The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Sep 20, 2015


Recently our Eyes told us about the problem with rape kits not being processed at A.P.D. Seems there are 1,300 rape kits; a shocking number in itself. Out of the 1,300 kits 300 have been processed and 1000 still need be processed. Here is an even bigger problem; the statute of limitations is running and on some cases it has already run. Results: it’s too late to prosecute.
So now the excuses start, we don't have enough people to do the work, some of the victims decided they did not want to go forward and we don't have the money. Let’s take these excuses one by one.
Here is a clue for you brain trusts at A.P.D. Brass, HIRE SOME PEOPLE TO GET THE WORK DONE.
Let’s be generous, if there were 100 people that decided not to go forward that still leaves 900 victims being further victimized by A.P.D.
Last but not least the lack of funds. Many of you may not know that The City is self-insured, that means all the tens of millions of dollars in lawsuit settlements come right from your pocket and city services are cut to compensate for the loses.
Now we are sure at The Eye, if it was a politician’s family member or relative the rape kit would be processed before the end of the day. But who cares we are sure the victims are nobody's just like the rest of us. We all remember the brave young mother, Millisa Torrez, who watched as David Hernandez snatched her little girl off the street. Mrs. Torrez chased Hernandez in her vehicle crashing her vehicle into his to save her daughter.  What happens next, charges are dropped by the District Attorney Office and A.P.D. STARTED POINTING FINGERS AT ONE ANOTHER.  Here is the end result; Mrs. Hernandez and her daughter become victimized by the system.  The shame of it all is Mrs. Torrez and her daughters are nobody's right? What do you think would have happened if a politician’s daughter would have been snatched off the street? You see, the politicians want us to forget and go away; after all we are nobody's.
Here is a suggestion for the Brain Trusts in charge in the City.  Give up half your fat salary and get the job done. We know you have plenty of cash; we, know you Mayor just purchased a home in Red River.  How many of you nobody's can have two homes. How many of us don't even have one? WE MUST NEVER FORGET THE NOBODY’S! For it is the NOBODY’S that pay the bills for the City, County and the State.
We have said it here since the start of the Eye On Albuquerque; We the People, For the people and By the people.  Seem pretty simply…


Anonymous said...

That's not just another home. That's the newest sexcapade pad. There are eyes in Red River as well, and those eyes see everyone who comes and goes. Just might be some security video that captures what those eyes see. Got to ask yourself, why Red River?

Anonymous said...

How many officers are we "short" ?
Remember, these are people that are in the budget, like two hundred of them.
Paying for ten people at some masterfully outrageous salary (say like, a fifth of the salary that boiled-egg-eyed Ginger freak is stealing from us to watch while the DOJ implements meaningless changes?) to process rape kits, we'd STILL be saving money by the fistful over what we are going to spend when someone figures out that they should sue the city for not working fast enough to secure justice for them in a rape case:
" I was raped, and saw no justice because you refused to hire the manpower to process my case in a timely manner, despite there clearly being a budget surplus for it due in large part to your inability to find NEARLY enough honest people willing to come work with the criminals you're letting run the show at APD.."
...yeah, like that....or you know, like when some woman is raped by a guy who could only be free because they hadn't processed the rape kit that would have run him down and put him away long ago? Yeah, like that....

Honestly, this isn't even about not having the money.

This is about the assholes who went and got jobs with the city because it's a great place to steal what you cannot earn through competence, and the way they simply cannot pay money they could hoard for no reason except to punctuate their greed.....
Your chosen leaders are a reflection of the care and intellect with which you elect and watch over them, Albuquerque. And they started making you look careless and stupid long ago.....

Anonymous said...

We are the problem. We vote (or don't) for "our leaders" then let them run things into the ground. Do we do anything ? No, we just let them continue to pad their wallets at our expense! Their is a recall process but do we use it ? No and if someone dare to mention recall the beuracracy makes it so that one looses interest in the process before it can get started. Why because the ones in office wrote the guidelines for the recall process. Term limits and no lawyers as politicians is a good start. But we have to start by Voting in the first place. If tou want to see for yourself look at the way the Biopark Tax is written. Sounds like a bond proposal in disguise and the voters are none the wiser. Like I said leave to the lawyers and this is what you get a FIFTEEN YEAR TAX

Anonymous said...

Follow an offender and APD spokesman chastise the victim. How is it that if a crime is committed no one is available to respond , complain and PIOS come out of the wood work. If certified , trained and trained again WHY are Badges called on to be PIOS instead of responding to the calls the citizens are being lambasted for? Why do we spend so much on training officers only to have them serve as PIOS? What a waste of tax dollars . I hope the uniformed PIOS respond cause I have a real problem with Four different uniforms doing PIO work. Maybe APD can get its new academy director to start a PIO only academy. Don't worry citizens the calls will be answered After we find a PIO to bullshit the victims.

Anonymous said...

Oh come on eye.....the mayor had one of the most difficult decisions he's ever had to make. Hire more people to run tests on the rape kits or give all the commanders and above a $12,000 bonus. What a horrible delima he was facing. Risk losing what he says are some of the best losers/leaders we've ever had or put violent felons behind bars and give hundreds of victims closure. I bet he lost tons of sleep over it. What pieces of crap berry and Eden are. You could fire the entire 5th floor tomm and it would mean absolutely nothing, life would go on and street cops would still take calls. It's nice to know they are spending thousands of dollars to change the motto on police cars back " to serve and protect" when what they really mean is well serve and protect as long as it doesn't interfere with our bonuses,pensions, or political aspirations.

Anonymous said...

Guess the mayor doesn't think rape victims vote. And yes mayor berry we saw through your nm mayors meeting. It was kind of obvious you were just planting the seed of running for higher office. But us northern New Mexicans aren't stupid our mayor came back laughing but enjoyed the opportunity to visit relatives in the big city. Your a fraud. But I guess you would fit right in with the other crooks in DC

Anonymous said...

We all know Perry won't look in your direction. It's hard for him to focus when he's always boozed up. Hard to believe no one has pulled him over for DWI yet. Or has he? Hmmmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

Only 1300? You must not have been there when Kathy Levy and Schultz ordered all the rape kits outside the state statute to be destroyed. Adams actually protested it for about three seconds. FBI went ballastic. The kits covered when west mesa was active, the toy box killer, and a few out of state serial killers who passed thru Albuquerque.
Great to see new chief is same as the old. Delay, deny, destroy. Still diverting the grant from paying to work rape kits to buying new cars and comp time for command staff?
How many times will citizens and the media pretend this is the first time?

Anonymous said...

Kathy Levy will be in prison. €~~~€***|||~~. ....///) €~~~~€ ::::()::::