The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jul 16, 2018


It has been kind of quiet for a few months, until we found out about the recent investigatory fiascos involving misconduct, incompetence, stupidity, and malfeasance in some very high profile cases involving our children here in this city. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to APD and investigations. These circumstances are unacceptable. They are more unacceptable when they are intentional, or they are intentionally covered up.
It is worse when police department public information officers and civilian employees lie about it to the media and public. 

You do not get to make the kind of mistakes, and get protected, while you sacrifice those actually doing their jobs, and trying to make a difference. 

During our break, we have been developing intel, and verifying information provided to us. 
It is disturbing to say the least. 

There have been investigations into very high profile cases involving child abuse, and murder, MAINLY because those connected within this administration got shit on their faces, There have also been ongoing Internal investigations into misconduct concerning Albuquerque Police personnel, and Command staff. Some of these “sensitive” ones are being handled like a top secret investigation with “eyes only” people getting to know what is going on. This is because certain people are trying to protect the possibly guilty and CONNECTED. What’s more sad is that  more attention is given to events that shed a poor light on certain people, than for the right reason that those actions were just bad, and need to be righted, regardless of the fallout. This place is suffering from extreme ethics accountability issues. We are about to discuss them. 

We have brought to the attention of the past and previous administrations the jibberish told to the media by APD PIOs who try to downplay and spin shit in order to avoid scrutiny, yet it continues. A prime example is when Simon Drobik tells people that detectives don’t think they can get warrants approved for residences, when crimes happen outdoors. That is total horse shit. The more good suggestions come in the way of change, the more they are ignored. We know this, because we are CC’d on many of these. Why?!?

This is why we do what we do, and this why the guilty leave town instead of facing the music like a recent respected news correspondent. Isn’t that right you little coward PIO? The selfish bastards who think for themselves and ruin lives get to constantly avoid getting egg on their faces because everyone is afraid to hurt some feelings. Well... some feelings are really going to get hurt.

Recently Mayor Tim Keller and Chief Geier came out, and admitted that the old culture of the Albuquerque Police Department is still very much alive. We will second that, because we have evidence that it is. Nothing much has changed other than the administration wants to “appear” more transparent and honest, where as the last administration just didn’t give a fuck what you thought. This administration seems to want to act the part, and not do the part. We can tell you now that nothing much has changed and. Politics is continuing to run things and certain people can do what they want while the innocent are used to protect the guilty. 

Below is the article...


The time for politics and diplomacy is coming to an end. Some time, somewhere, someone is going to have to be forced to either eat some shit, or stand up like a man, and start doing the right thing, regardless of the effects on their little personal political parade. It is sad when the political agenda or reputation of a politician or elected official supersedes what is right. It is negligent when attempts are
made to delay the truth in order to come out of your mess smelling like a rose, or looking like the hero. A real human being owns their mistakes, addresses it, and moves forward.

Those within APD who have acted criminally like Ray Schultz, Bob Huntsman, Gorden Eden, many within the city attorney’s office, and those in political high ground offices, in places where they could aid these actors have all maintained that they never tampered with evidence, destroyed documents, tampered with witnesses, or manipulated investigations, but that is all we have seen for the last decade. All lies. Plotting a preconceived outcome then directing an investigation to their desired result is all that has been done in most high profile cases or cases where the targets are politically connected.

Every high profile case... The Martens case... the Omaree case... the serious, and deadly auto accidents involving children, APD vehicles blatantly disregarding traffic laws, and emergency vehicle regulations... the cases paid off to make them disappear, when criminal actions of those who are protected rise to attention... the high profile framing of employees to protect the brass, and throw off the DOJ like the Blume case, the Hindi case, the Grant case, and the Vigil cases... ALL OF THEM SUFFERED EGREGIOUS EXAMPLES OF DISHONESTY ON THE PARTS OF THE ASSIGNED INVESTIGATORS, DESTROYED EVIDENCE, “MISSING” EVIDENCE, LIES, MISSED DEADLINES, INTIMIDATED WITNESSES, AND PERJURY. Many of these cases have proof of conspiracy within the administration to obstruct justice. What every one of these cases suffered was the willful act to come to a preconceived conclusion, without letting the facts get in the way. In a nutshell, if those behind things want you, they will get you. If those behind things want to protect you, they will protect you. They control what facts are admitted and they continue to try to control all variables. Just one of the cases that exemplified this was the James Boyd case. Why? Because the administration didn’t want that case to go bad for those officers, and it fit exactly in line with why the DOJ claimed. Certain people can do what they want whenever they want. Perez was handed back his job with back pay without even a hearing because his attorney Luis Robles had to get his money. We all know Robles’s connection to the city of Albuquerque and state of NM... Schultz too.

The proof is in the patterns and details. APD has been consistent with disparity and logic defying reason with which they handle things. We know this. Certain individuals get away with anything, while the innocent are framed, and used to deflect from the real actions of the guilty for far less allegations or trumped up ones. Think about that every time you see someone getting in trouble. For every one getting crucified... as you try to figure out why, there are ten getting away with criminal acts on a such a disparaging level, that you can see exactly why nobody would risk their life and reputation coming here.

APD recently promoted an individual that the 10th circuit court ruled contributed to the murder of an individual, wanted for nothing other than being a mental patient on a bicycle. This mental patient was kicked off of his bike, and shocked with a Taser ten times in two minutes, at the height of when Schultz was on his crusade to cover his corruption with the bodies of cops doing their jobs. Schultz covered for his cronies or cronie’s sons, or sons in laws, whom the courts confirmed murdered individuals, he covered for people who could do for him, whom he was tight with, or who could protect him. Nothing much was mentioned about this case, because it was politically swept under the rug by Schultz, because of politics. The deceased posed no threat as per court order, but the story was spun to look like the guy attacked officers with a giant crucifix. All of it was a lie. Years later, this officer is promoted to Sargent as a political favor to the guy running for NM Inspector General. This
candidate worked for the firm who represented Schultz; the same firm partnered by Luis Robles, who gets millions in state contracts. Ironically, the state will divulge what they paid Robles, but NOT what he did for the state. They fight IPRA requests to find out. How’s that for transparency? We suggest you vote for someone else. We have been over this time and time again, but people seem to need to be reminded.


Why are we talking about all of this? It is because all of it is interconnected. None of this started last week. It has deep roots in politics and who knows who.

There are the people doing the crimes, there are the ones covering it up, and there are the politicians acting like they do not know about all of it, because they are benefitting from it. Then... there are the politicians trying to cover it up.

Now on to the gist of what we were trying to get to.

With all of the malfeasance going on, what you are seeing can be compared to the skimming of a rock across the pond. There is a lot of scum down there, and we have been in our
dogshit-proof submarine surveilling it.

Commander Garcia was transferred out of IA weeks and weeks ago for what she allegedly did. And what she did... we know. The command staff does not want it to get out. They do not want anyone knowing that it may be investigated for a fourth degree felony. They do not want anyone knowing that it goes all the way to the top. They do not want anyone knowing that it was known by top brass. They do not want anyone knowing, because it will embarrass them. This is because others they have promoted are involved. They do not want anyone to know, because it proves the DOJ verdict, that some within APD tactical can do whatever they want whenever they want and be given a free fucking pass.

So you see, APD is not a team, and the only people on their own team that are happy are those insulated from the corruption in one sort of way or another. Growing up back in the day, the filth was cut from the team. What makes APD different is that the filth are in control of things on the team. This is not pitting the good against the good. It is outing the filth in an effort to protect the good.

When you are one of the chosen ones, who can do no wrong, or you can do what you want, and know nothing will happen to you, it is easy to have an outlook like the one in the below letter, posted years ago on the Eye. It is the every day field officer, or cop who has an uphill battle every day getting shit on because their uncle is not a city counselor or their Daddy in Law is not an APD police academy classmate of the Chief that is terrified of being wrecked for doing their job, while some get protected for doing shit not even close to job related.

We were going to give Mayor Keller and Chief Geier the opportunity to produce the records in question, and the reasons for the investigation, the 5 week suspension, and possible demotion of former APD Internal Affairs Commander Jennifer Garcia, along with the reason for Commander Sullivan’s demotion, along with McDonald’s, and the possible others on the chopping block, because they said they were going to change the culture of APD.

We were, but we are tired of the same old shit, with nothing being done about the wrongful retroactive shit, so here goes.

The detective on the Marten’s case is no longer in homicide, and we are hearing others are going too. There is no more time for evasiveness. We suggest that everything be owned, and the recent tactic or culture of trying to fix things before getting caught, by delaying, omitting, lying, or being pretentious, be ended in favor of just being a man, standing up and owning it.

If they do not do it, we will continue to do it for them, and it will be embarrassing. This was a valuable opportunity to get ahead of the eight ball. We suggest it is taken advantage of. We understand that there is nobody left, and it is slim pickings as far as competent command staff, but we would rather see a skeleton crew, rather than a gang of criminals.

The public needs to be able to trust it’s public servants, and that includes elected officials. Right now, the cops don’t even trust their command staff, and most of it is because of stuff like this. They feel that the mentality is that it’s brass over troops at any cost, and it will be cops and their families lives that are destroyed, rather than an APD administrator suffering scrutiny for a mistake. God forbid someone’s ego take a hit, when we can kill a cop’s life to prevent it. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. If some expendable, low level employee, or citizen who is innocent can exploited, and smeared in the media for the benefit of politics, surely the truth can be told transparently about what is going on, concerning someone who was the commander of APD Internal Affairs. This is important, because total transparency was promised, and this will affect DOJ compliance. There is no doubt about that.

This affects DOJ compliance because our Eyes have told us that there was an alleged incident months back where a former SWAT officer was alleged to have pulled his firearm on someone in the metro court officer gun locker room. There was video of this and it was pulled by now Commander Art Sanchez who is now coincidentally in SWAT.

Our Eyes have told us that Jennifer Garcia was involved in the investigation, while at APD Internal Affairs and that there were actions taken to intentionally derail the investigatory timeline by delaying the investigation, essentially making any action against the officer unable to take place. There were allegations of back dating documents, among other changes in evidence, to make everything copacetic. We are trying to confirm even more devious details. This is very important, because it will prove along with all of the other cases that the willful directing of investigations crosses all boundaries, from criminal investigations to administrative ones. What else is there, but nothing. It will be pretty safe to say soon that most high profile, or politically motivated investigations conducted by APD have been directed to a preconceived outcome and many of those who are responsible are still around.

One example of someone who was running APD IA who was put back there after Garcia was removed is now Commander Mike Miller. Miller was Schultz’s pick as I.A. lieutenant while he was Chief and now he is back there. This tells us the administration has no viable options.

What is very troubling about the above investigation is that the officer the allegations were made against is allegedly officer Steve Arias. Our Eyes tell us Arias is a relative of city councilor Ken Sanchez. The above events are troubling on two fronts, because an investigation could prove that evidence or case material was destroyed as a political favor, or to protect someone. There is a third issue that is troubling. Garcia was recently promoted, and she is married to Eric Garcia, who is a deputy chief. He was also recently retained by this administration. Is this the reason for the tight lipped horse shit surrounding this? How far will the administration go to keep from getting egg on their faces over this, because the same one shit is getting old? It is utterly unthinkable that this administration would try to pull the same old antics to save face, because they promoted those they were warned about by all. What’s more... how far are Commander Art Sanchez’s hands into this, because we were told he and Jennifer Garcia are very very close friends.

There is one more variable that is extremely troubling and it is the possibility of a politician influencing or tampering with an investigation. There is chatter from our Eyes about this, and maybe another time. The investigation either proves or disproves and exonerates. Time will tell. If someone else is investigating this all they have to do is say that and everyone would understand. This administration either needs to learn how to handle incidents like this or they are guilty of willfully hiding it.

The amount of cases that have been affected on both sides of the fence, concerning APD in regards to falsifications and defrauding the courts is beyond belief. The last decade of actions taken criminally and administratively need to be audited now. Like we have been saying, nothing is going to improve, until you can build on solid ground. As much as you want to call it a desert, it is a swamp. A swamp of selfish filth, who see fit to comprise every thread of everyone else’s life for their own gains. Thankfully, our Eyes are good spear fishermen.

We strongly suggest the administration address this before entering the next week. All we asked for was to make things right and it’s being made worse.

There will be fairness and the wrongs will be righted. This is all we have demanded.

Gloves off.

That’s all we have to say about that.






Anonymous said...

Wow. So Garcia’s husband Eric, who was head of CIB when the Maez kid was framed by Jodie Gonterman is still here after fucking up the place all these years? You can not tell me he didn’t know about the taping of federal monitor Ginger either. It is obvious they are protecting his wife. It is no secret he and Sullivan are enemies either. So Commander Garcia and Art Sanchez get together to squash a complaint against city councilor Ken Sanchez’s nephew Steve Arias and get caught, but after they are both promoted? No wonder why they want to hide all of this. It sure looks like a bunch of police brass covered up an incident where an officer who really likes guns may have pulled one on another cop on video, and then they got promoted as a reward for it.

These same names keep popping up. Sanchez Garcia and family members. They have had accusations of being in auto accidents with other women in their police vehicles and trying to cover it up, having relations in city buildings and tons of other acts that most would at least lose their jobs for but the new admin like the old one continues to protect the same people.

It looks like Eric Garcia’s name is all over these messes more than anyone else and when they get a load of the mess in Sanchez’s background it could be a bad day for a whole lot od careers.

Kind of tough to follow but you can get the point of you have some knowledge of who’s who and read the article slowly. This is a doozie for sure.

Anonymous said...

APD is an organization rife with fraud and pure evil towards others who are a threat to political upward agendas.
Outsiders that work for APD do not have a chance if they make a mistake but the well connected can commit felonies and nothing is done.
The culture of APD will not change because it sucks everyone new that comes along in because they just can’t seem to resist it.
The only officers attracted to APD are more of the same protected buddies of Geier, Medina and the other problem people.
Because they are just bringing in their buddies it will get exponentially worse. One example is the female they brought from RRPD who was fired from APD while on probation for emptying her firearm into the air drunk. That wasn’t a mistake made while doing your job. That was willful misconduct and they rehire that problem. Who would possibly want to work for or would take an order from someone who shouldn’t be a cop and who would respect that? APD is a joke because the same people perpetuate the same problems and I know for a fact that Keller was advised about all of this. Keller is pulling the same shit Berry pulled by getting in bed with these criminals instead of firing them. Art Sanchez, the Garcia’s, Medina, Miller, Delgreco, and a whole lot more have so much filth in their files that they should have been neutered in the least or fired. Some should have been terminated long ago. They knew all of thiis. Geier knew all of this. The city attorney’s office knew all of this. They did not want to admit that the department is a majority corrupted organization and the honest are outnumbered by the dishonest. You don’t believe me? Just take a walk around campus and see for yourself. Stroll around SID or the APD Main and you csn feel the tension and subversion going on. You can hear the whispering and feel the stares coming out of offices from the paranoid. Who the hell would want to work in a place like this. It is foul that possible recruits would be lied to about it being a good promising place to work because it is not. Anyone coming here to work risks having their life ruined should they just be at the wrong place at the wrong time or anger the wrong coward with bars or stars on their collar.

Anonymous said...

And wasn't Eric Garcia kept on because HE KNEW THE INNER WORKINGS of the DOJ stuff?????????????????????? What a crock of shit. The only reason he is still with APD is because he sucked on Mayor Keller's balls long enough for Keller to really enjoy it and now knows where he can go when he needs them sucked on again. Garcia will be on APD as long as his wifey is on only to protect her. She has no business being a Commander. PSA maybe.

Anonymous said...

Is an Elder like a Mizel?

Anonymous said...

Arias is a great 34 was perfect team member on swat whatever did occur in the courthouse with his gum I'm sure he had a reason to pull his gun out I have worked with him for over 10 years he is not stupid and his family did not help him with any IA investigation where do you all come up with this shit?

Anonymous said...

The city of Albuquerque has great confidence in Commander Sanchez to lead the special weapons and tactics team he has previous leadership experience with the team during some of the most lengthy SWAT call outs in the city and department history for example his training and leadership was one of the great examples of why we had another safe swat call out a violent suspect fired shots at swat officers this morning swat members from both APD and NMSP returned fire killing the suspect all officers went home safe unfortunately blogs like this never showcase the great work our department does on a daily basis the city and department will support all commanders and all members of the department unless and until they give us a reason not to regarding the allegations against a current APD officer who may have had a confrontation in the state of New Mexico courthouse the department under the new head of our internal affairs commander is reviewing the case checking to see if there is any more video and to review how the case was handled by our former IA commander the department will update the public when further information is available its a shame when members of command staff of APD have to take time out of leading the biggest police department in the state to respond to a blog where there goal is to tear down our command staff and have very negative and hostile feelings toward our city and department leadership we want to thank our fine men and woman who serve our city we have your backs

Anonymous said...

It didn't take long for Tim Keller to earn a the new 'Time Killer' moniker.

Anonymous said...

Art Sanchez couldn’t lead water down a hill. Nasally little fuck. Little man syndrome and an inadequacy complex that can’t be compared to. Ask him about his secretary. Can’t help sticking his nose in business that doesn’t concern him. Worked with that clown for a year and integrity doesn’t come to mind in the same sentence. Talk about turning simple calls into mountains of shit. He couldn’t even get into swat and can’t see over the steering wheel. Ask him about the cushion he had made for his unit. It’s a booster seat. Funny as fk. Anyone who has the mother of their child arrested is s fucking punk in my book. I wouldn’t let that Nancy motherfucker 82 me if I was shot in my face.

Keller just inherited what Berry did. He will get the same headaches fir keeping and promoting the same assholes. Let them say shit and all of it will come out. The coercion of cops not to put unknown female passengers in crash reports who were in patrol units along with FLIR images of a team kicking the piss out of a guy and ramming his head into a car rim and being covered up? How about spraying OC spray all over a spit sock and tying it over a suspects head or filling people’s swamp coolers with OC spray?

These fuckers need the thunder.

Anonymous said...

“Tim Killer” oh shittttt! That is gonna stick.

Anonymous said...

July 18, 11:32

You, my friend,,,,are on point!! I agree 100% and have been witness to all the same BS. Very goddamn sad. Lots of good cops out there,,,,,very little true leadership.

It used to be about doing the right thing and being recognized for that and rewarded. Regardless of the outcome. Now its all about kissing ass and seeing how many you can step on and back stab to move your way up.

Couldn't go back and do the job anymore. I wouldn't last a month before getting fired for calling people (especially Command Staff) stupid fucks on tape. haha

God Bless you guys and gals. Stay strong. It will get better,,,,,just gonna take a minute.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:20 & 9:43 thought it was against department policy to comment on the EYE on duty time. That has to be Arias & Sanchez commenting. My teeth hurt after reading those two comments. Who the fuck are they kidding?????????

Anonymous said...

"TIME KILLER" absolutely PRICELESS............................

Anonymous said...

So there's a "reason" to pull a gun on another officer in a courthouse? That psyco got booted from SWAT for similar behavior. Should be flagged as dangerous like the kid from BCSO.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who wants to know what is wrong with APD need look no farther than Jen Garcia and Little Sanchez. We all knew Garcia would be a Commander for years, ever since she passed the Sgt exam. Little man has been kissing ass forever. Neither one of them has 34 in this Dept that considers them a leader, just another kiss ass wanting to get promoted. Meanwhile there are Lt's that deserve to be promoted, but never will, because they do their job and are true leaders.
Oh yeah Arias is a Phyco.....

Anonymous said...

Can you find out the truth of why Ms Byrd left her previous job in Hobbs.........