entertain you. In the meantime why don't you waddle your fat a$$ back to that position that was created for you by DW (GOD only knows why???) and stick another moon pie in your mouth.

Anonymous said...

BTW... hey EYE, lets get these posts up a little more timely as we might be losing interest in the topics @ hand.

Anonymous said...

Joey is like barboa UNTOUCHABLE!

Anonymous said...

Yea, But the two uninvolved witnesses don't have any credibility issues. He is doomed.

The Pharmacist said...

Joey and barboa are both douches!

Anonymous said...

whats the deal with Barboa. your always slamming him. but no substance. He has always been a hard worker

Anonymous said...

At 9:19. I agree. Update postings faster please

Anonymous said...

Barboa a hard worker? at what having affairs? check records when is the last time he wrote a report. he instructs all his peeps to do all the work why he works on his fanatasy baseball team. dont fool yourself.

oh yea he lies.

Anonymous said...

Brboa isnt credible either

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain to me how 112 officers can take the last sergeant exam and only 31 pass it?

That percentage is worse then the graduation rate for APS.

You complain about your supervisors but do nothing to prepare yourself to promote and be in a position to make change.

If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. The public is tired of your whining!!!

And for those few that will leave disparaging remarks to my blog...stop logging into this site and study for the next exam so the results as pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Regarding sgt test, that was probably the cut off number for how many sgt slots they had. In other words they only took the top 31 out of all who tested.

Anonymous said...

Your blog...hahahaha... Go back to sitting around doing nothing and collecting a paycheck. Now you really do nothing. Worthless bag of wind.

Anonymous said...

The cutoff 70% exam score with the top 51 selected for the next step with the potential of promoting 32 and only 30 passed the entire process with only 31 passing the test!!!!!

Anonymous said...

70% needed to be a sargent? That explains mucho

Anonymous said...

926 your spelling suggests you wouldn't pass either.

Anonymous said...

Yea, sex in the stairwells, in the offices and everywhere else they can behind their wives backs, yet these idiots are commanders. No wonder why the upper ranks of APD have no morals or honor. They have sold out to the other side. They took the job to see how much they can drain out of what was once a noble profession.

Anonymous said...

Sex in a stairwell... EEWWWWWWW