Back in 2012, with much fanfair, the braintrust of the Berry administration brought in a new training director to take over the APD's infamous academy. If you remember, back then the department was struggling to keep DOJ from opening up the state's largest can of worms. And who better to combat the feds than hire a fed the brains of Perry and Berry thought!
Joe Wolf was going to be the hero to revise all of that nasty para-military training out of the academy. In Albuquerque Journal report after report he was hailed as the great trainer from the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center and the go to go for Immigration and Customs Enforcement. In an interview with the paper Wolf sad away were going the drill and ceremony exercises, away were going the inspections, and in coming were the classes.
But no sooner had Wolf landed and become part of the varsity club of Anthony Montano, Will Roseman, and Mike Archibeque, but the department's beloved "Nature at Play" culture presented him with treats no 56 year old could refuse. Soon Wolf's...liason's....with the department's polygrapher reached not only the 5th floor, where Banks relocated the polygraph unit out from the academy, but it reached district court where Wolf's wife sued him for divorce (see court paper work filed on July 23, 2013, case number D-202-DM-201302897).
Now Wolf was free to roam all of Albuquerque as he saw fit. And roam he did. While "leading" the academy, endless scandals unfolded where cadets and personnel complained of abusive behavior and unlawful conduct. Behind closed doors, cadets were being subjected to humiliating games and sexual jokes. There was the huge investigation of a official letter written by Wolf verifying training that didn't occur. Then our Eyes tell us, Wolf realized his main lieutenant wasn't quite the leader he presented himself as and was told horror stories by cadets complaining of Archibeque's actions in front of them. We are told Wolf called Archibeque out for his laziness and behavior and this of course didn't bring scrutiny down on Archibeque but opened the door for Archibeque's buddy and Deputy Police Chief Will Roseman to put the screws down on Wolf.
We are told Wolf has been sitting on the sidelines since last Fall and there was even discussion of him being reassigned because let's face it, he was never APD and was never a cop.
It has become a common place to see the disgraced who are forced
to leave with their tails tucked between their legs...Who is next?
Sounds like the only thing Montano taught Wolf when the torch was passed was how to have that the same polygraph detective. Montano has done much worse in his career but funny how Wolf gets the can and Montano gets promoted twice. Don't get me wrong, Wolf needed to go, but they need to figure out a way to send several more supervisors with him.
Question is?????? Does that polygraph officer have a say in the chiefs next pick for academy director? Sounds like she spends too much time having affairs with her bosses than working. Might as well give her the opportunity to pick one that she likes.
How did the chief/mayor not see the importance of some type of police experience when making this hire. If you don't know the rules/laws/procedures of how an officer is supposed to perform their duties then how do you know how to fix it when it's broke. Sounds like another puppet position of the mayor. The next person should have an easy time filling Wolfs shoes, the DOJ has already outlined everything he/she has to do, all they have to do is ensure the numbers are there. No innovative thinking.......same old results.
Here's a thought. Find a department that isn't failing at recruiting officers and lure their boss here. Take the 90,000 + that Wolf was stealing from the city, add a few perks and I'm sure someone with some new ideas from another department would jump. Then maybe APD would move up from 900 offiicers ( oops ..make that 899 after that dirtbag cop beat his defenseless child)
Hahahahaha. Wolf did dirt for this corrupt administration by trying to cover up the faulty use of force training and forging an officer's signature to the letter swearing to it then getting caught. When will everyone learn that the perverts of the Perry Berry and Eden show will do anything and fuck over anyone who is a threat to "THE CLUB?" And don't think White isn't in the backround. That hypocrite is just getting ready to be Gary Johnson's right hand man in the pot growing business, the greedy little fuck. How's that fie a two face who opposed Johnson's legalization of Marijuana back in the day when it fit his self serving agenda.
This shit is not a secret anymore.
And in the interim Lt. Mike Archibeque will be charge of the APD Academy... Archibeque is a JOKE we all know it. He is bucking for Commander and as long as Montano and Roseman are around he will be one before we know it. There are way too many people running around with over the top titles and Archibeque is one of them. The Academy will never be a decent one again as long as we have BOZO'S in charge. Sound off if ya got a pair....
Wolf was just APD.... Another Poor Decision. Luckily it didn't result in Another Person Dead, though it probably will in the long term through the destruction this clown did over his Allabout Poontang Decisions.
This clown did more damage per man hour worked that will linger to cause ramifications for generations down the line. The academy is a joke now. There is no experience there and it is run by a bunch of clowns. It is embarrassing. This place is doomed.
It only took three years to rid APD of the cancer that is Wolf. But, left behind is the festering germs he created. Shows everybody the molasses brain trust that is the brass and the mayor.
Problem is Wolf isn't the only cancer at the academy. Jaramillo doesn't have a Spine and he will do what ever he is told regardless of who the new boss is. I agree with rotating a few officers in and out like they are doing now but it does no good if people like jaramillo are still running the show. The place still needs new leadership from top to bottom. If new ideas aren't brought in then who cares what the DOJ does. Once the DOJs policies are implemented then everyone will just be standing there with a dumb look on their face wondering what to do next.
Funny how the city council is going to spend money and time trying to figure out why so many people are retiring when they could get the same results if they just asked. The chief and his puppets could care less about the opinions of their officers or any new ideas they may have. They think they have all the answers. I have talked to several officers who have left and not one of them were asked why they were leaving or if they would consider staying. In the military you were just a number, but before you left, you had 10 different people asking what it would take to make you re-enlist. With APD they just act they are annoyed that they have to sign off on your paperwork. I know that my opinion is not valued and I will never have the opportunity to have input to change this Dept. and for that reason I will be retiring at the end of the year. A sit down (for a select few) with a Chief after giving 20 + years with this city shouldn't be the only time an officer gets to give his ideas on what is wrong and how to change it.
Why is APD so afraid of positive change? When a unit is in a downward spiral you don't get rid of its leader just to replace them with someone else who is part of the problem. Tactical units are out of control so you get rid of a few bosses but then bring back Huntsman who caused it all. The academy is a mess so you get rid of Wolf and bring in Archibeque. ROP was jacked so you promote Brown and keep him In charge. SID is a joke so you take their commander (Garcia) and promote him to DC of the same division. And now problems in the crime lab, promote McDonald and bring him back even though his previous stint there wasn't stellar. Someone doesn't have to have experience in a area just to run it. Change is good, new ideas are good.
Shows once again the importance of bringing in an experienced Chief from another state to take over. Yes Eden was not APD but he had those in-state political favors he had to return and knew people like Huntsman that he needed to use as a crutch. Wolf, although not a good pick from the start, probably found it hard to discipline anyone when they all have friends and bosses that they climbed the ladder with. It's not an excuse for Wolfs bad behavior, but anyone who worked with Roseman and Archibeque before knew how they behaved. Wolf of course knew nothing of the behavior. but probably could have prepared him self better if he wasn't busy sleeping with his employees. Too much friendship and not enough leadership.
So is Archibeque going to cancel 'document forgery 101' and recall all the cadets who's LE certificates aren't worth the paper they are written on?
Leah Kelly Homicide Det Nice ring to that hu
What is up with the Academy? Wolf and polygraph,,Montano and anyone,,,Mike Smith and Michelle Campbell,,Must be great to be a boss over there!!
Wolf thought he could teach teamwork, team building, team spirit and above all camaraderie in the classroom. NOT POSSIBLE! Challenging everybody to run together and overcoming adversity of any kind builds a team. Wolf needs to go back to 'school' to learn this. The school of hard knocks. Of which he knows nothing about.
And the news reports:
Ferguson attracts large pool of applicants to police jobs.
Looks like their department has positive leadership that can attract applicants.
Michelle Campbell now there's another stellar female officer for you. Hardly spent any time in the field, went inside as soon as she could. Studied on duty time, promoted due to being a Hispanic female.. If she stays on long enough she will be another Dodi Camacho. Lord help us all....
How quickly everyone forgets how many criminals work for apd. Lt Ed sauer chasing the hookers on east central and lt dick porter getting demoted for the same thing. ray ray sure white washed that one. Maybe instead of looking at dead people to solve the west mesa murders they should be looking at their ex command staff.
An APD officer takes his life and this filthy department is busy at work laboring at how to spin it away from the real reason, the department terrorizing officers on a daily basis that they are so stressed out that if they make the slightest error the department will fabricate the biggest bunch of lies and bullshit to use them as some example to deflect attention from their own perversions and corruption that is out of control. This is not only sad, it is sick. Anyone with knowledge of the stress this officer faced and why this happened should speak out about it no matter how bad it is for thus dirty department. Let them pull their usual vindictive bullshit and retaliate like they usually do so everyone can see their true colors. This police department is a virus that destroys the lives of everyone who makes the fatal mistake of taking a job here unless you drink their Jim Jones fucking Kool Aide and play along. Just look at the filth who advance here compared to the good people who get fucked over and thrown under the bus. Look at all of the total pieces of shit liars like Archibeque, Gonterman, and the gang of other like minded pond scum who do everything from lie in investigations, to torturing people, and or try to fuck everything in sight, yet get pushed up the ladder, but the honest cop who misplaces something or has an equipment malfunction is steamrolled for doing their job to take the light off of the real shit bags and pieces of shit who are the cause fir this place being turned upside down. It is a disgrace that these perverts get a pass for doing everything they do that is against doing the job, but this place is so dirty they actually lie fabricate and perjure themselves to shred honest employees and frame them to protect the criminal ones.
Ok let's see,
Montano: Can't get his own woman has to steal his subordinates. Also in this category Fernando Aragon.
Rosemont: Camera pervert and borderline racist.
Gonterman: Burns an ear off a homeless man with a tazer and burns other stuff (older SE officers know what).
Huntsman: Another church freak like the former sheriff.
Christman: Ficky lover until Ficky get's what's coming to him. Also racist.
Olivera: Maybe a quarter of a brain cell.
Brown: Racist, political and not smart.
Rowe: WOW!! is all I can say there.
Most Sgt's, Lt's: All piglets fighting to get at the big pig's Tit's, No leadership or balls.
And the Grand Master Chief: Political hack who carries water for La Tejana.
I probably forgot some but that there is a huge reason APD is swirling down the toilet.
What is the number of suicide interventions each year? Employee health has the number. Always has. When I worked there it was 3 - 5 admitted to the ER every year. That was back before DoJ and short staffing.
BCSO and Rio Rancho are taking laterals
An APD officer died? WTF?
I really feel for the officers of APD, as there are a bunch of self serving administrators at the top killing your morale. Your dept will not change until they are gone and I speak from very recent experience.
Several years ago I was going to join APD, but I went to BCSO instead. White was the sheriff at the time and left us alone, but then came that idiot Houston. In a four long years Houston was a complete wreaking ball and dipshit and tore our dept apart. He had no clue how to function in a modern dept. He was hated and still is by everyone except a few of his kiss asses like Chiefs Gonzales, Tyler and Katz. I felt like leaving. Glad I stayed, as it's much better now, no infighting or stress within our dept. I saw first hand what a truly bad/horrible leader can do to a dept in such a short time. He had very competent staff, but would not allow them to do their jobs, he micro managed our dept to death and ran good leaders off and promoted his puppets, except for chief Reese whose a great guy.
So APD officers hang tight until this admin is gone and hopefully you will get better leadership!
Where is the outcry? Where is the brotherhood? The poor 34 didn't just died. ONE OF OURS TOOK HIS LIFE AND WE ARE SILENT. GOD DAMN SILENT AND FOR THAT WE DESERVE TO BE DAMNED BY GOD HIMSELF! If we can't even stand up for the weakest of our own, then it's time we WAKE UP and really change. Not just bitch about it. Citizens are asking how many more shootings? Maybe we need to ask how many more bad managers? How much more media bull shit about great leadership? How much more internal bull shit? How many more sleepless nights from the stress? How many more coworkers trying to drink away the stress? How many more failed marriages? How many more good cops leaving the job? How many more coworkers are thinking about suicide?
Michelle Campbell,,,hahaha,,,she's only an officer because her daddy, former Chief Richard Campbell got her into the academy and got her passed. another example of nepotism, and she also only passed ojt because of her daddy.
Campbell?!What a joke of a supervisor she is!!Pays to have family to help you. And talk about sleeping around?!!
RIP 34, thank you for your service.
The "brotherhood" is bullshit. It's all about me and myself.
Houston was a disgrace and embarrassment to BCSO, so glad that old man is gone. Can't wait to catch him doing something wrong! He now attends my church, we all laugh when we see him there.
Dan Houston was BCSO's biggest joke!
Crazy Dan lost the election because he was stupid, mean, racist, and vindictive! Is it any wonder why so many command staff left his administration. The man was just a total idiot and the citizens of Bernalillo County saw that. He received the least amount of votes in the primary, that speaks a lot about the guy. Houston and Gallagher will go done as BCSO's two worst sheriff's. I don't know of the two, which one was worse, they were both self serving corrupt men!
I do hope APD can come back after the Berry/Perry and Eden circus that they have experienced over the years. That however, won't happen until Berry and Perry are long gone!
Dan Houston was the kid that got picked on in school. He probably sat in the corner eating paste. What a douche.
Crazy Dan Houston has no friends now, even his two puppets Matt Gonzalez and Jason Katz jumped on the Scott Baird wagon giving Scott money for the sheriff's race. They don't even associated with Houston any longer. Katz and Gonzalez saw a sinking ship and started kissing Scott's rear immediately without Houston ever knowing!
@February 20, 2015 at 8:10:00 AM MST
You hit the nail right on the head. I can add a few more.
Montano: Possibly influenced the hiring process for his beau since she failed the poly, once in, she gets new cars (over senior 34's), gets officer of the month (just for being in his care), I mean really? All the good things officers do and she gets it?
Olvera: That is one brain dead cop. He boasts about his partying narco days and shits on one of his own? Two faced piece of shit. and speaking of two faced,
Roseman: fucking boot licker.
I feel for you guys who are still here. Retire while you can. It's not gonna get any better.
Gonterman is a POS as well, just saying.
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