The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jul 30, 2018

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.” - Bruce Lee

The above quote was taken from Bruce Lee many years ago. It involves adaptation. This saying is very powerful, when used as a means to push through difficulties, or to overcome obstacles, but it can be just as bad when used in the opposite direction and someone chooses to apply the “if you can’t beat them join them mentality to it.” Albuquerque NM is the result of this.

Since the Chavez administration, people have been calling for investigations into and prosecution of public corruption, along with true reform. Berry was elected, because he said what people wanted to hear, then he fell in line with those who knew the ropes within the city, to symbiotically further their agendas. In doing so, he destroyed the city through deception, evasiveness, dishonesty, vindictiveness, retaliation, fabrication, and fraud. 

The Berry administration used a corrupted city attorney’s office to assist him in the articulation of his actions, and the actions of those below him, who completed his orders. We have all seen the cases that the city was involved in to retaliate against those who spoke up fall to pieces after they were exposed. In all of those cases, those responsible unprofessionally ran their mouths collectively, right up until they got caught in lie after lie, and then it was no comment. Ten years ago, IPRA was not very popular, as many didn’t know their way around the law as laymen. That has changed drastically, as those being kept in the dark of the lies going on on the 14th and 11th floors of City Hall, and the 5th floor of the Albuquerque Police Department Main Building became tired of the run around, and began holding the liars responsible for evading open government by suing them. 

As citizens exercised their rights to public information, public servants actively violated the law by destroying evidence in administrative cases, and  wrongfully quoting case law in order to bluff their way out of providing requested materials that would cast certain police brass, and public officials in a bad light. Upon petitioners winning many of these cases, or someone leaking the info out, it has been found out that those within the police department and city administration were just trying to keep people from getting to the truth. That is a fact. Those serving the public did, and do not want the public, and the victims of their actions to know the truth. Many crimes were concealed. 

The last administration was famous for throwing up smoke screens, playing the shell game, and using smoke and mirrors along with timing positive publicity within the media with the word getting out about things they were trying to keep a lid on. 

Con man /ˈkän man/   noun informal
  1. a man who cheats or tricks someone by gaining their trust and persuading them to believe something that is not true.

So many people spoke of owning the mistakes, and exposing the wrongdoing as a means to fix the problematic issues at hand. It was discussed almost daily about bringing in genuine individuals to address the corruption. If there were no corruption, these discussions would have never come up, so it is self-evident through this process that there was and still is corruption. Total transparency was spoken about as if there were no other way. No other way that is until political careers and those pledged to help those become threatened that he get decided to not carry the water, but put forth the illusion of change as they became the water. 

When you do not change the whole environment when it is rotten to the core, what you fill it with what has no option but to rot. It’s like putting on someone else’s shitted in pair of pants, or wrapping your lunch in the tin foil from last weeks lunch. 

In politics, politicians will be friendly with anyone who will get them votes. Here, politicians are even more unusual as they will change parties, and sometimes do a 180 degree turn from what they once stood for, because of a political agenda, greed and power, that causes them to lose sight of what is right. When this happens, it is because they never really were truthful about themselves. 

Things are so bad in the leadership pool in our city and state, that alliances that were in their infancy we were told about before the election were made. We disapproved of, and voiced the facts about them. Decisions were made, because better candidates turned down appointed positions because they knew how bad it was within APD. The poison runs deep and the desperation is evident. There is nobody. 

Plenty of con men found their way onto APD, and promoted up the ranks. Plenty more frauds are still here, and they do not know the first thing about what it is to be a police officer. 

Last week the Mayor hired the chief of Police of Bosque Farms as the commander of the APD police academy and she showed up for a press interview with the media dressed like a waitress in a police costume. 

There have been studies over the last few years concerning the decline of law enforcement as a profession. Many concluded how the wrong people were chosen, and how they rose up through the ranks to destroy policing as we knew it. This is a very sound conclusion, when you look at the Albuquerque Police Department. Here you have individuals being hired and or retained out of desperation, or because they had an in politically. 

Decades ago, there was a uniform standard for men and women, and that standard was used to show discipline and a command presence. Command presence is the first step in diffusing a situation before it begins, if you know anything about being a cop in the streets. The first thing a violent criminal sees is the first officer responding arriving to deal with him when they arrive. When you look like a pushover, or soup sandwich, you are more likely to be tested, or outright killed. Many career criminals have been interviewed about what they did during the commission of a violent crime against an officer, and they admitted the first thing they saw was someone they knew they could take. 

Back to the new APD police academy commander...
This new hire stated she has a plan. She showed up wearing dangling earrings with a bouffant hairdo, and bright red lipstick, talking about getting away from chasing bad guys. She wants to change the culture. 

This administration hired Angela Byrd to head up the police academy. If statements are correct this new hire only worked on the streets as a uniformed patrol officer responsible for addressing issues practically as those she is responsible for training, for only four years. In APD, that is not even the 5 years experience needed to become a sergeant. This commander went to a UC unit after 4 years for the last two years of her career. If that is all true and does not include academy time or rounded up to the next year time, she was only an officer for 6 years. After that, it was schools and teaching from there, then appointed positions. That is not twenty plus years in law enforcement. 

We have been hearing that there has been claiming of a long career in law enforcement. To us, a long career in law enforcement means wearing a uniform, out from behind a desk, risking your life, and yes, chasing bad guys around. Hell... even attempting to chase a bad guy around. 

Mrs. Byrd came into law enforcement at a time during the above discussed uniform standards, which were put in place in order to protect officers, and not as in today’s philosophy, to suppress their self expression. Women wore post earrings, so as not to have them ripped out. They wore their hair up in a bun, so as not to get dragged around by it, and they wore modest make up, so as to look professional, and have a viable command presence. 

APD and those leading the police department have no clue about what they are doing, because those who have no clue are making the choices, and telling people they have a plan, when they do not have the mentality of a police officer, and they do not know what community policing is. They are also too busy being concerned with image instead of being genuine. 

Back at a time when this all started to go down hill was the time for officers to genuinely get out of their cars, and talk to people, gain their trust, and do things for them. Those actions combined with reciprocal treatment from the public, regardless of the appearance of an incident, until all the facts come forth is true community policing. Pretentiously taking photo ops, or these coffee sessions are not community policing. It is placating, and pacifying the community. The truth is that those whom you want to reach, are not going to show up at pop with a cop, or to some other pretentious event that is only a response, or reaction meant to put a band aid on the real issue. If you want real mistrust keep patronizing people and avoiding the undesirable topics that are plaguing people’s lives. 

While atrocious events were covered up, that lead to the divide in trust we now have, there should have been outreach, but as usual, inexperience has lead to another improper remedy of softening our approach to an out of control, violent crime epidemic, by acting like talking to purely evil, violent, repeat offenders is the only answer, along with teaching officers to be less aggressive. Think about hiring competent, able bodied officers, who are mentally stable, and can harness that aggression appropriately, in order to proportionally, legally, fairly, and efficiently bring the fight to the bad guys. How about properly sending the message to criminals, through the proper, controlled amount of aggression, teaching our officers how to go hands on, and backing them when they do, no matter how it looks until proven otherwise instead of lying to make it look so?  How about teaching them when to use deadly force, and giving them the confidence and trust in their own administration, before saying you are going to change the culture of an administration forged in pay to play, nature at play, patron system of government, dishonesty, and known for destroying lives? 

Community policing is having the trust of the community, in a way that officers and the public have a trust between them that conclusions no longer need to be drawn, and the community is comfortable enough to wait for the conclusion of an investigation that they have faith in is fair. You will never please everyone and acting like you can is another big lie. Community policing is the community having the trust in officers enough to go to them with their problems, knowing the officer will try to help them. Community policing is meeting impromptu with the public, anytime anywhere. Community policing is genuine. It just flows. Community policing takes a while to take root, but once it does, it enables officers to do their jobs with community support. The problem here with community policing is that the administration, and their antics are the flies in the ointment. 

This administration seems it would rather have malleable court jesters in uniform who are harmless and  un-imposing, rather than a professional in shape officer, who knows when to turn it on and when to turn it off. 

The words “change the culture” continue to come out of the mouths of every one in this administration, as they continued to become the polluted water of the filthy vessel it is contained in, and words continue to dictate the exact opposite of the actions going on. 

Mrs. Byrd is friends with Jack Jones who runs the APD range. Jones was the director of the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy during the allegations of fraud concerning master instructor certifications. We think an audit of those certifications and sign offs need to be completed, because the city recently settled a whistleblower lawsuit to make all of that go away too.

We can see the path the water is moving in, and it is as usual to the lowest point and it is the path of least resistance.

Just as much as the last administration has used the city attorneys to contrive and deflect from what is going on, by making up excuses, delaying, or refusing to be transparent, this administration is just as bad. They are using the same tricks, and they are doing it just as badly as the last. The sad thing is that it is selfishly being done, in order to promote self serving agendas, despite the atrocious and dangerous level of violent crime going on. Buy hey stolen autos are down. Meanwhile we are almost at 46 homicide for the year and it is only just over half over. 

It is a slap in the face to have to listen to, and see pretentious jiberish lobbed at the public, as if they are stupid. The only thing different here is that this administration is talking their heads off about kissing babies, while the city is burning, thinking everyone is stupid. 

Our advice is to just get up off of the information concerning the IA cases involving Garcia the other officers involved and any possible city counselors before the cover up becomes worse than the crime like we al, know it does. 

It always looks worse when an inbound IPRA lawsuit has to pull the truth out. 

It looks even worse when other cases come to light and a collapse happens when all of this could have been avoided by honesty and sticking to plan A. 

For a little more on this issue, we recommend you read Dennis Domrzalski over at the Abq Report. 


Thank You,
The Eye


Anonymous said...

city has full confidence in commander Byrd great person will teach new recruits what real law enforcement work is all about will follow through on department of justice reform agreement we could not have made a better pick we want to thank former commander Sullivan for all his hard work and for bringing things to our attention that will make the new recruits to the Albuquerque police department have the right tools to work in our city he is a great guy and we wish him all the best all employees of the city of Albuquerque are more than welcome to express there feelings about decisions we are making we take every member of the department thoughts under great consideration when making important final determinations we want to thank all members of the city and APD for all there great and hard work

Anonymous said...

APD southeast area command is fully staffed reports of officers not wanting to bid or work in that area false and misleading not accurate southeast has a great command staff the city is aware it is a high crime area and officers are more likely to use force in that area command the chief and his command staff have discussed that with the commander and community leaders everyone is on the same page we welcome anyone who has anything to say to please join the chief and APD leadership at upcoming community meeting our goal is always to serve and protect the citizens of the city while also enforcing community policing so everyone feels respected

Anonymous said...

congratulations Geier/Keller, you've actually done what I didn't think was possible, certainly not this early on. You've officially made things worse than Eden/Berry. Not an easy task, but way to go! At least Sullivan was a cop. This lady is a joke! How can you be in charge of the State's biggest LE academy and you've never actually been a cop??? This department is ruined, run away--fast! I would recommend that anyone who can, move away from Albuquerque, quickly.

Anonymous said...

Posting a quote from a B movie, dead marshal arts actor. This Eye post is one of the biggest piles of horse shit you have ever published. It is putting lipstick on the Keller political pig and trying to sound so smart. Keller is the classic political opportunists. He was Republican and became Dem to run against Democrat drunk senator, did not finish a term and ran for State Auditor and once elected could not move out of the war zone fast enough to country club area. Did not finish one term as auditor to run for Mayor saying he was going to change APD and then hires old guard and nothing changes. The Eye could not suck Keller off enough during the election and now posts horshit like this. You have become to Keller what the Journal was to Berry. You are pathetic.

Stealth said...

August 1, 2:53,
If you have read out last few entries, you would see we are growing tired of exactly what you stated. We are sorry that you are so angry and we understand your frustration. The title is metaphor for exactly what is going on. We can’t please everyone. Maybe you can.

Anonymous said...

Nice try! Sullivan exposed your corrupt academy testing and you fired him for it. Good luck with your lawsuit John. I'm retired, but I'll chip in to help. Someone has to stand up to these bullies.

Anonymous said...

Has Jodi Gonterman cleaned out her desk yet? Take your knee pads and get to stepping..

Anonymous said...

Its not that were angry with APD but why can't they be selective in their hiring practices. We are bringing in about 40 retires to help but the lateral class has 34s from other agencies who couldln't make APD before so why now? Cuz we are desperate and are lowering our standards that's why. That's why we are pissed. We want everyone to go through an APD Academy.

Anonymous said...

Angela Byrd- when she accepted the Chief's position in at BPD she stated she did not want to work at a large department. Its a shame there is no one at APD that could run the academy.

Anonymous said...

Angie also lives with Jack Jones! Wonder what they talk about on their pillows? Jacks a pervert!! Kassetas screwed her too

Anonymous said...

Yesterday the city administration tried to get out ahead of what is going on, but nobody asked the million dollar question!
The question everyone should be asking is what case did Garcia tamper with, and who was involved in this case. I can tell you from what I am seeing on the inside that they do not want this to get out, because it is going to open a huge can of worms, proving that those within APD who want to influence the direction of investigations have been doing it for years. They know that there are other cases connected to what Garcia did, and it will start an uncontrollable domino effect. It will be their end of this gets out. And for anyone wanting to know it has everything to do with what is going on here and certain politicians in city government. If you think the criminal investigations are bad you haven’t seen anything until you audit Internal Affairs. They have made people look guilty who weren’t and have covered up crimes for those who were guilty. The only ryme to the reasoning was weather on not they needed a scapegoat at the time, if you were connected or if you weren’t and the incident getting out would get egg on someone’s face who was in a high position.

The Eye nailed it with Byrd too. Her certs are total bullshit. She was hooked up by her boyfriend Jack Jones who was the law enforcement academy director at the time. They fluffed up her qualifications to meet the requirements and NMLEA instructors lied about her being present for the required hours needed to fulfill her master certification requirements. They rubber stamped all of her certs, and tried to claim her education covered most of it. She was given certs for intermediate and master instructor on the same day! That is how stupid they are. This was all at the time they were claiming everyone was master instructor certified in defensive tactics, and they got caught forging an APD instructors name on a compliance report causing a lawsuit when they got caught. She claims a cert of expert in physical fitness. I want to see her demonstrate all of the control techniques and do 10 push-ups. These liars need to be called on the mat for this because it is now worse than it was with the last administration. The DOJ needs to grow a set of balls and do something drast now or they have lost any credibility they thought they had.

You are right, everyone is still connected. Those who were responsible for some really dirty shit are just in different positions but they are still pulling the same shit. None of this will end until the FBI indicts a few of them. Want this to end? Come down on them, and take everything in their lives away.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that former Commander Jennifer Garcia is only demoted for getting caught doing something totally UNBECOMING of an officer? If anyone else had done what she did, they would have been fired and their law enforcement certification would be stripped away.

Anonymous said...

Let's see how long LIE TENANT Garcia lasts in the field. When there is a BID an inside slot will suddenly appear and she will get it. I feel sorry for anyone that is stuck working for her until the BID. She is a disgrace to hard working, honest officers. Be sure to make copies of all your 42's from now on in case she decides to change another one.

Anonymous said...

Anyone remember the Clifton Bloomfield blunders? The DNA results sitting on a Sgt desk and when he found it he just kept it a secret a little longer. Yeah, Shitz didn't do anything to him we just paid off the two magazine salesman we had in custody a little more. Who cares right? Lets remember the wrong house the best of the best homicide detectives hit down south in Los Lunas, handcuffing the owner of the homeowner and it was the home owner who told them they are probably looking for the man next door. Oh yea, they got a sledge from a shed, the shed that wasn't on the search warrant and used it to open the door. Luv it when these best of the best detectives are prepared.

That is what happens when the good ol boy system is in place. Just like Geier is doing, Lefty Medina doing. Our Detectives walk around like they they shit and they aren't shit and its proven by their shoddy work. Shoulda left Elder there cuz you know he such a bad ass.

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that Jennifer Garcia has something on someone. That is why she wasn't fired.

Anonymous said...

Keller should not receive another vote, ever! Unless Geir and Medina are held accountable. Their two best friends (Art n Mizel) are still commanders. They both have proven corruption and criminal pasts. DO NOT VOTE KELLER!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So another shooting, likely a fatal, right now @ Copper n 7th. Rapid gunfire reported in the Westside area also. But all is well here in Killbuquerque cuz the Mayor announced with pride that the bait car program is underway
again! The gangs have taken over Killbuquerque but stolen vehicles are still a priority for the Dunce in Charge.

Every heinous crime in this cesspool is a result of illicit DRUGS. Why doesn't the Dunce of Killbuquerque get it???

LURKER said...

There is a lurker afoot. It’s in the shadows. It is going to be like your little own Chupacabra or Sasquatch. It comes from a long list of things like betrayal and corruption. This lurker will be the stuff legends are made of. Albuquerque’s own urban legend. It is just hovering and waiting. The lurker is hungry for its pounds of flesh, and it wants to eat. The lurker knows what it wants to eat, and the eatees have been on the menu for some time now. It will be like a traveling feast for the hungry NM lurker. Hurry up you dirty little fuckers. Get your s’mores and snuggle up next to the camp fire in your armored safe room. The lurker is hungry. Put the lotion on your dirty corrupt little bodies you walking twinkies because the lurker likes his meat tenderized. Where oh where are those little piggies? Where oh where can they be? Where oh where did they flee? Come here little fleeing piggy! Fatten yourself up with that pension because no good meal is too far to go when it comes to barbecue. The lurker is coming and there will be worse things to worry about than coal in your stockings. The lurker list is long and the lurker is checking if twice because you coward cunts haven’t been nice. Better hope the men in black get you before the lurker does. Booooo!

Anonymous said...

I admire The Eye for having the guts, balls, class, (whatever)for calling out Keller as not being what he appeared to be. And for opening my own eyes to the "Keller mirage". I call him a mirage because from a distance he appears to be something viable. But the closer you look into him, he is something other than what he claims he is. smh. Albuquerque takes another hit.

Anonymous said...

And yet another shooting on Central/Utah SE. Officers were close enough to hear it so the response was quick - Thank God!

Anonymous said...

Keep it up TIMe KEiLLER.

Anonymous said...

It shows a lot where the entire City is at that the Council is not allowing Jennifer's case to be released. Regardless if its Ken Sanchez step kid or not. It doesn't have a reflection on him geez the kid is an adult and made his own decision to point a gun. The concern being that in Geier's memo Jennifer admitted to changing dates why isn't she being charged with something? The public record statute is very very vague and could possibly cover this. I don't believe the video is missing, I think that is rumor, because if it is that person should be fired and criminally charged. I would bet this report isn't even at Records it is filed in someone's desk. Just like OIS reports sometimes don't get filed. I thought we were going to be transparent?

Same ol APD don't kid yourself. Just keep throwing money at 34s to get them there, the three years will be up, they will go back to BCSO and APD in same shape. Medina will be fire, just like Roger, Geier will leave cuz of stress.

Anonymous said...

I don’t know what this long ass editorial is all about but you might want to find out why Angie Byrd left that SO in Kansas. Also, isn’t it too cool that she lives with Jack Jones? Why on earth would the huggy community policing types in the Keller administration hire a guy and his girlfriend who said “evil has come to New Mexico”????

Anonymous said...

I think it’s time we start mobilizing, as a community to speak up. If we don’t act quickly, we’ll have another four years of police corruption and rising crime rates. If the mayor won’t move on from Geier, Medina, Banez, and rest of criminals running police department, we need to get rid of the mayor. Our city is completely unsafe and the cops are firing whistle blowers and dancing with children. I’ll sign the petition to remove them all.

Anonymous said...

Ken (I'm not running for mayor this time) new damn good and well that the shit was about to hit the fan. He doesn't want anymore bad publicity so he gets on the cross and saves us from himself. Ken you are long past being all you can be so man(oops) up and go the fuck away. Go play top golf or putt putt or play with yourself just go AWAY

Anonymous said...

Geier = worst chief in APD history!! this guy makes Schultz and Eden look like rock stars. Pathetic

God said...

John 4:20
Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.

Galatians 6:3
If anyone thinks they are something when they are not, they deceive themselves.

Read your own bible hypocrite.

God said...

Luke 12:12
There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known.

There you go child of God. Read that in your fraud bible study.

God said...

Matthew 23:27-28

Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. 28 In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

That about sums you political commercialized clowns up.
Bet you don’t read that part of the Bible killer.

God said...

Here’s one for you hito.
Matthew 7:5
You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye.

God said...

Matthew 5:21-22
"You have heard that the ancients were told, 'YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT MURDER' and 'Whoever commits murder shall be liable to the court.' "But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother shall be guilty before the court; and whoever says to his brother, 'You good-for-nothing,' shall be guilty before the supreme court; and whoever says, 'You fool,' shall be guilty enough to go into the fiery hell.

There you go slick. How about that one?

Anonymous said...

We can do a no confidence vote through the APOA. I know we don't care for the catering business but we don't have to buy anything just show up and vote. Don't let them table it since the 5th floor are all manipulators and they will try to have the APOA block it. What do you say.

Anonymous said...

I’m not sure why everyone is so surprised. Mike Geier couldn’t lead his way out of a paper bag. There’s a reason why Rio Rancho fired him. But, as usual, APD takes another agencies rejects. Kinda like all laterals they wanna push through too. That worked out well with Keith Sandy. Good luck

Anonymous said...

Oh god. They're bringing god into this

Anonymous said...

Way to go team Keller! During your "national search" (wink wink) you found the guy Rio Rancho fired, an illiterate who could barely run a tribal department, and a drunk bum off the streets. Great leadership for the "new APD". Surely you can't be that stupid, allegedly you went to Harvard.

Anonymous said...

Saw today's paper. What's the deal with all the articles involving wannabe television drama DE FECT IVE Jodi Gonterman? Is this another case she promised the victims family she would solve before she retired? Sounds like a pretty CUT & DRY case not much investigation to do. Just another LOOK AT ME fluff article. Stop the madness when it comes to trying to make the public think Gonterman is a good investigator. Retire already.........................

Anonymous said...

Did Geier give Keller a blow job while they where undercover or does Geier only give blow jobs to the public at press conferences?

Anonymous said...

The Bible is a fine piece of fiction,that's the problem on both sides. It's quotes are non sensical and made up by people. Try sticking to reality,leave religion in your home . Maybe we can discuss actual facts ? Religion is the reason the world is falling apart. Thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

WTF? Time Killer is now playing undercover cop??? He is out of control first he's a headbanger, then a football player now a cop. He needs to stick to doing what he was elected to do and that's be a friggen Mayor. Quit with the childish behavior and fluff photo ops and get to work. This City is circling the toilet bowl quicker than one can say CHEESEY PHOTO...

Anonymous said...

Looks like Keith Sandy will soon put on a uniform. Curious what folks think about Incoming Torrance County Sheriff Martin Rivera offering Keith Sandy a job on his force when he takes office in January. He publicly thanks Sandy on Facebook for helping him get elected.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Medina-Geier will have Keith back as APD lateral by end of year.

Anonymous said...

hey Harold, too bad that telephone pole in Mexico didn't finish the job. APD would have a chance

Anonymous said...

Some co-workers and I were talking the other day (we don't work at APD or City) about the job Keller has done so far. The general consensus was not good. There's no economic movement, at all. We have no answers on ART debacle. And, the police seem to have just as much or more scandal and corruption as before. It appears, (non City employees) that this police leadership team is same as last one, only they're picking and promoting their friends. I hope the Mayor hasn't forgotten that people other than cops vote in this city.

Anonymous said...

Geeeez. Keller seems to be such a happy go lucky schmuck thinking that going under cover means going on a ride along wiith his little hobbit CAO until 3:00 am in the morning is going to help him learn anything about downtown while his wife and kids, 2 and 4, are at home asleep. Why not call in the areas grave yard shift for a detailed briefing on calls for service for downtown, but that would mean no news story and no pr on what a great fool we have for a Mayor. Keep it up Harvey Dent.

Anonymous said...

Would like to see Keith's application. Question - Have you ever lied? Well, just under oath, you shoulda seen me tho, I thought I had the Judge fooled, they bad guy went into the house and I was giving verbal commands for him to come out. I knew he had a gun and it was just me and him. My heart was beating, it was a cool night, were in a not so safe neighborhood. I know he has to come out and he can't leave the gun in the house either. After minutes of negotiating, it felt like hours, my hand was cramping from holding the gun so long, he finally walked out from behind the couch. I checked the area where he was and found a gun. That's how you do POLICE work boys


Anonymous said...

Do you think that Jack Jones will be the new Bosque Farms Police Chief?

Anonymous said...

Keith will be hired at APD to help Domie train sniper tactics as they pertain to inflicting maximum pain to the balls!, Both of these scum should have had LE credentials revoked, but we do live in the land of Movida and LE board just could not resist Domie's sweet lips. Yes Honeybadger this means you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Of course Sandy will be hired by TCSO. He's a perfect fit here. He's a local country boy just like all the other self-righteous,
arrogant, TC deputies. But the difference here is that there is no transparency like in Albuquerque. No "Eye" on Torrance County, there's no newspaper here that has real journalists. Never a peep on local crime, just feel good stories on Western Heritage celebrations for tourists and local K-12 grade sports. You can't listen to the cops or deputies on the scanner because they don't broadcast their signal to the public. There's no online Sex Offender Register that works for this area, so you can't check on if your neighbor is a perv. No crime mapping. Nothing. The local government
is a joke and corrupt to the core. Boards that are elected by the people that refuse to let any press into their meetings. And they get away with it.
So it's like I said, a perfect fit for Sandy.

Anonymous said...

Torrance County is politicians at its finest. They get their tips on how to fuck over the little folks straight form the City of Albuquerque. Nepotism and turning the other way.

Anonymous said...

I cant believe anyone would want to be APD right now. Crime is through the roof (worst murder rate in history of the city), morale is all-time low (even a pay raise didn't fix it), and the "leadership" at apd could care less. They're too busy firing the people who are trying to fix things and promoting the ass kissers. Go work for BCSO or State PD!!!

Anonymous said...

8/20 08:13. Working for COA & living in TC - I can say the two places have more in common than you'd imagine. Govt crooks, pay to play, the same deal as Abq. Example: ppl are angry because the farmers get cheap or free water from the county. While we all pick up their slack. Mandates like this appear out of nowhere and public never gets to vote on anything. Local PDs are a joke.