The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jul 1, 2008

Lets Make a Deal

It seems like the 5th floor just can't catch a break... They get caught fooling around with everything from crime statistics to red light camera accidents. They're exposed using the Internal Affairs investigative process to silence critics (our Eyes tell us that Sergeant Heh still hasn't been cleared despite a complete lack of evidence - read it here). And to put the cherry on top, they have utterly failed to increase the number of officers on the force a state of affairs that even they are admitting to (ABQ Journal - Subscription).
Our Eyes maintain that the current 972 officers on the force that the 5th floor is admitting to is the result of at least a little creative accounting. One example given is the new PIO Nadine Hamby who bid for motors yet never reports since her duties as PIO take precedence. According to our Eyes Ms. Hamby has two jobs - one of which she doesn't perform. The scheme doesn't make the public any safer but it makes certain politicians and their at will employees safer in their positions.
(End Sidebar)
If all of that weren't enough the boys on the 5th floor moved APD from a 4/10 weekly schedule to 5/8s right at the time when gas prices have hit $4 a gallon and the rest of the world is considering going to 4/10s to save gas. To make matters worse, the move to 5/8s triggered a long standing provision of the APOA/APD contract that basically says that if an officer has court any time after their shift they are automatically entitled to 2 hours of overtime at time and a half.

After consulting with the union attorneys and the city attorney, the APOA brought the provision to the attention of the 5th floor. According to our Eyes Chief Shultz left the decision whether or not to follow the black letter provisions of the contract to the vast contract law experience of Deputy Chief Michael Calloway - who promptly decided to ignore the provision and the advice of the city attorney (read it here).

Initially, the APOA offered to forgive the overtime in exchange for a move back to a 4/10 schedule. Of course that was a week or so after the new 5/8 schedule began - now grave yard officers in particular are owed literally thousands of dollars each. That's money they've earned and the city agreed to pay even if DC Calloway has refused to pay it.

Remember we told you that all of the attorneys agreed that the 5th floor must pay the overtime indicated in their contract? Well it turns out that the folks over at aviation have been receiving the overtime for over two years. Oops! Now the 5th floor wants to take the initial deal offered by the APOA - 4/10s for debt forgiveness.

Frankly, we don't blame the union for not being interested. They were in essence told to screw-off and now after APOA members are owed thousands of dollars - money being paid to aviation officers - the 5th floor wants a deal. You just gotta' love these guys!


Anonymous said...

I had to laugh when I read that many local companies are going to 4/10 work days. I laughed because our 'green alcalde' and his at-will police chief moved APD to a 5/8 work week just a week before.

I'm a 70+ senior woman - no ties to the City or APD - but I'm not senile. I recognize that the tax-payers are paying for the stupidity that comes out of City Hall.

Now our 'green alcalde' is off to Spain on my dime to receive an award for his 'greeness' - what a joke.

Anonymous said...

"You just gotta' love these guys!"
No, you don't, you really don't.

Anonymous said...

It is no secret that the 5th floor has a "Sue us, we don't care, we'll be gone before anything happens" attitude. Another example of a complete lack of respect for the officers of this city. Shame on you 5th floor COWARDS!

Anonymous said...

there has been no deal of we'll forgive the OT if you go back to 4/10's. The PPC has been filed and when it is won the city will owe the cash plus interest.

Anonymous said...

Lie, please get your facts straight with regard to PIO Hamby. She is no longer in the motor section and does not perform two job functions. She is the PIO filling the vacancy left when Trish was promoted, thus leaving a vacancy in motors. So in this case, there is no accounting scheme, merely another vacancy position within the department.

Anonymous said...

If Hamby is no longer in Motors then why is she still considered the APOA rep for Traffic? HMMMMMM

Anonymous said...

I have not seen any motor openings? Hamby is still in motors and the PIO. You can't pull the wool over our eyes.

Anonymous said...

OK 5:30PM ch13 newscast showed hamby in her motor uniform standing in front of a brand new motorcycle makin some statement.

So guess that settles it, she's still in motors ALSO folks. Had that big 80's hair thing going too. Just like my chola homegirls from back at Albuquerque High days.(20 years ago)!

Anonymous said...

why does she show up sometimes wearing motor uniform? her siamese twin rene barazza never leaves her side. it truly is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

You people are freaken hillarious, Im not the worlds smartest person but the last time i did the math, 5 8 hour days equal 40 hours as do 4 10 hour work days....hummmmmm still looks like the cars are on the road 40 hous either way. Where is the gas savings?????

Anonymous said...

Wow, lots of Nadine haters, maybe instead of hating, you should step up your game, oh and do something with your hair too.....

Anonymous said...

Quit hating on others Jennifer...

Anonymous said...

Carm stop being a hater! You got you a nice fatcat job too.

Anonymous said...

Who's Jennifer? Is Jennifer Nadine's sworn enemy? Maybe they used to be bff's and now they can't stand the sight of each other. Give us more! Give us more!

Anonymous said...

You know, its seems to me that if metro court would ever stand up and schedule court in a reasonable manner officers could have just one court day and that would subtract a few extras trips per week.

Anonymous said...

guys the anit-chick sentiments on this site kill me -- who fricken cares who a female 34 sleeps with?? Honestly if it was a dude you'd be cheering him on for the same behaviors -- double standard havin pricks

Anonymous said...

"the gas savings is driving to and from work one extra day you idiot." +1 Also, the field is really working 5 10's since they are getting held over all the time. Except for the new northwest area command. They take an average of 3 calls per shift. Nice management of personnel don't ya think?

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's the "who a female 34 sleeps with??" that is in question, it's that they are all sleeping with married people, and they are sleeping around to get in higher positions. No ethics, no self respect, it's very very sad.

Anonymous said...

"you got a nice fatcat job too" What does that mean and who's Carm? Who's Jennifer for that matter???? The Lie wants to Know!!!

Anonymous said...

This would be really funny if it weren't true. Since we're hammering chicks let's get real and put the name out of a true monster.....aah aah ahh Cass....excuse me I sneezed something...