The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Nov 3, 2008

Beware the Redeemer

History is replete with examples of men who have sold themselves as redeemers. People look to these leaders to restore their pride, save them from enemies, or assuage their guilt over a past sin. Desperation is the common thread. The more desperate or scared the public is, the more willing they are to look past clear indications of danger.

For the past eight years, Democrats have been beating the drums of fear and pointing the finger of blame. For 9/11 it was why didn't we connect the dots? Their demands resulted in the Patriot Act. Iraq was a heralded as a danger to the free world and developer of WMD's (which by the way they were - chemical weapons count) by both Republicans and Democrats. When we invaded, we were doomed to fail (Remember quagmire?). When we deposed Hussein (the dictator not the Senator) the drums beat failure because we hadn't captured the dictator that went to ground - quite literally.

Of course the saga continued with Democrats gleefully counting our honored dead and screaming for more troops. When we sent more troops as part of the surge, they screamed for their immediate departure. At every turn they were the purveyors of doom and fear preparing the way for an articulate man from Illinois to rise out of the fog of dirty Chicago politics - a redeemer to save us from war, a mortgage crisiss, and our past guilt.

Barack Obama was the perfect candidate to act as a redeemer. He undeniably has charm and charisma on a level never before seen in politics, and the ability to beguile an audience with a message of hope, while hiding a core of wealth redistribution, central government control, and associations with domestic terrorists.

Unfortunately, what began as politics as usual has effectively created a pervasive environment of fear - an environment that history shows can give rise to a despot in redeemers clothing. What concerns us is not Obama's skills, or even his terrifying belief in "economic justice," but the blind devotion he inspires in his followers.

In the 1930's another charismatic leader offered redemption to his people - redemption from an economy in shambles and a badly wounded national pride following a traumatic war. Like Obama this redeemer used the media to great effect even creating one of the most famous propaganda films of all time - Triumph des Willens.

Obama has sold himself as a redeemer in a time of economic trouble and eight years of negative propaganda from a party desperate to regain its political power. Now like the Germans of the 30's Obama's followers are ignoring what he has said and who he has associated with in favor of who they would like him to be.

We're not trying to say that Obama is the next great despot. He may be simply a misguided community organizer with uncommon communication skills propelled to national prominence through a series of dirty tricks and uncanny luck. However, Obama has positioned himself as a redeemer - a savior - which is incredibly dangerous when it inspires blind allegiance. Beware the Redeemer for he can bring damnation as quickly as salvation.

We wrote the above post last night before we had seen what turns out to be a more complete analysis of what the Obama campaign and his handlers have been peddling. Like our post, Claude Benson makes comparisons to 1930's Germany.
Goebbels made famous the utility of the Big Lie. If a lie was big enough and told often enough, people would more easily accept it and themselves make it stick. Axelrod has made Obama’s entire history a Big Lie. Much of Obama’s biography, record, goals and intentions has been staged and structured to fit our wishes rather than our scrutiny. Axelrod has kept much of his history from his birth certificate, his true background, the funding possibly from the likes of an advisor to Saudi Prince Awaleed bin Tal for his Columbia and Harvard education, what he wrote at Harvard and elsewhere to his deep relationships with radical revolutionary Saul Alinsky, ACORN, Raila Odinga’s campaign, and others hidden from true independent clarification.
It's a great read and details how the public can be manipulated when the conditions are right and when a charismatic leader emerges. We'd urge you to read the complete post (here).

Some of the comments we have received tried to compare Regan to Obama. Regan was no doubt charismatic, but the major difference was that Regan ran a campaign based on reason that created hope for the future. Obama peddles undefined "change" and "hope" without reason. His followers believe what they want to believe despite his past and regardless of what he says.


Anonymous said...

Wow, holy s**t!
I think you are really stretching yourself on this one Eye.
First you post video comparing Obama to Castro and now you are actually comparing him to Hitler??!!
I do agree that Hitler was a monster but c'mon.
The only people I hear bitching about change are the ones that stand to lose the most.
McCain is 73 years old and you would have an inexperienced woman a heartbeat from one of the most powerful positions in the world.
Obama may be a charmer (remember Clinton) but I think this country needs to be shaken up by someone fresh.
But seriously eye, I think you are really going out on a limb here. Hitler did a lot of good for Germany. Sure he was insane but the world knew what was going to happen...he wrote it all down while he was in prison (Mein Kampf). I don't think Obama has a book like that.
Overlook the whole holocaust thing and Hitler was a genius compared to some of the idiots this country has had in office!

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer

Pontius Pilate was a Govenor.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your stupidest post yet Eye! You're really going to claim that the *Democrats* are the party of fear? The GOP has been using fear for everything from justifying the Iraq war (remember W's "mushroom cloud" claim?) to re-electing the disastrously incompetent and corrupt Bush in 2004, to the Patriot act (which was written by the executive branch and GOP congressional leaders with little input from the Dems).

McCain's campaign has devolved entirely into a fear-based campaign, trying to portray Obama as any scary label they can throw at him, from "socialist" to "fascist" to "communist" to "terrorist" to "redistributionist". You're even directly comparing him to Hitler in this post. Who do you think you're fooling claiming the Dems are the party of fear? The GOP's entire platform rests on fearmongering these days, because their track record is so horrible that they can't run on it anymore.

Obama has not portrayed himself as a redeemer or a savior or a messiah no matter how many times the right claims he has. He's a politician just like any of the other presidents we've had. The fact that you're upset that the party that you hate so much fielded a better candidate than your preferred party has blinded you from what's actually happening: the GOP has essentially destroyed itself by being unable to resist the temptation of power at the same time that the Dems nominated their best presidential candidate since RFK.

You're entitled to your opinion but I'm entitled to point out how seriously retarded your opinion is. Come on, Obama = Hitler? Get a grip man.

Anonymous said...

Folks everywhere have compared Obama to Castro.

We shall see.

Anonymous said...

"In the 1930's another charismatic leader offered redemption to his people - redemption from an economy in shambles and a badly wounded national pride following a traumatic war."

the same could be said of your holiness, ronald reagan, in 1980.

pour yourself a drink and relax.

Anonymous said...

How did you not manage to squeeze a reference to Public Enemy's 'Fear Of A Black Planet' into your rambling diatribe?

Anonymous said...

You people just don't get it do you of course you wouldn't think the Democrats run off of fear if your one of the blind followers. All the eye is getting at is that people are blindly following Obama even though he has very dangerous ideas because you simply want to hear the sugar coated falsities not the real cold hard truth. It is easy to mend someones conscience with fluffy words that make you feel good inside but that isn't always the truth that is why the truth hurts because it isn't always going to be happy and wonderful. Break out of you freaking glass boxes there is a bigger world around you and it certainly isn't all perfect.

Anonymous said...

enough of the political posting. how abou something newsworthy like the mayor ousting mark garcia from honor guard? how about hte firing of guzman when on scene he asked for a supervisor two separate times, IRO completed the investigation AND the newsman lied!

Anonymous said...

As someone posted above "Jesus Christ was a Community Organizer"
HOWEVER I suspect that he would have thrown ACORN out of the temple and I'm positive he would have tossed Jeremiah Wright off of the pulpit.
I could go on but frankly, the comparison of Obammy to Jesus made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

Anonymous said...

be careful what you wish for. Obama will save you from poverty yes, but he will make us all poor. Be careful who you compare Jesus Christ to. You may meet him at your judgement fool.

Through all this GOD is the only one in control.

Thanks eye for speaking the truth

Anonymous said...

Sometimes people speak as if they knew something new and different, like they had some privileged information. I think your analogies (eye) are sometimes laughable! Some of us have come to different conclusions based on the evidence before us. The constitution of the United States has been shredded within the last eight years, before either candidate running in 2008 has even been elected; yet a lot of folks think everything is okay. They think that if the opposing candidate is elected (by the majority of citizens), he will destroy what has already been compromised. I am one who thinks we need to change this downward pattern and let some fresh blood show us what he is able to do. After all, didn't we give George W. the same chance before he screwed it all up?

Anonymous said...

Yes, after today we will have the first black POTUS.

The racist right wing will have to deal with it

Anonymous said...



the EYE

Anonymous said...

Quit bashing the Eye!! The Eye makes some excellent points and if you'd just step back for a moment, you might see the point the Eye is trying to make. And it is "be careful what you wish for. Everyone is getting swept up in this Obamarama "change" madness, without really knowing, with specificity, what it is they're voting for. All they know is that it is "change". When asked what specific changes Obama will make that they support, they cannot articulate what the change will be, only that it will not be what the past 8 years have been. Can you cite what Sen. Obama's voting record is? If you know that, then it is plausible that that is the way he will run our country, when (and if)elected.

Anonymous said...

When the election was stolen from Gore in 2000, you had some advice for us. Now, in 2008, let me return the favor: G E T O V E R I T!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

Mimbreno said...

It's nice to always have someplace to go to feel dumber.

Anonymous said...

Heaven help us all! To you and those of your ilk who voted for Obama, hope you are happy. I'll check in with you, if I am not too busy waiting for my check.

Anonymous said...

Eye, I couldn't be more in disagreement with you.

BUT, I know you'll agree with me on this: Next Up...Marty Chavez and a Republican Mayor for the city.

Anonymous said...




Rush, Hannity, The Eye, Savage, Drudge

Anonymous said...

It’s totally appropriate to compare Obama to Hitler due to the fact that on several news stories blacks were asked if race played a factor and guess what 100% of them said yes it did…..obviously these folks were not voting on the issues but rather the color of ones skin. The people that voted based on skin color were expressing the same ideology that got Hitler into power, they don’t know what he stands for, but he sure can pull a crowd and call for change. Unfortunately we as a nation do not know what “changes” will come about but you can definitely watch as your taxes go up, you defense spending goes down, and the strength of this nation wither away.

Anonymous said...

I find it hilarious that the poster at 10:55:00 tried once again to claim that the Dems are the party of fear and in the very next sentence tried to instill fear by claiming that Obama's policies are "dangerous". Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Yes 10:08:00 PM heaven forbid that the US's military expenditures might some day only be six times as much as the second highest military budget in the world instead of our current eight times. I'm sure all the rest of the countries of the world are just waiting to invade! Won't someone think of your poor defenseless little white children?

Anonymous said...

Why isn't anyone mentioning the charismatic leader the US had in the 1930s when we needed it the most? FDR saved the country, but Republicans still complain about him, and called him a traitor to his class and worse. Remember, it took the US a long time to oppose Hitler and get into WW II, despite FDR's urging.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, yes Hitler, I can totally see Obama setting up work camps and death camps here in the US and mass exterminating an ethnic group of people, can't you? Nothing completely ignorant about that statement, right?
Oh yeah, and here's another knock-your-socks-off intellectual statement on this ridiculously biased website; "a misguided community organizer with uncommon communication skills". Um, he went to Harvard and was the the editor of the Harvard Law Review. I would hope that such an individual would have excellent communicaton skills.
I don't believe this statement would have been made if he was white. Just like nobody accused Lieberman of siding with McCain because he was white. But Colin Powell is a different story, right?

Anonymous said...

Editor, Harvard Law Review. Well, Veri (f'king) Tas! An individual such as Louis Farrakan has those "excellent communication skills" you speak of and made some unintelligible diatrab over the weekend about God & Obama. It reminded me of Rev. White's diatrab about God (F) America, Barak keeps good company, right???? Time will tell that he is a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Jeepers, if you're going to carry the neocon torch of the get it right. It's REAGAN not the chick from the Exorcist!

Anonymous said...
