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"Here you sell it cause I'm not taking the hit on this!" |
Hmmm, the Eye takes a little much needed vacay and what happens, our dear friends at the APOA decide to sneak the latest version of the APOA contract in for a vote on next Monday, July 7.
APOA President Lopez, describes the new contract as being reasonable and that it is:
"2% away from making us whole from the Contract Violations and budget cuts that were imposed on our membership in 2010. This is a substantial increase that puts the APOA membership on the road to recovery."
Here's a link to APOA president Stephanie Lopez and Paul Broom's presentation regarding the one-year contract.
Now, some existing folks in the APOA relayed to us there concerns and these explain why this contract is being rushed to be accepted. In short, CAO Rob Perry gets his way. But in detail here are some major concerns:
-Perry gets his way and the union pays for their own time. Brooms sells this as being a something that benefits officers given whats coming from the DOJ.
-Officers are going to pay more into their PERA. Any raise just goes to fund the PERA.
-I am totally baffled about longevity. Scale 1, Scale 2? Are these amounts that the officer gets
2 weeks, monthly, yearly?
-Polygraph gets extra pay? There is no Polygraph unit. Frank and
Johnson should not be getting
extra pay for not doing Polygraph.
-What exactly is the pay raise are the officers getting? Lopez and company say 5% but it
doesn’t say
that. It should. Everything should be spelled out. So
they get a 5% pay raise, but the officers are
going to have to pick up
at minimum 1.12% more into PERA and lose vacation
time to fund the
union. So lets just say they are getting a 3% pay
raise, maybe.
-Retention pay for senior officers is gone. Who does this? We
are down almost 300 officers and we
need to keep the experience but no,
Berry and Perry strike that from the contract. Well maybe they
want the
senior guys to flee, err I mean retire at
-While APOA officers are paying a huge portion into their PERA account, Prisoner Transport personnel (they're NOT officers) are paying next to nothing. In fine print the contract says:
The city shall pay 8.76% of each employee’s PERA Contribution in addition to the City’s employer premium contribution.
-PTU officer however will be going into their own bargaining unit after this contract. So why should APD officers leverage the cost of PTU personnel now?! Or is it as Lopez says, the APOA will negotiate for them as their own bargaining unit.
"A lot of sacrifices were made. This is a huge increase," says Stephanie Lopez. Broom states that this is the best we can do and the biggest raise of city employees. As best scripted by Perry and Berry.
Several months ago, an all but totally similar contract was presented to the officers and defeated with virtual unanimous support of the rank and file. What say you officers?
I think this time next year the APOA will probably be nonexistent due to the mishandling, negligence and outright deliberate malicious acts committed by some individuals. I heard last week that a lawsuit was dropped on them that is going to wipe them out, ruin some careers and bring criminal charges to 3 or possibly 4 individuals.
Someone asked if Ray Schultz was forgotten about. I think the shit that is about to hit the fan is going to have that criminal front and center like he never left.
Once again, it seems that Lopez and Willowby are failing to be honest with us, they are using our raise money to turn around charge us more to make sure the two of them hide out at uncle cliffs all day and spend time with their families on duty. Yet, they haven't even negotiated this,na close friend of rob perry and a former union killer broom did this. We must not let them get away with this. The city is about 18 percent ahead now, and they're sliding back two percent on us? No way this passes. Time to get the word out
You can't even see the trap they set for you. "We are pushing for this ratification", of course you are because they set the ambush. Once you scam the membership into passing this the city will pull the noose shut on us. As the pressure mounts on the details of the consent decree, the city must get this out of the way in order to finish the slaughtering of our on life support union. We were holding a line of defense that is keeping the city back and you just blew a hole in the line for them. We had some high ground but it's obvious you guys won't stop until you help the city. This contract is like a David Blaine, David copperfield, and a David kouresh all rolled into one hell of a magic trick. I can't even be angry at this, 19 years I can watch it all crumble and finally leave next year,. To my bros and sisters out there, kill this thing dead and maintain our dignity.
Why should the members pay the president AND vice presidents salaries? Get rid of them both and just keep paying Broome to do everything. Hes already on the books. I will vote NO just on the principal of paying the vice president alone! Hack!
The APOA is going to self destruct. If the above information is correct, and I heard it is with enough evidence to bring indictments, those responsible should be thinking about new jobs because hell is going to come down on them.
The APOA is bought and paid for. Mowrer cuts deals for the city, and fucks officers and there are so many moles in there looking out for themselves it isn't 't even funny. You couldn't count the agendas on ten hands. This is why nothing good gets done. Historically, they either get to the leadership, or they put someone in there who finds out that if they do the will of the mayor, they will be handsomely rewarded. It is all a game of smile in your face while they fill their pockets and line themselves up all at everyone else's expense and welfare. Bullshitting everyone is the name of the game.
This is a bit off topic, but is it really?
Here’s the solution to beat the shit out of Berry and Martinez, Koch brother’s money or not.
We need a Bassam Youssef of New Mexico to take on this problem as he successfully did with Egypt. Anyone interested?
Here’s an interview.
He was a threat to the government and successful at forcing change at the top. His speech is a reminder that laughter and poltical satire is more powerful over fear created by a government, as he eloquently describes in the speech which is linked below.
Martinez and Berry are you listening? We are ripe for one of our talented and creative citizens to take this job.
And to relate it to today’s topic, an SNL skit parodying Lopez and the lawyer on NM’s political satire You Tube channel would be hilarious. I’m sure there are a lot of questions that you would want to ask her. And you get to parody how stupid she looks and sounds trying to do a snow job on everybody.
To those eligible to vote on the APOA contract, vote the way you want. To those not, your opinions are worthless and only serve your individual political views. The contract is for those currently employed and the vote will decide their preference. Those not included in this group should direct their focus on issues that concern them. If you are an APOA member and disagree with the contract, vote against it. Anyone outside the APOA has no business commenting on the contract and can go fuck themselves, the Eye included.
The APOA has never had proper leadership.
I love reading the comment at 10:38, it shows exactly what is wrong with our city. The police answer to the public, the police are paid for with public money, but this person believes the public has no right to put their two cents in on the APOA contract.
That is what is wrong with our community. Telling people not to get involved in the spending of our money. That is why Berry is still mayor, the worse mayor ever. Because the citizens don't get involved and when they do they are told they shouldn't.
No wonder we are in the toilet.
The APOA is now an insignificant club house with only a few members who are shamed to be part of it. Dont believe me? Ask about the last time there was actually a quorum to do union business. Nobody attends meetings anymore and no one cares. Joey & Flip turned the APOA into a joke and it has NEVER recovered. Just abolish that stupid club once refereed to as an association.
According to this plan, the city has budgeted the actual money to pay for the pres and the Vp to have a salary. This includes retirement I bet. They are trying to fool us by making us think the vacation time isn't costing money but it is. So, not accounting for what the Vp steals in uncorked time, steals from the APOA ,time lost at uncle cliffs, on duty family time, covering up felonies, etc. I would bet that they are having to shell out 140k. Tale that money and get rid of the VP, give the 700 or so members a 1 to 1500 bonus. It may not be much but it's something, and it would show us you're concerned about getting us every cent possible instead of serving yourself willowby. You can berate us all you want and tell us to F off, with your usual class, but this is wrong and you know it. You have taken our raise money to pay yourself mot to do any work, you have let civilians into our union, you have cut the dirtiest of deals to protect yourself from the Feds but it won't work. You won't silence me, come by the FAC willowby, you'll find me, and you'll see that we have already convinced everyone to vote no. Nice try using the Monday of a long holiday weekend to sneak in a vote..tsk tsk guys. When is the full membership meeting to doscuss this disaster? Did the negotiating committee approve your scam and present it to the board for approval? Where are the logs from those meetings? Are you going to hide behind youtube forever? The city is calling the shots for you guys. Even if you convince enough sheep to pass this contract, you won't escape the real danger ahead of you. Conspiracy and tampering with evidence are very serious charges from the Feds. Oh, and you're chameleon lawyer already cut his deal, fools. Maybe uncle cliffs is hiring two former union officials who were once cops but will never be again.
I see the Mayor is hard at work NOT... No one cares about watching soccer at an old theater.. Come on dude work on the real problems in this city.
The contract is disgusting... Vote no........
Well well willoughby, little worried are ya? So what "preference" are you referring to? Is it "there's nothing else will happen so take this", or is it, "please don't ask questions because the membership might realize I sold them out so I can sit here the rest of my sorry career". Seems to me it's " damn it, they caught us again". Try being honest just once, it's ok to come out and say this offer sucks. But you won't dare anger rob perry.
Whew. You guys know how to get a party started. The chatter was flying down at the main this afternoon. Word has it that two former cops didn't just get thrown under the bus. Joey, Ray and Fred put themselves and the union in a very bad position that is now going to culminate in a multi million dollar lawsuit and criminal charges for this gang, because of what they did to those guys. Finally someone got these guys. I truly am glad that I am not involved in union business anymore. It has fallen apart.
Good luck fellas, and great work!
Not only vindication for Doyle and Woolover, but the real Lopez,Weber, Mowrer, and a Willoughby will be revealed.
Glad you understand the concept of being a public servant. Yes I pay the taxes which pay your salary and also pay all the millions in APD lawsuits. So YES it get a say on your contract. I think the irrelevant one here is you. Times are changing and the citizens are taking back their city.
To all the naysayers, the proposed contract will pass. It includes a pay raise that impacts hourly rate and retirement pay, does not effect the pending lawsuit, and allows for renegotiating in 1 year. No matter how you slice it, an increase in hourly rate (which includes the overtime rate) will be the catalyst that pushes the contract through. To the select few who continue to believe in a conspiracy theory, get a reality check. Cops deserve and want an increase in the hourly rate, they will vote to approve the contract.
Explain why it was totally dumped, except for ptc burrito boys, by everybody last time?
You really don't get a say in the APOA contract. We pay dues with our earned money whether that money came from tax payers or the private sector. If you get a say in the contract then I guess you can tell me where and how to spend the rest of my money. According to that logic all police officers bank accounts should be made public because after all, it came from your tax dollars. That's the logic you are screaming. I'm voting no on the contract by the way.
A fucking 64 year old women waked into Perry's office and told him what she thinks of him and you pusses won't do the same...Ha ha ha ha!!!
And where is the one officer out of the 40 that where involved in the Boyd murder stepping up at a press conference?? Is part of being an officer in this department having your balls sliced off by Perry?? And where is the class action civiil rights lawsuit against this so called Chief of yours??
Your all a fucking disgrace to the badge and to the people of this city.
Resign now and go start digging a ditch to nowhere, because that is exactly where you belong.
The APOA will be irrelevant really soon.
@ 9:44
And there's going to be other "old women" with balls coming out of the woodwork, fearlessly standing up for what's wrong with this city and state to get it fixed. Truth and results matter!
You show them, Nora! I'm right behind you.
Taser truth or fiction?
No surprise that it's Mesa, AZ, home of right-wing central. Apparently they forgot to get the truth about APD's experience with Taser.
I don't know enough to determine if what they are promoting in this "advertisement" is true. Maybe someone else can educate us on it.
Taser is still down more than 50% from their high.
Hey you pay my salary? Funny, so do I! I pay my own salary so i guess that makes me a greedy city employee. We both pay the salaries of Mayor Berry and his "trips " to nowhere, Rob Perry's alcohol addiction, the redundant city legal department double -billing myself and you as taxpayers for work already done once. Yeah, we are being bilked by the city. And oh, don't forget on top of paying my salary and the salary of every other city employee, I get the privilege of actually seeing my tax dollars go directly into the pockets off the crooked administrators and high contract bids go to buddies without going through the proper bidding process. Did you know your tax dollars are now going to fund a FULL TIME NURSE AT LIBRARIES TO CARE FOR THE HOMELESS THAT LIVE IN THE LIBRARIES WHEN THE SHELTERS CLOSE? THAT SUCKING SOUND YOU HEAR IS OUR RAISES BEING FUNNELED INTO THE POCKETS OF A FRIEND OF A FRIEND WHO IS A NURSE ....NO BID CONTRACT ONCE AGAIN!
WARNING: Before you vote get a copy of the proposed contract and read and understand it completely. Compare proposed gains against what you will lose. YOU WOULD NOT BUY A CAR IF YOU DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE TERMS. Get the proposed contract and read it yourself, then make a informed vote. If for some reasons copies of the proposed contract can not be supplied to everyone, YOU SHOULD VOTE NO ! You have to be informed and know all the details to vote on your future.
Is it possible for one person to write the complaint and then have our names added to it as a united group of NM citizens? Can it be posted on one of the many web sites that have sprouted up, or maybe all of them including the EYE, to put the word out and allow us to put our name via email? It would ensure that the NM Bar realizes that citizens are united in their concern and monitoring their decision.
We can list all of the websites that have recently sprouted here and ask if they'd be willing to post it.
I'd sign it!
What happened to Officer morale is tied to the contract? Low Officer morale means cops leave. Not enough cops is everyone's business. Stop telling me to fuck off and remember I can help pressure the Mayor's office into a deal that keeps you so happy you want to stay past your 20.
The only reason the State cops are getting all that back pay is they never signed a contract that did not make them whole. If you pass a contract agreeing not to be whole you give the Judge evidence to dismiss the case of why you should be given back pay. Passing it means you did not think you deserve to be made whole!
And I paid my dues, now im trying to protect you kids who dont have an attorney worth a shit to warn you. But the City attorney sure does.
APD administration; Berry, Perry, and Martinez (the Three Stooges); the APOA, and the LEA in Santa Fe (led by that pillar of virtue, Nate Korn) are all tentacles of the same corrupt octopus. Schultz and now Eden screw over good cops to protect their own duplicity in Taser-like deals; cops who MURDER civilians don't see indictments. New Mexico should be proud of the filth that permeates its largest city..oh, the national press makes the state look like a cartel run neighborhood of Juarez! The citizens of Albuquerque deserve the s**t they're sitting in for allowing corruption to prevail! People of Albuquerque Rise and take back our fair city. Wrestle it from the hands of corrupt police administrators, graft perpetrated by "business partners" Jason Peck & Nate Korn (who actually operate a business out of one of APD's substations); graft like the Taser deal masterminded by a corrupt former chief and a corrupt current mayor; and a police union that is a lap dog for the city administration!!!! Recall Berry=TAKE BACK OUR CITY!!!
Don't listen to that snake Willowby and the invisible president who refuses to accept responsibility for anything. You can hear and feel the desperation in their voices. The city is founding on them to pass this so they can seal our fate. We are not breaking apart by voting this down, we are in fact organizing and unifying. You can squeeze 20 times what the APOA is offering you this year out of the city by working some extra time here and there. I'm ready to stick together by voting this down and sending it back to an egotistical sexist like willowby and the invisible president lap dog. Once this is killed we need to rid the APOA of the lawyer and Broom. Take back our voice. Hold strong everyone.
Sent to you via my taxpayer funded wireless device. Come find me Peck.
If you are a Sgt. Or Lt. You need to seriously consider organizing into a different "bargaining unit", which seems to be Stephanie's favorite word this week. They did it for civilians so they must do the same for you. You don't have very long before the Feds level the decree on us in the middle o f the night. We must not allow those two at APOA to decide for us. It won't take much for us to put it together.
I post this from my department issued iPad on department wifi while on department time....the last contract Steph and Shaun supported and recommended us to pass was voted down by over 90% of us. this worthless contract is no better. NO!!!
Vote NO!!! Do not accept anything this corrupt Administration tries to feed us. We can't afford any infighting now. Stand together on this and vote this crappy contract down.....
Also if you are a sgt, and your name is Daniel Carr, consider not being such a scumbag. Obviously your job isn't in jeopardy or anything. I mean, Adam Casaus straight up killed a girl and crippled another, and it STILL took three months for him to lose his job.
And to save you low-IQ gang members the brain cells to have to type the same thing you always do, yes, I fully admit I'm not a cop, so I truly have no idea just how terribly grueling it is to harass strippers and generally act like a criminal while collecting a city paycheck.
They did it for the civilians and ever since they have to fight like hell to avoid collapse. Once the City noticed now they reclassify everyone who should be in those unions to other positions.
This should sound familiar to you. The PTU used to be the duty of real cops. Cops who knew that offenders shooting off their mouths should be recorded as evidence. Now this group of less trained and lower paid exists and doesnt know to record plus about a half dozen other missed opportunities. Then they woke up and decided to join apoa because they are weak without apoa. Except now they've decided they're strong enough to go it alone? From an Officers job to an independent union that will fight for their chunk of the pie (taking it away from apoa and all the others) in only four short years. Way to go BPS
I realize that many current APD cops use this site to "vent their spleens" about the problems in the department. But there are so many more cops who are quietly supportin this corruption by NOT taking an active role in their so-called union, APOA, and regularly visiting Nate Korn's business (real name is Nathaniel Kornfeld, he must truly hate his ancestry). This slime ball sits on the LEA board and is a mouthpiece for the corrupt slime at City Hall and the APD administration because he must protect his phony, no bid contract with the city that is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Also, all you poor officers who think things are so bad continue to do business with this crud! Ladies and gentlemen you are supporting the corruption; so by logical projection, you too must be corrupt. I know there is at least one other vendor you could use downtown, but hundreds of you continue to put money in Korn's pockets! What if an individual were to photograph APD units, showing their vehicle number; then what if said individual would post those photos on some public forum. Could you "brothers in blue" stand up to the light? Or would you run, like cockroaches, from that light? The end to this trash starts with the cop on the street; or are you so afraid of your jobs that you will turn a blind eye to all the wrongs? If one ignores crime, are you not a criminal as well? May God have mercy on us!
4:04pm - take the pictures and post them. I'm serious. Many cops shopping at Kornhole's are not there buying "contract required" items. They are looking for the latest in bling and add-ons to (supposedly) boost their appearance to their perception of tough guy/girl standards and promote their visions of being "Legends" in their own minds. We are dealing with a whole cave full of inflated egos with deflated IQ's. Keep shining light on them to expose them for what most of them really are.
Conspiracy to violate civil rights is civil and criminal. A former APD DCOP will be facing charges for illegal influence untruthfulness, conspiracy, abuse of authority and official corruption because he was not careful around who he was speaking. Covering up for his friends who obstructed a federal investigation will remove your status at the new job and put him in a prison cell. Now the ball starts rolling on you motherfuckers. Hope your dignity, integrity and half assed reputation was worth the sellout crime you committed and falsified legal document. Taking orders from political operatives and changing court documents is a felony. Now you pulled the state into the fray. Good luck staving off the indictments. Next time wipe the data from the documents you send out it tells the whole story stupid. Someone is going to prison.
Caitlin Arquette Duncan. The most bungled case in APD history that I can recall. Disturbing & disgusting mess ever. No respect for the victim's mother desperate for information. Nobody at APD gave a rats ass about this case. Never solved.
Yes folks, the facts are flying. Thanks for trying to fuck us by pushing through a bullshit contract. Oh yea, and it was a big mistake changing the bylaws in order to let Fred control everything in the union. Now that Fred has the power to veto over the Executive board vote to fund officers for legal council, you have washed your hands of being in bed with this corrupt administration. Is that what you think? You weren't that smart. You sold the members down the river. That is right folks, now an dirty attorney for the union who is in bed with the city, has the power to deny funding to officers whom the city wants to put the screws to. All they have to do is pick up the phone, and call the union attorney.
Who feels supported out there now with a bunch of self serving crooks standing behind you taking your money to pay themselves, then leaving you hanging and twisting in the wind when you need their representation the most. All we are doing is funding an off the job vacation for people who want to sit on their asses, collect a check, and call themselves cops, while trying to inch themselves closer to stealing a pension on the backs of cops who are out there busting their asses every day.
I hope this mother of all lawsuits we are hearing about puts you all out of business, out of a job, then behind bars.
10:30, try opening your eyes up Lois, there's been many more cases fucked up much worse than yours Lois.
This takes the cake. The membership gave Fred the power to veto the Executive Board!!!! This is all the hard proof anyone needs to see the corruption in this department as you welcome the tyranny of a dictatorship. Ray taught you well slaves... Now I can add 'communists' to your list of traits.
Please do not roll over and give this corrupt administration any credibility by signing their cheap contract. Heh is right look at the fine print and see what they want to take from you. Keep in mind this administration is trying to make life difficult for those of us with SENIORITY as we make the most $$ and have all the VC & SKP accrued.
Yes they did. Someone had to motion it, then the executive board voted it in. They voted in a defendant in a lawsuit to further self destruct our union. I think the day of our own personal legal insurance is upon us, because the union is selling us out, and Fred is denying officers representation. The buzz about something big on it's way is not rumor. It is a fact. They were all fretting over it last week. There is a massive case concerning betrayed officers coming down the pipeline and from what I was advised, it has huge criminal liability connected with it along with the rumored belt tapes that people have been discussing.
Good luck everyone.
Vote no to filling the pockets of a lawyer who sells us out and the personal agendas of dodging the job they took to be an officer.
As the ild saying goes...... You ain't getting something for nothing. With this administration, that means someone is getting bent over and ass gaped. Guess who?
When Kent Walz and his piece trash paper endorse something regarding us you know we're gonna get fucked. NO to the Contract!! Fuck Walz. Fuck Perry. Fuck Berry.
Ken Walz and the Journal Editorial today said we should vote for our contract, that it's a good deal.
Well that just made my decision, if Walz likes it, then I don't.
I am Voting NO
APD Officers, Paul Broom is NOT on your side. I have dealt with him many times. STAND UNITED AND STRONG AND VOTE; NO!
7/5 5:25,
You just nailed it. Berry wants something. He has his minions put it in the works, then he contacts his people at the Journal and has them spin it for him. The Journal is in unison with this administration. They are all working together to fill their pockets and they are breaking the law and violating people's civil rights to do it.
If you really want to shove it up this Administration's ass, VOTE NO ON THE CONTRACT TOMORROW.
If you don't, you endorse everything these criminals have done.
Why does Broom, Streicher, Perry, Blair, and Leyy , all look like they fell into a vat of wine and drank their way out?
4-5, 12:22pm: From: Commander of Alien Research Forces in your sector. You have a remarkable understanding of the mentality functions of a spectrum of Earthlings that we have done extensive anal probe research on. Our findings confirm your statements EXACTLY! Your people have allowed, even encouraged the placement of test subjects into sensitive jobs that we found totally unsuitable for any position that affords them even the slightest measure of power. These people are chronologically adult Earthlings controlled by the minds of school children. The conclusions of your research are absolutely unquestionable. I have named you Honorary Senior Anal Probe Analyser in my Sector of research.
DOOM IS COMING.... DO YOU HEAR ME? DOOM I SAID! Run for the hills! Put your helmets on! Brace for impact! Batten down the hatches! Lock up your wives! Lock up the back door! Run for your lives!
When the man comes around!
I heard the seven trumpets, and now I see the seven seals ripped open like payday candy wrappers.
Oh.... The humanity!!!!
All yee in the path of destruction, please join hands...
Sing with me!!!!
Kumbuyaaaa my Lord... Kumbuyaaaaa....
Kumbuya my lord... Kumbuyaaaaa...
All the gold my Lord... all the gold,..
All the gold my lord ... all the gold...
In Fort Knox my lord.... In Fort Knox...
In Fort Knox my lord.... In Fort Knox...
Can't save us my Lord... Can't save us!
Can't save us my lord ... Can't save us!
Ease our pain my lord... Ease our pain.
Ohhh Lord We're now just a grease stain!
My people,
As I have seen it there have been great indiscretions carried out upon others by those unworthy of even the cleansing white hot fire and brimstone of Hell. For these of whom there lies a special place of Pineappleus Maximus sodomizationus. Please take these evil doers, and whisper unto them that now is the time to take to their knees and confess. Confess to the world and be done with the monkey on their back.
Ease the pain of the inevitable insertion of plant life, feet, and everything they have done being rolled up into one and inserted forcefully by the guiding holy righteous winds into their bowels.
And when the pale horse comes and apophis lands, please sit them in the path and make it quick... for swiftness is most compassionate. And when they refuse to turn the other cheek, rip all four from their bodies and replace them to their rightful places.
If the meek shall inherit the Earth, then let these gems I speak of take their cheeks and move to a septic tank.
For now that the door had been stepped through, there is no turning back. When one tries to he gets dragged kicking and screaming into the urine soaked bed they made. It is too late for apologies or absolvement.
For that day of reckoning is upon us.
Godspeed and help us all.
Whisper to your mothers for forgiveness and show sorrow for the disrespect you have given your Father's name.
Light a candle and wait. Just wait.
This city is ripe for some healthy competition for a real newspaper. A new newspaper just started. It’s not YET quite ready for prime time but has a lot of potential, especially if it goes digital. Content is credible, fearless in reporting and entertaining. My understanding is they just need funding. They have independent journalists. Paper is called ABQ Free Press, freeabq.com.
And the APD contract is another shell game that this administration is so good at doing. Contracts should be simple and easy to understand if they are in the best interest of BOTH parties. Don't be fooled APD by their continuing manipulation.
Oh look, homelessness back on the front page of the stupid paper. Somebody should ask Blair how many COAST members there are now as compared to even two years ago. Or even ask what COAST stands for. But that's ok, good ol Taja is now in CIT so she can bless us all with her vast experience of what it takes to go "down" on 5th floor types. Btw NO on Broom and Lopez and Willoughby and their shitty contract.
Well done Reverend Heat!
Don't give in tomorrow folks and definitely don't forget to vote no. The APOA leadership and the attorney are counting on you to not show up. They have been calling people all weekend soliciting votes from people, which I believe is unlawful. They are telling people that they have all the youngsters fooled into voting yes. The best possible scenario for us right now is to not touch the current agreement. Don't let the city take any more. If we can sink this crap Lopez has tried to feed us it will weaken Berry a bit more. Lopez and willowby actually gave up a bargaining chip to make the city promise to call them and tell them what's happening with the DOJ! As if they are going to do one damn thing about it. It only shows how weak they truly are. The only otherr thing they managed to do was drum up more than 100k to make sure they sit on their asses and wait for orders from Perry. At our expense. Fred Mowrer is a dirty corrupted attorney and he's counting on this to pass . Please take a few minutes tomorrow and vote no, stop Lopez and willowby in their tracks. Put Fred Mowrer in his place.
Since when do newspapers get involved in negotiating union contracts???WTF is going down in this corrupt city??
Enuf already ..
WTF indeed ...this is ridiculous.
Who is Nora?
The newspaper gets involved when they are in collusion with the city. Stay tuned. Shit is coming.
Why would any association vote in favor of 2008 wages? City Council is finally putting pressure on the 11th floor. Voting yes will only take pressure off of the Mayor. AFD voted yes to accept less and haven't received shit since. The Mayor and Perry do not negotiate in good faith! See through the trap this will only be spun as a victory for the Mayors approval amongst police officers. Keep the pressure untill you and your PERA are made 100% whole!
I was intercepted by a union official(who I still believe is a good 34, won't out him) who tried to sway my vote. It was still no for me, but how is this possible? Isn't this vote intimidation against some rule? I'm dropping my membership ASAP
You mean you don't carry personal liability insurance? Sure legally the city has to offer to defend you but rather you think it will never happen to you or you think the city will take care of you, the fact is the City looks out for the City. They are not there to make sure your reputation or your checkbook remains untouched. If the shit hits the fan wouldnt you rather have an attorney who is in the room for you, not the union, mot the doj, not the city, just looking out for you.
Plus mine costs me less than a night out. Money well spent if I ever need it.
Joe Monahans blog says " But the negotiations have not yet begun, News 13 has learned. APD Chief Eden said he couldn’t speak to that. “I’m not part of the negotiations,” he said. “That’s between the City Attorney’s Office, our special counsel that’s been hired and the Department of Justice. “So I can’t provide you with any information."
so there is no one familiar with the inner workings of apd in the room?!!! And exactly what the hell have these two been billing us for if negotiations have not started?!
We have been paying for FOREPLAY that's about it.
That you Willowby? As usual, tough talk, you're Johnny Tyler bud. See imbecile it's "you're" not "yer". What would I know, madcap? I can't wait to hear you not take credit for this "glorious victory" you delivered us. "F*** them", you said today. "They don't know what I did for them". You guys broke it, you own it now. But thanks for the twelve percent raise, you guys forgot to move the decimal point to the left two spaces. Gotta go willowby, calls stacking, I need to get that vacation bank up so I can literally pay your salary.
1:28 pm Did you drop your apoa membership. Also the other post that talks about liability insurance. Who is you're carrier?
So if the APOA isn't a true support for APD, what does the CPOA ( Chicano Police Officers Association) do for its members? Does it support civil rights? Does it work with LULAC ? How did Det. Mike Fox (former)"earn" the title of President in 2009 ? Just what really is their agenda??????
"Chicano Police Officers Association"? Come on - you made that up. That really exists? Their meetings must be totally beyond hilarious! "I wish to complain that a gringo APOA member stole my favourite chicken. As CPOA members we need to impress upon the APOA members our different viewpoints. While some of them look at our chickens all they can see is "Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas", they lack the sensitivity to acknowledge that some of us are fucking our chickens . . . and our sheep, and our goats, and anything else that can't outrun us."
10:14pm - You must be the gringo from APOA who is hiding my cheecken.
Is it any coincidence that the contract was pushed heavily by Lopez and she then gets a letter from the LEA board stemming from discipline that could have resulted in termination just after the contract passes? This is the way this administration does business. They are extortionists.
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