The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Dec 17, 2011

What About His Certification?

ADDED TODAY (December 21, 2011):
Chief Schultz was found guilty of violating Officer Orlando Camacho's Right to Due Process. Just another day in the life of Chief Schultz.

On Tuesday, there was an emergency meeting of the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board. After the meeting it seems like the certification of police officers is being attacked. The Law Enforcement Academy Board is set up to review officers that are suspected of misconduct or even termination and decide whether the officer's certification should be suspended or even pulled indefinitely. Once the officer has their certification pulled, they can not be a law enforcement officer anywhere in the state. One of the hearing officers of the board expressed his displeasure in the Attorney General's office as to the current amount of pending cases. The board was also concerned with the accused ineffectiveness of the Attorney General's office.
The board's obvious passion for officers certification poses a question for the Law Enforcement Academy board. Is being found in violation of one's constitutional rights enough to decertify an officer, better yet decertify a Chief of Police?
In November of 2009, Chief Ray Schultz was found guilty by a jury of violating former officer Sam Constales' civil rights (See cv-00827-MV). Being found guilty of violating someone's civil rights is extreme to say the least. No law enforcement officer ever wants to be found quilty of such a violation. It appears to the Eye that a violation of this caliber more than meets the definition and criteria of officer misconduct. Chief Ray Schultz currently has at least one other pending case in Federal Court in reference to his violation of civil rights. D-202-CV-201106829 (Terysa Welch vs City of Albuquerque, et. al. ) accuses Chief Ray Schultz of Deprivation of Civil Rights Pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42USC sections 1983 and 1985, and the New Mexico Human Rights Act. As it turns out there are numerous cases where Chief Ray Schultz has been accused of violation of civil rights ( Are we the only ones that see a pattern here?
Why hasn't the certification of Ray Schultz been questioned by the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board? We did fail to mention that Chief Schultz is a member of the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy Board.
According the New Mexico DPS website, "Oversight of the Law Enforcement Academy operations, revocation or suspension of certifications for officer misconduct, and direction for in-service training of officers are but a few of the many responsibilities of the Board." In our opinion, the accusations as well as the 2009 Costales jury decision against Chief Schultz is more than enough to warrant a hearing before the Board. Whats good for one officer is good for The Chief, isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Please dig deeper! If I were one of those other cops I would sue for disparate treatment. Why wasn't Ray removed? Hmmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

NOW I like where this is going. I would like to see a list of Chiefs of police who have had a civil rights judgement against them and who are still in office. None. Only here in New Mexico where people turn their heads on corruption wrongdoing and retaliatory behavior. The hypocrisy level is overboard here. A chief that has no respect and points the finger at the Attorney General. Well, looks like the Attorney General saw right through their charade.

The fine officers of APD have to contend with a chief that could give a shit about not one of them. That is a shame.

Anonymous said...

Yawn! Get over your hard-on for Chief Schultz already. This is getting boring....

Saint Michael The Patron St. of Righteous Officers said...

Some high level ass covering going on here:

Fuck up and wrongfully terminate employees.

Call in all stops to fuck them when your cowardly plan backfires.

Point more fingers and try to coerce others to be your hatchet men to back your sorry ass up.

People aren't stupid you coward.
It's called conspiracy and framing.

It's all catching up with you now.

The Stones sung a song.

Walk before they make me run.

Buy a good pair of running shoes.

SAINT PAUL said...

How does Chief Raymond D. Schultz get away with ignoring the court ordered reinstatement of a police officer? That is what I want to know. Why is it that this clown's ego is bigger that the city's tax base? Why is it that they pay out officers who win their cases against this egotistical out of control freak rather than hire these officers back? Why is money given away because he refuses to obey a court order, rather than work being performed by that reinstated officer for that investment. The citizens need to know the price this person has cost this city. It's all about him. Millions of dollars, scandal after scandal, it's all about him.
Nothing but dirty deeds not so dirt cheap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corrupt weasel.

Anonymous said...

It's New Mexico. Who's going to do anything to a corrupt but politically connected leach like Schultz?

Gary King?? Puhleaze.

Anonymous said...

Ban Nate Korn and Kaufmans West!

Anonymous said...

What is Nate Korn's competency with public service, DPS, law enforcement, or any related field (real question, no sarcasm)? It seems there is a conflict of interest with Kaufman's APD contract for armor and Korn serving on the board.

Anonymous said...

The entire list of officers should be released. This attorney general and this law enforcement board seems to forget their duty to the public to be open the meetings and the records. Why is it that those entrusted with the public good, hide the records? Refuse to release information that is public? On top of this the Law Enforcement Board should explain why officers, who lose civil rights lawsuits, are not brought before the board? Is there a double standard?

I think Ray stirred this up to once again deflect from his huge issues. Good for the public that this has stirred up a hornets nest of questions regarding the release of public records and Ray Schultz's own civil rights violations. The public awaits the information. I only hope that those who make us go to court to get the information released loose their jobs for it.

Anonymous said...

If an officer is fired or already disciplined, why is the Law Enforcement Academy allowed to hit them twice? That is double jeopardy.
That should be taken to court and fought. There is no way that is legal. It sounds like a harassment tool to make sure they win no matter what. Punished twice? So let's get this strait. An officer gets discipline for something administratively. They serve out a suspension punishing them with a mark on their record and lost wages, then this state board headed by the same people who punished the officer already takes their certification punishing them again or costing them their job. You have got to be kidding. I am all for justice and doing the right thing but this Nazi tactics and would no doubt be found to be an illegal practice should this work it's way through the legal system. That's what needs to happen. Every officer that has been hit twice through this system needs to file a suit for unfair labor practice and ride this mother all teh way to teh U.S. Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

Ray Schultz was convicted of Civil Rights Violations in Sept of 09 and in April of 10, the judge ordered that the conviction against him be dismissed. A conviction that was handed down by a jury. Why, you ask? Sam Costales agreed to take the money and run, that's why. Did Costales do the honorable thing? Nope. He was happy with his chump change and decided he would leave the rest of us to have to deal with asshole Schultz. That being said, for 7 mos Schultz was found to be in violation of Costales's civil rights. Was his name ever brought up in front of the LE board? Where is the IA investigation? Oh I forgot, he's the Chief and he can do whatever he wants. Friggen joke!

Anonymous said...

To -"Ray Schultz was convicted"

Why should Sam save all your asses - seems to me none of you punks did the right thing and backed him up when he told the truth on the witness stand. All his POS brothers in blue turned their back on him. He owes you COWARDS nothing. Stand up for yourself. Why didn't any of you bring this up before the LE Board right after the trial. Cause your too chickenshit - that's why. BTW 700k isn't exactly chump change. You will have to work a lot of years as a cop to make that much, unless you work tons of OT. At least Sam had the guts to fight it out and he won. If you don't like how Schultz is then stand up for yourself, don't expect someone to risk their settlement for the likes of you!

Anonymous said...

Blumes case was nolled not even a week after those officers were fired. The citizens of Albuquerque should know that Good officers can break their asses out there to protect them and a self serving political chief will throw them under the bus freeing a violent felon to get right back out there again. This world has to be coming to an end.

To work for APD you have to be insane.
It must be like sleeping in a bed of rattle snakes or mating with a black widow.

Anonymous said...

The sister of Sam Costales rides again! "Hi Ho, Dinero! Up and awaaayy!"

SirGalahad said...

Again, all the complaining on this blog will do no good without ACTION! If you have info on any information that "smells" on the so called "investigation" of Woolever and Doyle, contact their lawyers..Assad & D'Amato (spelling may not be correct). Actions will bring down Schultz and his minions and embarrass Berry. This is a call for action...don't vent your anger here and think something has been accomplished...ACTION is what will bring down the corrupt!

Anonymous said...

So let me get this right....Ray Boy used taxpayer's money to buy his way out of a conviction! And the crap goes on.....

Anonymous said...

There are so many good cops and I totally feel for them. However, there are some that ruin it and APD's credibility. I'm sorry, but I don't support cops acting like the judge, jury and executioner. Yes, there are some real scumbags out there and it would be nice if the world was rid of them. If they keep getting out that's the court systems fault. I couldn't your job because I wouldn't have the right temperament to put up with the scumbags. However, if you can't deal with it - maybe it's time for a new profession. As far as your chief, you all need to stand together, but appears most of you are too scared. Again, maybe it's time for a new profession.

Anonymous said...

If Camacho wins his job back and gets damages, for Schultz terminating him; will that be enough for Berry to finally terminate Schultz?

How much taxpayer money can Albuquerque bleed to pay for Schultz mistakes? Is he accountable to anyone?

Anonymous said...

People are breaking their backs to retire for a reason. How many have left this year? That place is a hell hole.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I got this wrong and if so, I'm open for correction, but my take on the video was that one cop had one of the guy's arms secured, but he appeared to be laying on his other hand and somewhat reluctant to pull it out where they could see it. And they got fired because the other cop was kicking his head? Hell, if that had been me, I would have been jumping up and down stomping on that guy's head until he pulled that hand out into the open and showed me that he wasn't laying on a gun. Self preservation is a very strong motivator. And as for this "chest bump/belley bump' whatever thing - doesn't anyone think that maybe they were just extremely happy and relieved they were not shot, nobody was dead and that they had gotten through what must have been a very intense and terrifying situation? Procedural or sop mistakes - enough for disciplnary action maybe. But for firing? Noooooo!

Anonymous said...

From what I can see, the Public doesn't feel too sorry for you entitled crybabies. You get what you give fact, you all are cut from the same cloth that your Chief is cut from. What does that say about you and your integrity?

Anonymous said...

To 12/19 6:47,

I respect your opinion as everyone is entitled to one. Everyone is also entailed to the truth with which to base that opinion on. For if you base your opinion on something without the facts your opinion is worthless.

With that being said, if your family was inside the hotel that guy was trying to escape into you would want those officers to do everything possible by any means necessary, to stop him. I would.

Now for the facts. That criminal was a career convicted violent felon wanted in connection with a homicide. He was also wanted on warrants for robbery aggravated burglary kidnapping false imprisonment conspiracy and a few other charges. He fled from the police on numerous occasions including the night he was caught, causing a crash and almost killing people. He had a semiautomatic handgun with him the night those officers caught him. So he was armed. The officers knew all of this and how dangerous he was but they didn't quit till he was caught. When he was caught he continued to resist grabbing for a gun he probably thought he still had on him. Yes he was high too. Those officers did what they had to do to protect themselves other officers and the public. Watch the video closely. Those officers are being hung out politically.
Why else would their department not tell you that this person was bring sought for murder. That's a pretty big charge to just overlook and leave out of your little press conference. But, they will make up some story about some contrived celebration. The lowlife who made that up from an assumption as they are saying should be proud of himself as the word out on the street that evening was that that criminal was going to kill a cop. I guess it would have been better press for Chief Schultz if Woolever and Doyle were shot to death.

Everyone connected to what was done to those officers should be ashamed of themselves and are hypocrite every time they feign a tear for a fallen officer because they couldn't even have the fortitude to back those officers for doing what no one else could and staying alive while doing it. They should have been commended for their valor but instead they were used for political pawns to take the heat off of the chief because he is scared to death that a few unjustified shootings will be exposed for what they are along with all of his antics. An innocent party is never afraid of the truth and they have nothing to hide.

Use of force never looks good. Worse has been done off camera and it is justified. An officer may use any method possible to protect himself or another from death. It's called a weapon of opportunity. When the suspect is secured the force stops. The video shows that.

I think people need to get over themselves. Law enforcement is not a pretty job. Be happy that there are men and women willing do do it and risk their lives so you can be safe.

Anonymous said...

The public doesn't feel sorry for itself, so who really cares what you think. The public stands by why women get raped in broad daylight in PUBLIC. The public doesn't see a damn thing when someone gets shot in the middle of the street. The public can't even have the common decency to stop and help a stranded motorist. So, mister public cop hater while the police are driving towards the gunshots when you are grabbing your bald vagina as you duck and cover so you can't see anything, remember who you call when you need help. You balless big mouth. The officers of APD are nothing life the chief. You would really be in trouble if they were.

Anonymous said...

Ray Schultz was not "convicted" of violating anyone's civil rights. He settled a quarter of a million dollars on Costales and "admitted" no wrong doing.

His certification is not in jeopardy.

If you all want to do something to remove him, please do, but whining about this civil rights violation isn't going to do it.

Anonymous said...

Camacho won

Anonymous said...

Ladies and gentlemen, you should of seen how red chief shultz face got when he heard the verdict in the camacho trial. PRICELESS.

Anonymous said...

Camacho for APOA president once he comes back.

Anonymous said...

How many civil rights abuses can Schultz be found guilty of (And the taxpayers pay) before he is fired!!!!!

Come on Berry Fire Schultz

Anonymous said...

Ref 12/21. 11:57. Finesse it as much as you want , Schultz lost and was not on the side of what's right.

Santa said...

12-21. 11:57

Get off of schultzs vagina will ya.
How the fuk can you defend that evil bastard?
He is nothing but a liar. Lies lies lies and now it's cTching up with his sorry ass. Costales Comacho and now the other officers who's rights he violated. His word is virtually worthless in court. He is a liar. He lies at civil court. He lies at arbitrations. He lies to the media. He probably lies just to lie at this point. Looks like he's crashing and burning. He should have quit while he was ahead. This is probably the beginning of his ugly downfall. I wouldn't want to be near that guy. Looks like the whole dishonest sneaky regime is gonna topple soon. Adios banks piaz and rat boy Feist. Hope yall had fun while it lasted. The people are sick of all your shit. The citizens of Albuquerque deserve better. Well... They sent a message.

The irony is that it is the rank and file officers that are going to be responsible for your ousting. Credibility is a huge issue in the courtroom. You can never gain back that integrity once it is lost. And from the word out there, there is more to come. Stand by. This is only the beginning. Word is a few are already filing for the transcripts.
Someone here told you to don your walking shoes. Well you can probably bypass the sneakers now and rollerskatr your lying ass out of town.

Congrats Mr. Comacho and good luck to all the other officers with pending litigation against Schultz and his puppet master levy. He has been neutered.
It's a good day.

Anonymous said...

I say a Merry Christmas to you Chief Schultz!!! You may not have gotten the present you wanted in this case but we certainly did. As Frank Sinatra sang, "You did it your way, and now, the end is here And so I face the final curtain.

I hope this is the beginning of the change that is so greatly needed for the officers of APD.

MrWolf said...

I love how when a cop is fired, the Journal runs it on page 1 and puts a scrolling banner on their site. But when a cop wins in court and Schultz LOSES the story seems to be buried. No bias there huh Proctor? And regarding that stupid editorial last week commenting on hiring "by the book" funny how the Journal omitted all those articles by Wilhelm whining about response times and low staffing levels. U all want the dates of those articles because those dickheads in the glass house newspaper are as much a reason of Apd's crisis as any other reason they put forward.

S.Sgt. Paul J. Heh ( Ret.) said...

Over my years of law enforcement I have been shot at. The Officers that I supervised have been shot at. Thank God that the person doing the shooting was a bad shot. Police Officers are the only people I know that when they hear gun shots, they run in the direction of the gun shots, while everyone else is running away. Police Officers respond to scenes of complete chaos and carnage, and have to control that scene. They can't run away for if they do, WHO WILL HELP ? When 9/11 happened what direction did the Police and Fire run when everyone was running for their lives. Who responds to traffic accidents involving injury and death that I will not even try to describe, many times involving children. I have witnessed a Police Officer walking with a dead child in his arms at a accident scene with tears streaming from his eyes and down his face. I have seen an Police Officer holding a baby in her arms and giving mouth to mouth breaths to that baby, knowing it was already to late. Police Officers deal with death by every means you can imagine and belive me some you can't. Police Officers do this for you ! Police Officers put their life on the line for you. Everytime a Police Officer puts that uniform on they become a target for thoes amoung us that would do harm to you. Police Officers have famlies, and people that love them and worry if they are going to come home. Too many times they don't. Will mistakes be made ? Yes, Police Officers are human. Do some Police Officers go bad ,yes but they are few in number and when that happens all Police Officers feel the shame. In my opinion Chief Schultz has forgotten what it is to be a Police Officer and has deserted his Officers for the sake of politics . In my opinion Mayor Berry never knew what it means to be a Police Officer and is not interested in finding out. Before you make comments to the public MR. Mayor why don't you try chasing a wanted, armed , viloent felony felon that will stop at nothing to get away. To all Police Officers, remember your main job is to go home safely.To all you supevisors it is your job to make sure that happens. I will not answer anonymous comments. If you don't even have the courage to put your name on what you say, I sure would not depend on you for anything.

A Street Cop said...

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Schultz and Levy arent going anywhere. We can complain all we want and not one cares. No leadership he does what he wants, when he wants, creates new units because the old ones dont work, no accountability, violates the CBA and Union allows it to go on. Yea we can bitch about Union and not go to meetings, because there is no leadership at Union either.

Barboa finally retiring maybe him and Schultz can work for a big box company and con them for more money.

The Prophet of DOOM said...

Mr Wolf,
Dickheads is a perfect name for this gang of political manipulators. What a cadre of arrogant people running things. They are so fucking arrogant they can't even see how blatant they are being. Ray's response to everything is... what about the media?!?! What will the media do? What will the media say? What a piss poor police chief. Could it be anymore evident that he has that fat pig arranging every single media ploy, for him every time he wants to spin his stories to the public? An ex reporter working under this creep is no coincidence and neither is the connection with the journal and channel 7 news ( the journal's affiliate ) The whole city of Albuquerque is corrupt, and it is all at the top. A piss poor leader used propaganda, because the truth would run them out the door. This place is like Baghdad under Saddam Hussein. The fat slob in his office, along with spin doctor two face proctor, are the Ministry Of Dis-information. Shitboy Feist and his yes/henchmen are the Secret Police. Paiz...Deputy Prime Minister. Banks..who the fuck knows what he does? Every last one of them are determined to ride APD into the dirt. The selfish bunch of liars.
A former commander brought a truthfulness complaint against Banks. Schultz arrogantly squashed it. Schultz covers shit up and can't tell a single truth, Feist thinks no one knows his role. That is about to come out real soon.
Paiz doesn't know what story to tell. What a steaming hot mess!

Yes, I believe Paul Heh nailed it. They have all abandoned the officers of APD. Officers are paying the price for the past indescretions of these clowns and it is not fair.

Wolf is also correct in his evaluation of The Albuquerque Journal News Paper and Hack shit stain Wannabe Journalist Jeff Proctor. Fair and un-biased reporting?!?!? Hahahahaaaaaaaa!
How bout bought and paid for reporting? How about... I say what you want, you do for me reporting? The People of Albuquerque should be outraged that this rag has been playing mind games with them. Proctor writes an article, then follows it up with a copy of the first article with a little more spin thrown in. Then when it gets slow they spin the wheel and do a bullshit followup.

It's nice to see that the likes of Proctor and Wilhelm are making money off of the backs of officers, considering neither of them are qualified to pick corn outta shit.

I am sorry Mr. Camacho had to go through this, but I am glad it worked out for him. I am even happier that this judgement puts Mayor Burt and Chief Ernie that much closer to the door. These two characters do not need to have their positions anymore. They aren't fit to run an asswiping contest.

Have you ever lied under oath?
Have you ever had a civil rights judgement against you?

Two questions that one man can't say no to.
Two questions that make you a worthless witness.

Seems they picked the wrong battle.
OR battles should I say. Everyone needs to get together now and collaborate, share information, cross testify and back eachother up an any further actions against Schultz and gang, Levy, The mayor and any other city official who sees fit to screw with officers lives unjustifiably

Anonymous said...

Now is the time for the apoa to do a vote of no confidence. Shultz has violated another OFFICER rights. If he has done this to his own officers, imagine what he has done to people he came in contact with when he was a patrol officer? Step up apoa!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since the union doesn't have the balls to call for a vote of confidence; why don't cops just conduct one anyway. Pay an independent pollster to conduct one for you.

hang together or hand alone

or is all of this just bullshit?

Anonymous said...

Think about, shultz had levi chavez on the payroll and gave him raises for years, all he had to do was wait seven more months then fire camacho after he was indiated. But since the brass didn't like camacho, shultz jumped the gun and now looks dumb.

Anonymous said...

Calling all cops and Lynette - here's your golden opportunity. A second civil rights violation. Which of you is brave enough to push this through the LE Board. My guess - none of you! Up, Up and away!

Anonymous said...

A vote of no confidence might go a long way. Every position in public safety appointed by Berry will end up with a no confidence vote. The public will have to start paying attention at some point...

Anonymous said...

Why do you malcontents always believe the officer is never at fault and the chief of police always is?

Wait, I guess I answered my own're all malcontents.

I'm still here said...

Everything Schultz does is based on impulse. He needs to see someone about that. How can someone in that position have such a lack of self control? And levy needs to be fired also. Promoting dishonesty makes you an accomplice and co- conspirator. They must be shitting their panties now. Now watch these dishonest bags of shit spend more tax payer money to try and get out of this one. If this was colonial America they would all be stripped nude tarred and feathered. Fckin lowlifes.

Congrats Comacho !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Take his cert now!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Officer Wallace was hired under such suspicion. Are all the State Officers who came over with him under suspicion?

Anonymous said...

And to think this trial was only part of the stress for Ray this week..seems there were some meetings being held about some recordings....Ray??? Darren?? Seems you guys didnt clean up the Ahresnfeld mess as well as you thought you did....

Anonymous said...

Schultz - How does it feel to be the most hated man in ABQ?

The rank and file said...

APD is ass backwards. No... Let me rephrase that. The people who call the shots aka chief Ray Schultz a the one in charge of investigations Paul Feist are a ass backwards train wreck.

I read the article in the journal today about the K9 cop who shot the guy with the spoon. It was written by the same reporter at the journal that writes every single piece of slander and lies, Jeff Proctor. Now if it isn't evident that this asshole has an ax to grind either with APD or LE in general, I don't know what is. Anyway, this wanker wrote about the same shit he has been writing about forever. Another article claiming an unjustified shooting. What I am getting at is how the fuck can APD justify shooting someone in the back from across the street, when that person is holding a spoon who is a mental patient wanted fir nothing, then hang two cops out to dry for apprehending a known violent felon who is armed, fled from the police, resisted, and was wanted for murder. Now that person had the immediate ability to kill one of those officers. They could have shot him and they did not. Their commander was right, and the mayor is an idiot. It seems that the chief and mayor are as dirty as they come. They threaten to remove people from their positions because they dud the right thing, supporting officers doing their job, yet they fight to stay in power when everyone wants them out because they are corrupt. This is text book HYPOCRISY.
It seems like there is a huge disparity in treatment within APD. It also seems these officers didn't go along with APD'S policy of shooting people at the first fear that they may be armed. It seems as though these officers used their discretion, and physically took this criminal into custody without anybody getting hurt or killed.
This whole thing just smells. It looks like Schultz and his cronies are circling their wagons in a desperate attempt to save their hides and make it look like they haven't lead APD down the path it is now on. The officers of APD need Schultz gone. Schultz should be fired, but they won't do that. They'll continue to spend tax money to cover up his violations and outright illegal acts.

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with everyone and their language and very tacky references? Lets clean up our act folks-especially when when some of you call yourselves St. Michael and St. Paul. It makes you look anything but professional. Also Eye what happened to my previous post? Guess you didn't want to hear what I had to say. Gotta love the pick and choose about what to post.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if shultz and company are going to try to pay Camacho off to take Shultz name off the law suit like he did with the cosatales. Wasn't it about 250,000 of the tax payers money?

Anonymous said...

Anybody know the location of Scott Lopez's ChikFiilA? And if he's there during duty hours does that violate SOPs?

Anonymous said...

Is everyone enjoying the Christmas Gift the Journal and Jeff Proctor gave to APD and the Citizens of Albuquerque with the Sunday article "APD Rush to Hire Led to Current Crisis At APD." Now the Journal Reports on its front page "Lawsuite Targets APD Hiring" basically regurgitaing the Journal's hack job on APD hirings over the last ten years. No doubt Shultz's comments about now he is interested in hiring a "kinder, gentler cop" and "problem solver's" will be broken off in the citizens ass with another big settlement with Levy's help. We can also thank Tate for his determination to disparage new hires but ignoring the role his training may have had in not weeding out the bad apples. Merry Christmas to all and to all a big judgment.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wolf: The entire media pretty much buried the Orlando Camacho story. 13 reported it. Not KOB. Also I too was struck by the Front Page headlines on Friday's Journal ref: APD gets slapped with a lawsuit regarding it's hiring practices, in particular, about Sean Wallace. The journal sucks and is so obviously biased as is channel 7, their cop hating partners.

The Scribe said...

To 12/24 @ 7:37

Those Saints are saying those exact words as they look down at this Babylon with thoughts of pulverizing it into oblivion, no doubt. Is that hard to believe? It's as hard to believe as peoples inability to deal with in your face bluntness here these days. Oh Lord and the heavenly Saints forbid we tell it like it is. The Saints would surely have less contention with their names being connected to vulgar scoldings, considering the actions themselves being exposed here and in the daily lives of these treacherous individuals.

Anonymous said...

Channel 13 does not seem bias. They seem like the only ones who will tell both sides. They got screwed over with the release of that video and they know Schultz and Levy are dirty. Anything that needs to be told about these imposters in the APD administration, tell them. They will put it out there.

Anonymous said...

What's at risk for Comacho is 6k. Ray Boy can get out of it if he agrees not to appeal. For 6k I would stick it to him and collect my 6k later. Not much of a pay off at risk - go for it Comacho! Satisfaction would be sweeter than 6k.

Anonymous said...

As much as Shultz and the District Attorney put Camacho through with these bogus charges and allegations I hope he does stick it to him. How could two different juries see that Camacho did nothing wrong and cite in his favor. Sounds like corruption at its finest. Someone investigate shultz and the DA office. Shultz uses them to go after people. Remember Ben Kirby, he files a suit to get his job back and all of a sudden, almost two years after his incident he gets indiated. Ahrensfield testifies as an expert witness in Camacho trial and shultz holds no mercy and retaliates agaisnt brad. There is written documentation regarding this retaliation , but Ron olivas also involved in the car shop incident only gets a suspension. Open your eyes people.

Anonymous said...

I beleive APD hired all FOUR fired state PD officers. Who cares they are all detectives, SWAT, or K9, officers now so it shows their dedication to the job. Hire more of them.

Anonymous said...

The upper echelon of APD is going to be legally dismantled. They are all idiots. Speaking before thinking and making off the cuff decisions that real agencies take time to do. Camacho's case came at the perfect time. Things are going to really pick up speed over the next few months as Schultz gets pulled on the carpet. He lied at an arbitration hearing. He was found guilty at Camacho's trial. I don't care what anyone says, if he was found guilty at Costales's trial he was found guilty period. Paying off a judgement does not mean it did not happen. He backdoored some people who are just as connected as he THINKS he is, and he is soon going to know he's been exposed and the people he's been crying to are talking too.
No one is going to bend over and dip their head in shit over a political favor for some scum bag who is an embarrassment and about to be exposed. All of this talk about indictment... Schultz should be indicted for civil rights violations, tampering witness, intimidation of a witness, & official oppression. This person abuses his power, uses IA to violate officers rights by asking them illegal and unconstitutional questions not withinthe scope of an investigation, insulates himself by having his chosen disciples like Feist control the investigation using more of their spineless fair haired chosen ones to do anything they need done to bend over officers. Well boys, shit is about to roll up hill at a mind blowing pace. Sounds like all the guys you stuck it to are getting together and outting your sorry asses. When it happens to one person, you can brush it under the rug, but when a room full of people are standing in a courtroom and their stories are similar, you've been doing things you shouldn't have been doing.

When you are a liar in court, your word is no longer good.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I have been reading this board and comments off and on for quite a while. It seems that while everyone has plenty of innuendo concerning Shultz, ultimately, no one other than Paul Heh has the cajones to do anything about it. I understand that the threat of retaliation is hanging over your heads but, if you guys really want him gone, you are going to have to stick together and stick you collective necks out. Otherwise, suck it up and enjoy the ride! Shultz isn't going anywhere for a while.

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like Scott Lopez pissed someone off again! Scorned lover or did he pick up your wife??

Anonymous said...

To: "The Upper Echelon"

You make some very valid points. Seems like cops never support each other, yet all can't stand Schultz. Instead of tearing each other apart. Go after the real culprits - expose Schultz, Berry, Perry and White. They all deserve what they get.

Anonymous said...

What closet of a assignment was Lopez looking for this time??? I am sure it is somewhere so he can get an unmarked car so he can go cruising for NASTY women... ICK ICK ICK

Anonymous said...

I am a retired LEO with another department and I find it disturbing that a chief of police treats his troops worse than criminals when it comes to due process rights. LEO's have a very tough job and unfortunately are dropping like flies due to line of duty deaths nation wide. LEO's have to react with split second decisssions when confronted with a threat, the officer's reaction can be simply verbal commands or use of deadly force depending on the subjects actions. I hate seeing LEO's being charged or terminated when review boards second guess an officers decission to use force, its real easy to be a back seat driver and review an incident from a safe office environment afterwards while saying the officer should have reacted this way or that way, but when your in the heat of the battle on the battle field things happend much quicker and survival mode kicks in while officers make decissions they feel are right at the time.

I don't blame the two officers a few months back who used physical force to subdue an offender that they believed was armed with a gun. I seen the video and feel the officers acted properly during the incident and once the offender was cuffed and controled they stopped using force on the subject. why punish the two officers for a very good job? I want your chief to answer my question as to what he would do if he and his partner was wrestling with a person whom they believed was armed with a handgun, dangerous & resisting arrest, what would your chief do? Chief give those two officers their jobs back and please stop screwing with cops who did the best they could under the circumstances how would you feel if you were treated like that?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else read todays editorial in the journal about the camacho trial? Talk about so one sided. It's time for a change.

Anonymous said...

To hell with the Journal. They are employed by Schultz at this point. It is pathetic how obvious it is. Their scam is like a B movie. Any dope with half a brain can connect the dots. Anything against Schultz is suppressed. Anything that they can twist to make him look good is twisted, torqued and stretched to make what they want out of it. The trouble is they are like a bunch of children trying to hide their brussel sprouts under the plate at dinner time. "I don't know hows it gots there" Their game is so pathetic, corny, and blatant it is obvious that it is organized by a bunch of jokers with no experience at all. They are going to be sorry when they are part of a landmark law suit. Bash the cops at every turn....Worship some chief who's now lost two lawsuits regarding disparity in treatment, due process violations, and civil rights. You know if he's treating employees this way, he has no respect for the rights of the public either. Disgusting behavior from a public servant. The Public and employees of Albuquerque need to send a message come election time. Mayor, you lost the election because you hitched yourself to a boat anchor. You chose to support and back someone that you said that you would remove upon your election win. Mayor, you lost because you are a LIAR along with your gang of untruthful lowlife, power greedy underlings.

Have fun with your one term.

Anonymous said...

The APD Chief seems to be more worried about his career rather than the the careers of the officers who serve the community. When I joined LE I understood what brotherhood meant. The Thin Blue Line..... I grew up in a LE family and never heard of a boss who continues to throw his troops under the bus as your APD Chief does. I hope one day he has to look at himself in the mirror and look back at what his career has become. He probably started out like the rest of us peace officers hoping for a career and to make a difference in the community, but seems he took a path less traveled when he beacame a politician and puppet for others who pull strings. He sold his soul to the highest bidder just to advance his own career. Its not too late for him to make positive changes with his troops and give the troops pride to wear that badge again.

Chief think on your career and how you want to be remembered as a boss.

MrWolf said...

Ref that idiotic journal kiss up to Schlitz:

But there needs to be consistency in the application of that ability because all employees are afforded equal protection under our laws. This trial made it clear that there is a practice of inconsistent actions by Schultz. Sure, we all want bad cops to go, they discredit the good cops and are an offense to the community. But do we really want a police chief that is arbitrary in his actions and discriminates against certain persons over others as situations present themselves? I think not.

Anonymous said...

The journal bashes the shit out of a cop who has a civil ruling but licks up a chief's ass who has two.
And you tell me something isn't seriously wrong with the morals of the writers at that paper. If I was the editor of that rag I would gut that place and start from the ground up. The first one to go would be that two faced lapdog Proctor.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that in the Camacho trial, Shultz stated that he did not believe Retired Homicide Detective Frank Flores findings in the criminal investigation regarding Camacho. One thing that Shultz has secretly shared is that he also did not believe Brad Ahrensfield's testimony in the criminal trial. I see something very interesting here, if Shultz did not believe Detective Flores finding, why did Shultz not have an investigation done on Flores like he did on Brad Ahrensfield? Remember Shultz had Ahrensfield's transfer from SWAT to the Academy placed on hold until this investigation was completed and guess what, the investigation concluded what Ahrensfield testified to was accurate. Why would Shultz even question a Homicide Detective that has over 100 cases under his belt in the first place? Shultz I think your days of picking and choosing who you go after are coming to an end.

Anonymous said...

To all of you citizens the disgruntled police officers who post here are only 1% . They are jealous, envious and basically slugs who did not accomplish anything during their career by their fault only.

Anonymous said...

I was a witness to Slopez "short commings" in more way than one. You can call him "shorty" and not feel bad.

Anonymous said...

To all you citizens, the one who complains about the cops here is not anybody you want helping you because if your need is not in alignment with of luck.

Anonymous said...

January 2, 2012 6:22:00 AM MST

So your one of them peepers in the shower? Dont be scared next time tell him how you really feel about it. Years later your reminiscining about his manhood. SMH

Anonymous said...

A squirrely rat snake of a DC is going to retire if he's not made chief. Whaaaaa Fckin Whaaaa Waaaa
Whaaaa. What's that tell ya. It tells you that these selfish creeps look out for themselves and care for themselves only. Sure you'll resign because it is all about yourself and your fat pension. The same reason other DC's and appointed position holders fold like lawn chairs around here. Go resign and be the pencil pushing indoor pet you are because God knows you were never a cop on the street and it is a fact that you would shit your pants out there today. When the heads of a police department thing that their officers are beneath them, it is time for them to go, especially when these bosses are more worthless than the worst do nothing, bum coward on the street.
Do everyone a favor. Take your money and go. Who needs your sorry ass.

Anonymous said...

Subpoenas and and depos inbound for some malfeasant DCOPs.

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