The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 27, 2013

Dinelli Cries [Foul]

The Eye On Albuquerque received the posting below from Mr. Dinelli via his agent. According to Mr. Dinelli’s agent, the Eye’s story concerning Dinelli’s bid for Mayor was a “Hit Job.” The post below is exactly as we received it from Mr. Dinelli’s agent.

I want to address the Eyes points of criticism:

1. Ray did not work for me when I was CPSO. I was not in the chain of command but acted as a liaison between Chief, Mayor and the City Council. Ray as a Department Head reported to Chief Administrative Officer Ed Admas and the Mayor. Chavez and CAO Adams made it clear that Ray did not report to me. Berry changed that when he hired Darren White.

2. I did not "choose to keep" Schultz. Mayor Chavez hired Schultz and I advised Chavez against it at the time. Ray was my third choice, and would always be my very last choice. I was CPSO for only 18 months

3. Frivilous and fruitless issues: When I was a city Councillor, I was the sponsor of the public safety tax that gave police and fire straight across the board 4-6% salary increases without negotiating. I sponsored 2 out of 3 of the quality of life tax bills that built the science museum, the aquarium, the botonical gardens and the balloon museum. I sponsored the creation of the Internal Audit Department, the creation of the Independent Review or Independent Council for police, the General Council for police and the funding for a full time psychologist for APD.

5. No media "hammered" me at press conference and no one asked me why I did not deal with or get rid of Schultz, but I did go on record to get rid of him.

6 The Eye said I did not make corrections when had the chance: totally wrong. I demanded the detectives and inspectors removed from CNAU and I ordered dramatic changes to SOP. I also turned around 911 with a complete reorganization making 30 hires and implementing salary adjustments and a training progam.

7. Not a single person has asked me NOT to run, including all the other potential candidates who I have made clear that I am running.

8. As far as not being successful at any positions I held, I built the Strike Force from the ground up and it had a huge impact on cleaning up the City.

9. As far as acting as a spoiler and dividing the Democrat vote, I have a strong base of support within the party by virtue of being a Ward Chair, being on the State Central Committee and being elected to go this year the Demo National Convention.

There were two major points that I would add to my original response to the Eye":

10. Not being successful at any position I held: As a Deputy City Attorney, I built the Safe City Strike Force from the ground up and we closed down crack houses, meth labs and I initiated nuisance actions against motels along central and violent bars. I negotiated the tear down of 8 motels and 4 violent bars that were magnets for crime. I personally sued over 300 graffiti vandals, gang members and their parents and collected approximately $180,000 in damages. I also established and set up the Metro Court arraignment program and hired and managed the para-legals and the attorneys that process 35,000 to 40,000 traffic cases a year. I also managed the DWI Vehicle Forfeiture unit in the City Attorneys office and the last year I was the manager it seized more vehicles in court than ever before or since collecting $1.5 million from the sale of confiscated DWI cars.

11. The Eye said there were a number of officer involve shooting that occurred when I was Chief Public Safety Officer. I was CPSO for only 18 months, the same amount of time Darren White was CPSO, and I believe there were only 2 or 3 shootings, while White had 24 shootings

Politics, politics, politics...As a politician Mr. Dinelli has run for several offices, several times, he should be open to and welcome any criticism or maybe the truth?
NOTE:  Dinelli failed at his last attempt for Mayor.
UPDATE: 02/07/2013
We have received miltiple requests for the Eye to post the chart shown.  Below is the City of Albuquerque's organizational chart which SHOWS that Ray Schultz ANSWERED to Mr. Dinelli.


Anonymous said...

I'm out. Dinelli you have butter face hudson in your camp. What position did you save for him? Who will be your Chief of Police? His daddy McCabe? Same problems we have now with those people. They were promoted by Schultz and APD's problems will continue with that type of thinking.

Anonymous said...

Way to go Dinelli. Paul Heh is great as a cop, but not Mayor material. Why doesnt paul work WITH dinelli to get this piece of crap Berry OUT!

Anonymous said...

Hudson? You mean the guy who let the vice-dick-mechanic run around and collect overtime?

I call BS on dinelli's statement about not being in the chain of command including lie there. Ask Nick.

Anonymous said...

I concur. No remnants of Schultz or his cronies can be left behind as starter seeds or insurgent saboteurs when he is thrown out. That liar must be left with absolutely no inside connections or influence. ANYONE who deals with just one individual connected to Schultz by only one degree is not a valid candidate to clean up APD and it's corrupt leaders.
People are not stupid. No more of these liars! It's over.

A VOTER said...

It seems the a new boss wants to be the same as the old boss. If this candidate wants to make a difference, he needs to start calling out the chief of police on his lies and civil rights violations of the citizens and employees of ABQ. Until then, It's the same ol you know what.

Anonymous said...

hey chief, why arent you taking responsibility for linson's 47? The city holds bars responsible for overserving, linson was at the APD banquet that provided FREE alcohol, free wine at least.....

Anonymous said...

Dinelli as Mayor?!?! Yeah I'll take him over Berry, but that's like saying I'll take chopped liver over feces.

Dinelli is DeNada!

Anonymous said...

Linson who? Is he a officer?

Anonymous said...

Who is Linson?

Anonymous said...

Pete Dinelli looks corrupt just by sight like a Mexican president

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the Banquet, were the traffic wives dancing around like drunk fools again this year?

Anonymous said...

Who will run for mayor that will make the "eye" happy? Will they support Berry if Dinelli is unopposed?
Looks like Dinelli has done more to go after those bad influences in ABQ than the mayor.

Hey eye if you have stuff on Dinelli then you owe it to us to let us know what it is.

Anonymous said...

"As a politician Mr. Dinelli has run for several offices, several times, he should be open to and welcome any criticism or maybe the truth? " Same goes for you Eye when your turn comes.

Counterinsurgent said...

Well now, who doesn't read the Eye?

I will say this: I think everyone including the Eye is looking for a Mayoral candidate that has no ties to the filth running the city into the dirt. I think everyone is also looking for someone who owes nobody nothing. The people deserve a person who is above all, honest regardless of how people regard their perfection status. Nobody is perfect, but there are still alot of people who are honest and have integrity. That's right, integrity.

This administration takes all the credit for everyone else's rights, and admits none of their wrongs. The finger pointing is over. There was once a time when parents taught their children to own their mistakes. Admit it. Work to fix it, and move on. Not the cowards running this city, especially not those running APD. This is their first failure as a person. The people of Albuquerque want a person, not a worm or a slug who slithers around fouling up the place, and blaming others for their mess.

We will see that integrity with this mayor's race. We will see who engages in mud slinging, personal attacks, and vindictiveness, just like the administration in charge now, and the people will vote against it. When Berry has his punks attack honest people it will be seen and duly noted. This campaign needs to be run on honesty and integrity, something the filth knows nothing of.

The dirty need to know they have a city pay check for only a few more months.

The truth is the truth, regardless of how much it hurts. People deserve it. They are going to get it. Standby. The usual political approaches will be the demise of a possible candidate.

Paid muckrakers and reputation arsonists will be dealt with by their own medicine. They will see first hand, their personal details scrutinized instead of a candidate. A nice new approach, huh? There will be no grassy knoll operators here. You are all known. The info is already in hand.

Into the fray fellas. Better be prepared.

Anonymous said...

Even the people who claim to be honest and full of integrity have their own nasty little secrets, don't they? Have they not been slinging their mud on this site for years? It's one thing to call someone out on their political corruptness, their lack of leadership, and criminal activity; it's quite another whenever you purposely allow slanderous hate filled comments on this site against people who have no relevancy to anything. Let's not forget the amount of censorship that goes on with this blog as well. Why not post all comments? Even if they have to do with the people behind this site. Yes, we all have a few skeletons in our closet, don't we?

Anonymous said...

I see no one else running for mayor. Dinelli has my total support if not one else steps up. Right now no one else is stepping up so the EYE and everyone else better step back for a moment and stop tossing mud at the only candidate who has publicly announced that he will FIRE RAY SCHULTZ and most of the DCOPS AND COMMANDERS ON DAY ONE!

This guy has my vote. I don't see anyone else in the arena, does any of you? And I like Paul Hey but he is running out of anger and he will not be elected. Dinelli can and will win.

Anonymous said...

"I think everyone including the Eye is looking for a Mayoral candidate that has no ties to the filth running the city into the dirt. I think everyone is also looking for someone who owes nobody nothing." That was Berry's whole campaign and we are worse off now than before

Anonymous said...

at 7:09, yeah but it wasnt true was it? Berry's campaign was a lie. He had Darren White, Rob Perry, Jay McClesky all in his back pocket and folks were too stupid to see that.

So how is DaNada different?

ks said...

Dinelli is a coward and crook. He threw his CNAU Officers under the bus. Trust me on that one. He also had no problem allowing some criminals move back into a substandard home without it being tested. Oh,and all those properties ( hotels) that were demolished were sold to his cronies.

Anonymous said...

" He threw his CNAU Officers under the bus. Trust me on that one"....right cause posing over evicted people in tac vests and rifles is so intelligent. Or making people hold the sex toys Surran got off on while taking pictures is so kosher. How about his douche bag, where was your sergeant with WS? Where were the rest of you when that guy was in crisis? Oh I forgot, doing nothing like we always knew you did.

Anonymous said...

8:43 naw yopu sounds like the eye

Anonymous said...

The CNAU idiots got what they deserved. Their actions, they own. They made us all look bad. They can blame Dinelli, but I agreed with him at the time, those CNAU officers were out of control. How do they defend the photos and other things they were doing? Take some responsiblity 8:43, trust me on that, it will make you grow up.

Anonymous said...

Is his name Pedroncelli or Linson now? He somehow became
Pedroncelli when he partnered up w Kukowski in their real estate business. I look forward to their little calendars every year for our cruisers. I hope he has his day in court and turns out fine. Good luck to you Detective Linson!

Anonymous said...

Quit hijakin this site to air your beef about Cass and the detective. Just because ur 10-40, full of roids, piss dirty, a danger to citizens, and a dnager to your fellow officers doesn't give you an ADA pass to divert things. Back to DiNada, which is what you werePete with Schultz and his cronies. You did nothing. Plain and simple, you did nothing and you know Schultz knows this. Why don't you get Marty to step up and support you on this, or is it true, Marty is in the background helping you?

Don't get me wrong, if your left standing and its between you and dipshit we have now, you got my vote. But don't say your hands are clean. In fact, why don't you open the box and help DOJ get these criminals on the 5th floor incarcerated for all the evidence and witness tampering they are guilty of and the endless public records they have destroyed (cell phones for example) and fabricated????

Anonymous said...

Hang in there. You are a good guy.

Anonymous said...

Pete: I would like to highlight how you contradict yourself in your answer to the eye. You begin by saying that you were simply a liaison between the Chief, Mayor, and City Counsel. However in rebuttal #6 you stated that you ORDERED "changes" to SOP and CNAU. How can you say that you order changes in Standard Operating Procedure for the Albuquerque Police Department but you were impotent in making changes at the top!

In your own words Mr. Dinelli you contradict yourself. This was a strategically crafted document sent out after several proof reads I'm sure. But you seemingly missed the fact that you state that you were a liaison but you had significant power to ORDER change.

I suggest you hire a more competent political strategist, or just tell the TRUTH!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone at the banquet was respectful??? How about the Traffic Unit? those (drunk) guys acted like total idiots, talking during the presentations and passing around a bottle of booze all nite. Who is in charge of these kids? please, have respect for your fellow Officers next time. Who is in charge of these yahoos anyways?// EMABARRASSING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no real contradiction in #6 of Dinelli's rebuttal. It was as head of the Strike Force that Dinelli order changes to the SOP of its members, which included Fire, Planning, Legal and APD, and he wanted the APD Detectives and Inspector's removed for what they did with the ACE of Spades. In response, Lt Rae Mason, who took over CNA from Gilhooly, rewrote the SOP for CNAU and gave it to Dinelli for his approval and changes.

Anonymous said...

Question for Pete Dinelli: what is your position on APD rehires? Should they be able to promote? Should they be able to test for specialized positions? Should they be able to bid in the general pool of officers???

Anonymous said...

THis was the first time I went to an APD Banquet as a guest of APD alumni. It was a fun time and no one got out of hand. My goodness let the officers have a good time. No fights. they stayed at the hotel and didnt drive drunk. It was a great and proffesional evnet. Great food and fun.

Good for you APD

Anonymous said...

Here is an answer about APD rehires.

WHO THE HELL CARES!!!!! There are only about 100 left, they do nothing and they will not be here in another 10 years.

If Dinelli reads this blog please fire all the rehires. All they do is sue the police department, sue the city, sue PERA, and whine.

The rehires think they are all important. Well here is a news flash, 7,000 people showed up for 200 jobs at Target. I don't think rehires are even on the radar screen. No one cares about them and their greed.

Anonymous said...


There is a big difference between making changes to SOP and policy and being able to fire the chief and bad officers. You are comparing apples and oranges. Your point makes no sense. Go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Before you answer 08:00PM question be for- warned..the City and the APOA have already lost round against the Re-HIres that filed a EEOC complaint. Director Derick L. Newton has sent out letters to those re-hires who sought out mediation..EEOC findings after written arguments find reasonable cause against both APOA and City Hall that violations have occurred...So to be safe your answer should be HELL YES!!.. The rehires have the experience and should not suffer any further discrimination at the hands of union thugs or blind knuckle heads in city hall.

Anonymous said...

Only 100 rehires? Who the hell cares?

Is that the position of the Dinelli camp? Really? 1 in 9 cops is a rehire fool, you better care.

And Schultz was indeed in Dinelli's chain of command. Any denial of that is a lie or ignorance of reality.

Anonymous said...

At 4:19....u must be Mark Garcia because only he would express such stupidity so openly. Wow, all those people showed up for 200 hundred jobs. Tell us then why Apd academy only has 8 cadets. 8 cadets for a job that smokes what Target offers in pay and benefits. You wanna know why dipshit? Its because all those people would rather make a fraction of what Apd cops make than deal with the disgusting breed of supervisors and command like through Schultz. And really Mark, it aint OK when you go around stalking PSAs or betting people "for hugs" you fuck'n pervert.

Anonymous said...

Pete Dinelli was good to us when he was Chief Public Safety Officer. He has my vote no matter who else gets into the race. Of course you all will beat up whoever else announces this week. I give Mr. Dinelli credit for standing up against the Shultz & Berry adminstration and annoucing he IS running. The other coward candidates are waiting for Berry to announce before bowing out. If you think YOU are better or you know someone who IS better then announce your candicacy and let the wolves here eat you too. lol

Anonymous said...


That's right who the hell cares about the crybaby rehires. Most are not in the field taking calls so they do not matter. 1 in 9 APD officers a rehire is Schultz's fault. It is stupid management that 10% of APD are rehires. And as for being in his chain of command. You need to go back to 2005 and research exactly how Marty set this up. Schultz did not fall under the public safety director for hiring and firing etc. Schultz still answered only to Marty. Get your facts straight. It is public record go pull it. Oh I forgot that would mean work and since you are a rehire I doubt you have the energy and the knowledge of what to do.

Anonymous said...


Talk about stupid comments are you really asking why all those people showed up at Target and APD only gets 8 cadets? Really? Are you that dumb? The reason APD has 8 cadets are the stupid requirments that Schultz and Berry have done. Also, who wants to work for a department under investigation by the DOJ? And who wants to work for a department where 10% are rehires who do nothing thereby gauranteeing that you would spend a career in FSB and not be able to get time off. That is why, and why don't you take your problems with Garcia to the DOJ?

Anonymous said...

7:59, thanks for repeating what was already said. Moron.

Anonymous said...

Learn to read 9:03

Anonymous said...

Leave ol' bucktooth out of this! He's just a little bit of a man trying to eat his corn..on the cob..through a chain link fence. ha ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Paul may be a good guy but he will not make a good mayor. You need more than a police background to run a city! The only thing Paul is going to do is take votes away from Berry's legitimate opponent and end up getting Berry right back into office! Come on people, think!

Anonymous said...

That dude looks like one pissed off mother-fo-be!!!!LMAO

Anonymous said...

Funny how the Dinellians get all 39 n shit when they don't have anything to risk but when asked about the rehires nothing but crickets. I guess that tells how you're gonna handle big issues Pete? Not an action that gives me hope or confidence.

Anonymous said...

Ok, you new breed of back stabbing self centered crybaby pussy cop. I would take a rehire before one of you pukes any day. At least they have balls to stick together. You new clowns scatter like ants when someone yells too loud. You turn on eachother and throw eachother under the bus to get ahead like it is common practice these days. There is a reason law enforcement is trashed. Police chief's like Ray Schultz are one reason and punks like you that either kiss his worthless ass or cower at the sight of him are the other. Go find a rehire and tell him that to his face. None of you new bitches will know what it is like to be a cop. Write your tickets, stop your care and write your reports you kinder gentler social worker.

I hope the rehires wreck house on the union and APD. Good for them! At least they show some balls and solidarity. One more hole in Schultz and co.'s wall. It's going to be awesome watching it all fall down this year. Levy must be losing her worthless mind trying to cover all this shit. Hint: Give up. It's all over. Loss is inevitable.

Anonymous said...


You don't have a clue how our government works. Dinelli has no control over the rehires who are here. The rehire program was a law enacted by the legislature. Albuquerque took advantage (or disadvantage) of this law and hired a bunch of rehires. In 2010 the rehire program was killed off by the legislature, but rehires already hired were grandfathered in. That is why no more rehires have been hired since 2010. That is why their numbers continue to dwindle, because no new rehires can be brought back. Dinelli nor any other mayor has any control over the current rehires,unless they get into discipline trouble.

I hope this helps you figure it out. Since the law in 2010 prohibited the hiring of future rehires, it is really a dead issue. Dinelli and any other candidate can only abide by the state law. Get it?

Anonymous said...


You better hope you don't need a rehire to watch your back, because you won't find any outside of the main station or hiding in high schools. That is why rehires are not liked. The handful that serve in FSB are great, too bad the majority 90% hide inside. So go ahead and say mean things about the new officers. At least they are getting paid to do real police work. The rehires get paid to hide. FACT.

And I hope you rehires sue the city over the EEOC. I hope you get the same outcome you got in 2008 when you sued PERA. I hope you get NOTHING. I hope you spend thousands of dollars on attorney fees and at the end of it all you lose. Just like 2008, pay Bregman big money and lose it all. Do you rehires have the balls to try again?

Anonymous said...

Actually they could "rehire" retired 34's. They could bring them back on a contract and by-pass the state law.

Berry was talking about passing a bill at this year's legislature in reference to re-hires. We all better sit tight and see what pera board does.

Anonymous said...


Actually they can't hire officers under "contract" in Albuquerque. The city charter requires all sworn officers to be employees, not contract workers.

Jesus could you imagine the pandora box that would open? Hell just privitize APD. We could hire AKAL and let them do the police work. Thank goodness state law and city charter does not allow this to happen.

And why do you say better wait and see what the PERA Board does? Do you not understand that the PERA Board only administers rules and manages the money. THE LEGISLATURE AND GOVERNOR MAKE THE LAWS THAT GOVERN PERA. This is why we are in such a bad state of affairs. You have police officers who don't understand how laws are made and who enacts them.

So while you sit and wait for double dipping to return (not going to happen) why not crack a book of state statues open and start reading up on how our government works. God help us if all cops (I am sure you are rehired) are as ignorant of the law as you are. We are probably safer that you are inside wiping hard drives or hanging out with kids at high school. We need cops who understand the law as first responders.

Anonymous said...

Really? Nothing you've said supports you having any knowledge on govt employment matters. Of course Dinelli had control over the rehires...he was the CPSO remember? He had direct knowledge of their assignments and their standing against other employees. Are you really saying that as CPSO he lacked knowledge of federal employment laws? Through what law or device that allowed them to come back is irrelevant. Once they were back they have to be free from discriminatory practices....something the EEOC just determined they weren't. Next week's lesson will cover remedies for victims of discrimination.

Anonymous said...

AKAL could run APD better tham Schults and his Mr. Tremendous DC Banks. By the way, why does banks look like he is taking a shit in his pants every time he gives an interview to the media? He also looks like every word he speaks causes him extreme agony. Is it that difficult to fake it, or is it that painful trying to hold back the lies?

Anonymous said...

"say mean things about the new officers"... "doing real police work"... You make my ass laugh. You wouldn't know real police work if it jumped up and slapped you in the face. Your new crybabies can't even handle a "real" Police Academy. Optional running, calling instructors by their first name, being coddled and having their hands held.... Should I go on? Sorry, but you and your new officers will never do real police work. You have a chief and administration who will hang you by the balls for trying to. What's even more pathetic is that you don't even have the balls to unite and stand up to that chump. You are afraid of your own shadow.
So please don't act like you are running and gunnin out there because those days are over.
Most of the rehires have forgotten more than you will ever know and they have sox with more time on the job than you. Get over yourself. You are just a clerk typist in a mobile office under king dickhead and a worthless APOA who sleep in the same pissy bed.

Anonymous said...

So since the DaNada Dinellians seem to think federal EEOC findings can be ignored, I guess they'll just ignore federal DOJ consent decrees as well.

Anonymous said...

Things I have learned about rookie cops is that they are full of piss and vinegar, they act out of emotion and don't give much thought to what they say before they open their mouths nor do they check their facts. Any wonder they are not permitted to test for Sgt for several years.

Anonymous said...

Rehires tire me. They are not the smartest bulbs in the closet. You point out facts to them and all they do is call you names and tell you how lucky we are to have them back. I am so glad that the legislature ended that program. Each year has more rehires leaving. They have no solidarity with younger officers and by younger I mean those who do not have their retirement time. Rehires are only in it for themselves. I truly hope APD continues to lose officers and has to implement a crisis program where all rehires are back in uniform taking calls. I would expect half of them to quit before that happens and the other half would quit within a month as none of them want to do real police work anymore.

Anonymous said...

Dinelli seems to be the only one on the coppers side when they are doing the right thing. I would not expect him to cover for bad cops.

Anonymous said...

Albuquerque Chief Public Safety Officer Pete Dinelli said he supports Schultz, adding that the new schedules may be unpopular, but the move has been a smart business decision. “Going back to 4/10’s [four ten hour shifts per week] is not going to happen anytime soon,” he said. “The bottom line is that this has improved response times, and that is key. It helps public safety, and that is the No. 1 priority of this administration. (Albuquerque Journal, March 20, 2008)

Anonymous said...

Dinelli is on Dinelli's side. Period. Anyone working for him is only looking for what they can get out of it for themselves if he wins. That is politics folks and that is why we need someone as Mayor who owes nobody nothing, and who is willing to demolish the corruption in place in order to start over totally fresh.

If this guy has backed schultz on even one thing, and there is evidence of it, he is not a fit candidate.

Anonymous said...

The CNAU story goes like this...While the photos were being taken and the shit was getting shut down no one EVER said it was wrong. In fact it was encouraged, and that group of people were being praised by command staff in and out of CNAU. THERE WERE A SHIT LOAD OF PEOPLE REQUESTING PHOTOS AND VIDEOS. APD created that machine and allowed it to happen. There was a lack of leadership and oversite.

Anonymous said...

RE: The CNAU story goes like this... There was a lack of leadership and oversite. The “lack” of leadership and oversite INCLUDED PETER DINELLI!!! That is how the story really goes…

Anonymous said...

The CNAU guys knew what they were doing was wrong. Dinelli wanted them fired and Schultz refused. The way it was set up Dinelli was not over Schultz in that capacity. You might not like the truth but here it is.

Anonymous said...

As someone once told me, Pete Dinelli has never had a good day in his life. He is the most negative whiner and naturally is critical of the courts overturning some of his cases when he was director of the Safe Streets Task Force. While in this position he basiclly violated many homeowners due process rights because, once again Pete was trying to make a name for himself. Hah!

Anonymous said...

Ref 248, if this was true and Pete is a man of morals he should of stepped down.

Anonymous said...

Ref 248....just confirm that Pete was NOT above Schultz in the chain of command and thus NOT over the CNAU tools. Is that what you're saying?

Anonymous said...

RE: “just confirm that Pete was NOT above Schultz in the chain of command…” Why is that Dinelli and his cronies CANNOT get the story right? I have the organizational break-down for the time Dinelli was there; he was over Schultz! What a bunch of liars just like Berry and Schultz! If you're going to post here, get your facts straight; otherwise you look like an idiot...Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

At 0745, I know I have the org charts also. The shit that Dinelli has hands dirty on is so funny to spot because they get quiet like crickets here.

Stealth said...

Now you can follow The Eye On Albuquerque on Tweeter!