For many years the coppers have told us there was a mutual respect shared by APD and the public. The bifurcation of the public and APD has many root causations. The question we pose today: is it a lack of professionalism that has led to publics diminished perception of APD?
As time has worn on has APD suffered an on-going diminishment of professionalism? There are many reasons for the slide towards hell APD has suffered. We are only going to look at a handful of what we view as major components that have been at the root cause.
APD started hiring just about anyone. These were cycles where APD would take anyone with a pulse. APD accepted many lateral officers who were, let’s say, questionable at best. This is not to put a slant on all lateral officers. Many of the laterals are wonder coppers. We are told at one point APD was accepting laterals whose only police experience was being a military officer manning a gate at a Government base. None of these folks ever attended a real police academy. People who were on the DO NOT HIRE list were pushed through the system and hired. This was all initiated by the chief and top management. Dismal training by APD by incompetent leadership and ultimately a civilian director who has compromised the department while engaging in what some have stated is unethical behavior while working for the APD.
APD started conducting training with DOE many years ago to improve their abilities and effectiveness. But then APD started training with the military whose goals and objectives differ from those of a civilian sworn officer. When a police officer must use deadly force the rule is “shoot to stop the action.” In sharp contrast when the military uses deadly force it is “shoot to kill.” Those two directives differ greatly from the chosen objectives. Police only want to stop the illegal act. The military objective is to kill the enemy. The public is not the enemy. We believe this is where APD started to slip deeper into the oblivious.
The primary root causation is poor leadership which continues to drag APD into the depths of hell. From the Galvin era through today the Eden era; the Police Department has been dealt a crappy hand over and over again. Failed leadership is a direct reflection of what APD is experiencing. We would like to also mention the lack of real and meaningful training. The vast majority of police officer involved shootings has been a result of a mentally ill person who has stopped taking their medication and whose actions become bazaar due to the mental illness. Yes, APD has started some training but it is only a band aide on a hemorrhaging amputation.
Note: What ever happened to being dedicated to the job and the people you serve? All of APD's top command are already make a sizeable salary and now they will receive an additional bonus of $12,000.00 a year? for what; failing to react appropriately and allowing the DOJ to take over the APD? There was a fix but failed leadership only mean a failed organization. The City and Berry have made it an acceptable practice of rewarding BAD BEHAVIOR. How many more officers could have been hired in lieu of paying the greedy to do their jobs? Top Brass will stay without any bonuses because without the badge and positional power; they are "no bodies." The fact of the matter is they are already "no bodies" but they are to ignorant to know the difference. This includes Albuquerque's Mayor Berry.
good article -to the point keep up the good work
Now, Now, Richard Berry does not want to point the fingers of blame, he is bigger than that, or so he has told the New Yorker, KOAT and the Journal.
So good ole Berry won't blame (or in other words, HOLD ACCOUNTABLE) his appointees.
But he has no problem with HIS APPOINTEES firing low level APD officers. Dear, Woolover, Doyle etc, if they had been appointed by Berry they would still be working.
Richard Berry needs to ask his wife for his testicles and find the courage to fire Eden, Huntsman and the entire APD command staff. But alas Berry would never fire Ray Schultz, the chief who got us here, so why would we think his wife would give him is testicles now?
Remember this quote by US Army Lt Colonel Paul Yingling, " A private who loses a rifle suffers far greater consequences than a general who loses a war"
The same can be said for Albuquerque Police officers. "A beat cop who does his job but doesn't record it because the product is a malfunction piece of junk, suffers far greater consequences than a police chief who spent $2,000,000 in a pay to play scheme with the maker of the product".
Berry will never hold his appointees accountable, but he will screw the lowest officer. Is this reform?
If we remove the unprofessional and unqualified officers from the Albq Police Department would there even be enough officers to continue calling it a police department?
How do we eliminate the militarization and replace it with valid training when cops have become dependent on the federal handouts? Now that the DHS has become so interwoven into local law enforcement and the yeehaa locals have become such willing and enthusiastic lap dogs we are faced with a conundrum.How do we cut the cord? Cutting the cord would cause the DHS to launch a wave a legal actions costing us a fortune and continuing down this path IS costing us a fortune..........
Again nothing will change until we have a new administration and leadership in APD. Supervisors in APD are not held accountable. There is currently an FI sgt who spends the majority of their shift at home. Why isn't this Sgt disciplined? This person lives across the street from me and I can see them leave for work only to return an hour later and stay for the night. It's allowed Because the shift LTs are not in a position to observe this behavior ( at home too ) and the higher ranks have no Idea it's going on and don't want to rock the boat. An obvious example is the supervisors on the Boyd call. Why are these supervisors allowed to still oversee officers in high stress situations when they obvious failed so miserable on that call.
I though the Republicans were agains hand outs by the Feds yet they take and take and when Fed subsidy runs out, wahla "we had to cut programs cause we lost FEDERAL funds" . No money for homeless but we are going to build a Rockefeller center, well maybe the homeless have ice skates since they are the only ones that go downtown after dark. Can you believe the shit that comes out of Berry,Perry and good ol Gilbert's mouths. Not one to place blame, just sayin!
APD calls itself a para military organization, but is missing some the key components such as honor, respect, and an overall duty to those they serve. I know that APD has numerous veterans and reservist and I thank them for their service, but a large majority have no idea what that type of commitment is and unfortunately they only have cowards like Eden, huntsman, and montano to use as examples. Although some top level supervisors are ex-military, they have lost that sense of professionalism and pride and are now in a position of doing everything for political reasons. To compare APD to the military in anyway is unfair. Although I spent many years in the military, once I came to APD , I knew the difference and I never once let those those 2 careers blend. As far as training, I don't think anyone ( minus a few rehires)currently at the academy were
in the military, so how would they know about militarization anyway. Bad leadership by any name is still bad leadership.
a marketplace or shopping quarter, especially in the Middle East
Wow...Ray Schultz is now deputy chief of police at a little police department in the urban sprawl of Houston, Texas, called Memorial Villages. I am disappointed that Texas is now hiring the cast offs from New Mexico. But then, this department is led by a rather dubious character, the former Chief of Police of Hobbs. If you go onto Memorial Villages, Texas' PD Facebook page it has the contact number of Mr. Schultz. I bet those Texans can't wait to get crappy Taser equipment. I guess the vetting process in smaller departments is non-existent. Why else would they hire a corrupt POS like Schultz?
WHEN are you going to stop calling them "coppers"?? Are you seven? Not only does it sound stupid, it's disrespectful. Oh, and your information and knowledge of the "militarization of police" is ludicrous. One more thing, when are the rest of you commentators going to stop hiding behind the veil of "anonymous" when you bad mouth everyone on this blog? Grow a pair.
Credit and accolades to City Councilor Gibson for calling out COA Perry for his lack of professionalism and childish behavior during the council meetings. During the February 2nd meeting Perry arrogance and "SMIRKS" were called out! Send a thank you to Councilor Gibson for having the fortitude and courage to expose COA Rob Perry for the P O S he is! Councilor Gibson please keep up the good works! We appreciate you!
P Perdue:
I also have wondered about the juvenile "coppers" thing, but after reading the rest of your tirade, I am now wondering more about you.
Talk, talk, talk, that's all you people do, meanwhile I'm looking at a hell of a house in Bunker Hill, my buddy Banks paid down half of his brand new house in RR, I love the smell of new.
What I built is something you fools can never remove. Wake up, nothing can stop me.
The fact of the matter is the leadership of the entire City is the problem. Blames APD. Don't think so. The Officers on the street are not the problem. Start at the top with the Mayor, the City Council, then the police chief and the DCs. I think their all nice guys from my conversations with them but they are not prepared or equipted to handle any major catasraphe headed their way. Scary times here in ABQ. BCSO and every agency in the Metro has the proper funding and man power. APD I don't think so
Is Karen Fischer going with Ray???? PLEEEEEEEEEASE....
Memorial Villages?? Isn't that one of those over 55 assisted living and senior care facilities??? Right up Ray's alley. He can now blow smoke with all the elderly folks there.
You don't think APD has the proper funding or manpower?
Part time PIOs making $120,000 a year. Paying a training director a quarter of million dollars over 3 years just to have the DOJ take over cause he doesn't know what the hell he is doing. Paying millions of dollars in bonuses. Spending millions of dollars on new weapons, cameras, and computer equipment that either doesn't work or isn't needed. I could go on but let's hit on manpower for a bit. Creating a new 6 man unit to do the job that supervisors should be doing. Having more PIOs now that anytime in APDs history. Still having tech services manned by officers instead of civilians. Having numerous officers hidden and doing work for the chief with no supervision ( Christine Frank ). Having specialized units like CNAU and retail crime when officers and impact detectives are already doing that work. APD is a black hole for money and manpower. Yes they could use more money and manpower but what's the point when the management will just put it where it's not needed.
Saw a story on the news this morning about a dangerous drunk driving offender. It stated the female was arrested and it took several months to get the results. Once APD did get them they sat in a detectives box for over a month before she (believe her name was Frank)reviewed them and then sent them back down to the arresting officer for more work. If APD is down in manpower, why do you have 1 officer doing nothing but reviewing another officers work. Isn't that his supervisors job? If the state would've sent the results directly to the officer who arrested her she would've been off the streets much sooner. How many more lives will be lost because APD supervisors can't make the hard decisions. I really hope there is more to Franks job than just reviewing Dwi arrests of her peers.
Exactly where is the dedication to the job and people to whom you serve. And it is that too, service to the community not to yourself, from the top to the bottom. The brass is suppose to be there to support the troops. The troops are there to serve the public with the MINIMUM of force. If you can't handle the public's criticism, find another line of work. The food industry always have openings. Oh wait, because of the biggest self-serving twit as mayor there are no jobs.
Great news! I have accepted a job out of Albuquerque and out of New Mexico! I am so glad to be out of the cesspool that is this city and state. The corruption here is revolting. The graft and corruption permeate all levels of life here. From solid waste to APD to the halls of the Mayor to the District Court judges! It is as if a drug cartel runs this city....wait, that just may be the root of all of our trouble. The APD administration is dirty, the so called police union is so corrupt that only the corrupt still pay dues to it, the District Courts are making a mockery out of justice and the Feds are standing by, doing nothing. I guess that should tell us all where Albuquerque and New Mexico stand in the eyes of the federal government...they see us as not worth saving...and I think we aren't....that is why I am so, so lucky to be leaving. Oh, and you "Mr. or Ms. Perdue", I doubt that is your real name and did you know that it is the brand name of a popular line of chicken products? Good bye Albuquerque and good riddance...may you all rot in the garbage you have created!
APOA Vice says he would rather have new hires than to bring back rehires. Coming from guy who just hangs out at a clubhouse all day spending union money on Starbucks. I agree that the way previous rehires were brought back was just wrong. Way too many rehires in positions that aren't needed. But if some idiot wants to come back and work the streets under this administration then more power to them. A body is a body if the process is fair this time.
$ 12,000 a year before taxes to keep working for the biggest group of arrogant, self centered, worthless, group of cops to ever sit on the 5th floor. OR.................. Worst case scenario retiring, working minimum wage and making $ 15,600. Well Mr. Mayor, don't think the required 60 college credits will make the math any easier, I'm out
Is Channel 13 ever going to air the video of Fisher and RayRay making out in the parking lot? Your producer said it wasnt news but if you aired it the public would know who helped Ray get the sweetheart deal with Taser and why Ray was willing to help Karen turn her job private so she could profit. Then they would know what we all know, everytime you do a favor for Ray or Perry, you get to turn part of APD into your fiefdom and then you get to turn it into a company whenever you retire or have a kid starting private school.
the correct link to the Mary Han story is here:
Wolf is gone. Wolf is gone. It's about damn time. I'm sure just like Schultz he'll use his well thought out resume to land a great job. Or you'll hear about him landing a job he isn't qualified for like Eden. But regardless he is gone and the admin can use this opportunity to get it right this time. Ahhhhhhhh no, I'm sure it'll be filled by another of the Edens buddy's. Mabey there was someone other than Huntsman following him around at church.
Great comment .
What happened to Mary Han? Will somebody, anybody just put it out there. I know these psychos will never pay for what they've done, but those of us who loved her deserve to know. When can we have closure? Please.
Banks or Beth has Mary's jewels, I'm still trying to get into Banks new house without getting caught.
Been there, tapped that, not scared, I'll go through the front door, broster.
You couldn't tap a keg you douche....go back to your keyboard ans "tap" the screen to your animal porn......
Your days of buying Just for Men and trying to pick up the newest PSA or dispatcher are over, enjoy your much needed retirement, again, thanks for all the calls you "missed".
Sorry you missed out on blondie...
There are some in the command staff that are not part of "that mind-set" . Those of you in APD know who they are. I take offense to "get rid of the command staff" they are not all a like.
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