Folks, every once in a while, people just get caught. Sometimes they get caught doing no bid contracts. Sometimes they get caught breaking laws, and most of the time they get caught lying. Most of the time here in this lying shit hole of corruption nothing is done about it, because everyone is complicit on both sides, unless you are someone they deem expendable and usually low level.
What we have here are certain individuals trying to cover their tracks, and regroup after getting caught rigging what was supposed to be an anonymous survey. Well, it really wasn’t so anonymous. As a matter of fact, a list went out to only chosen proponents of the CPOA Director Edward Harness.
Someone fucked up, and someone got caught!
The really unbelievable and filthy thing here is the blatant arrogance in knowing they got caught, then admitting they should trash the results, start over, defraud the public and do another controlled, not so anonymous survey, because the first survey was filled out by so many “unapproved people.”
Two things here! Just what is their definition of unapproved people? There was a spot marked on that survey for stakeholders. Just who do they think stakeholders are? We as citizens are all stakeholders, as far as the DOJ definition was concerned.
We have been saying for a very long time that this administration has been controlling investigations, framing people and playing God for way too long. Now here is one smoking gun of proof.
The city councilor is in a little hot water of his own over two of his family members being in hot water. One of them is an APD employee. Ask yourself this question. How is the Director supposed to be objective in investigations and rulings, when the guy approving him is the family member of someone being investigated, and may have a say on wether or not he is retained?
You want to know why things happen here that defy logic, makes the good people who tell the truth, live life honorably, and try hard to do what is right every day so sick and tired? You are looking at it. The below email is evidence that the public was going to be lied to through a totally bogus, and controlled survey. Not only that, but these board members want to speculate on who told everyone about this. More proof of latent retaliation. They are disturbed we found out. Funny thing is, we do not even know who sent it to us, but we commend them for their bravery and integrity.
We have been telling the Department of Justice for years that the Administration of the City of Albuquerque is a criminal enterprise. It is continuing.
Notice how the media was silent on this too. This was so blatant, but the media looks the other way, because if they confront it, they will be cut off from the access to the information and scoops they enjoy. Again proving much of what we have been saying.
In Albuquerque, it can never be about what is right can it? These motherfuckers will never learn that there will ALWAYS be people with integrity, who will shine the light on this cowardice.
ANYONE who thinks that it is s joke to play games with the truth... play games with peoples lives... play games with efforts to fix this mess, or make money, take care of their asshole friends, or conduct lucrative personal networking by rigging the reform process, and defrauding everyone, needs their life turned upside down, and inside out. They need to feel like they live in a juice blender tied to the front end of a roller coaster. Let’s see if that political favor down the road is worth it.
We thought the letter Gordon Eden wrote to all commanders warning the APD employees to stop talking to the DOJ was obstructing a federal investigation. We thought the emails stating the deal between the city and Taser was “greased,” along with taking a job with Taser after greasing that deal was enough to indict Schultz for pay to play, and we thought surreptitiously video taping the federal monitor BY APD command staff, in order to extort a positive evaluation of APD was enough for extortion charges. Obviously someone is missing it, needs to borrow a set of balls, or just flat out needs someone to do their job for them.
If this isn’t enough to put the brakes on shit, and start another investigation, what is? When is enough going to be enough? It is obvious that this new administration isn’t getting it either. What is it going to take to get some punishment around here?
For what all of this is worth, many people on both sides of the fence knew this was going on, and they chose to keep their fucking mouths shut.
We won’t. Fuck You liars!
Keller, you own this. Do not think you are going to play RJ Berry any longer. Get the fuck up. Take off the cute football jersey, and grow a set of balls. We all know this administration does not have the skin thick enough to deal with what we bring to the table. We have been quiet long enough.
Right the wrongs. Get rid of the crooked. Fix the past. Pave for the future, and forget about the “I” in your personal agendas.
We want to know what the “approved” and “unapproved” people said in that survey that makes the CPOA want to do a redo. If the mayor wants to prove he is transparent, he needs to call for the unedited publishing of the entire survey.
We would like to apologize for our long vacation. We have been working on some very important stories, like the new police use of force bill being proposed in state legislature, and the possible story of a mayor who rolled over his car while drunk many years ago as a teenager, and was arrested for it, and an officer who lied under oath about being part of a political favor to get promoted, after the force he used was deemed excessive, causing the death of a man, among many other leads. It is not going to be a very good year for some malfeasants this time around.
We were serious when we said make the wrongs right, not to continue to reward wrongdoing.
Happy Spring everyone!
Strap the fuck in.
They might not know The “who and why of the limitations,” but we do.