The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 24, 2014



In a tremendous show of unity, the officers and detectives of the Albuquerque Police Department have spoken in virtual unity and have rejected the proposed "contract" offered by the Perry/Berry and the City and endorsed by the APOA Leadership Negotiation team.

What was promoted as something that should be ratified, over 93% of almost 600 officers and detectives who voted stood strong and voted NO against the proposed contract.

We applaud the efforts of those personnel who took time to vote and voted against what was obviously an insult to all those who wear a badge and serve the city of Albuquerque.

While we know that the Berry fed media will criticize the officers, we encourage you to stand strong in your unity and keep the momentum. They gain power by your division but are in fact terrified of a true collective force.  Well done.


The TREMENDOUS Regulator said...

Ha Ha Ha... You said Tremendous!

Anonymous said...

ROTFL....really Shawn, you want to sue the Eye for interfering with the vote?? HAahahAhahAha, just go eat some more burr-eat-ohs with your homebody TeeJay!

Anonymous said...

You're next Shawn and steph, how dare you threaten us and cry because you look like fools.

Anonymous said...


S.Sgt. Paul J. Heh (RET.) said...

I am happy to see you all you all stood together as one. Nothing puts more fear in the power brokers than to see the people they think they hold power over , revolt an say NO. You standing together is the true power. THIS IS NOT UNION AGAINST ADMINISTRATION. THIS IS RIGHT AGAINST WRONG ! You have been silent long enough and have given and given just to be made to look greedy. Hold your heads high. For what it is worth I am proud of you. God bless you. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

The Anti Eye says:

Great job everyone, who says were not united. From re-hires, airport police to rookies, we all came together as one and voted this trash down. Lets not all hate on Stephanie, I don't know her, but she does have a tough job. Now I, along with others need to start going to the APOA meeting so we can watch these members and make sure they are looking out for our best interest. The city council now needs to step up, this is the perfect oportunity to shine a nice positve light on themselves and put the hot spotlight and the porn stache union hater. Why are cops republicans when they are the ones that fuck us 1st{Berry and Martinez}, they are ALL cop haters.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She's in charge, with her sidekick bully Willowby, nice try Steph but you guys made a deal with them and we stopped it. Accept it.

Anonymous said...

I wanna give thanks to all the officers who manned the ballot boxes and were getting everybody to vote. They even did it at Metro Court, what a brilliant idea. Whoever thought about it should run for vice president or president, that's what kind of thinking and leadership this union needs.

Anonymous said...

Stephanie and Willou-bye you two clowns thought no one cared and the contract would pass haha well it didnt! Just resign! Both of you!

We know you had made back room deals with the 5th and 11th floors looking out for yourselves. Knowing you guys you'll somehow take credit for this solidarity and act like you recommended the failure. Guess what? We are on to you two. This failed ONLY because the officers stood together as one for once. They finally figured out the Mayor and his cronies are NOT on our side.

Every time I see the Mayor talking about how he respects us, and knows how hard a job we have I just wanna puke! If he actually cared as he says, he would honor the long expired contract we passed years ago and not offer us pennies! FMB!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations men & women of APD . Now Police , Fire , Clerical have told Perry and his water -boy , Berry to put their pathetic contract where the sun don't shine . We are getting COA employee Strong !

AJ Sucks! said...

nice editorial in todays paper Ken Walz but funny how now your so quick to praise us after we kick your boy Berry hard and low. Sorry pal, and your paper NOT doing a story is now news itself. And now it's all too obvious how much you jerks filtered and edited Proctor's stories. Eat It!!!!

Anonymous said... you worthless APD phuks won't get any raise. I love this....they should pull your take home vehicles too! You should've taken the 2.5% they offered you because now, they'll offer you a stick to sit and spin! Clowns in Costumes = no raise!

Anonymous said...

Joanna Hamman, the fucking unicorn, came back at an increase of an additional $40 an hour. Yes she was making over $80 an hour when none of us could find her.

Fuck here's a story, how many times has 911 gone down while she was on contract. How many open tickets for 34s without KDTs while she was making that salary. How much comp time did she accumulate? Was she even at work?!

Plus you tucked Karen Fischer into the bottom of the piece. God you missed the really story there KRQE. How does the home wrecker get a company from her boyfriend as a retirement present?

Perry doesn't know what sensitive legal material Fischer has?BULLSHIT Perry gets the ARAPA, CICA, and all the other alerts and he knows damn well Karen runs the website that sends them out. Someone IPRA his email.

Fuck, someone IPRA her city email. She still uses it.

The Tremendous Regulator said...

It looks like some POS Political Strategist is preemptively trying to set up Mr. Balderas. Gee. Who could this be? Why are these creeps so afraid of this man, and why are they using the same old APD COA admin puke tactics to attack him and frame him up. Is it because they all know this guy will bring civil rights hell down on their criminal asses?
The corrupt criminal politicians and their ball washing ass licking minions are such scum bag cowards in this state.

Anonymous said...

If you knew anything at all you'd understand how stupid you sound. But that's ok, we'll still come when something goes bump in the night.

Anonymous said...

Subpoena and search the ARAPA email that was sent out to retailers from APD advising of your investigation, and how they should all remain tight lipped in light there of. The E-mail was sent out just around the time the investigation was being formally announced give or take a few months before or after to be safe.
It sure seemed to be a latent suggestion to obstruct something.

Anonymous said...

No one has reported on all the raises going on with the department directors and exempt jobs since the election. Berry offers rank and file city employees raises of 1% to 2% but gives Rob Perry and other department heads 10%, 20%, 30% raises. Disgraceful! Berry and his management team are making fools of the City Council and unions and the press could careless.

Anonymous said...

Loved the KRQE story! Can honestly say that after 23 years in the service of the city the least accountable APD employee was Joanna Hamman. She was over paid the first time around, hiring her back on contract to do the same job she showed she was incapable of the first time was stupid. I dare anyone below the rank of commander to point out one time she ever returned your phone call.

Anonymous said...

January 25, 2014 at 11:33:00 AM MST,

THANK YOU! What you said is absolutely the truth. She NEVER answered her phone. As a matter of fact, her mail box was always full because she didn't give a shit enough to check her messages and get back to any of the officers who needed help with their non functioning KDTs. If you got sick and tired of being dodged, and went directly to her office you quickly found out that she was NEVER there. She was worthless for what she was being paid to do. And now she gets a $68,000 pension for it.

Someone needs to be indicted for racketeering for the shit going on here.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Joanna, why was she the only person who could flip the magic switch to make the MDT's work. The number of hours officers didnt have a working computer to do their job would be staggering, all because she was where???????

Anonymous said...

Hamman never did shit. She was never there and when she was it was when she was headed out to the gym. Chevi did all the work. A little flaky but sweet as hell and worked hard. God Bless you girl...

Anonymous said...

I sent Hamman several emails waiting for her to respond when ever my kdt went down. I would have eventually go to the main and run around looking for someone to fix it.. What a joke!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow it's already starting.. Over heard the PTC guys talking shit about the vote...

Anonymous said...

I agree Chevi was the hard working one and such a good person! If no one else would help, Chevi would find a way to make it over to your office. Love you, girl!

Anonymous said...

as a 34 you guy commenting about the ptc and doing it anonymously are little girls. I know is jose be a man and use your real name. we get paid better then other states and get take home cars. you probably use the ptc all the time. maybe the ones hurt about them should not use them. they have not got a raise in 7 years and they get paid way less then us. stop being babys about it we won. they had nothing to do with anything. if they get a raise it wont hurt use at all.

the real hernandez

Anonymous said...

The Real Hernandez? Dude what does the unreal hernandez write and think like???

Anonymous said...

Real Hernandez,

Please tell me you don't speak the same way you type. My God have some pride in what you post and use grammar. Your content is correct, but your post is an embarrassment.

Anonymous said...

Hey imitation Hernandez,
You asshats wouldn't have shit to vote on if it wasn't for the cops who voted you in because you would not have a union. So shut up and do your job. Stay focused on who the battle is with.

Anonymous said...

So how much rent did Karen (ARAPA) pay for using APDHQ as their office?

And how about the private security firm that was using the 2nd street substation as their address, what did they pay for office space??

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. HERNANDEZ why don't you go back to school and get a better education. The ptc guys need to get a career rather then a job.

Anonymous said...

Put the burrrrrrrrrrito down bro. Caint understand you yo.

. said...

Fil paid nothing. In fact, he got paid.

Anonymous said...

The PTC guys & gals are our brothers and sisters and should be treated as so. Why are some of you acting like its us vs them? Neither of us have got raises in several years! We are both being held ransom by this administration equally.

Anonymous said...

The Anti Eye says:

I will tell you right now, if they offered us{meaning 34's}a 3.00 an hour raise and the PTC peanuts, i'm taking the raise........and everyone of us would. So don't hate on them for voting for it. They deserve more... The PTC needs their own union so the admistration not piting us against them, Oh by the way FUCK Berry

Anonymous said...

"The PTC guys & gals are our brothers and sisters and should be treated as so. Why are some of you acting like its us vs them? Neither of us have got raises in several years! We are both being held ransom by this administration equally"

Are you out of your mind? Let's include PSA's, FETs, crossing guards, security officers, heck anybody who wears some sort of uniform. Heck, let's just merge with IAFF if they'll have us.

They are not our brothers and sisters. They are not certified police officers and never should've been admitted into the CBA. Why not? Because we have different interests and different qualifications. End of story. Don't get me wrong, the PTC is useful but they are not cops.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 5:20.

The administration wants to divide all officer (rehires, PTC) by giving some of the us $$ and others nothing. Stay unided or they will win.

We have the best occupation there is regardless if we get a 2.5% or 25% raise. Be safe. God speed

Anonymous said...

You made my point and posted exactly what i was thinking . divide and conquer is the tactic the barf -ministration will use now that they see how the contract went down with the PTC voting yes . BTW THEY NEED THEIR OWN UNION BUT IT WILL NOT HAPPEN NOW ..sadly they are the weak link in APDs bargaining chain .

Anonymous said...

If the PTC wants a raise, get accepted into the academy.

M. Martinez said...

You know when I first started in the 51st Academy as an officer we got paid approximately 7.36 an hour. I can read what one of our brothers in blue wrote being disrespectful to the PTC officers. I mean like how unprofessional is that. Grow up rookie!. Maybe instead of treating them like crap all the time they would have been united with you. Maybe you haven't noticed bonehead, bleeding heart democrats liberals like you have caused this economy to screw everybody over even you. Sounds to me like all you care about is yourself. Bet you're one of those kind that when he makes rank he becomes two face and sides with the administration kissing butt to the top. Also only a chicken shit would list himself as anonymous.

Retired police officer
M. Martinez