The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jun 23, 2016


We here at the EYE have noticed a trend here in our city and state.
As those who do bad things to others, are selfish, perverted, arrogant, and are just plain outright disgusting representations of a somewhat human form get caught, called out, and hunted down, they vapor. That's right, those who would otherwise have everyone fooled into thinking they are pillars of the establishment, are being exposed. As with what happens with a weak, superficial, fraudulent, knockoff, it can't take the heat and light; much like a SNOWFLAKE. It may not snow much here in Albuquerque, but it sure is a target rich SNOWFLAKE environment. So, in the name of the everyone gets an award philosophy, we do not want to leave anyone out, especially those self serving attention seekers. The deserving recipients will be bestowed monthly, sometimes two and three at a time, because we here at the Eye have an unorthodox way of getting our message across, but we do get it across.


Anonymous said...

Yo eye

It's puff, puff, pass.

Anonymous said...

I nominate the Hawkes family for this award. When the sunlight comes in them in that all they do is "adopt" at risk kids for the increased state subsidy and then dump the mid out on the street, they will melt like the fame suds they are. Bunch of frauds, if they cared so much for their meth head daughter she wouldn't have been staying with another family. If they cared about their meth head daughter, she wouldn't have been elsewhere for her three previous birthdays or Christmases. Fuck you Hawkes family, you know the truth, it's all about money and always has been.

Anonymous said...

Hear we go again... Another turd is killed in this city and suddenly the dead turd has LOVING FAMILY MEMBERS that crawl out like cockroaches from the woodwork and sue the city. They got rid of SAID TURD once it became an adult and the State money was no more. The turd wasn't doing anything but victimizing innocent people out in the world to get a fix. Now the turd is glorified in the papers because they want money. The SO CALLED FAMILY should be ashamed of themselves and the attorney representing them.

Anonymous said...

I nominate Darren "puff daddy" White. Why is it he gets front page, Journal Sunday headline coverage???

Anonymous said...

That would be District Attorney Lemuel Martinez. He prides himself as the Chief Law Enforcement Officer, yea right!!! He is so abusive to all his staff at the DA's office. He physically abused & sexually abused his assistants. He drinks & drives and who knows what else. Most of Kari Brandenburgs cases are conflicted out to his office, all the cases are either lost or dismissed by his office yet Kari gets all the blame. It's been said that he accepts bribes for cash. He keeps his employees like prisoners & doesn't allow them to breathe with a break. He needs to be ousted. I say mandatory drug testing for DA's. Perhaps a random? LMAO! Check out all the billboards with his name about DWI, I challenge all area law enforcement to keep an eye on him in their districts, bet you'll catch his ass DWI! Fuckin pervert loser!

Anonymous said...

It was a slow day for news that's why Darren SQUARE HEAD White was in the paper. Bet he is going to pay the Journal for the article with the PRODUCT..

Anonymous said...

I nominate Dingle's Dilbert for June's Snowflake of the month. Watching him melt on camera was hilarious.

When will the arrests at the Planning Department commence?

Anonymous said...

I nominate Batshit Pete "I feel like an idiot" Kassetas for July's Snowflake award.

When will the arrests at NMSP for perjury and felonious acts commence?.

Anonymous said...

Can a person that uses medical marijuana and then drives a vehicle be arrested for DWI? Or is that a get out of arrest and jail free card?

Anonymous said...

You car is an extension of your house... You can smoke in it but as soon as you turn that key it's a dui!