The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 14, 2013

Welcome to APD’s Antique’s Road Show

Last week the City of Albuquerque and the Albuquerque Police Department announced a gun disposal program. According to Mayor Berry and Ray Schultz via the Albuquerque Journal (read it HERE), the Journal stated, “Police Chief Ray Schultz on Saturday said APD always had a gun-disposal program, but he and Mayor Richard Berry decided to make it more visible, especially after the Newtown, Conn., shooting.” Folks listen to the announcement; gun-disposal program. Most normal people would interpret this statement and understand it to mean a turned in gun will be disposed of (destroyed) so it may NEVER be used again; Right?

Not so, according to Ray Schultz who is known for his fascism. You see, when you’re the Chief of Police or the Mayor of Albuquerque; these are just words and are subject to interpretation. In another Journal article (Read it HERE), the Journal made the following statements:

“The guns will be checked to see if any are stolen. If they are, APD will try to return the guns to their owners. All others firearms will be destroyed.”

“One of the more fascinating weapons handed over was a museum condition MP 40 machine gun used by German troops during World War II. It was turned in by a woman who said her late husband’s father was a German soldier.”

“Schultz said historic or rare weapons like the MP 40 would not be destroyed but placed with a state museum that has a gun collection display.”

In the article Schultz states, “We’ve had some pretty intimidating weapons recovered thus far, especially some of those that had their serial numbers ground off, so it really makes me feel good to get those guns off the streets.”

Taken at face value, a citizen would be lead to believe this was a disposal program and NOT another series of “Antiques Road Show.” Did Schultz or Berry compensate this person for this museum antique piece? The average value of this particular weapon has an estimated value of between $4,500.00 and $7,500.00.
We are sure the senior woman who turned this weapon in is on a fixed income. Schultz stated that the program has existed but he and the Mayor just wanted to make it more visible. How many other antiques have been ripped-off by APD Antiques Road Show? When did the Police Department become involved in antiquing? Where is the budget for this newly found department? Would this be considered legalized thievery? We already know Schultz and Berry are liars.

Schultz is a liar and an oxymoron; first he states it’s a disposal program and he is pleased to get guns off the streets, next the Chief of Antique’s, Ray Schultz states, “…historic or rare weapons like the MP 40 would not be destroyed but placed with a state museum that has a gun collection display.” Schultz clearly states it himself; the weapons are to be destroyed.

Berry you own this fool. Folks, remember when you vote what this administration has done and continues to do.


Anonymous said...

Given that the crime lab only does a local check on folks who go to pick up the guns, how many of these weapons will be handed out in violation of US law once again?nno Triple I checks means felons could (and have in the past) pick a gun up from APD....but as we know the queen of sanctions, liar Levy set policy saying No Triple I checks.....

Anonymous said...

Hey APOA, instead of wasting everyones time with your stupid emails about how much you love the 5th floor how about you tell everyone why you cut a deal with the chief getting rid of the property crimes units because there's not enough 34s anymore? This will ruin my family but you're too busy sucking up to the chief, don't help the 5th floor,help us!

Anonymous said...

Thank god they cut the property crimes units. FSB needs help and all you 34's hiding inside need to get your buts back in the field. It's the most vital part of being a 34. You property crime 34's don't do shit anyways, FSB handle all of there own cases the majority of the time. Most of you guys have been in your spots for over three years which violates SOP and some are rehires. Get your tails in the field!

Anonymous said...

I thought the Berry mayor was defined by the Property Crimes unit? What did they solve all the crimes and get rid of all the offenders?!?!? Declare victory and go home....yay!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to see APD publish this gun policy so we can see just what constitutes a historic or rare gun. We also need to see the policy of who exactly will these guns be turned over too. Just what museum has Schultz contacted to take these firearms?

Lot's of questions about this and lot's of room for abuse. Remember about 15 years ago it seemed APD did the same thing and a couple of sergeants got in big trouble for taking the guns for themselves.

This current gun turn in is done with no clear policy of what is historical and who are the museums who are going to be given these guns.

This is why the DOJ is here, Schultz says one thing, but doesn't have the policy in place to back it up. This could be a huge embarrassment to the department, but under Schultz we have had so many it really doesn't matter anymore.

Anonymous said...

Where have we been?? There is no longer a PROPERTY CRIMES Unit????? Say it isn't so... Where will ALL of the officers go??? Be assigned to the GUN DISPOSAL Unit??? The woman that turned that WWII firearm needs to know its not being disposed of and take it back and sell it to someone that would appreciate it more... We see the 5th floor selling it and keeping the $ for themselves...

Anonymous said...

So how is it fair that a rehire has who is double dipping get a nice Cush spot in the Nite Detectives? Heard there were two over there. If your a rehire and are getting paid double, your ass should be in the field taking calls for service. The FSB are getting there asses handed to them while we have wannabe Detectives avoiding the FSB because they are SCARED! The numbers in the FSB especially the SE area command are pathetic and it's only a matter of time before tragedy occurs.

Anonymous said...

It is really to bad that Chief Schlutz cannot be honest. He used to be a honest chief. A lot of us citizens really liked the man and do not want to see any bad come to him; but we want to see him move on with his life somewhere's else.

Anonymous said...

Schultz is pathetic! Taking advantage of the senior in our community is as low as you can go. THe EYE is right, APD are acting live a bunch of con-artist and thieves!

Anonymous said...

I agree rehires should all be in FSB answering calls for service. Not is SID, not in IA, not working on computers, not in any of these closets that Ray has given them.

APD is in crisis with hardly no officers working FSB therefore Schultz should be a leader and declare a crisis and put all rehires in FSB until our manning levels rise. Does Schultz have the balls? No he doesn't.

Anonymous said...

So much for keeping retreads as SROs.

Anonymous said...

Rehires currently hiding inside,,,according to extensive research and the city's own transparency website

Jimmy Bledsoe(NiTe dicks)
Lujan,Robert(NiTe dicks) Acosta,Arthur(a school)
Armijo,Jerome(walks around downtown aimlessly)
Babcock,Tod(a school)
Baldonado,Troy(a school)
Bartram,David (hides at firearms range)
Bergsten,Keith (fixes computers for motor types ONLY)
Corvino,John(hides at academy)
Chavez,Don(SW impact)
Debuck,John(a school)
Defrates,Raymond(firearms range doormat)
Edmonson,Larry (police academy doormat)
Fisk,Gerald (kinda fixes computers) Garduno,Catherine (firearms range doormat)
Golson,Louis (chief of PSA's)
Gray,Stanley (firearms range doormat)
Johnson,Mark A (plays w a polygraph machine all day)
Oliver,Duke R(rides horses/motorcycles)
Smouse,Paul W (guards Mcdonalds in stretchy motor pants)
Smyth,Larry A
Snow,Brian (police academy door mat)
Torgrimson,Daniel (super secret WS murder mystery detail)
Trujillo,Alfred F Trujillo,George R (super Secret copper theft detail)
Zamora Jr,Anastacio L (Internal Affairs)

Anonymous said...

1210....U forgot the biggest RAT in the house: rehire Ron Olivas.....APOA "consultant" and money theif.

Anonymous said...

Olivas is paid for by the APOA.

Therefore he is not a rehire.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that is embarassed and shocked by the video on the news about the homeless guy with a "gun" pointing it at officers?

You point a gun at an officer, you should get killed. SHAME ON YOU, and I hope that you are never my 82.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Who cares. Quit whining and get to work crybabies.

January 15, 2013 at 10:14:00 AM MST


A re-hire scared to work the streets!

you must be the one who walks around downtown aimlessly with that other worthless female officer! LMFAO classic way of naming there positions!

Anonymous said...

LMAFO the rehire that guards McDs? I never knew that officers name but I know exactly who you speak of. He is a disgrace to that motorcycle unit uniform!

Anonymous said...


Great post. Re Hires, scared to work the street.

Anonymous said...

No one can fault any REHIRE/LATERAL/CIVILAN for taking advantage of what APD offered SEVERAL years ago..... And the experience they bring to most of the slots they have is PRICELESS.. I doubt there are too many 34s out there that REALLY want to work as an SRO. Lets try this.. Prior to the BID lets open every slot that is now filled by someone on that list and lets see how many of them get taken by another 34... Yes FSB is very short handed but its the place to be as a 34... Suck it up and do your job and go home each night... OOOOO RAH!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I dare all retired rehires to voluntarily go out at the bid so their inside job can be opened to an officer who wants it.

If the position doesn't get filled then let the rehire go back. I will bet almost all of the positions, including SRO, get filled by younger officers. And by younger we are talking about officers who have 5 to 20 years but can't get a good inside job because they are not Tasha Martinez and the rehires have filled them all up.

Anonymous said...

@8:39 Olivas is also paid by RCI. Tell me how he can take money from APOA to rep 34s then go work at Robert Caswell on the same day investigating 34s!

Anonymous said...

Olivas can do that the same way Schultz is APD's chief yet sits on the Academy board and recommends discipline for officers,,,

Anonymous said...

As usual,personal attacks of blue on blue while the fifth floor henchmen laugh as they read this knowing they do not have to worry, sad state we're in.

Anonymous said...

Wow...even Proctor is mentioning the word murder now.....

Anonymous said...

Why do the chiefs need an ugly girl right out of CNM via espanola HS to be their spokesperson anyways? Let them tell their own lies and send her back to a squad in the graveyard where she came from!

Anonymous said...

Cause Tasia is a dummy. What I want to know is how she tolerate's Banks's stupid "You got black in you" comment that he's so fond of.....

Anonymous said... seems that alot of cops don't care for ole' Tasia...isn't she one of yours? Isn't she blue? You wouldn't know it by reading the EYE. It's funny how the EYE decides to not publish certain comments, but allows anyone to hate on a young woman doing what she is told to do. Would you help her if she were in harms way? It doenst sound like you would. This, my friends, is just another example of why APD has such a bad reputation. Who can you trust?

Anonymous said...

"doing what she is told to do"
That's pathetic!
How about doing what is right? That is the problem with those running APD and those doing what they are told.