The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jul 22, 2020

New Mexico political fools, and the shiny object syndrome. If you are a political threat to the incompetent impulsive leadership of this state, they will attack you and say you will answer for going against them. Sit back and watch juvenile politicians grandstand, use drama tactics, disinformation, and fear to discredit someone who is actually trying to get shit done. This right here is why New Mexico can’t get it’s shit together.

New Mexico politicians need to change their political affiliation name to LOW HANGING FRUIT CLUB. Bullying and going after soft targets seems to be the only thing these thugs know.

If the Governor was a true leader she would exercise tolerance and diplomacy instead of posturing up with her little man syndrome and sending in State Police muscle to strong arm businesses into capitulating to her will. She would try to work out options to assist businesses with still staying viable  while maintaining Covid 19 precautions instead of getting her ass up in the air and vindictively attacking families that own businesses. But that would be if we had sincere leaders who were not part of a bigger political plan to wreck house on our country in order to hijack an election.

Have you heard of the Shiny Object Syndrome? It is the tendency for someone to chase something new, be it a new business idea, tool, or goal, rather than to stay focused on what they're doing. It is similar to a child who is attracted to anything that's shiny and new.”

The shiny object syndrome is exactly what all of the incompetent politicians are suffering from. In #NMTRUE fashion, politicians like Mayor Keller, Governor Grisham, Senator Heinrich, Stephan Mary Soy Boy Aguilar, and Raul Torrez want to jump the gun, fire up hysteria, and amp people up during already trying times. Way to go assholes. This is why our state is last in everything. We have baby asses running it. 

The clowns leading our state are very quick to point fingers, and call people things they aren’t, then as the facts come to light, proving otherwise, they want to control the variables to direct the narrative, in order to make it look as if they were right, just like what went down with the protest shooting we wrote about. They are doing everything they can to stack the deck in the favor of a violent protestor with a past history of this type of mindset, while claiming they are all out to protect our families. Really? Many don’t need some desk sitting pansy ass two faced, self serving liar to protect our families.

Sitting on your asses, or ordering officers to do so out of political correctness isn’t looking out for the families of citizens. Notice how quickly it’s crickets from Mayor Keller about his biggest campaign slate initiative of hiring more officers, after it became so politically popular to cry for defunding the police. Not that he is fir defunding but he sure isn’t clamoring about still supporting one of his biggest campaign promises anymore. Keller’s civilian response force is defunding the police and it is dangerous. We will see what happens the minute these civilian response teams show up and the person they are visiting has a rifle. They will be calling the police. You will see the redundancy of police still having to be dispatched to the scene with these teams. This “redirecting” of funds will cost even more money in the long run. 

These politicians are all jumping at the shiny objects, and making fools of themselves.  They are shamelessly selling their asses for a political future, and it is funny as shit. It’s actually embarrassing, but in the same breath it is disgusting and intolerable because innocent people get caught up in the middle of these assholes, their agendas and their schoolyard tactics of control and manipulation of everything in their way. To those who know all about this type of behavior, it is very good entertainment to watch these clowns show their asses, but it needs to be addressed in every capacity imaginable because it always ends up destroying innocent lives just like the crime these hypocrites say they want to get rid of. 

Just look at the things that came out this week in the news and social media. 
Look at what is supposed to be political leaders with educations politically stirring the pot, using emotions and very sensitive subjects to stir things up, and cause hysteria. Look at the links and examples below, where the city attorney and state senator fuel conspiracy theories of government men in combat gear kidnapping innocent unassuming civilians. NOTHING COULD BE FARTHER FROM THE TRUTH. Maybe Martin baby soft hands Heinrich and Governor Billy Badass Wu Han Grisham could hold hands with Cuckold City Attorney Stephan Aguilar and Pretty Boy Tim Keller on the plane ride to Portland, Seattle and New York to see what is really going on instead of sitting on their asses here Monday morning quarterbacking people who are reaching out and trying to make things better.

The fact here is that terrorists are coordinating planned and timed attacks on the Portland federal courthouse with the goal to burn it down nightly. The federal BORTAC teams are dealing with insurgents who’s tactics are evolving nightly. I guess Martin who never served in the military Heinrich thinks these guys should be going up against armed violent anarchists in blue jeans and Tee Shirts. Martin Heinrich, a white bigmouth who grew up with money, wants to attack the Sheriff who grew up in the south valley of Albuquerque and spent his life in law enforcement?!? Martin Heinrich needs to shut his lilly white liberal mouth the fuck up, because we remember when this clown said he was against Gay Marriage then flip flopped when called on it. These clown politicians are for something when it works for them. They rarely stand for something out of principle just like we are seeing today. They allow violent protests and attack American citizens who justifiably defend themselves against such violence, they justify the burning of a flag, vandalism and violence under the lunacy of saying they deserve to vent and have their frustration heard under the 1st amendment and they lie to the public about what is really going on as they speak out of their asses with definitive agendas. 

It is amusing how these clown politicians lose their minds after being mentioned for a possible position in DC like Heinrich was during the Hillary Clinton campaign. After that, it is like all you see is desperate lashing out from these punks at anything that makes someone else look better, or that threatens their number one status. Martin Heinrich needs to find out what it is like to be unemployed come 2021, instead of becoming the senior NM bigmouth Senator. 

Police officers are being struck with bottles, rocks, fire bombs, improvised explosives and anything else violent Marxist protestors can throw at them. We doubt any of the political cowards mentioned in this article know what that is like, but these bitches will be the first ones to attack an officer for defending himself or someone’s family the minute they can use it to further their agenda. 

The newly appointed clown police chief of Aurora Colorado allowed protestors to chain the doors of a police station with the officers inside. She let the officers sit locked in there for hours. The leadership mindset there was that the peaceful protestors deserved to vent their frustration, and express their 1st amendment right to protest, but she failed to tell everyone how lucky they really were, because it would have showed their piss poor leadership if the protestors were able to pull off their objective. You see, after they freed the officers, they found multiple stashes of full gasoline cans nearby, that were going to be used to burn the police station with the officers inside of it. Read the article below. It will make you sick, but police leadership like this across the country is being lauded as righteous. It is nothing more than betrayal by self serving creeps. 


Now that these political hacks and parasites have opened the door, we are going to discuss what they had to say in the below news articles and social media posts. 

The above post is that of the three wisemen running our city into the ground. It is an exhibit of the concerted effort put forth by windbags only concerned fir their own political future.

This second one is an example of how Mayor Timmy doesn’t like to get called out. It is an example of how it was fine when we were exposing all of the dirty shit going on around him during the election but now that he show his two face he wants to censor social media critical of him. That is a response we posted to his coward gang up attack on the Sheriff. It lasted a while few minutes before Timmy shit the bed last night and deleted it. The truth hurts doesn’t it? It’s going to hurt worse come election time. 

Below is the article about Sheriff Manuel Gonzalez going to DC this week to meet with the President and United States Attorney General. We believe the article should be titled BITCHES MOAN. 

It is no illusion that crime here is bad, but to say that the sheriff should FOLLOW a police department with a morally corrupted upper command staff that has been that way for almost two decades is absolute insanity and a joke. Keller and his group of recycled morons have failed to clean up this city, or protect the citizens. From the acceptance of the ART BUS fiasco instead of ripping it out, to bring back poor leadership to covering up dozens and dozens of cases of discrimination in the workplace, retaliation, and crimes to the tune of the total of the last administration, enough is enough. 

If the sheriff followed any leadership connected to the city of Albuquerque, he would either wind up in another officer’s wive’s bed, sued in federal court for retaliation, or covered in DNA with used condoms laying all around his fat intoxicated body. Let’s just remember BCSO isn’t the agency under federal DOJ consent decree. 

Keller has played hide and seek, just like former mayor RJ Berry did, but he has been really disgusting with the opportunistic crap, while he dodges standing up, and answering for the bad shit going on, and there is a lot of bad shit going on and it’s coming down the pipeline. 

As for the city attorney? Here is a guy you never hear from, because all of the women ( we use that term very loosely ) trained by former Assistant City Attorney Kathryn Levy are the one’s really still running the city attorney’s office; the same ones we told Keller to fire in order to clean up the administration. The same shit is going on there too. They are still defending discrimination in the work place, promoting cases against employees, out of retaliation for whistle blowing and exposing corruption, hiding evidence, defrauding the courts, omitting facts, and being vindictive, bitter, resentful, and immature; all the things we want for inclusiveness in a city under consent decree under the DOJ. 

This city attorney runs off with his beta soy mouth saying the Sheriff is off on a photo op?  Who the fuck is this clown to make an assumption like that? We hope he has to defend that stupid comment when the Sheriff gets back because not knowing anything about what the Sheriff is doing down there is like talking out of your ass. It’s stupid, foolish, and reeks of the agenda of a coordinated scheme with the mayor to attack the sheriff, because he wants to keep his job next election. This clown talks about rebuilding. Rebuilding what! Rebuilding his defense of dozens of discrimination lawsuits against the city like the sex crimes case below that is in the pipeline. Let’s see how they defend this. He says FOLLOWING APD’S LEAD! Is there anything more laughable than that. The leadership of the city and APD is in the toilet, They couldn’t lead piss down a trough. Geier should be following the Sheriff’s lead to Washington in order to work on solutions instead of circling the wagons and baselessly attacking like juveniles those who have been working to try to clean up the crime issue. This all being done because some slimy coward pukes are fearful of losing their political futures come next election. American citizens are sick and tired of this shit. If the city attorney wants to talk about photo ops, he needs to look no further than his buddy Tim Hollywood Rockstar Keller who appointed him. It’s been concerts football games and soccer games, goatees, tweed vests beards bow ties and beer gardens as the resident hipster mayor has been the king of photo ops. There has been none bigger here. After all though, little Stephen wants to get his nose as far up there as he can, because he wants to keep his job next election. 

People who would be rolled by a drunk vagrant with his feet tied together feel empowered to attack law enforcement officials who have put away the worst of the worst. Stephen Mary Aguilar would shit in his fucking panties if you dropped him off at Central and Pennsylvania, or in the  Kirtland neighborhood of our city, and definitely wouldn’t be arresting anyone because he couldn’t. We doubt this guy had to ever physically defend himself or anyone else for that matter. The same goes for the rest of them, especially Senator Heinrich; a bunch of pussies who would cower if they had to actually face the violence our country is facing with their so-called peaceful protestors. 

And Geier... should we discuss that guy? His response was the most benign of the bunch, but he doesn’t do anything without asking permission from a corrupted, dishonest, and morally flawed city attorney’s office. That’s a fact, and we will see what happens when all of these lawsuits hit. They will prove Keller has allowed discrimination, corruption, and retaliation to run just as rampant as it did last administration. What is disgusting is that Keller’s superficial attempt at surrounding himself with diversity was used to deflect from an image of discrimination by optics only, because these very appointed individuals know this shit is going on, and stand by because they are benefitting from it. The individuals who should still be there saw the writing on the wall, and knew this administration was full of shit. They left. 

For these politicians to claim that casualties here due to protests were less than anywhere else in the country because of their leadership is a crock of shit. Most people here are very laid back. They are not racist. They are trying to live their lives, and provide for their families. The demographics here pretty much ensure that the type of shit going on in the large coastal cities will not happen here. It has nothing to do with their leadership because if it did, their rhetoric is just as bad as the local leadership in the cities that are suffering and it would be happening. It is the people here that do not have time for that crap. 

Before these failed politicians here hypocritically call for the resignation of anyone they need to look in their own back yard and realize they have failed this state. Every other state around us is flourishing and growing and it is because of their failed leadership and corruption. 

The politicians here need to check their mouths, because all of this is going to backfire come election time and after. If they think the babyisms exhibited by their  extremists, and leftist Marxist, butthurt liberal supporters, who didn’t get their way last election was bad, they won’t believe what a fed up America is going to do when you try to force a form of government up their ass, that our grandfathers and great grandfathers fought against and died for. 

Watch these clowns as the election nears, and observe their intensifying, bizarre pandering and choreographed, synchronized schemes as election time gets closer. They are becoming desperate and afraid. Notice how they are all spewing the same lies. Notice how they group together and threaten others who they deem a political threat. Notice how they try to cancel them like Martin Heinrich is trying to do to the sheriff. Notice how all of these babies take the ivory tower, and use emotional issues like “protecting your family” when making up their lies. Most would want federal officers out there against the protestors if their car was surrounded with their families trapped inside by an angry violent mob blocking the road. Heinrich, Grisham, Keller, Torrez, and Aguilar call these thugs peaceful protestors. That’s not protecting your families. Federal agents are not going to families and dragging them out of their homes. They are gathering intel on riot organizers and identifying them. Nobody has been disappeared like these fear mongers would want you to think is happening. None of the truth is making the news. The federal government is having to do the job of failed local leaders using a pandemic and disorder to further their political agendas and job security during an election year. That is treason. It is the failed local leadership categorizing violent protests as peaceful and that puts your family in danger.So much is going to be getting out over the next few months that these hypocrites are going to look like fools. 

In retrospect, it is amazing how all of these politicians were calling for someone to do something about APD years ago, as the DOJ was thinking of coming in. This  AG sat on his hands regarding true institutional corruption, because of how all these clowns are connected here but now that somebody is doing something, it’s frowns all around, because the incompetence of these local elected officials is being exposed at election time. This is a case of clowns calling people out for wearing makeup. 

These politicians are talking about protecting everyone, but the murder case of the mother of two state police officers on the west side had faded into obscurity. Torrez wants to run his mouth but can’t even put the Murderers of Victoria Martens away. How quickly these politicians forget. They are posers who can only deal with low hanging fruit. They talk the big talk, then push the inconvenient things that don’t go their way to the side. They care only about themselves and their futures. Nobody’s lives matter to them. We are glad the federal government has not forgotten the death of this woman because out loudmouth politicians sure have. 

It is now being said that morale is at an all time low at APD. Pretty soon there will  e such a deficiency in the numbers of officers out there that there will be no protecting anyone. There is already no proactive policing and less than 340 officers bid for 6 area commands with three shifts each. Do that math. That’s 19 cops per shift per area command, not taking into account days off, training, vacations, injured officers, sick leave, maternity/paternity leave, military leave, retirements, terminations, resignations, and FMLA. This is why you are seeing no officers out there. So much for Keller’s 1200 cops and more will be leaving because between city leadership and Law Enforcement Board corruption, it is deadly to be an officer in New Mexico. 

Upon parting this post we would like to say...

Chief Geier, 

Walk away from these clowns. Is it really worth your integrity? Make a stand. Walk away, and advocate against everything you know that was done wrong. Your pal Ross is going to take you down when news of his antics goes public and that is only one facet of what is coming down the legal pipeline. Keller will burn you just like Schultz and Berry did to everyone in their way when the time is right. 
It is only a matter of time when the flood gates open. Isn’t is better to be ahead of it instead of being tangled up in it?  Don’t be known as just another one who did as he was told, while looking the other way. You know better, but you have to live with your choices. The closer you stand to the turd, the more shit you are going to get on yourself. 

The Eye

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Chief Geier,

Walk away from these clowns. Is it really worth your integrity? Make a stand. Walk away, and advocate against everything you know that was done wrong. Your pal Ross is going to take you down when news of his antics goes public and that is only one facet of what is coming down the legal pipeline. Keller will burn you just like Schultz and Berry did to everyone in their way when the time is right.
It is only a matter of time when the flood gates open. Isn’t is better to be ahead of it instead of being tangled up in it? Don’t be known as just another one who did as he was told, while looking the other way. You know better, but you have to live with your choices. The closer you stand to the turd, the more shit you are going to get on yourself."

You guys still don't get it!!!! Its not idiot Ross. He's a yes man and will do whatever Geier tells him. Geier has no integrity, he is lock-step with Keller. He's not the same dude you knew as commander. And I assure you that whatever Ross is doing Geier has either directed or told him to do. I have firsthand knowledge. Ross won't fart unless Geier tells him to. I warned you about Geier when he was picked. NOTHING will change until Keller leaves! You are wasting your breath talking to Geier. He will tell you what you want to hear. He doesnt like confrontation and that's why he brought Ross with him.