The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Dec 16, 2014

APD Staffing to Fall Below 700 in 2015!!!

Recently, the great alcalde stated that it was all Santa Fe's fault that APD officers were leaving the department in droves. Nevermind what's been reported that there are more cops retiring from APD than all cops retiring statewide, once again Berry-Alcalde has failed to take any responsibility for his mess. We are not alone in this observation, and as the email written by retired APD sergeant Dan Klein forwarded to us from one of our Eyes shows, we are in the company of well respected retired members of APD:

"Dan McCay of the Journal wrote an excellent article on December 14, 2014 detailing the manpower crisis within the Albuquerque Police Department.  Mr. McCay's article unfortunately did not answer one very important question; Why did APD go from 1,100 officers in 2010 to 884 officers in December 2014?  Answer this question and Albuquerque can start to fix their police staffing problems, without getting PERA and the State of New Mexico involved.  But does Mayor Berry want to know this answer?

Here is what happened, in early 2010 newly elected Mayor Berry got rid of the Senior Police Officer Retention Bonus program.  This program did not involve PERA and was run in-house by the APD.  An audit of this program in 2012 showed that 129 APD officers delayed their retirements to take advantage of this program.  Once Mayor Berry ended it, those 129 officers retired.  In 2010 Mayor Berry set aside the labor agreement that had been agreed to between Albuquerque and the APOA.  APD officers subsequently went five years without any pay raises, and the raises that were promised were taken away by Mayor Berry.  More APD officers then retired because who wants to stay working for a city that won't honor it's own contract?  In 2010 Mayor Berry changed APD hiring standards to require sixty college credit hours to become an APD officer.  Immediately, the hiring pool for APD shrank, just like it did in 2001 when past Mayor Jim Baca tried the same requirement.  APD, which under the old standards, would have Academy classes of over fifty cadets, saw this number shrink to less than twenty.  Several times since 2010 APD would graduate only ten new officers. With cadet classes lasting six months it was easy to see that APD Recruiting was not keeping pace with retirements.  If Mayor Berry thought this college requirement would bring in more actual cadets he needed to raise the pay accordingly (college graduates), but instead he took away pay and for five years refused to sign a labor contract with the APOA.  The college requirement excluded candidates who, instead of going to college, went to work. These non-college applicants showed they could keep a job, support a home and family.  Under the college requirement at APD, proving you were a mature worker and a stable part of the community didn't matter, all Mayor Berry wanted was sixty college credit hours, this even includes degrees in Liberal Arts and Culinary Arts! 

Now you have your answer as to why APD has lost over twenty five percent of its’ police officers since 2010.  Poor policies by Mayor Berry at the beginning of his tenure as mayor has come back to haunt us now.  And what is the biggest problem with APD?  Mayor Berry's refusal to accept responsibility for his actions and his refusal to change direction.  Mayor Berry finds it easier to blame PERA and others instead of looking in the mirror and seeing that he created this mess."

Thank you for your service Sergeant Klein. And our Eyes inside APD tell us that the exodus within APD is not stopping with the mere offering of cash to those who are eligible to retire. One would think by now Berry-Alcalde would know that you can't pay somebody enough to risk their life everyday while at work. So what's causing these retirements must be something other than money.......


Anonymous said...

Maybe the mayor could sell excess city property, like the truck he and the gov. rode into the darkness last night. After all the truck did have a City of Albuquerque logo on it.

Anonymous said...

Paul Heh got us into this mess, damn it!! We believed and he took down this road!!

Anonymous said...


APD refuses to take criminal cops off of their force.
There's a lot of blowback sprouting up around the "We're all perfect, we never do anything wrong, and we will never even consider disciplining one of our own, even if they rape babies" approach to public service.
Any decent man or woman that wants to go into a tough field certainly doesn't want to walk around being avoided by every decent, good and honest person out there because it is the prudent thing to do.
What's left?
Seven hundred fuckheads. Seven hundred assholes who took the job because they actually think they're tough, calling eight friends, getting weapons ready, and then calling people pussies while they hide behind their badges....
Not tough. People don't fight back because of your badges, just so you know.
About the time you all hung together while all those lies were told, trying to get Sergeant Casaus off the hook for manslaughter, I decided you were all corrupt. Or too fucking scared to stand up for us citizens, and either way I have nothing but contempt for you.
Go ahead, write a response, tell me you'll mistake my comb for a rifle and shoot me for what I've written. Prove you're shit.And scared. And that you don't get it.
You guys are the three assholes who show up at the party and make everyone hate you in twenty minutes. And you refuse to apologize, you refuse to fix what's're just watching everyone swear at you and leave...and you honestly wonder why no one likes you.
Stop being criminals, and stop being dicks.Can you do that? Nope. You're hardwired.
No cop can get mad for being called a criminal except the criminal cops. The honest guys aren't being bitched at. Of course, they're all long gone, so.....I look forward to you threatening me and telling me that when you lie to get innocent people thrown in jail, it served them right for not being scared enough of you. I look forward to you telling me that Adam Casaus didn't break the law, he is the law. I look forward to you spewing hatred and calling it righteous anger at not being believed, or complimented, or feared enough.
Fuck criminal cops. And fuck the cowards who work every day with the criminals, and never stand up for us all and say a word.....You're sipping your beer while the four cops rape a woman on the pool table. You do nothing.
Disgusting batch, the lot of you.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post and commentary. Now lets hope the Eye screens its comments and gets rid of all the vulgar, crass and crude comments that serve no useful purpose and publishes comments that actually add more information to the post and relevant comments.

Anonymous said...

I'm reposting this from the other page because this is important and on target:

Anonymous said...

This is being carried over from some comments on the previous eye story regarding the APOA and the lack of planning by the President and the clown Vice President. In the last two meetings they have focused most of the time worrying about Christmas and blowing a huge amount of money on a PR firm. Danny Klein is wise and a much needed voice of reason right now, he's trying to show the APOA leadership that they are walking into a trap and they're helping Berry do it. First, the mayor swapped the retention program for the take home cars. Terrible move by the APOA. So here we are with an opportunity to engage the administration yet Stephanie and Sean refuse to adopt a strategy of any kind. They have sat back and pushed the mayors agenda. Why not tell the city we will give the cars back for a substantial retention raise?? And please read between the lines, if they are going to make ridiculous offers we can counter with our own. Why wouldn't you seize the opportunity to gain some foothold?? If PERA is a bridge too far with respect to the retention bonus then take the city head on with the issue. Stephanie instead chooses to do media stories about how great her family life is and how she's such a good cop. Tsk tsk, wink wink. Nothing like having your own media handlers paid for by working cops.
More importantly, the APOA failed to act on the mayors subtle move to reinstate the RTW program to combat the dwindling staffing levels. Stephanie and Sean immediately threw support behind it, but the mayor hinted that he will decide the shape and scope of the legislation, this is not good:
1. They will be forced to work patrol
2. There will be a sunset on the program
3. The city will decide who gets in
These stipulations mean two huge issues must be addressed. How will you classify these employees and will they be unionized? If the APOA doesn't get ahead of this, the city can take either side of the issue and use it against us. The city has moved themselves into a position to create a "right to work " group of 34's. Those two will refuse to accept any responsibility as usual. They will use the " It's your union" excuse to sit back and wait. So this is really for the rest of us who need to be informed about what may be coming. There are way more serious issues pending than Christmas toys. They said it right in front of us at the meeting, they were going to focus on image issues. Meanwhile, the city is gift wrapping a turd for the APOA toy drive.

December 16, 2014 at 12:06:00 PM MST

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Federal law forbids the use of government property for political purposes.
All city owned trucks were purchased thru grant funds.
Someone please have a picture of this and you will have both the Mayor and the Governor red handed on federal campaign violations since last night was a lobbying event to celebrate her win

Anonymous said...

I for one do not have a personal agenda. I have never been arrested, my kids aren't shitheads, and I make no excuses for the mistakes my family members have made. I don't blame cops for everything and I won't sue to make money when I can work. I have no idea why anyone would become an officer in today's world especially when you have idiots like 10:32 blaming everyone for his/her shortcomings. All the money in the world is not enough to do the job police do, especially when your own leadership is incompetent. I understand why young officers stay, but if you have your time, get out while you can, and be proud of what you have accomplished, regardless of the band wagon jumpers. 99%of those who complain do so because they don't have the courage or values to do what you do. God bless and get out while you can

Anonymous said...

Consistency is the key to retention. When you fire one officer for not writing a report then only suspend an officer for crushing a mans testicle, it makes a organization one that no one wants to be a part of. When you get disciplined for not using a camera but get leave with pay and allowed to retire for shooting a mentally ill camper, it takes the pride out of doing a thankless job. When worthless officers with 18-20 years on who do nothing, get a bonus, but a 8-10 year officer gets nothing, it makes you rethink your career choice. The Command staff with APD are only doing what they feel will shut the critics up and not what is right. And until that changes the numbers will continue to drop

Anonymous said...

At this level staffing APD would be at 50% of the norm for a city the size of ABQ. If I was one of the 700 left, I would be very concerned about my safety and looking for a job elsewhere fast...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I could not agree more.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see a single thing 10:32 blamed APD for as far as any of these perceived shortcomings are concerned. I saw him say what most of the community feels as well. It would do a whole danm bunch for community relations if good (or even regular) cops would stop defending dirt bag cops. There is such a misconception that you can't be pro-police, but anti-brutality, anti-cronie, anti-excessive force... and no, not all violent interactions are excessive force. Some of us understand the difference.

Start holding yourself and yours accountable and uphold the laws equitibly for LEO ans civilian alike. You have to earn the respect of the public you swore to serve. Who are rightfully outraged over who you band together and choose to defend.

Anonymous said...

12/16 @ 1827,

Who wouldn't want to be a cop? Hide inside all day on one of the hundred special teams, aggressively criticize or intimidate anyone who demands you be accountable, creepily hit on everything that moves like your name is Shad Solis (we haven't forgotten, you piece of shit), and best of all, commit any crime you want since you'll always be investigated by your friends. If by chance someone does get some dirt on you, lie, misdirect, throw a tantrum, threaten, deny. If your little feelings ever get hurt, you can simply get dick sucked all day long by the hundreds of myopic boot-lickers just like you, 1827.

APD rewards everyone who's an uneducated, lazy scumbag, which ABQ is bursting full of, so things must really be screwed up that they have a personnel shortage.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if APD gets down to 5 officers. As long as we have strong, brave, honorable, and heroic people like you 3:35, we can always feel safe in our home. It never ceases to amaze me, it's obvious your a cop, a coward cop, but a cop. It's a shame someone along the way hurt your delicate little feelings, but get over it. If your not happy then quit. It's obvious your too weak to actually confront those you complain about face to face. Hell your even talking crap about solis anonymously and he's one of the biggest pusses on the dept. your such a great example of why APD is ruined. You along with all those other bullies have no honor.

Anonymous said...

I second that motion !

Anonymous said...

If APD is down to 884 officers, lets just add 6 more to the list and get rid of the jokes on the 5th floor. Let's admit Gordon has no idea what he is doing. Huntsman is largely responsible for this mess, is no longer in touch new policing and doesn't have the respect of his officers. The 2 DCs do whatever the hell the are told and are gutless when it comes to making tough decisions. And the 2 majors are so self centered that the actually think the dept couldnt run without them. They say officers make the best recruiters but I would recommend working for those clowns to my worst enemy. Fire them all and let's start rebuilding the right way.

Anonymous said...

Who investigates APD command staff when it appears they have tried to intimidate the current District Attorney? Mayor Berry will do nothing, but does that mean we as citizens don't demand an investigation? Is it time for Eden and Berry to step down? Remember Mary Han?

Anonymous said...

I thought hiring a Wolf 2 years ago was supposed to change all this. With his wealth of knowledge and experience, shouldn't he know how to sidestep PERA issues and bring APD back to where it should be. I hear more about bad training issues and low numbers now that anytime in the last 30 years. People having weapons discharges and shooting not only citizens but their fellow officers, breaking testicles, destroying evidence, violating rights. I'm sure he would have fixed it by now if the DOJ hadn't stepped in. The only person who wolf has trained and retained is Frank and only because no one else wants her,

Anonymous said...

Maybe nobody wants to work for a city with no personnel or labor process. The personnel board still has 2 missing members-the employees still aren't represented. Where's city council and the mayor? Who wants to be a cop when you are always the bad guy? You put your life on the line daily, work nights, holidays and weekends dealing with the scum that inhabit our city and then get put on trial yourself. Then the eye second guesses everything you do and works to federalize the local police force. If I wanted to be a cop I sure wouldn't do it in Albuquerque would you? So why don't you sniveling little sissies go apply if you think you have the guts? Or is your arrest record too long? I'm fucking sick of you liberal Obama loving pussies.

Anonymous said...

9:04 I couldn't agree more. What a joke the academy has become. The horney wolf has had a few years to make things better and they are only getting worse. Mabey he should type up a few more fake memos about how the numbers are increasing and force his guys to sign them. Guy doesn't have the knowledge or the clout the mayor said he did. Damn he couldn't even get jaramillo promoted even after all the sucking up and shit work dave did. Time to chase the wolf back into the hills and bring in someone who actually knows what they are doing.

Anonymous said...

How in the hell is Huntsman responsible for this mess. Have you forgotten CHAVEZ and SCHULTZ that's where the blame should rest. You think we got into this mess just these last few months? This has been ongoing for the past 9 years and finally caught up with the DOJ. Lets not remember where it all started and it was with Chavez. Sure, Berry retained Schultz which was a huge mistake so he is to share the blame.

Where is Schultz by the way?

Anonymous said...

The posters here are right. Wolf gets hired, and turns the academy into a joke with his stress free nonsense that's going to do 2 things; get a cop killed and get more innocent citizens shot by jumpy new officers who have no life experience, and can not handle stress. This is a fact, and it is the current trend in law enforcement across the nation. A responsible and educated poster here said it loud and clear. Force is necessary, and when used reasonable, it is understood by citizens. The problem here is that there is not only a lack of trust by the people who live in the city against the police department, but the officers have no trust at all when it comes to the command staff, leadership, brass or whatever you want to call these liars and extortionists. The MAYOR, CAO, POLICE CHIEF, DCOPS, AND MOST OF THE COMMAND STAFF OF APD were, and still are too busy trying to make themselves look good by being solutions to the problems on the backs of those they use and betray, not to fix things, but to cover up their own corruption and illegal activities. It's been said "the wrong thing for the the right reason," and I am not justifying that mentality, but with these criminals, it is the wrong thing for the wrong reason...ALL THE TIME.

When you have a department lead by people who lie every day and there is record of it, defended by a city attorney that condones it, and advises how to do it and get away with it with no fear of defrauding the courts in the process, because they have always done it and gotten away with it, you have paranoid and terrorized employees who transmit that distrust and fear along to the public. It is a vicious circle. Who would want to work for a department that fires it's employees for not turning on their camera all the time, then that same department cries to the DOJ that it is impossible to turn on your camera all of the time as part of their defense? Who wants to work for a department where one officer gets fired for not writing a report, yet another officer can knock out a handcuffed prisoner in the PTC and get 80 hours off? Who wants to work for a department where a police department civilian official can forge your name on an official government document in order to conceal from the DOJ that departmental use of force training is defective and obstruct an investigation? Who wants to work for a police department where you get retaliated against for bringing attention to such behavior yet they cover for the person who commits the crime? Who wants to work for such a treacherous place. If people really knew the distrust and contempt employees have for those running things and why, not one person would apply to APD. They would never risk their lives. I don't mean risk them on the streets. That is the least of your worries. I mean risk everything that can be done to you by a bunch of cowards who are desperate and will do anything to cover their own criminal asses.

Anonymous said...

When everything I said above is realized, the pattern is put together and the proper investigators look into these criminals, it is plainer than day. Not until every case is compared, the inconsistencies and lies are extracted and documented, and people are interrogated and caught in their lies and a case is put together against each and every one of them the crimes and abuses and cover ups will this behavior end. Looking back on things, we should not forget that the ex police chief tried to obstruct the DOJ investigation by lying to anyone who would listen, the mayor vetoed the vote for the DOJ to enter, this current police chief sent out emails intimidating witnesses into not speaking with the DOJ, Schultz openly broke the law and greased a no bid contract, conspired with TAZER officials on how to obtain this contract, then took a kickback deal in the form of employment with TAZER while still within the one year no fraternization of employment parameters with that same company.
If those trying to change things wanted to do the right thing, they would indict him. This would send chills down the spines of everyone complicit with this liar over the years. When you lie to a Federal investigator, you go to prison. Let Nate Korn answer questions about his vest deal and how he influences the LEA BOARD for Schultz. Let them bring in people like Feist to explain his contacts with hearing officers.

Until every single one of these liars are removed from their positions and put in a spot where they are terrified that everything in their lives will be stripped from them and they will be sent to prison for the crap they have pulled for the last twenty years there will be absolutely no change for the better at all.

Everyone knows these people have made back room phone calls, influenced judges and hearing officers, threatened hearing officers, perjured themselves, destroyed evidence, tampered with witnesses, falsified official government documents, intimidated witnesses, defrauded the courts, retaliated against those who stand up to them, and spent millions of tax payer's funds fighting cases where they know they are guilty and are going to lose out of pure personal animus pure vindictiveness and hatefulness. That is right. The city has cases that are personal due to those involved and they are spending millions of your dollars fighting personal battles because they have been exposed and had their feelings hurt. These people are sociopaths.


Anonymous said...

Are you forgetting that Huntsman was on this department for over 25 years before he left and came back. Are you forgetting the numerous people SWAT shot while Huntsman was in charge. Are you forgetting the numerous thugs that Huntsman protected, the same thugs who went on to shoot more people. He ignored the dirty tactics of the current majors when they were in tactical and then rewarded them with promotions when he came back. Yes Chavez and Schulz are dirty. But that doesn't mean Huntsman shouldn't share the blame and be held accountable.

Anonymous said...

What is the status of the Schultz Taser pay to play investigation? The city inspector general is oddly silent, the state auditor (now Attorney General) oddly quiet, the outgoing Attorney General, says nothing. Will we the people get no satisfaction from our elected officials? Kari is going to charge Sandy and Perez, but what about Schultz? What about Taser's corrupt practices? Will nothing happen but the rich get richer? The higher you go the more crime will pay you and no one will prosecute. What is wrong with Albuquerque and New Mexico?

Anonymous said...



Enough is getting to really be enough with this criminal behavior and those doing it slithering out of accountability for it.

Anonymous said...

Where is the one person who will stand up and say enough is enough with these thugs and what they have done. Is everyone in Ray Schultz's pocket or does he have "nature at play" pictures on everyone who reviews these cases I have never seen so much corruption and lies go unaddressed. They continue on with their lives while others are trying to put back what they broke and took from them.

Anonymous said...

Actually the norm for a city the population of albuquerque is 2650.
1100 is the considered a minimum to ensure citizen safety. Over 3500 is the level suggested by ncib where a police department would see the best return for their dollar. That is 3500 patrolman not including command staff. That would give a ratio of police presence to square mile where true preventative patrols work.

Anonymous said...

Who knocked out a handcuffed prisoner inside prisoner transport center (ptc) and still has a job? Give details now so we can show the doj what a joke this chief is.

Anonymous said...

This is for all the cops that put on a uniform, or a badge as detectives, and who go work the streets and actually do police work....

.....Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I have met the a Command staff from APD and I'll say they were the most arrogant and incompetent group of people I've ever met. But I know that 99% of cops are good. Know that we support you and hope that you realize that within 4 years all of those crooks will be gone and hopefully we will get a mayor and chief that truly care about its citizens and emergency responders. Stay the course, keep your chins up and know that the majority of people support you and pray for you every day. We know there are bad apples but also know that the media and most critics have their own twisted agenda. God bless

Anonymous said...

As a community activist I do shutter when I think of APDs numbers getting so low. I'm very vocal about firing and prosecuting the criminal cops like those in the Boyd case, but I also believe we still have good cops and need all we can get to keep this city safe. I had very high hopes when they brought in a new training director to take the office in a new direction, but like other bloggers I can honestly say Joe Wolf has been a major failure and needs to be fired. The mayor has admitted a few of his many mistakes and it's time to admit this one. I'm sure wolf will be eventually fired but I'm afraid the numerous officers he has trained will continue to haunt us for years to come.

Anonymous said...

When will we, THE PEOPLE, get to see the numerous investigations being done on Ray Schultz and Taser pay to play kickbacks?

If this were Richardson the Journal would be screaming, oh it's Berry and Schultz and the Journal is silent. So much for truth in the press.

Anonymous said...

Manning issues are nothing new. Just like when Chavez was mayor, Berry will start ordering overlapping classes, order the academy staff to ease up on discipline, and hire people that shouldn't have a gun. By the time those officers start messing up, Berry will have moved on to his next scam, and it'll become the next guys problem. Berry only needs to fool enough voters to get him up the next rung on the ladder. That's why they always fill the 5th floor with puppets who will sell their souls and retire. If the Chief pitches a plan and counts every janitor, secretary, and Gardner, APD will somehow be back to 1100 officers and there will still only be 1-2 officers patrolling the streets.

Anonymous said...

Anyone have info on the cop that was shot by his father last night?

Anonymous said...


Why is the only person capable of talking to the press someone whose chief job duty in his job description is to answer the Mayor's phone?


Anonymous said...

The Editor of the Albuquerque Journal, Kent Walz's kid was arrested for DUI. The case mysteriously went away when the officer never showed up for court. Word is that was orchestrated by Schultz. Unbelievable huh? Not. So do you think there is a reason the Journal defends Schultz as a method of payment for services rendered?
Chumps of a feather chump together. All of these lowlifes are criminals and cowards. Expect nothing less from them.

Anonymous said...

12-18, 3:57pm: 99% of APD are "good" cops? Let's have a reality check here and lower that to 70%, and that's a very charitable estimate. APD has an astounding number of knuckle draggers in uniform. Some because that was the only way up from "Do you want fries with that"? But most of the losers are in uniform, wearing a badge, carrying guns, strutting around to impress the badge bunnies because they are living their greatest fantasy about themselves and their lives. Their ego always comes first - not your property or your safety. They are much more concerned with who's wearing the coolest shades and bunnie scores than where your valuables are after you find your door kicked in.

Anonymous said...

12/20 6:35. Jealous much?

Anonymous said...


We get it. You hate cops!! Your hate just spews from your post's so much that I believe that you really need to either get a life or get some sort of mental evaluation. sounds like a cop either gave you a ticket, arrested you or took your woman. Let it go already!!!!

Anonymous said...

Truth hurts doesn't it? Damn, it us funny how all of you get so butt hurt when confronted with the truth.

Anonymous said...


What truth? You haven't said anything genuine or worthwhile in any of your posts. You just argue and sling blind insults like a deranged lunatic. I'd say your a nerdy little weasel who has no experience anywhere outside of your mothers basement. Go ahead and continue your un insightful rants from behind the keyboard because you've probably never put your money where your mouth is son.

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh. I would have you cuffed with your own cuffs and your duty weapon in my back pocket inside of a few seconds. You wouldn't get a chance to shoot me either, weather it was because you were losing like the little girl you are or because you thought you saw a shiney object either, because the only shiney shit you would see would be the stars dancing around your fucking head. You want to try me? Name it. Go cry somewhere else. You are wearing it out. So go ahead and make that date boy, because you won't even get out of your fucking car when you see who I am.

Anonymous said...


I know who you are. A keyboard warrior with delusions of grandeur. Leave your mothers basement and get some fresh air punk.