The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Apr 22, 2021

More on the Deyontae Williams incident

Deyontae Williams is an honorable American. We commend his positive attitude, the way he handled this, and his supportive words of law enforcement. This is the way a man handles this type of interaction. Watch the news story below, and see what class is all about and what we are referencing.

The mayor, police chief, and laundry list of other woke betrayers, self servers, marxists, communists, leftist radicals, and cowards got caught with their pants down on this one. This is what happens when courageous officers speak up, and expose corruption; the citizens begin to trust you, and reciprocate. 

We commend Sgt. Hoisington for doing the right thing. This needs to be a starting point for officers to make a stand against a corrupt, self serving, upper command staff, and malfeasant city administration that were given the opportunity to make drastic changes against corruption, but decided to play their hipster bullshit woke games, seeking pats on their backs for their virtue signaling, political posing, and Marxist supporting antics that they thought would gain them popularity. 

Here is the outlook from the Abq. Report......

Everything contained in the above articles is the truth. There has been a decline starting the minute the DOJ made the last administration piss their panties wham they announced they were coming. Since then, it’s been nothing but burning cops like cord wood first, to fool them into not coming, then to deflect the heat from them, onto the line officers. The last bunch of rats betrayed the citizens, and officers, and now these idiots who aren’t far removed from the last continue with the same. Keller knew better, yet he chose to be the village hipster, who is woke and virtuous, instead of the inspector general who found fraud and possible criminal activity in the Taser deal everyone forgot about that the AG let die on the vine out of intentional malfeasance. 

Americans are sick of the punk ass cancel culture. Fake ass woke white clowns, virtue signaling, like this mayor, should now know the pendulum will be swinging back the other way, with a vengeance.  The using of good people for political purposes will be responded to with this level of exposure, and their political careers being cancelled bu the truth. This two faced bullshit needs to be relentlessly called out, just like when Keller and his group attacked the Sheriff for cooperating with federal agencies degrading trust in law enforcement with their negative comments towards federal joint law enforcement operations being undertaken in a city being taken over by violent punk criminals. 

It has been nothing but a Democratic illusion, and falling in line with the agenda show, when it comes to Keller. He knows officers are quitting, and they are quitting, because of him and his band of Marxist, Gypsy, Woke, Hipsters. Notice how jackasses are so willing to do Keller’s work like was done at the OƱate disaster, and now this while he hides. Notice how Keller is three layers removed, behind the CAO Nair, to protect his delicate woke ass politically. Keep being the fools as you get exposed and the truth humiliates you. These morons never learn. It’s all fun and games, until it is their ass on the chopping block. They did it to the last chief. They do it to their officers. They will keep doing it until it becomes humiliating, expensive, political career ending, and painful for them to do so. 

Below is a link to the APOA President Willoughby embarrassing the city on national television. While we agree with what he had to say, he was the one who blesses the anointing of Harold Porkchop Medina as police chief, but now has changed his tune. Like all things here, it’s all about personal agenda. All you have to do is look a little deeper to see that there is always a personal agenda. Until politics is removed from policing, and personal agenda involving command staff and union fools is removed, nothing will change. The president of the APOA wants to talk about officers feeling as if they have no backing, but they forget how one of their own attorneys is responsible for throwing more innocent officers under the bus, while protecting the dirt bag ones, than anyone else around. They want you to know their truth, but when the pure objective truth starts to flow, these cowards want to cry rumor mill.

Fox and family needs to get acquainted with all of this, as one of our eyes suggested. 

Nobody better be crying rumor mill, with blood on your boots, and don’t cry rumor mill with custom made framed news articles in your den, captioned one shot one kill. How quickly people forget the past, and how quickly they forget people have memories.

The crime problem lies directly with the DA, who can’t competently prosecute a felony case without a plea deal, certain judges now playing politics, a city attorney who sold out law enforcement, with his recent pandering rhetoric towards police, and a city admin who still retaliates, and lashes out at the truth. 

There is and always has been criminal level retaliation, conspiracy to harass, witness tampering, intimidation, and obstruction within APD, and there still is. 5 minutes reading this blog and you have years worth of proof. 

For decades, APD has been a wife fucking festival, and power trip for punks who would fail in any other major city in this country. That proof is all here too. The problem is that the DOJ has even hired these slime bags, with evidence of extortion, aggravated battery, and dozens of other perversions, and examples of failed upbringings in in their personnel files. One such example is a former lieutenant and her husband who used to work for APD that every retired employee from the late eighties and nineties knows exactly about. It’s time everything comes out since nobody wants to do what they should be doing.

Another thing we want to add about yesterday’s disgusting rant by the police chief, and his eggheaded, pug faced lap dog Smathers... The APD officers are better off having their department taken over by the DOJ, because the ability to retaliate will be removed from this cowardly upper command staff. The command staff will be castrated, and forced to answer to the DOJ. They fear this, because their ingrained, decades long, cult like culture within APD of you are either one of us, or none of us, will be dismantled. Their reign of intimidating officers not falling in line with their twisted mentality will end. Nobody will kiss their worthless rings. The control and power will be removed, and they will be accountable. They will be seen. They will be watched, and they will all leave, because they will be the ones who can’t that the actual fair scrutiny leveled on them which is hypocritically contrasting to the unfair, targeted, hateful, politically and personally motivated scrutiny they’ve leveled on so many good people. We will all see who the quitters are when the playing field is leveled. 

The election is closing in and not one of of the woke white wimp’s promises have worked out. Officers are bailing, crime is out of control, and officers response times vary from 30 minutes to a whole day. You can find bodies in the streets like tumbleweeds, and talking heads fir the city want to talk about other crime stats being down! Well, if people could get the response time for a shooting to less than 30 minutes to hours, then maybe they would have the faith to call to report their car being burglarized, but the fact of the matter is that they know nothing will be done about it, so they are not calling. If they do, it just gets faded with excuses of it doesn’t fit the district attorney’s wishlist of criteria for prosecution. 

The only thing systemic in this state is official corruption, favoritism, disparate treatment, dishonesty in government, dishonor, greed, pervert behavior, patrone governing, and cowardice.  Now everyone is sick of it and it’s showing with officer attrition. Now, the fools are realizing the money isn’t worth the APD lunacy and treachery, that defies logic. 

And last but not least, from an independent journalist’s Twitter feed that we read, comes this perfect explanation, that perfectly sums up Albuquerque right now.  (We added a little humorous art work)

God Bless Deyontae Williams, his family, and every other honorable American Citizen fed up with this behavior. We here at the Eye hope this man’s attorney absolutely annihilates the city on this one, and takes every single poser involved to the woodshed. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope this fella sues the police department, and Medina personally for pulling this political garbage. No more qualified immunity. Let Medina be the test case with this tort claim. It would be great if the first case is a police executive defendant, who gets a taste of his own medicine. Let the games begin. There is nothing like seeing a finger pointer, who is worse than anyone he points his finger at get it first right in the ass. These police chiefs and their underlings think they are funny telling the guys and gals below them to do illegal shit they won’t do, then lying about it like the order came from out of thin air. They think everyone is stupid like them. They’ve been scapegoating officers for years, now it’s time that NOBODY is above scrutiny.