The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Sep 15, 2009

Politics As Usual - Marty Misleading... Again

We've been amused to hear some of The Almighty Alcalde's recent radio ads defending some of his core positions and of course, claiming that his opponents are "desperate." As usual, claiming the other guy is desperate is a sign of your own desperation. As usual, defending long held and widely unpopular positions in an Ad usually results in an ad that's full of sh... uh, distortions.

Note the first claim that The Almighty Alcalde doesn't support a Trolley. Trolley is a term that opponents have used to characterize what Marty and his streetcar minions call a "modern streetcar" - and Marty has a loooong record of supporting one. It may be true that Marty has never referred to the streetcar as a trolley and therefore has never supported a "trolley," but Marty will do anything to get a "modern streetcar" - voters be damned.

The second li... uh, misleading statement is that The Almighty Alcalde supports a "modern light rail, but only if passed by the voters." Marty may very well support a "modern light rail" if approved by the voters, but a light rail system is not the trolley or "streetcar" system that Hizzz Honor, Marty the Misleader and his accomplices has been trying to get past the public since November 6th, 2006 (read our take here).
Why not a Light Rail system?

Unlike light rail, which requires the entire reconstruction of underground infrastructure to support the weight of the heavier light rail cars, streetcar rail is embedded into the street. Because of the lighter weight of streetcars, most modern streets can already support a streetcar. Construction of a streetcar line can be as basic as removing enough concrete in the road for the rails to seat, less disruption than repairing a simple underground water line.
What's worse is that Marty knows the difference as evidenced by the city's own website and is trying to make you believe that any Central streetcar or trolley will only be built after the public votes on spending $30 to $50 MILLION per mile.

Next in the litany of li... uh, distortions in Marty's radio ad is an attempt to deny Marty's mandate that turns the City of Albuquerque into a defacto sanctuary city. The current APD Standard Operating Procedure - which was changed twice on August 14th 2007 - states: "Officers shall not inquire about or seek proof of a person's immigration status unless the person is in custody or is a suspect in a criminal investigation."

So... If you're an illegal immigrant and an officer pulls you over for say, suspicion of drunk driving and you have a New Mexico drivers license thanks to Big Bill's stupidity, and when your drivers license is run it doesn't come up with a social security number (which often happens with illegals), and you speak with a heavy Gaelic accent, but you're not intoxicated - you're free to go and the officer is restrained from even asking about your immigration status.

Now we understand that our little illustration is a bit farfetched - after all a sober Irishman?! But, Albuquerque has a problem with illegal immigration and crime - property crime in particular. According to FBI statistics, incidents of property crime rose 9% from 2007 to 2008 - a 6 year high.
Our Eyes report that The 5th Floor is playing a little game with the numbers. As of August our Eyes maintain that there had been 38 murders in Albuquerque. Well... sort of. You see, there had been 38 murders if you don't count the 12 serial killer victims found back in February. According to the preliminary FBI statistics for 2008, there were 38 murders in Albuquerque all of last year.

The 5th Floor brain trust has decided not to report the 12 Westside murder victims until after the election. But even if you don't count the murder victims of a serial killer, Albuquerque is well on its way to another 6 year high. This is just another example of Marty and his minions cooking the books (read it here).
[End Sidebar]
In Marty's little misleading radio ad, Marty talks about truth - something he has yet to be acquainted with. The truth is that Marty is feeling pressure from an opponent who is making crime, immigration, and little Marty's trolley campaign issues. These are long held positions by The Almighty Alcalde and it's simply insulting to think that he believes that we're dumb enough not to remember the positions he took and the beliefs he still holds. Talk about politics as usual!


Brittanicus said...

In the issue of illegal immigration and health care, is there any truth that since the outburst of Rep. Joe Wilson the Democrats have added the language that disqualifies illegal foreign nationals? The house Democrats prior to this controversial name calling, had voted down any wording to remove illegal aliens from applying? However, I caught a blog that if one family member is an American citizen (anchor baby) then the entire household will be eligible for coverage? SO IS THIS TRUE? I think the majority of American will want to know? Is this a sly way for the Democratic leadership, have slipped this into the public option package? Any detail in the national media has been subdues or intentionally omitted, as with the crowds of Tea Party opponents. They both have used their political influence in trying to overturn E-Verify. Pro-Illegal alien lawmakers could table it, under the "Sunset Provision" on September 30?

President Obama's direction towards an unmentionable path to citizenship for all those who broke our law is abhorrent. After the controversial eruption in the Session of Congress, they surely must be aware that imposing immigration reform on the people could break them? Americans taxpayers are already supporting business welfare? Corporate entities want these destitute people here to exploit, but don't want to pay for their health care, schooling or towards the massive numbers surviving in prison. They leave that to the fading middle class taxpayers who carry the tax burden? Over a decade has passed since illegal people started coming here in droves and with little or no laws, to blockade their arrival we are now talking over 20 million. Nor does it stop there? Owing to the clarion call of Amnesty ringing out in the slums and ghetto's of foreign criminals, sick, elderly and those without means, from all over the world will descend on us. IT MEANS OVERPOPULATION?

Bad as it may be now, who is going to subsidize the new arrivals? Not the business cartels that’s for sure? Once again taxpayers will be heavily taxed to pay for the new shipment of poor, uneducated from every region. How can we expect to have any government public option for our own people, when our gates remain wide open for "Anchor Babies" and the illegal millions expecting a free handout? A nurse in a Nevada hospital indicated they have a row of beds of illegal immigrants on dialysis, which was costing weekly $18.000 dollars for each treatment. Tell me who pays for that? The US government pays a small portion; the rest is acquired from the hospital or taxpayer.

I want a single payer system for homeless veterans, seniors, single mothers with children and poor American families. But I refuse to pay for everybody who climbs, crawls under the fence or bluffs the Federal officer at shipping ports and airports of entry. It's not our responsibility. DON'T WAIT! PESTER YOUR SENATOR OR REPRESENTATIVE TODAY AT 202-224-3121? Find true facts by GOOGLING NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & IMMIGRATION COUNTERS

Anonymous said...

This is exactly what the APOA and APD needs to worry about. Martin Chavez is doing lip service. If the Modern Streetcar gets built, then APOA will realize that their paychecks won't reflect any increases as compared with other Cities and other States nationwide.

Marty Farty is desperately trying to convince the voters just like he is doing lip service on supporting pay increases for City Council saying if the voters approve it. I actually do believe that that Marty Farty could switch his opinion that easily going from one extreme to the next and flip flop which is why there is that many inconsistencies. Some say, Marty farty appeals to the common man, yet others realize that Marty farty talks with his ass/donkey by farting and that Marty farty's "ass" is responsible for fiscal decisions and the wanting to micro manage businesses such as, Bode Aviation. Ha!

Anonymous said...

The last post "4:48pm" is an example of what the Romero campaign is spreading. False slander. Come on eye, your articles are so one sided its pathetic. There are alot more important issues than Mayor Martys. I think regardless of the beliefs of this blog, the Mayors race is Martys to lose. Romero is such a negative person and I have lost a lot of respect for him and his negative tirades he has portrayed in the public eye. You really need to change your tune and blog unbiased coverage. I know you are republican like me and we would both vote for Berry, but he cold not direct and Manage our city in the direction it needs to continue in. I have never voted for Marty but do find myself leaning towards him this time.

Anonymous said...

The healthcare debate is an issue that I believe Cities and States need to work well with Federal Government. Marty Farty was for Hillary Clinton, not Obama.

I believe that Cities and States need to have political leaders willing to work out win win situations with Federal Government. For example, what makes more sense is for the Federal Government to build Hospitals throughout the United States and work out win win situations the cities and States to share the cost of running Hospitals. That way, the Hospitals don't charge as much and insurance companies and people don't have to pay much for health coverage. For example, in exchange for providing __(forest, mineral rights, etc... )to the
_______, this party agrees to provide ____________. I think Obama needs to look for more ways to keep the cost to purchase health insurance reasonable.

Anonymous said...

Eye, I bet you could get MTV to advertise on your blog and also NBC and CBS and Fox! This is a great blog where freedom of expression and democracy rocks!

Anonymous said...

Vote for Berry! The democrats have screwed the citizens of Albuquerque for to long!

Anonymous said...

To the poster that posted on September 15, 2009 5:41:00 PM MDT

You almost wrote the words, "Marty Farty," huh? Though Martin would probably rather be known for developments in Albuquerque that he worked to achieve.... because he is in too long as Mayor..... he now can enjoy the nickname, "Farty Marty." Too much of any person in Office can create corruption.... Farty Marty/ Marty Farty. If Marty Farty wins, then more Marty Farty T-Shirts and coffee mugs will probably be sold!

Come on... you know you want to write the words, "Marty Farty."

Anonymous said...

Wake up, vote Chavez out of office.

Anonymous said...

No sir, wake up and vote for Chavez. A vote for Romero is a vote for the liberal left. Romero was a supporter of the Obama camp and has SWOP and Saltari.

Anonymous said...

I thought Saltari sounded like a disease or something, but probably not just the name of a person and so, "NO" Romero doesn't have a disease!

How many males and females out there would If at an island at a Resort with a hurricane approaching and no leaving or going the Island.... would IF the Bartender had Malaria (but not a bad case) would order drinks anyway? (I heard there is soon to be a cure for Malaria), your stuck with your ex-wife and/or ex-husband on that island.... Would you then order drinks?

Well, that is what "wake up and vote for Chavez" will reminds me of to everybody that votes Chavez.

Anonymous said...

But then a glimmer of hope..... Romero or Berry (along with Richard Bronsan) parachute into the island... just as you were about to clean off as best you could a glass to fill with the Island Resort's best known for drink, "Ernest Hemmingway" drink. Sir Richard Bronsan along with Romero or Berry (anybody but farty marty) save the day!

Anonymous said...

"No sir, wake up and vote for Chavez. A vote for Romero is a vote for the liberal left. Romero was a supporter of the Obama camp and has SWOP and Saltari."

HAhaha, funny. Chavez was and is a pawn of the Clintons! There's a reason why Barelas is blanketed in MAYOR FARTY signs....wake up ABQ!

Barelas looks as bad now as it did 18 years ago...that should tell you some. Vote for Change! Get rid of Marty.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just saw the Marty Farty latest version of campagin attack ad on himself.... he couldn't say with a straight face that he helped get rid of criminals. Martin Chavez basically presented an attitude of "who cares," and failed to listen to women.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like all those idiots (and crooks) in the south valley that kept re-electing Manny "but he does good for the valley" Aragon long after his corruption was evident and rampant. Vote Berry! romero may be liberal, but he's less crooked than ol' Marty.

Anonymous said...

Chavez will win. Romero and Berry do not have a chance. Chavez for Mayor

Anonymous said...

A vote for Berry or Romero is like making whoopi to your husband/wife at a Resort where you and all your co-workers have rented out the entire floor to get really intoxicated and not have to worry about driving anyplace- like the Sandia Resort Casino. Waking up Sunday morning and going to Church and not for once singing off key.

Vote for Berry or Romero! Anybody but Marty Farty!

Anonymous said...

Warty Marty....?