The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jun 30, 2011

Santa-Fe Interim Chief Real’ Cognitively Deficit Decision

The Journal North (read it here) carried a story about Santa-Fe Interim Chief, Ray Real, and his decision to change the police officers Take-Home Car Policy. The City of Santa-Fe and the citizens’ of Santa-Fe should realize the repercussions that will follow this “cognitive deficit” decision. This will affect liability, recruitment, retention and quality of officers in the long run. The cost could be staggering.

Not all the officers that work for the SPD make as much money as Val Kilmer or others who can afford to live in Santa-Fe, New Mexico. Most of the officers live where their salaries allow them.

The Eye located this information:

The median income for Santa-Fe is $52,000.00 New Mexico’s median income is $43,000.00.

The median house/condo for Santa-Fe is $306,000.00. New Mexico’s median house/condo is $160,000.00.


According to the City of Santa-Fe website, the starting wage for an officer is $18.73 to $22.33 an hour. Yearly this comes out to be $39,000.00 to $46,500.00 per year. This is before taxes, insurances or other benefits are deducted. The average salary for a Santa-Fe police officer is around the New Mexico median income of $43,000.00. This shows a deficit for an officer of approximately $9,000.00 compared the average/median income for a Santa-Fe resident.

Let’s compare the housing market. If the median house/condo for Santa-Fe is $306,000.00 and New Mexico’s median house/condo is $160,000.00; that means an officer would need to afford and make two house payments in comparison to living in Santa-Fe. This does not even touch the issues of property taxes. It should become clear why so many officers do not live in Santa-Fe; it is cost prohibited.

According to the article, “both the city and the county have undertaken fairly aggressive programs to create more affordable housing.” No police officer wants to live in the “projects” of Santa-Fe or any other place for that matter. Let’s make a deal; Rael and the Santa-Fe City Council need to move into the “affordable” housing first. Then the Eye believes that the officers will then move and be your neighbors. We hear it from here; those officials of Santa-Fe do not want to give up their nice homes in good neighborhoods. Case-in-point made.

If Rael wants to make a name for him-self and remain as chief, he needs to think of something better than this type rubbish. Rael should have learned a lesson from the time that Albuquerque’s Public Safety Director, Darren White, tried to change the APD policy and lied to the Albuquerque City Council. Throwing a bone to city leaders and shoving the rank and file under the bus for a personal benefit is wrong and shows moral bankruptcy.

The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board (AJED) must be detached from reality. Their praise of this cognitively deficit decision is just as poor of an action as Rael’s decision. The cretins that are on the AJED are detached from reality. The Board also recommended, “Rael might want to consider a slightly more radical approach to the commuting issue. Why not make the 20-mile rule apply to everyone? The Santa Fe community would reap the benefit of take-home cruisers – namely, an after-hours police presence in whichever neighborhood an officer lives. And the city – and taxpayers – would save money.” With this type of poor mentality; get rid of the take-home-cars and cost the City of Santa-Fe tens of millions of dollars. Did anybody catch the key word that is completely descriptive of the AJED? RADICAL! Radicals have no place in government.

Santa-Fe PD will have to purchase land at all police facilities, pave parking lots to park the officer’s vehicles, provide security, install showers and locker rooms, provide time for officers’ to dress out for work, etc… In lieu of this, the City of Santa-Fe would have to substantially increase officers’ wages and benefits in order for the officers to afford “Santa-Fe living.” The cost would be staggering. Before you suggest such rubbish, do your research and get the facts.

The only way to get a policy like this into place would require more money now and in the long run than what it is currently costing now. Santa-Fe needs to avoid the “good ol’ boy” routine and hire a competent Chief. Don’t be fooled by the smoke and mirrors.

The Eye felt that this needed to be addressed because our local cretins may get the same dumb idea again to modify our local policy.


Anonymous said...

The public doesn't have a lot of support for our plight. They view the take home car program as something that they don't have and we shouldn't either. The only thing that people don't understand is that a police car is a tool, it is our office, and so much more than just a car. The average patrolman/woman carries over 100 lbs of equipment in our cars. Everything from first aide kits and fire extinguishers to spike belts and plain old paperwork. The stuff that we need to do our job on a daily basis.
So for anyone who might say they don't care, think about the amount of time any officer with a take home care puts in for free. Yes, FREE! What you don't see and hear are the officers on the radio handling stuff before their scheduled shift and after. And they don't put in the OT. They do it to keep you safe and because it's also a benefit and because they can because they are in a marked unit.
And for those who say the program is abused, I can agree with you to a point and say that it is a very small percentage of people who abuse the program. But those people are delt with by the administration, another thing you don't see. So at least educate yourself about the pro and cons of a take home care program before making a decision that could end up creating more problems than it solves.

Marker said...

When it comes to APD I have no problem with officers taking their cars home as long as they live in the city. I oppose take home cars for those living outside of ABQ. Why should taxpayers pickup the tab for someone to live in Los Lunas or the east mountains. ABQ has affordable housing so location is not an issue as it is in the Santa Fe case.

I live near Four Hills and we have a Santa Fe officer living here; his unit is often parked out front. That's quite a distance to commute at Santa Fe taxpayer expense.

Marker said...

Kimberly Swift case update. Next hearing set for July 26 at 1:30. Still in the pretrial conference stage. Seems to be problems with witnesses showing up. Case history indicates subpoenas being issued. Seems the arresting officer (Romero) was a no show this time although case comment says he, "called in advance."

More details:

Anonymous said...

Are RAEL AND WHITE RELATED ? The only thing I use the Journal for is to line my cats litter box. I have long given up on the Journal ( COP HATERS ) printing any story that is even close to the truth.

Anonymous said...

interesting logic. I float between stations as a firefighter, with 120lbs of gear: should I have a take home as well? Outfit it w/an AED, 20lb fire extinguisher, and a wildland tool and my relief could take it home as a pool vehicle. Imagine how many fires we could put out!! j/k

Plenty other PD's hotseat their patrol units. The "I deserve" perception is affecting public safety nationwide.

As for providing secure parking lots and paid time to dress out: Fire doesn't get those benefits, much less the voting commuter who pays our wages.

If you don't like your job as a 'Santa-Fe' officer, please apply to Detroit, or any other agency that's been laying off public safety personnel.

Oops, your grammer would bounce you out of any hiring that required a Bachelors Degree.

"jus say'n"

O.P.M. = Other Peoples Money said...

Here comes the talking points, and rhetoric for the justification of take home cars for Officers.

Followed by the snide, and backhanded remarks of anyone questioning the practise.

Yes! Yes, I respect Officers, and the job they do.

I have a couple of questions for Officers.

1. What does the price of gas have to get to before you realize that take home cars are no longer an affordable option to those paying for it, the taxpayer?

2. If take home cars, is such a touchy subject to Officers then don't you think ALL Officers should do a better job of PR work on your behalf with regards to the use of take home cars when on/off duty?

Sidebar: There is no reasonable defense or justification for off duty officers to be driving around town, to the gym, home depot, lowes, movie theaters, doctor offices, picking up/dropping off hito/hita at school, and my absolute favorite one is when I see an Officer(s) on duty inside a Circle K, 7-11, Blakes or wherever I see them congregating for up to 30 minutes or more and their unit is running with nobody inside it or around it!

I witnessed this at the Starbucks at Coors/Riverside in February during the deep freeze. The Officer in question sat inside the Starbucks on duty I assume, he was in full uniform, and for more than 40 minutes he sat there and enjoyed his coffee, and paper. He finally got the hint when an old man with a Vietnam Veteran hat on told him he didn't appreciate it.

Thank you for all you do, and stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Re: interesting logic---

You said that you float and from reading your post you are a floater in the toilet bowl and jealous that you do not have a take home car. This also means you’re one of the lower level floaters. Just sayin'

Paul J. Heh said...

Take home cars: I value everyones imput, here is mine. The benifit to the public is huge by having more police cars on the street,on duty or off. The criminal, about to commit a crime does not know if that officer is on duty or off only that there is a cop. On duty or off an officer will stop and help if needed no matter the situation, even if that help just means calling an on-duty officer.I do agree that the cars should be limited in use, shopping,movies, ect. I do not agree with. However going to the gym is work related. Officers need to stay in shape, can't run after criminals if not. Not all stay in shap but the ones going to the gym do. As far as reading the paper and drinking coffee, well folks believe it or not officers get a lunch break. Do you ? Officers don't always get their break depending on calls for service . Calls come first,that is just part of being a Police Officer. As far as seeing a group of officers in a 7/11 or Circle K, are you aware that these businesses as well as others request officers to do this to curve a problem that busines may be having and to send a message to the criminals a message from the busines and the Police. It is called field briefing. As far as the Police Cars, running when no one is in them,that problem is two fold. The price of gas is high,, the other problem with all the electronics in the Police Cars, computers, radios, printers, radar, chargers for flashlight,navigation,and cellphones just to mention a few, many times the car will need to be jump started if left off for any amount of time. Do you really want to wait for your help to arrive while an Officer jump starts their car. The Police have been getting alot of bad press lately. I will tell you that they are men and women that care very deeply about you and our city. I know these people and I will always stand up for them. Is there a bad apple once in awhile? Yes, and every officer feels shame because of that persons actions. In ending,the Police are not your enemy,they are people just like you that have a very hard job. Take the time to meet them next time you see them. You will find them friendly, nothing means more to an officer than a handshake and a thank you for what you do. Your opinion is welcome.God bless you and the police and firefighters

O.P.M.= Other Peoples Money said...

To Paul J. Heh: I once in awhile drop by and read the "Eye", and 99.9% I'm agreement with your stance on most subjects you respond to. I also respect the fact you put your name to your comments. I also find it admirable the loyalty, and respect you show for your fellow coworkers. Some of us or most of us don't have the luxury of being at the end of our careers who can just retire with full benefits and walk out the door if we were to be fired for "putting our name" to our comments. I hope you respect, and understand that much.

However, with that said, I disagree with you on this subject. These are mere excuses cited by you, in defense of your men/women in blue. I get it!

The public is sick and tired of APD or any other LEA or government entity acting as if "we" the taxpayer don't have any idea or can not comprehend things such as electronics, battery shelf life, heavy equipment, or any other excuse to try and justify the blatant disregard for the taxpayers money.

The excuse of "Do you really want to wait for your help to arrive while an Officer jump starts their car." Is a prime example of the excuses. It's hyperbole in it's finest form.

I know plenty of Officers Sir, both here and other states. It's been said to me by officers that APD and Officers in the State of New Mexico in general have a pretty sweet gig with regards to take home cars. There are states/cities that do not permit the use of take home cars by their officers and their crime rates are far better (lower) than Albuquerque/New Mexico.

Sir, I respect every man/women who puts on a badge, gun, and laces up their boots to go and do work that is not glamourous by any means. I've never said or seen Officers "as my enemy".

Officers absolutely need to understand that they are constantly being watched, looked at, criticized, nitpicked, scrutinized by anyone, and everyone.

If the people of Albuquerque/New Mexico did not care about APD or Officers in general they would not being doing these afformentioned things. They would careless about the men/women of APD. They would not vote, and pass 1/4 cent Public Safety bonds for the benefit of their jobs, they would not take notice of minor things such as an officer drinking coffee, with his unit running. APD officers have no idea what it's like to have a an apathetic, indifferent, non caring public. This is exactly what happened to the New Orleans PD, LAPD Rampart division in the 80'-90's, NYPD, the public stopped caring about the men/women of those departments. The public stopped caring so they no longer came forward and voiced their concerns, they didn't care when things went unquestioned, and wrongdoing, or improprieties were laughed off or ignored all together. Those departments struggle everyday with PR issues far exceeding take home cars. The point I'm making is by being critiziced, one can make the argument "I", or "WE" taxpayers care about APD/LEO's that's why we take notice of these issues, and strive to make changes. We don't need to be a cop to have an opinion of what good stewardship of the taxpayer dollars is. It needs to be undestood, when officers do drive around in uniform or not, in a taxpayer funded car. It's not yours, Chief Schultz, Mayor Berrys, Darren Whites, The City Councils, unit,. It belongs to everyone around that unit sitting in traffic with you, and YES! That officers is being watched, judged, and criticized. Just as all state, county, city, PNM, Comcast, or any other government/private business entity that allows take home cars are being equally judged, and criticized.

Again, thank you for your service Sir, and thank you to every man and women who is out there doing their job, and taking care of societies dirty work, and ills so me and my family can be safe in a city we all call home.

God bless, and have a safe and happy 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

I think all police cars (excluding SID) should be clearly marked. Side Shields that say Albuquerque Police, rear and front decals that say Albuquerque Police.

I have seen so many detectives and commanders who drive their white, unmarked vehicles around. A police car has no chance to deter crime or change driving behavior if that car is not clearly identified.

I know this has been brought up to Ray before, but as always he doesn't want to drive a clearly identified unit and neither does his command staff.

I remember a day when we were all proud to be Albuquerque Police Officers. Now the Chief, command staff and other officers don't want to be recognized in a police vehicle. Sad. If I were chief I would lead by example and proudly drive a car that was clearly marked as Albuquerque Police. That would be the right thing to do with the publics money.

Anonymous said...

I have a differing opinion from the civilian "taxpayers" that are complaining about officer take home vehicles. As a taxpayer, my money is well spent when I'm on the freeway, on my to way to work, I see a police car behind me, and behind that police car is a group of cars; not speeding, not tailgating, not jumping lanes, not talking on cell phones in other words, not endangering the public, which BTW is me! I thank the officers because just by their presence in that situation they prevent countless stupid accidents by a group who otherwise would be endangering others. IMO having police vehicles is a preventative measure for a lot of things!

Anonymous said...

Great post, Paul.

Anonymous said...

RE: July 1, 2011 3:23:00 PM MDT

Contrary to what you describe, this is what I see on mornings on my way to work. I see the exact opposite. I see the APD officer chatting on his cell phone, tailgating, speeding, jumping lanes, and in fact, I've even witnessed a few light up their overheads (with no siren, code 2 defined in the SOP?) to blow through that red light they just don't feel like they have to wait for, like the rest of us "taxpayers". IMHO, give them a choice. A pay raise or keep your take home vehicle? Times are getting tough and everyone, including public safety, needs to give and take. The "taxpayers" are getting tired of giving and to be quite frank, exhausted with your "entitled" "give me" attitudes. Real simple choice here coppers...if you don't like the perks of the job, find another job! Given today's job market, that might be a hard thing to do with just a high school education right? On that note, you should feel blessed that you even have a job, so get to work and quit whining about your take home vehicles already! One more thing, keep MY car clean and keep your snotty nosed little brats out of there too. That car belongs to me, a "taxpayer" so don't slap the hand that feeds you coppers.

Anonymous said...

"I have a differing opinion from the civilian "taxpayers" that are complaining about officer take home vehicles. As a taxpayer, my money is well spent when I'm on the freeway,..."

What? Does that mean? "civilian taxpers"

You refer to yourself as a taxpayer and refer to others as "civilian taxpayers".

I'm very well versed in tax codes, and I've never heard of 2 different tax classes such as just a taxpayer, and a "civilian taxpayer".

Please explain?


Anonymous said...

Paul Heh,
Good post. I agree that marked cars get criminals attention, but many of the PDs cars are unmarked. Everyone from the officers to the Chief should be driving marked cars.

As for leaving the cars running, the battery is not going to run dry. Every officer should be reprimanded for failing to turn their car off when they are at the office or on break. The only exception should be the K-9 officers.
I do not know anyone who leaves their personal cars running. Most civilians also have electronics in the car. How about turning off the printer, radar, and navigation? And they can take their cell phones with them

The officers just want a warm or cool car, depending on the season, to get back into after their break.

God Bless and thank you Firefighters and Police.

Paul J. Heh said...

To July 01 2011 3:23 PM. Many times an officer will light up their overheads without turning on their siren depending on the type of call they are responding to. As an example a crime in progress. The officer does not want to alert the criminal that they are coming, but they still have to get there quickly. Second show a little respect. I was interested in your post until you started with slurs such as coppers and snot nosed kids. At that point I lost all interest, thinking that you are just a ( cop ) Police Officer hater. I am sure you want respect, show some to others. If you want people to pay attention, respect will get you a long way. You had some good points until you started with the disrespect.

Anonymous said...

Cops are taxpayers that means they also pay their own salary. So, if they want to use a portion of their money to let their damn car run for an hour, then so be it. The electronics do drain the battery and to suggest that they shut everything off when they turn off their vehicle is simply nothing more than a comment made out of ignorance. Obviously, you have never been in a cop car nor operated one.
Also, why is it that the public feels officers need to go by with so little (i.e. no coffee, no lunch break, no air conditioned car by leaving it running) but yet expect them to give so much? The haters don't expect to be treated that way by anyone, so why should the cops?

Anonymous said...

If you are unemployed or just dissatisfied with your current salary and time the city is accepting applications for the Police department apply. If you are hesitant to do so or just do not want to be a "Cop" that is okay. There are multiple "government" jobs that include joining the Armed Forces along with opportunites at local establishments that I pass by every day.

Chose your profession and live a good life. I can fill this blog with complaints of the bank tellers, conveince store clerks, movie theater emplyees, restaurent employees, teachers, professors, grocery clerks, florists, barbers, executive chefs, and so on.

Bad people work in all profession. Stop stereo typing a group. No one profession is perfect, people are not perfect and the bad seeds get into every profession.

Thank those that do a good job, whatever occupation they choose, and hold the evil few accountable. Not because of their job title but because of their actions.

GOD sends

Anonymous said...

July 2, 2011, 2:09.
Pay their own salary? Most of you do not even live in Albuquerque.
Read the post, do you let personal cars run for an hour while you are not in it?
Ignorance? Why would you need your printer, radar, and navigation on when you’re not in the car? They run on DC not rechargeable batteries.
No one said anything about not taking a coffee break or not using air conditioning. Take your break and use your air conditioning. But, turn off your car when you are not in it.
Do you leave your personal car running with the air conditioner on when you are not in it? Oh, I forgot both you and your girlfriend are cops and do not own a personal car.
Get by with so little? Twenty Six dollars per hour plus benefits for a GED education. Not to bad.

Anonymous said...

July 3rd 5:59....It appears your GED hasn't served you as well as it has me...ohhhh, that's right, I forgot, that's because I have a college degree! See, in college, they don't give classes on mind reading and learning how to guess who is typing a comment over the internet. Looks like you need a refund on all of that night school, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

Sweetheart, ahh, how cute. A college degree and your a cop?
I checked your recruiting website. The only requirements I saw were running, sit-ups, and push ups. I guess with my GED I could apply with the police department and make the same pay as you, a college graduate. Sounds pretty easy, maybe I will do it. What are the other requirements, no felonies?
Then when I get my own car I will also leave it running while I run in for a donut.
Maybe I can look forward to working with you. How long is the academy? 2 months?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that cute though? I thought you might like that! 2 months?! R u kidding me? That sounds more like someone with your skill level.
I think you are so bitter because you have tried and tried to get on the pd but just don't have the mental capacity to be able to hack it. It's ok, there is no shame in being a security guard!

Anonymous said...

Not two months? Twelve months like barber college?
Why the hate for security guards? Costume, Badge, Gun. Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

You got it wrong: On 7/1 3:23 I posted good stuff about APD's take home car policy. The idiot you & Sgt. Heh are commenting about posted on 7/1 @ 5:34.

Anonymous said...

7/4 4:10. Certifiable idiot--jealous of cops for one, stupid for another. You could never make it @ APD. BTW college degrees are not necessary but it helps to have one as in most jobs.

Anonymous said...

RE: Heh and respect double standards

Does the concept of "pull the wood beam out of your eye before you try to pull the splinter out of my eye" ring a bell to you Mr. Heh? Your double standards are obvious and the lack of respect you get on the street is of your own doing. For example, in the post before yours, one of your "subordinates" berates a fellow public servant (AFD firefighter) and implies he's a "floater in the toilet." Isn't respect a two-way street Mr. Heh? You get what you give in this world right? You would have gained my respect if you would have given your "subordinates" comment the same attention that you gave my "copper" or "snotty nosed brat" comment but you didn't. In fact, you condoned it and berated me for my comments? Keep your house in order before trying to clean up mine SIR. In addition, you are the cop I love to encounter on a traffic stop. Can you point me towards that statute for contempt of cop, I mean, disrespect of copper in NMSA 1978?

Anonymous said...

Actually, this "float" works for BernCo Fire, where floating generally has value over East Mountain assignments.

But the previous poster makes a good point: respect is equally due to all public safety employees, not just the team which pays one's salary.

On my commute to work in my Privately Owned Vehicle (up to 38miles one-way), I see APD units, both marked and plain-wrapped, speeding w/o running lights (daily) and tailgating (weekly).

FWIW, a marked Edgewood PD unit shops at Central and Tramway, and a Sandoval County Fire command unit makes frequent trips to the North Valley: it's not just an APD problem.

Mr. Bill said...

Yawn. WTF happened to Wayne Johnson and this blog?