Get comfy folks. This is a long one. A very long one.
New Mexico State Auditor BRIAN COLON recently had the balls to climb up on his high horse, and ride it to his ivory tower in order to get up on his hypocritical soap box the other day, and actually say that he is going to find out what is really happening at the Albuquerque Police Department. How’s that for some hypocritical audacity? You ask why? We will tell you why. He worked at the law firm that represented Ray Schultz when Ray ran away as the feds came and he supposedly had his finger on what the problem was when he ran for mayor last time around. Do these fools think everyone is as naive and stupid as they are?
Well well well... that nutless punk Simon Drobik retired before the IA that was initiated into his overtime fraud getting out. This is the same case we discussed here on our blog years ago, the ABQ REPORT has done numerous stories on and the Civilian Oversight Board looked at, and recommend termination for! But Brian Colon, his boy A.G. Balderas, and company want to find out what is really going on? They have known for years what has been going on.
Before going any further, read the article below from the AP.
Now please stay with us, as we take a look at what has been going on in our country, along with what has happened here for the last ten years, and remember it is creeping up on election time. We are going to point out what despicable opportunists and frauds politicians are.
The mayor of Minneapolis fanned the flames of what happened in the Minneapolis Police killing of George Floyd with his theatrics and posturing, instead of remaining professional, and assuring the public that the incident will be investigated and handled properly. This is the new trend across the country with people who want to be perceived as being righteous, when all along they were silent, and did nothing until it was safe to, or their political future was on the line. That little self serving drama queen got exactly what he deserved from Black Lives Matters when it all backfired in his face, and he got punked, shown the door, and saw that nothing is ever good enough when agenda is the driving factor. Watch the pathetic mayor below, and every one of you political hacks here understand this, and take it as a warning of just how fragile your little political future is here. We suggest you watch the first video, just to observe this hipster’s fake virtue signaling, pacifying speech, then watch the second video of him on his knees making a fool out of himself as BLM shows nothing is going to be good enough, as they call for the anarchy of disbanding a police force in the middle of riots and looting.
This is the pretentiousness that everyone is getting tired of with politicians. One pretty disrespectful comment even said “This guy is giving Trudeau a run for his money at the Cuckold Olympics.”
We couldn’t agree more.
Over the last few weeks, the events that have unraveled have been fueled by self serving politicians, who fanned the flames, by taking advantage of the situation with their dramatic speeches, laced with statements said only to make themselves look like they care, when they do not. This is a fact, because if they did, everything they said, or are now doing, would have been already done. It is all a show, just like the show Governor Grisham, Mayor Keller, and D.A. Torrez put on after the violent Marxist protestors tried to kill Mr. Baca. Below is another show we are going to expose that State Auditor Brian Colon is putting on with his Cuckold, do nothing sidekick crony AG Hector Boulderass Balderas.
You see, we say side show because these two blow hards are nothing but opportunistic frauds and fakes. They know exactly what is going on with APD, because you can read all about it here.
Brian Colon should ask AG Balderas where the grand jury is into former Chief, (and we say Chief with disgust because he is a piece of dog shit) Schultz and his Taser bid rigging and federal DOJ investigation obstruction. He doesn’t need to ask him, because we will tell you.
Our state politicians are no better than any of the other clowns across the nation ruining our cities. Oh man, are they no better, but they are the archetypal pillars of two faced, full of shit, con artists.
Politicians in our state of New Mexico do not follow traditional political guidelines when it comes to political parties. Most of them are self serving frauds, who will convert to another party, if that opportunity presents the ability to just get them into an elected office. To them, it is not about doing the right thing based on party beliefs or philosophy. Just look at the previous Governor. This is happening on both sides of the fence. Political supporters and campaigners are just as bad.
Not only do people sell their own ass to get into office, but people that have voiced opposition to certain elected officials, and who ran election campaigns for opposing candidates, suddenly have a change of heart, because they want access when a new politician is elected, so they can get “theirs” without actually having to earn it. This seems to be the norm here, where we have clowns supporting anyone who can get them what they want, not what the people want or need. This translates into YOU get nothing, while certain people get everything, and their dirty pals getting covered for, or pardoned. This also translates into beautifully orchestrated pysops being conducted to fool you with lies to the media, and blatant coverups to protect their buddies at all costs. This is what leads to a culture of corruption and bias. Folks get screwed for doing nothing, or speaking out against this unfairness, while certain people can get away with MURDER, literally.
Last election we uncovered a bunch of dishonorable cowards within the Democratic Party, who were setting up Political Action Committees to attack their own political party peers running for office, and who may have been opposed to the Santolina Development Project, which was a big business Republican type political agenda. When we did so, every one of the bitches pulled down their social media, and went dark. Mum was the word, as the attacks on mayoral candidate Keller disappeared, after they were all outted. The irony in that fiasco was that the Santolina operation was the type of operation that fits a Republican big business agenda, and something they would benefit from more so. How twisted is that? These people were all Democrats like Colon who were trying to take out his competition. They wanted to take land, and in doing, so that would have taken water away from those farmers and communities south of Albuquerque.
Please refresh your memory...
Scent of Santolina article
Scent of Santolina article
We all know that it was Republican politician RJ Berry, who destroyed this city, by embracing a bunch of scum bags lead by people like former Police Chief Schultz and others. These cruds couldn’t have done what they did without the very same people today in politics, either helping them, or looking the other way. Those people had associates in positions who actively helped them attempt to smoke screen the federal investigation into the Albuquerque Police Department, including federal agents. Many of these people were in positions of influence within the courts, and in city government, and many are still there. They were judges, business owners, media executives, newspaper editors, and city attorneys. These same dishonorable individuals who only know loyalty to themselves flip flopped last election, and supported Democrat Tim Keller for mayor, because obviously they want to have that access they had with former scum bag Mayor Berry and gang. We even outted the Albuquerque journals despicable editorial board trying to shamelessly hedge their bet by supporting a Democrat and Republican candidate at the same time. They got a nice heaping helping of shit on their face after that. Even Keller’s opponent, Brian Colon threw his support to Keller when he didn’t get the percentage he needed for a runoff, but that support only came after a very quiet pause, and then a meeting in Barelas Coffee House in the South Valley to discuss a bargain, part of that bargain being Brian Colon’s best friend, and campaigner being promoted to Sergeant from police officer within APD after he Tasered a mental patient 10 times resulting in that man’s death. More on this in a bit.
Today’s politicians are paid actors, who do not give a shit about you or your family. They are the first to watch what is trending on social media, then develop a plan to market themselves by jumping on a bandwagon, filming their pontification, then posting it up online, hoping it gets out there to go viral, and make them look like the jolly good fellow, social justice soldier, and hero, when actually they are the punks who Monday morning quarterback someone, make poor decisions, intentionally mislead the public, fall in line with the same power structure and culture they ran against, and condemned, and now they are the problem too, because they decided to take the same “join them” mentality, as it benefits their political future.
There is going to be some real butthurt over the truth getting told here, but we are going to tell it like it is. We have gotten complaints about this, and now we are going to address it.
The November election is approaching, and there is a movement by a group of people here who, just because they benefit from some symbiotic relationship of entertainment, marketing, campaigning, and group self serving support, conduct just as horrific as what happened to George Floyd. The perpetrator is treated with an oh well, water under the bridge attitude, because of who someone is, who they are related to, and who they hang out with. THIS MY FRIEND IS WHAT IS UNACCEPTABLE, AND THERE ARE RESTAURANT OWNERS, SPORTS TEAMS POLITICIANS, AND ENTERTAINMENT PROMOTERS holding up an individual here who did something just as disgusting and torturous as what was done to George Floyd. This is the hypocrisy of the modern day politician.
Tasing someone once or twice, and having them die is an anomaly, but repeatedly Tasing someone over and over until they die is malicious, sadistic, torture.
Doesn’t look like much, but read on. Read this case below, because it was what was kept out of the public eye as Raymond D. Schultz had it swept away, and his group of city attorney collaborators spent your tax monies to protect the politicians vote collector, and buddy.
This was a welfare check. Not a crime. A welfare check.
THIS IS THE COURT RULING WRITTEN BY THE 10TH FEDERAL CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE GORSUCH. GORSUCH IS NOW A U.S. SUPREME COURT JUSTICE, AND IT SAYS THE INDIVIDUAL OFFICER NAMED IN THE LAWSUIT, WHO POSTED THAT FACEBOOK POST WAS EXCESSIVE IN HIS USE OF FORCE, LEAD TO THE DEATH OF AN INNOCENT MAN THAT HE HAD NO REASON STOPPING, WAS NOT WANTED FOR ANYTHING, AND WAS NO THREAT. How many officers on APD have been railroaded for less, with absolutely no court ruling? What makes this ruling so pivotal is that the 10th circuit took away this officer’s indemnity, paving the way for personal accountability, and it was crickets from the media on this. In fact, the city moved in quickly to settle this, and make it go away, when this case was actually one of the most egregious use of force cases that APD has had. You didn’t hear much about it because Ray Schultz used his power of suggestion, lies and coverup to make it go away, especially in his form of vague description of the crucifix. (SEE FOOTNOTE 2 ON PAGE 3 OF THE ABOVE LINK) How would you like to have a family member in mental crisis pushed off their bicycle, held down, and tased over ten times until they die? How would you like your family member electrocuted to death? What’s worse is how this APD Sargent now has the audacity, and balls to post anything critical of any officer using any force anywhere in the country, when a federal court ruling was handed down saying he used excessive force that killed an innocent man in such a manner? This ruling was written by someone who is now a U.S. Supreme Court Justice. Does the gravity of that sink in? That is the culture we have in Albuquerque. Read on, because it is worse, and it is being perpetuated by those inThe cowards here will justify this by saying well, he got to base on time safely, and they knowthat does not make this any more justified because murder has no statute of limitations, and there are variables of the way this was handled that need to be looked into, considering other cases that went in other directions here.
Do any of you know who Jerry Perea is? Of course you don’t because Ray Schultz, and the former administration swept away the incident, and formed their own narrative covering for the officer, as they created other narratives of lies to frame other non politically connected expendable individuals for their own political agendas. Why is this important now? Read on for your answer.
Is this Just a coincidence? We don’t think it is. We are enraged, considering how this, and the past administration had run on people for way less.
We think the below photos may hold the answers to the culture here that city leaders and politicians say is a problem.
Keller has played the political game of image since before he was elected, as he accepted political backing from his rival Brian Colon. Keller spoke big about cleaning up the city, and was the state auditor who caught former Police Chief Raymond D. Schultz breaking the law, greasing contracts with Taser and the City of Albuquerque, then taking kickbacks in the form of employment with Taser before his one year separation from employment with the city was up.
We all thought Keller was going to come in and clean house, but what we got was the opposite. He brought back Harold Medina, he brought back Lawrence Rael, he did nothing in the way of making right any of the injustices done to employees or citizens over the years, but he sure did enjoy himself at concerts, shindigs and political events, while rubbing elbows with the very same people responsible for what brought the Department of Justice here. Keller decided to keep several city attorneys, trained by corrupt former city attorneys, and who were still involved with cases they tainted by unethical, fraudulent, and intentionally malevolent behavior. He then decided to promote and take care of people who could politically advance his career, and make his re-election easier.
Below is a photo of the candidate who ran for democrat house seat for district 14. He is lower right. Notice his pal Ray Schultz in the upper left. He is the father in law of the APD Sargent in the above social media rendering, and the 10th circuit ruling. He was a voracious Brian Colon for mayor supporter and campaigner, along with his son in law, Andrew Jaramillo, who is now an Albuquerque Police Department Sergeant. This guy quickly became a Keller supporter when Colon didn’t beat Keller to the runoff against Dan Lewis.
Keller decided to choose the political career path over the right thing, and Police Chief Geier has not been any better. It seems these two want to listen to corrupted city attorneys and city administrators with agendas and allegiance to the past, while feigning like they care, with pretentious speeches, like below where they can easily jump on an issue that is popular. They know they will face no opposition by speaking out about others, when they should really be worrying about their own backyard. We found it ironic that these two pots want to call the kettle black, but we are more tired of the hypocrisy.
After watching the above, self serving speeches, we are only left to show you why this is doublespeak. This should serve to show you who to look for behind the scenes this coming November, and before all elections, to see if the actions of these clowns back their words with who they hang around with, or accept support from. If you doubt us, just look all over these individual’s social media accounts. In essence, our politicians have been yuckin it up with someone who did something very similar to what Minneapolis police Officer Chauvin did to George Floyd at everything from formal balls and galas to political events, dinners and high profile fashion and sporting events. YET THESE HYPOCRITICAL CLOWN ASSHOLES WANT TO POSTURE UP TO BE THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM THEY PROMOTE. (LITERALLY)
We have been telling these creeps for the last decade exactly what the problems are, but because the problems stem from people they pal around with, represented, or compromised themselves with, they act like they are just finding out what the fucking problem is. Give us all a break.
The best way to call out these frauds is to make them eat their own shit, and the way to do that is to call them out on the mat. Every media outlet and protestor needs to call up the two legal posers occupying the prosecuting offices in this state that have failed the most due to compromising their own integrity, and demand an investigation into this like is being done again on cases all over the country. Raul Torres and Hector Balderas need to be answering some questions, just like the questions they won’t answer on Ray Schultz’s grand jury investigation. They are all frauds.
For the last decade here, we have been plagued with an administration well versed in the art of illusion, fraud, and finger pointing in every other direction but themselves. They talk about transparency, only when it concerns something that won’t make them look bad. The new administration has only adopted the past methods, and has embraced the same culture, while trying to act like they are better. It’s all good when you are marketable, or are politically valuable to someone. Look how easily someone who was found by the 10th circuit court to have used excessive force, and violated a mans 4th amendment rights resulting in the death of an innocent person by excessively electrocuting them to death. Look at how they can be taken care of, held up, promoted, and celebrated after the former malfeasant Police Chief signs off on his internal affairs report, doing nothing about it. Look at how the state auditor is his good friend. Look how he gets to drive his car on the baseball field. Look at how the parties continue. Look how this mayor and police chief promoted this individual, THEN made him the face of APD recruiting. Do we wonder why? No, we know why. It’s the unspoken culture everywhere. It is the double standard rule. His father in law ran for District 14 senate seat. He is the guy in the photo above with Ray Schultz. This guy was attacked by the Santolina PACs, when he ran for county commissioner, and we spoke out about it, but look how Moe Maesta is endorsing him now when Moe’s wife was lobbying for Santolina against Chavez. Go back, and read those articles for the proof.
This is evidence that all politicians, the media, most judges here, city government, police leadership, the AG, the DA, and the entertainment industry are full of the rankest rotten shit that ever fell out of a human ass, when they speak out about human rights, misconduct, brutality, unfairness, dishonesty, what is right, the decisions of others, and what they think others should be doing, when they let this guy drive his little red car on a baseball field, supervise police officers, recruit academy cadets, conduct political campaigns, and have a say in anything force related in our city.
Go ahead and respond to any of this. This is pure evidence of the fact that what is right or wrong here in Albuquerque does not matter, when it comes to money and politics, and the same businesses out there in our city sending out emails begging BLM not to break their windows in protest are the same ones embracing a man who electrocuted another man to death, then proclaims himself to be a child of god. Give us a break. From donut shops, to steak and barbecue restaurants, to film and record promoters. None of you two faced frauds better open your mouths when you are promoting, and raising up someone like this.
If Minneapolis Police Officer Chauvin was a police officer for APD, and he married the daughter of a retired Albuquerque officer, who was friends with former Police Chief Ray Schultz, and is an aspiring politician, he would be able to electrocute someone 10 times with a Taser, until they die. If Officer Chauvin was an APD Officer, he would be able to Taser someone 10 times in less than 2 minutes, have the federal courts rule his excessive force caused the death of that man, and take away his indemnity, only to have the the APD internal affairs unit take no action, as the investigation is signed off on by the police chief, who knows his father in law all while the Department of Justice is here investigating the place. If Officer Chauvin worked for APD the city would have settled the case against him to save his life and job, just after the 10th circuit court took away his free ride to hide behind indemnity. If Officer Chauvin was an APD cop who campaigned for the state auditor, and phone banked for Mayor Keller, he would be promoted to Police Sargent, and given trips around the country to recruit other officers like himself. If officer Chauvin worked for APD, and married a singer, he would be invited to drive his little red car all over the football fields before games. If Officer Chauvin worked for APD he would have his case swept away with no worries, as he ran political campaigns for all the good little politicians who speak out about the death of George Floyd. If Officer Chauvin worked for APD he would have been able to get promoted by having a mayoral candidate negotiate with the current mayor to get it done after he was passed over. If Officer Chauvin worked for APD, he would get to post his coward hypocrisy on social media about how Officer Chauvin’s actions are unacceptable, when his own actions were actually ruled unacceptable by a federal circuit court judge who is now a Supreme Court Justice, and those actions were just as cruel and sadistic, if not worse.
Below is the story of Schultz clearing these actions.
Below is the story Schultz gave downplaying the Taser use, not even mentioning the man was Tased 10 times, and exaggerating the size of the rosary crucifix. Notice how the victim’s history was brought into it, which was inconsistent to the way Schultz handled things when he wanted to railroad officers he didn’t like or wanted to scapegoat employees to avert the DOJ investigation.
Get ready for the election Mister Keller. You too Geier. Both of you know the injustices that have been done, and you sat on your fucking hands. You are not getting to play champion of the people with your political acting.
Right is right, and wrong is wrong. Both of you know what we are talking about here. Open up the doors, and get to work because it is going to be a long hard road to November, when your words say one thing, but your actions prove another.
The most disturbing thing about our State Auditor is him claiming to ensure no stone is left unturned, because some of his associates and clients of his old Robles and Anaya law firm (Ray Schultz) live under them. Let Brian Colon dent the below photos. Let him deny that he is personal friends with an Albuquerque Police Department employee, who was found by the 10th circuit court to have been so excessive in his use of a taser that he lost his indemnification in the resulting law suit, and that the police chief at the time, Ray Schultz, was a client of Colon’s law firm, when the feds came knocking and he ran away after he justified it.
If Colon wants to call for an audit to turn over stones, he needs to turn over every single stone, not just the convenient ones. Let’s look into every case where crimes were covered up for the fair haired kids, and let’s look in the other direction, at every case where someone was retaliating against for speaking out against these assholes, and exposing corruption or just plain railroaded for a cowardly distraction away from their own corrupt criminal actions. Let’s look at the statue of limitations for murder or manslaughter, and reopen some cases. Let’s get Balderas to grow a set, and give a press release that he purposefully let the Taser criminal investigation into Ray Schultz die on the vine, because he doesn’t want any of his personal shit and poor decisions out there on the airwaves.
Just look at the photos...
Just over a week ago city officials were bragging about recruiting numbers. You can see the story below...
The above story is ironic, because they don’t have anyone at the academy to train the recruits. That is right folks. Due to a recent anonymous letter scandal, many of the academy staff have been reassigned, and the director is in the middle of it.
A couple of weeks ago, our eyes told us that the instructor for the intoxilyzer training was discussing demographic drinking patterns, apparently with a flair for what each type of cultural group may stereotypically drink in certain areas of the city. This was taken poorly by the recruits in that class, and an anonymous recruit penned a letter to city officials on behalf of the class stating that they were displeased about the discussion. (Notice: if you are going to take the ivory tower approach on this then remember never to laugh at comedians like Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy, or a host of others who make light of racial stereotypes.)
A short time later, the director of the police academy addressed the class to tell them that they could have come to her with their concerns. Apparently after that was done, in came anonymous letter number two, stating that the recruits now felt threatened, because they spoke out about what happened. What happened next you say! A bunch of instructors got moved, and the word is that APD is at crisis for qualified and competent instructors. The house of cards is falling.
If you think that is bad, just wait till the rest comes rolling in, and you see how Mayor Keller’s inclusiveness skit is just that... an act. If it’s trending or popular you are in, especially if you are deemed valuable to the political futures of those in office. If you are valuable to them they will overlook any atrocity you have done and cover for you, especially if the pool is so low that they don’t have anyone else.
Speaking about the above, just look at the Drobik overtime scam. The oversight board recommended he get terminated, but Keller, Geier and gang preempted them by throwing an awards ceremony for him. This is the culture we have here; a bunch of slime bag sneaks.
Read the Abq. Report article link above to see what happens when you are a valuable mouthpiece to politicians with connections within the media. It happens all over again. You are covered for, and still nothing is done until the state auditor has to come in and conduct an audit. You can read about that too below.
In the above article you can see how Keller ignores scrutiny, just like the past administration. There is nothing worse than a poser or fraud and we are just getting started.
We do not expect the Report on APD overtime issues to be good, but we do not expect anything to be done about it, just like nothing was done the first time, and how Ray Schultz’s grand jury was allowed to die on the vine by AG Balderas, who worked for Ray Schultz’s lawyer Luis Robles at the firm of Robles Rael & Anaya P.C. from 2004 until 2007. This was just before he was elected State Auditor. Why has the U.S. Attorney’s office allowed officials within the city to obstruct their investigation over and over with nothing ever being done? This is the same firm Brian Colon worked at when the feds showed up here, and Ray Shit his women’s panties, retired and fled to Texas to work for the 15 man police department called Memorial Villages outside of Houston.
When we are done everyone will see what a twisted, tangled, incestuous web this state is, and how all the players are connected. That goes for police officials, city attorneys, city officials, politicians and judges, through all levels of city and state government. This state is a piss pit.
We are going to let the public make their choice come November, by putting all of the dirt out there to be seen. We are going to show the hypocrisy, lies, and lack of concern about the truly wrong things that have been done. The people leading this city and state do not care about anyone but themselves. They have protected criminals. They have covered for their cronies, but stand up, globally condemning behavior that is less than what their own associates are guilty of. The world needs to know what the frauds here in New Mexico keep from the public eye in order to enrich themselves. Everyone needs to know that the words “standing by and allowing it is condoning it means just as guilty as the doer” applies to the very people preaching it who are guilty of it. They are guilty of it themselves.
Remember everyone, don’t just look at the candidates. Look at who they are hanging out with, who is supporting them, and what those supporters have to gain, and you will learn tons about what is going on, and what they are really about. The mess from the last administration is still here. Don’t doubt it for a minute. You are being played.
On a funnier note, Deputy Chief Harold Porkchop Medina got turned down on his application for the Aurora CO Police chief position a little while back. Ha ha ha just hahaha. This is same guy who said he was committed to being here to make a change. He ran away when the feds came, and now he is looking to get out again. He was only here for one reason... HIMSELF.
Now that Medina got shut out from the Colorado chief’s position, we are hearing that he will be making a run for Bernalillo County Sheriff. The city of Albuquerque is a mess, and now they want to spread that mess to the SO, and ruin the rest of the county. Our eyes have told us that City Operating Officer Lawrence Rael will be assisting Medina in his quest. Now we know why there was a push to make this guy a deputy chief. Rael wanted him. So much for being dedicated to the cause and here to help out. That was all a crock of shit because one of our eyes just relayed to us that Fat Harold just recently requested leave, because he is about to start his campaign for Bernalillo County Sheriff. Let’s take the wheels off this plane before it hits the runway shall we? Let’s not let the failed and embarrassing APD leadership metastasize to another agency. This is the last thing we need.
Mayor Keller is going to have hell for a campaign when we are done, because everything is coming out about the fraud this administration is. There are numerous scandals we are aware about that are unfolding as this is being posted. We will be putting it all out there along with the CAO’s, COO, City Attorney and several high ranking officials actions complicit in all of it. From the lawsuits to the discrimination and retaliation... these frauds aren’t the liberal all inclusive Kumbuya motherfuckers they paint themselves to be. As a matter of fact, they are as discrimination, divisive and unjust as those they point their fingers at. Just watch and see.
Please do remember what this administration did when photos of Simon Drobik’s police car showed up here showing him parked outside the apartment of a female reporter here a while back. The mayor and police chief issued him another under cover unmarked car to be more stealthy in. That’s how these clowns handle getting caught.
Not on our watch. We advise our readers to watch the circles these politicians are traveling in, watch what they say, see what they do, remember it all, and hold them to it come election time.
Thanks for reading. Stay healthy and safe in these irrational and trying times. Most of all, question political motive, and do not drink the Kool Aide.
We have been sent a few photos of this individual with Keller at multiple events including his inauguration and other social events. These photos are no longer on Keller’s social media or anyone else’s. This is proof that these people are sneaks and all about phony image.
Please check out the below articles recently published by the fellas over at the Abq. report. They are nailing it over there. You can access their link on out home page.
And finally before we go, the hypocrite Governor Grisham needs to go next election. From hairdooo appointments, to jewelry store visits under the shutdown, to now partying at the lake, this hypocrisy and fraud needs to end. The cronyism needs to end.
Show these clowns the door come election time. They do not care about this city. It is about only them at all costs to everyone else. Everyone mentioned in this article is politically posturing themselves on the backs of good people.
The culture and systemic failure is epically exemplified here when you promote and protect liabilities, who then make it to the top, and further spread the bad behavior they got away with because they were covered for.
Not only have we said it, but now it’s on Monahan’s Blog how obvious and ironic it is that the laurel and hardy show called Colon and Balderas now wants to team up to fight corruption after they let the Pablo Escobar Epstein of NEW MEXICO (Raymond D. Schultz) corruption walk away as they sat on their hands intentionally.
We wonder what they will get for that. How many more state and city contracts will Luis Robles get for protecting Ray? How many people will get behind Brian Colon when he runs for ATTORNEY GENERAL for the state of New Mexico or Albuquerque Mayor, if mayor Keller gets his dream phantasy of being selected for a position in DC if Joe Biden wins the presidency. As much as these liars tell you they are here for you, and to protect you, they ARE NOT. Harold Medina has been trying to pull the ripcord, and leave and our eyes are telling us Keller is looking into places in the DC area.
This article was supposed to go up last week, but we have been getting tons of information from our readers regarding these fake politicians. If any of them would like to dispute this they can feel free to post responses here. We will respond with supplemental postings with our photos and findings.
So before Brian Colon, Hector Balderas , Tim Keller or any of these other virtuous posing pansey ass do nothing politicians want to act like they are the solution to the problem they created, they might all want to realize that they are nice and chummy with a person who did something far more worse here than what was done in Minneapolis, but instead, they all hold employees like this on high, while they ruin truly good employees who come forward with bonafide complaints of heinous corruption. The proof is in their actions. From people like Schuktz, Drobik and many others to the clown Ross that police chief Geier brought here from Rio Rancho Police Department. They turn a blind eye to the real problems, because of who they are, what they can do for their political future, and how they all can fill their pockets.
Remember the ruling below assholes... That’s your boy right there. If you are going to open up investigations on people you need to start with him then the feds need to come in and reopen the one on Schultz because you clowns are compromised.
Thank You for your time!
The Eye needs to look in to Dave Romo. The retired APD Lt. who never went to a police academy. Is he still the commander in recruiting or what really happened.
Romo who kisses his boy on the lips is in charge of Transit or some high paying job. Yes they need to look inot him.
Amazing. Colon and Balderas both worked at Robles, Rael and look now at all the work they are sending to that firm and the partner's family members. millions
Damn if it wasn't for the 4 white guys in the picture I'd swear that was a shot of the Mexican Mafia at the State Pen. Schultz is a douche bag acting as if all those guys liked him.
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