The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Nov 25, 2016

Preempting the preempt

"Hernandez and Eden, meanwhile, said they planned to get in touch with the U.S. Attorney’s Office this week." Now that is a good one!

Earlier this week we told you about individuals within APD doing some really bad things. The amusement keeps on coming. In usual childish, and cowardly fashion those criminals running the city, and being exposed as the scum bags they are are very butt hurt, and they decided to lash out. Everyone who has EVER blown the whistle on the corruption in Albuquerque, or put those responsible for acts of cowardice against them in their place have faced assaults on their character, lies about them, and fabricated allegations in attempts to discredit them from cowards who take their shots from the shadows, or behind well insulated cover. Those days are coming to an end, because many are extremely fed up with this horse shit, and enough has been enough. There is a limit to everyone's patience, and tolerance. Some just fail to realize what can happen when you poke the bear, wake the sleeping dog, or push the envelope just that last little bit when everyone has had enough.

The above quote was taken from the local Mayor Berry PR firm, also known as the Albuquerque Urinal. The Urinal recently wrote that City Attorney Hernandez stated that the city is going to hire a special investigator, as if she is getting out ahead of this issue after the whistle was blown, and ignored a long time ago. This is nothing but horse shit. She, Eden, Perry, Berry, and the previous bunch caused this problem. When initially confronted with these allegations, she and her administration stated they were not investigating it. That was until damning evidence was leaked. Now, all of the sudden the Urinal wants to put together an article painting this problem out to be the solution to the problem. If you remember, the Albuquerque (Journal) Urinal were the ones who penned Ray Schultz was the man to clean up the department. They said he was the right man for the job, just before he ran away with his tail between his legs. This is the type of lunacy we are talking about. The same newspaper who said a bid rigging, malfeasant, who caused this mess was the solution, wants to tell you the same thing all over again. The Urinal thinks the citizens of this city are stupid. The Urinal so wants to carry water for this failed administration that they will say anything. Do not be fooled by these colluders. They use every trick in the book, including the above glory shot of Miss Ambitious. Everything is a strategy to them, and their timing is key to providing insight into their motives and intentions. It is all a game to pacify the critics of this administration. They print trash, and lies told to them by proven liars, and they use shit eating grin photos to put these liars in the best light possible. If it were any other administration, they would be using unflattering pictures of them in an effort to make them look like shit, not Real Estate Agent photos like Hernandez's, which, by the way still looks like shit.

In essence, the Urinal's philosophy towards the problem here can be likened to putting the pedophile who is being investigated in charge of the family advocacy center, and allowing them to conduct the child abuse investigation against them by themselves, or hire one of their friends to do so. Maybe Berry will hire Caswell Investigations? No matter what, anyone the city or Hernandez hires will be in the administration's pocket. Neither the city attorney, or anyone else in this administration should have access to them, other than to answer their questions, and provide information. Any control or ability to manipulate needs to be taken from them. The investigators must have subpoena powers, and access to any and all forensics tools they may need to thoroughly complete this. As far as we are concerned, the DoJ needs to fly in investigators from DC directly.

Standby friends, because over the next few weeks we will be turning these shit eating grins into frowns, as these liars and frauds dig their holes deeper, and we educate you more about the truth of what is going on behind the scenes. These extortionists are going to realize the door you open can get kicked right back the other way into your well deserving face.

We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Like the song says....... WE'VE ONLY JUST BEGUNNNNNN....


Anonymous said...

While they are at it maybe they can explain why Mary Han's Laptop and Blackberry were given to Paul Kennedy at the crime scene, and why they were wiped clean! Nothing but a bunch of lying fucking criminals.

Maybe after all of this, the feds will finally divulge all of the APD dick heads, judges, and other political figures on the Southwest Companions Burque Pops computer hard drives they have in their evidence.

Since APD and this dick head mayor want to lie to the feds and break their balls, they should return the favor.

Anonymous said...

The local newspaper and news media is a big part on why ABQ is in the condition it is in. Maybe they could do some investigative reporting and compare the double talk and lies that come out of the Berry Cartel.
How do you get the DOJ to conduct an investigation in to a city administration?

Anonymous said...

Eye we know you've been busy, but what happened to the Snowflake of the Month awards?

Anonymous said...

Hey Eye since you indicated in your rant that you are all about exposing the dirt, whether brass or not what is your position on the Locke incident? Curious minds want to know.

Stealth said...

December 1, 2016 at 7:04:00 AM MST,

FUBAR. Looks bad. The news is doing a good job putting it all out there. We'll see.

Stealth said...

November 29, 2016 at 7:01:00 PM MST,

Oh, we think it's going to be a target rich environment coming up here real soon. We are taking requests though!

Anonymous said...

Great question. I have wondered the same thing. Is admin untouchable?