The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Aug 28, 2018


Once upon a time, there was this vile little troll, who hated a a blog he called vile, for exposing the corruption his buddies were involved in, and how he profited from it. This weak, selfish, dishonorable, feeble old, self concerned, sneaky, foul, COWARD TROLL, was directly connected to cases that were connected with former police chief Ray Schultz, concerning incidents that directly destroyed the Albuquerque police department, and lead to the outrageous disparity at the kangaroo court, up at the New Mexico Law Enforcement Academy. These liars acted like they were cleaning up the place, when in actuality, they were putting up a smoke screen, to deceive the DOJ into looking elsewhere. Over the years, this person has been allowed free access to market his law enforcement supply store to Albuquerque Police Department recruits, who do not know any better, inside Albuquerque city facilities, like the police Academy. This individual has had LLC relationships with APD employees, as board members, yet he has been given sole source contract after contract with the city. This person makes sure to give his little campaign contributions to everyone he can, to insure his in. Trolls have no loyalty though. He smiled in faces, while he tampered with cases, to railroad police officers up at the NMLEAB. Many on the board have said they felt bullied to come to conclusions siding against officers in LEAB hearings, through pressure put on them by this person. We were told by our Eyes the order of the day at the NMLEAB was to find everyone Schultz filed an LEA90 on guilty and those he filed on when he was trying to keep the DOJ from coming to be revoked by any means. When the DOJ heat came in at its highest intensity, it was no surprise this assistant chairman, and citizen at large skadaddled, just like his filthy friend Schultz, and the dozens of others, who are no longer here.

On the week of the 20th of July, APD recruits were on a working lunch break, in a room where they were all studying for a test that was going to be on the 20th. During this break, recruits were eating their lunches, while studying, in preparation for their exam.

It has been brought to our attention that the above slimy little troll was seen slithering into an APD police academy classroom, and interrupting the studying recruits with one of his used car salesman, cheesy sales pitches. When does it end? Really?!? We remember the days, way back when this clown had the police department make his accident report protractors, the only protractor that recruits could use for their classes, and allowed him in to sell them like like a little pencil vendor girl, to sell them to all the recruits that were coerced into buying them by the department (Schultz). We also remember the no bid Aimpoint and Spiewak jacket contract. Now there is yet another!!!!

Our Eyes told us that the academy staff was not too pleased, when they caught this little troll interrupting their class. Apparently, they stood there, looking at this troll, until it was very uncomfortable, and told him he had to leave.

Our question is how was this allowed to happen? Ask yourself. Who the hell gets to just walk into an academy class, and what kind of pompous asshole thinks he can just interrupt studying cadets unannounced? How was a non sworn citizen, or non employee allowed to gain access into a police training facility, and just walk into a classroom full of recruits? This in not only an unfair, unethical business practice, that puts other vendors at an unfair disadvantage. It is a safety issue! These fucks never learn, and never quit, while they are ahead. What kind of korny shit is this?

While we are at it, we were told that the aforementioned troll was recently given the sole source contract with the city, to supply the new recruits with the the new vests they have to buy from him, with their own dime. Who the hell wants to work for a police department, where you have to buy your own vest from a troll?


We are hearing that there are cases developing that will bring certain trolls to the forefront of the past decade of shenanigans, and antics at the NMLEA. It can not happen soon enough.

Here is a word for the little punk troll. You are a coward troll. We know what you did for Schultz at the NMLEAB. We know how you directed hearing officers to come to the conclusions you wanted them to come to for Schultz, Levy, and any other administration in the state you could profit from, and we know you are friends with them. We know you profited, in exchange for your actions, through the gaining of access. We know the lives you have ruined. We know the people who you were told to burn. We know how it was all done, and we know why. You, and your band of coward racketeering criminals are directly responsible for the poor morale, the fratricide, and the decline of our city, for your own personal gain. You are a gutless coward. Stay the fuck out of places you do not belong. You are no better than anyone else. Actually you are below most. Stay under your rock.

You want business? Take your happy ass over to Texas, and take your fucking shine box.

We would advise our readers, police officers, and recruits to spend their hard earned money over at TLC uniforms, at 925 2nd ST NW, or Galls, over at 2520 San Mateo Blvd NE for all of their emergency equipment and uniform needs. That public service announcement was paid for by those dedicated to truth, duty, and honor.

Thanks for reading our blog, where we shine the light on trolls and cowards.

The Eye.


Anonymous said...

why is anyone surprised here? Im sure Geier, Medina, and Byrd are all getting kickbacks from Nate. He'll get into the academy anytime he wants. Sure glad we have this corrupt police "chief" he's really making great decisions.

A person on the inside said...

Do you all want to know what you missed right in plain sight and right in front of your faces?
The demotion of Garcia for what was done was only the tip of the iceberg. After the command staff found out what was going on, there was a concerted effort to keep it quiet, but they knew they had to do something in case it did get out. That “something” was the demotion. The demotion was done to save her job and pension because as a commander she was at will, but it also covered the Chief and mayor by making it look like they did something. By demoting her, they could not just terminate her without reason. This was all done to cover everyone involved, and the refusing to release the records of the investigation was a stall tactic. This is all business as usual. The administration knew that more time means there is less that can be done as timelines run out. This was a cover up of multiple cover ups. This type of protection happens when the person doing things like this is doing it on order and knows enough to take down those that are behind it. Nothing will happen at the NMLEA either. The police department is a criminal enterprise and nothing has changed. This was well thought out and planned by the upper command if you can believe that. These jokers can’t put a crime plan together to save their lives, but they sure can contrive elaborate schemes to cover for eachother. The Feds really need to kick the door in. Many of us are hoping for it. They are all still being advised by city legal who were all taught by Kathryn Levy. I have heard her name mentioned up there a lot recently and there is no doubt they are still consulting with her. Most of the team there were taught by her and worked under her. She was their mentor and this the ultra slimy type of shit that had her hands all over it during the last administration,

Anonymous said...

1246 is right. They protect who they want and the demotion saved her career when she should have been fired. They have no ethics and decide to end 34s careers when they want on who the 34 is. We see it all the time. Jennifer's case will be released they can't hide forever and with all the crappy recruiting they are doing, someone in a few years will use this case to save their job just as Jennifer did.

No respect for Jennifer and no respect for stressor Mike and his side kicks.