The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Nov 8, 2016

Election night message to Mayor Berry and his malfeasants

Mayor Berry,

As the election comes to an end tonight realize this. You, and your handler Martinez have betrayed the  city of Albuquerque. You have destroyed the police department, by using officers to burn as firewood to cover for Schultz's antics and corruption. You have covered up harrassment in the work place, as you protected slime like Mark Shepherd who likes to torment women. You covered for Ray Schultz, who broke the law, and ran away like scared little girl. You have given your bloated, red faced tick CAO Perry a multiple raises for being a coward, bully, and your henchman. You have lied your ass off to the entire city. You have snubbed the citizens. You have bullied the small business man, while kissing the ass of big business for your own benefit. You have rammed your bullshit bus transportation scheme down the throats of a city that opposes it, and used their tax monies to fight their opposition to it, so that you can hook up your asshole cronies. This is only the tip.

Let us introduce your worthless ass to our tip.  No matter which way this goes, the sights of change and justice are ligning up, and accountability will be addressed. You thought riding the fence, and trying to act as if you were not supporting anyone in the presidential race was a smart decision? It was the perfect example of your makeup; a coward. That decision to make no decision was a bad decision, because both will unleash their own repercussions for your actions. We have forwarded the attacks your close minions have posted on social media to the appropriate campaign directors, and know this, you and Schultz should have thought twice before you drew blood on some of those you chose to, because you just never know who is friends with who. That's what you cowards say, isn't it? Well, lets just say this. As suprising as this election has been, it's just getting started. The people are fed up, and they are now having a say. People will no longer tolerate being steamrolled, lied to, and fed shit.

One election almost down, one to go. Get some anxiety medication, and keep in touch with Ray, because you will need to get your stories strait. The chickens are coming home. There will be no sanctuary for the corrupt.

Cheers Scum Bag,
The Eye


Anonymous said...

Berry already said he isn't going to run for reelection so stop acting like your awesome journalism and investigative skills are pushing him out. He is a piece of shit and has been for almost 2 terms, he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself and his friends that have become rich off of his stupid projects. He has a few more palms to grease, like the rehire cop bullshit idea, then he'll move on and try for another office. If this election shows us anything, its that past behavior doesn't prevent people from getting elected. Hell you just elected a county commissioner that has 5 DWIs, but hey he was on a TV show promoting meth so lets put him in charge.

Anonymous said...

5:44. Sound like a Paiz got her panties ruffled and your right it was Your past that came back to haunt you. Stop trying to run everything and just go away. You could always get a job at Paiz Plaza Apt.

Anonymous said...


Calm down Bill Reed.

Stealth said...

November 9, 2016 at 5:44:00 PM MST,

Well.... Ok. No shit Sherlock.
And if some of you attention whores would quit looking for Pulitzers, and being little bitches with information, so you can claim you scooped someone, instead of keeping focus on the problem at hand we are all dealing with, just maybe more misfortune will befall these assholes a little more steadily. Instead we have a few clown sissise who sit on intel in hopes of being some kind of hero. Fact is, we ARE one of their biggest headaches. Why knock a source you agree with unless you aren't getting the attention you so seek. We could care less who gets the word out, as long as it gets out, and that's what we are here for. Catch our drift?

The Eye

Anonymous said...

The Blue State will have to keep singing the blues. Since our new president most likely will not favor giving any money to NM after both Martinez and Berry didn't even attend one of his visits.
Martinez and Berry have already put up the wall around the state that is last on every good list and first on every crime list.

Anonymous said...

All politicians are always in it for themselves. They all say what people want to hear then once in office change their attitudes because MONEY talks. Paul Pa Cheeeeeee Co is a perfect example. He was so far up Susanna's ass, Patricia Paiz would turn out to be the same. If elected she would find someone and stick close to them.