The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Oct 9, 2015

Change is Needed

As reported in the Albuquerque Journal, Councilman Ken Sanchez proposed for one million dollars to be set aside.  This would provide a raise for the Albuquerque Police Department (APD); an increase of 2.7 million dollars. The question is, where is the money going to come from? 

We all know if the APD didn't have to pay out tens of millions of dollars in lawsuits, there would be plenty of money.  If the City didn't waste money redoing projects that were never done right in the first place, there would be plenty of money. If the City didn't waste money on this joke of a recycle program, there would be plenty of money.  Here is one suggestion that may help, exclude the top brass from any pay raise(s). 

You see Councilman Sanchez, any study ever done shows money is not the main reason people stay at a job.  People want to enjoy their work, feel respected by their supervisors, and feel secure in their position(s). You have none of this with the APD!   Top brass give themselves bonuses and take away from the rank and file officer the money was meant for in the first place.  What kind of leader does this?   These people are not leaders they only take care of themselves.

Our Eyes tell us they have heard top brass bragging that the only reason they are there is to add to their already huge retirement.  Our Eyes in the police department tell us they are afraid of their job, it’s like walking on egg shells, waiting for the next shoe to drop.  They are not afraid of the bad guys, they are afraid of the top brass, the good ol’ boys.  

Councilman Sanchez, thank you for trying to help. It is a step in the right direction, but until the culture changes at the APD and appointed politicians stop running the department, things will not change, and officers will continue to leave.


Anonymous said...

If you haven't figured it out yet, Ken ( no backbone) Sanchez is priming us up for his run for Alcalde!! Never done anything of importance while on council and now pandering to APD. Why didn't he introduce legislation to take away bonuses the brass received . Count the number of times he blinks during an interview and you will know the number of times he bullshitting himself and us. Ask Ken why no legislation and you will receive the most baffling civics lesson you have ever heard. You go Ken, same old same old. By the way let us in on your big secret as to your pick for APD Chief, as if we don't already know.

Anonymous said...

Ken Sanchez has been on the City Council now for over 12 years, he has done absolutely nothing to stop the corruption at APD, and his proposal for more money for APD rank and file is nothing more than pure political pandering now that he is running for Mayor. This is the same Ken Sanchez who voted to confirm Darren White as Chief Public Safety Officer, who never demanded action against Ray Schultz, who publicly supported Chief Allen Banks as a great chief, who did not challenge Rob Perry when APD top brass were called in to intimate the City Council. I am hoping Sanchez does run for Mayor this time like he has promised to do twice before so that he will finally loose and we can get him off the Council.

Anonymous said...

It's really too bad the "top brass" doesn't read this AND take it to heart. YUP GOOD people have left and they continue to leave, and it will continue to happen......not to mention the longer they drag their feet for promotions just makes those people that much closer to retirement ALSO want to leave.

Anonymous said...

But APD has 3.3 mil to buy a car lot to put in it all the cars impounded for DUI ?

Berry is a fucktard said...

Don't get your hopes up on Sanchez just yet. I've kept an eye on Sanchez over the years and while a nice guy with his heart in the right place, I have heard him talk a lot but never follow anything through. He just doesn't have the tough guy balls to stand up and fight to the bitter end. This is why he'll never be mayor. Even he does get it approved by council, do you honestly think strawBerry shortcake and his butt-licker staff won't pull a fast one to derail it? You all know something will be taken from you to offset the raise. He's done it to you multiple times now.

Anonymous said...

This is ok but Doyle and Woolever get railroaded? APD is run by criminals.

Anonymous said...

New SOP for APD: Use any vehicle at hand to take down the suspect>

Anonymous said...

This rag is such a pathetic joke.

Anonymous said...

APD hell, the whole city administration is run by criminals!!

Anonymous said...

The Department has the money to buy the empty lot for all the impounded cars because there are still quite a few hard working officers out there doing their jobs night after night arresting drunks and people driving on revoked licenses. There would be a heck of a lot more money in the DWI Unit if certain brass did not take from the unit and use that money for things such as, office furniture, toys that are not needed just to name a few things. The APD brass has always played the shell game with the money the DWI Unit makes.

Anonymous said...

On another topic; it's amazing to watch the Clinton/democrat/media complex flex it's muscle from the local level to the national. Two days ago the local news stations started up with reports on how much money the Benghazi investigation is costing then pre-debate the other candidates are told not to mention Hillary's email problems or risk being "cut off" from all democrat money's. Then the socialist Bernie tells us we are sick of the email controversy and it's time to move on to the people's business! Boy did he get the message! And all this comes after Hillary deleted, lied and obstructed for months, making the investigation go much longer than needed, then the "party" blames the committee for wasting the taxpayers money! One thing is quite obvious: THOSE EMAILS AREN'T GOOD! The democrat party looks more like a mafia family than a political party to me.

Anonymous said...

APD no longer takes accident reports. They will show up give you a CAD number and hide behind a building so that they can watch you tube. What the hell are we paying taxes for??????

Anonymous said...

I would guess there is more to sanchez's generous attitude than just wanting to help the cops. How much of that million will go to more raises for the chiefs staff? What kind of kickbacks are the union goons gonna get? It's funny how the mayor and chief now require more college but they think most cops are too stupid to figure simple math. The only people that are eligible to retire and stay are just straight up stupid. It's been written before, even if a field officer was given a $2 an hour raise, which they won't. They still lost the bonus and other pay, and it only comes out to $4,000 a year. Get a job after you retire even making minimum wage and you make over $16,000. A job at UNM gets you over $35000 a year. Come on people stop falling for the crap and wake up. The mayor and chiefs staffs are crooks. The DOJ has done nothing to fix the leadership. More hidden emails, cops still hitting crooks with cars and beating on them. If your eligible to retire or can buy time, RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So the chief said the new recruiting video better represents what our officers are doing. Ahhhh's an idea for a video and sanchez's million can help finance it. Show a a bunch of brass up on the fifth floor fighting like little school kids, talking crap behind everyone's back, then going into their offices so they can use the kdt to ensure their girlfriends aren't spending too much time on calls with other guys. Then show a Lt shooting his own officer, destroying his life, but the LT still enjoying life before he gets a 50,000 pension, then end it with the chief hiring all of his political buddy's friends while his own officers get screwed on a daily basis. They can still use the balloons and pretty horses.

Anonymous said...

Hey Albuquerque, your president is going to close gitmo and they're looking at a couple Colorado prisons to put the friendly terrorists in; why don't we start writing our senators and congressmen and bring them here! What a wonderful gesture of compassion, forgiveness and open minded progressive thinking that would be! We the taxpayers and citizens can work even longer hours to feed, house, clothe and keep those innocent terror suspects who have been fucked over by America these many years. Oh, ye fools who voted for this jackass! You may be thinking why does someone keep harping on Obummer constantly? What I'm pointing out is the pure folly of the left and that if you look to dumbocrats and liberals for answers to our city's problems you aren't going to solve any of them; in fact you will make them worse.

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe the officers deserve more money. But once again, by Sanchez continuously throwing money at the problem, it just shows how he doesn't listen and is out of touch with the police department. Didn't the council recently throw down a crap load of money on a survey? Didn't the survey show that money was not the main reason they we're leaving?

Anonymous said...

Or maybe the officers that started this "culture" will leave and it will turn around simply by attrition. Blaming solely the union, the leadership, the politicians, the liberals etc, etc etc is just crying in yer beer, Stealth. Grow up and try finding solutions instead of whining all the time, we get it time to do something about it already....

Anonymous said...

Attrition? Wow, there's a 5th floor solution for you. Especially considering almost all of the officers getting in trouble have less that 10 years on and the new crop they are "forcing" to graduate now have to do 25 years for retirement. And the solutions keep coming and continue to be ignored. The eye along with other watch groups pleaded for the mayor to not hire Eden. It's to the point now where the corruption and incompetence is on the surface for everyone to see. The eye reports it but the corrupt politicians that we elected to look into it, does nothing. APD has everything a large corporation would love to have. Numerous officers have secondary degrees, hundreds are military vets, many came from the corporate world, but god forbid they actually get the officers ideas. As for stealth......keep reporting the crap and giving people a place to vent and expose the crooks. Your doing more that you should. We've already seen what they will do to someone who exercises freedom of speech.

Anonymous said...

3:45 Yes, attrition! That means that all the whinny crybabies leave by retiring and taking their PERA money else where as evidenced by the past and present posts on this site. "Almost" is a term only relevant in hand grenades & horseshoes. At least one getting ready for trial just recently retired, so much for your statement on officers getting in trouble with less than 10 years. Let's see was the Lt that shot his subordinate 8 times not a veteran officer? Again exposing the "crooks" as you claim stealth does, without SOLID paperwork and proof is just innuendo and comes across as disgruntled employee. Also speaking of rebublican'ts you are similar with lots of complaints with no solutions....sad.