The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Jan 31, 2013


Over the last few weeks there has been much drama over in the halls of the Police Oversight Commission. To much of the Eye's delight, even the Albuquerque Journal has covered some of the shenanigans going on. (Read it HERE). You see, at one of their recent hearings, POC member Richard Shine ordered a public speaker to cease talking and sit down. When the speaker persisted to enjoy his First Amendment right to free speech he was removed from the hearing. In the following days the Journal openly stated that the commission has lost "all credibility" (Read it HERE) and supports the efforts of two city councilors who want to totally overhaul the commission (Read it HERE). The fact that the Eye and the Journal  are in agreement on an issue should speak volumes!

But as usual there's another story that is not being reported. At these hearings there are citizens using the public comment time to protest of actions by APD executives and the POC.  While we realize many APD officers are not in agreement with those citizens, we all agree they have a right to speak freely. But do they have a right to be free from being monitored by the very people they are expressing their dissent against? We think they do and we are extremely concerned about the picture here. In the picture, we see none other than APD/Ray Schultz lawyer Kathy Levy recording an image of people speaking at the meeting. Given the nature of what has happened in recent weeks by what can truly be described as bizarre behavior by POC members, is it possible that when the lead attorney for APD, sitting alongside the chief of police, deputy chiefs, and SED director Marc Adams is personally recording the actions of citizens and commission members she is influencing the very people in place to hold her and her chief accountable.

While citizens who speak at the hearing are aware that the news or the city may be passively recording their words, is it not a different issue when the very target of your criticism is taunting you by using her own cell phone in a personal capacity? It's one thing when the police are recording an encounter with you out in the street, it's something entirely different when their lawyer is documenting the public expression of citizens critical of the very office that employs her.

Several of our Eyes over the last week have been busy researching the failures of Ms. Levy in court. It seems her reputation for earning the ire of the judiciary is well founded in the numerous times she has earned fines by the court for misconduct. A list of such cases was provided courtesy of a recent poster:

Costales v Sanchez, No. 07cv827 MV/ACT,Doc. 113 (D.N.M. memorandum opinion and order filed Dec. 10, 2008)
Chavez v. City of Albuquerque, No. 07cv476 JCH/RHS, Doc. 19 (D.N.M. Magistrate Judge’s order filed Oct. 29,2007)
Painter v. Wells Fargo, et al., No. 07cv395 MCA/ACT, Doc. 42, 47 (D.N.M. Magistrate Judge’s memorandum opinion and order filed Mar. 3, 2008, and order filed Mar. 18, 2008); Canizales v. Armendariz, et al., No. 07cv198 JB/RHS, Doc. 74 (D.N.M. order filed May 12,2008);
Graham v. Kenny, et al., No. 07cv258 MCA/DJS, Doc. 38 (D.N.M. memorandumopinion and order filed Sept. 17, 2008);
Hatheway v. Thies, 335 F.3d 1199, 1207 & n.3(10th Cir. 2003);
Regensberg, et al. v. Cityof Albuquerque, et al., No. D-202-CV-200701342 (N.M. 2nd Jud. Dist. Ct. final order filed Jan.31, 2008);
DeLeon v. Arias, No. 10cv105 JCH/RHS, Doc. 5 (D.N.M. motion for entry of default and default judgment filed Mar. 12, 2010);
Harris v. State of New Mexico, No. D-202-CV-2010-00789 (N.M.2nd Jud. Dist. Ct. petition filed Jan. 12, 2010).
Slook v. Albuquerque Police Dept. et al., 07-cv-46 WJ-RHS, Doc. 50

And then there are all the cases that get suddenly settled and evade the court record. The Eye calls for an open inquiry into the misconduct by Ms. Levy and demand that there be a strict review of her performance as a city lawyer AND her adherence to the New Mexico Bar requirements for ethical and professional conduct.

Lastly, it seems that the department's lawyer is very busy in escorting Chief Schultz in various capacities to conferences that are strictly law enforcement in nature. It also seems the Chief travels with quite an entourage when he embarks on city business...


Anonymous said...

None of this surprises me. I was at a class up in Santa Fe at DPS and you never hear more shit talking about how bad Apd is and that "worthless" lawyer who represents them.

The Contractor said...

Wow. What a light has just been shined on the roaches.

Levy needs to be disbarred and relegated to swabbing porta potties. She is a liar in the very sense. I can't even look at that disgusting vile individual. How on earth does a person get to look like that? A bloated bugeyed bullfrog with sparse greasy hair. People like her make me sick. Lie after lie after misrepresentation and omission, and then she has the hairy balls to accuse people who are telling the truth of lying. She is the epitome of hypocrisy and dishonor and should not have the right to practice law If that's what she calls it. All this person practices is deceit, arrogance slovenliness, sluggartry, hate and contempt for what is right.

When the DOJ dismantles APD they need to start with Levy. Schultz starts the mess and Levy trys to mop it up by conspiring on how to cover ray's ass. Everything goes through levy and it's all about ray.

"Can we do this levy?"
"It's illegal but if you say this you can get away with it(LIE)"
"Can we do this levy?"
"Come On"
"Ok....just lie"
"Can we do this levy?"
"Only if we hide evidence"
"Can we do this Levy?"
"Only if I stall them"
"Can we do this levy?"
"Only if I delay again"
"Well, that didn't work"
"Because the DOJ is here"
"What should we do now"
"The only thing we can"
"What's that!"
"Keep lying!"
"But we'll go to jail"
"We're going to jail anyway"

This rotten piece of shit needs karma in the worse way. Well it looks like it's coming. Enjoy it you bags of scum.

Settle no lawsuits with these criminals. Take every suit to trial. Get them on sworn record so that they can be criminally charges and striped of everything they have stolen in their worthless lives. No amount of money is worth the priceless benefit of seeing these criminals burn for the acts they've committed against people.

Anonymous said...

You know she is going to say that she was checking an email or working on a SODOKU puzzle and not recording anything... Anyone notice DCOP Warfield sleeping in the background.. PRICELESS guess he was up early getting 18 holes of golf in.... I think Schultz is whispering to her... Go ahead no one is looking.... My money is on Mark Bralley taking that photo he takes great ones.... Bralley should get awards for the photos he has taken over the years....

Anonymous said...

Schultz, Levy and Fisher a threesome??????????? EEWWWW I just threw up in my mouth a little...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So is she taking a picture of the person taking the picture of her?

Anonymous said... Of course not. She's doing isometric exercises with a pice of lead shaped like a phone. Can't you tell her fitness level speaks for itself!?!?! Obviously she is......

Anonymous said...

Salazar was not in San Diego. Karen Fischer was. The same Karen Fischer who told my office how the Chief found a way for her to retire and keep getting a paycheck getting around the double dipping laws.
She worked years making our partnership with APD and it works grat. That's what she went to IACP to accept the award for OCU for, without any of her Officers. Then right before she retired she encouraged the partnerships to privatize and be its own lobbying group. But to be in her lobbying group you already have to be a paid member to NRF group. To help pay for the new group, the group and APD hosted a charity golf tournament. Once she retired we started making arrangements to pay her from those charity funds for doing some of the work she did when she worked at APD. We didnt question it at the time. Boss says last he heard the contract btwn her and the partners is drawn up but not yet signed, but just check her emails, especially the City one. She's supposed to be retired remember.
My store is not the only one who thinks she's a great worker but the way this is going down, we are having meetings about when the scandal breaks what is it going to do to our reputation that we were a part of it.

Anonymous said...

Why the hell is that little sex video watching while i'm at the crime lab and gonna delete the files loser Marc Adams at the POC hearing? In fact, why is schultz and company there are at all? Is this when fat ass Armijo 16'd the guy out? Subpoeena Levy's phone rcords she's a witness to a crime.

FileKeeper said...

Karen Fischer, Craig Davis are on the board of the "Albuquerque Retail Assets Protection Association" and have done so since February 2008.

Mr. Davis wrote in his linked in page that "ARAPA is a network of Law Enforcement and Loss Prevention professionals. Our focus is on Intelligence sharing and investigative follow-up on ORC crews impacting the state of New Mexico, and nationally. We focus our efforts on creating a safe community by investigating and addressing Organized Retail Crime issues, including merchandise boosters, fraud, and crimes against persons and property."

His linked in page:

The place of business is listed as 400 Roma NW.

Look it up at the corporations look up website at the PRC.

Mr. 6:28 - you CANNOT retroactively pay for services rendered. If you do, you will get a visit from the IRS. I can promise you that.

It is probably too late anyway. You and your partners may want to email the DOJ and self report while you hava the chance.

Anonymous said...

It's not retroactive. The Board and the Chief set up for her to retire in name only and get her pension while continuing to work for arapa doing some of the same things she did when she worked for the police. It's why we're worried about if it is all legal with this double dip thing and making it a private company. We didn't even know it listed 400 Roma on their paperwork.

Anonymous said...


Definition: 1) A small dog of uncertain ancestry, a mongrel. 2) A person of little worth or someone with a bad temper, and 3) Silent fart.

Analysis: You actually already know this word: feist is used throughout the Midland and Southern United States to mean a snappy, nervous and belligerent little dog. The adjective feisty which means "full of spirit or spunky," comes from this word. But that's not why it's on this list (hint: #3!)

What you may not know is the true origin of the word. Feist comes from the Middle English fisten, which means to break wind (fist originally also meant flatus or fart). Feist is a special type of fart: the silent (and often deadly) type. Oh, and the word "fart" itself comes from another Middle English word farten or ferten, which in turn is from the Old English feortan.

Feist is the type of word that, if introduced to young adolescents, no doubt would spark a lifelong interest in learning new words.

Alternative: Fart is another one of those goldmines of insults. To obfuscate what you really mean, use instead: FLATUOSITY (fart). Other gems: EPROCTOLAGNIAC (someone aroused by flatulence, his own or someone else's), CARMINATIVE (something that makes you fart), and BDOLOTIC (prone to farting).

Anonymous said...

I forgot. We talkin bout Feit or Levvy? To me they both stink.

Anonymous said...

Has any one noticed that when you look at Levy's profile she looks like George Washington? Insulting to our first President, but very funny. She also views herself as a great trial attorney but no one can work with her in the City Attorneys office unless your a female. As long as Ray is in charge, Levy will be around settling cases to avoid a trial.

Anonymous said...

Never knew that they were behind ARAPA.....making sgts and lt's attending that boring shit is awful. Since they are being paid illegally does that mean we still have to go? HA!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, AGs office needs to come in now on this ARAPA thing. Stinks to high heaven like the "Friends of Swat" bullshit Nate Korn'field has goin on. Then there was also fmr Sgt Ray Antencio going to work for Tiburon after the city inked the deal for that worthless system. Folks, we got a pattern here....

Anonymous said...

what golf toury is this. the one the chief , marc,feist, and the cronys do while getting shitfaced . no leave time taken . just drunk on a officer memorial toury. how disrespectful.

Anonymous said...

How many 5th floor-ers does it take to change a light bulb? All of them..why? You need one to fabricate the story on why the light bulb needed to be changed, one to leak the information to the media, one or two to lie in an open federal court on how it was changed, one to argue/lie about it in court and end up settling in the end, and the rest to sit there and look stupid. This sums up the entire situation.

local Lawyer said...

@117 funny but you're wrong! First they'd lie say the bulb was changed when it wasn't. Then when they are shown it wasn't changed they'll say "oh I meant yes we'll do that" and then they don't. When again shown they didint they'll say "oh we were going to but this OFFICER didn't do it" and then they'll fire the cop. Again they'll be shown the bulb still hasn't been changed and they'll say "well we're retiring somebody else will have to do it." Again they're shown the bulb still hasn't been changed and now an inspector comes to see why. The inspector then discovers why the bulb was never changed: all the replacement bulbs have been stolen and the power going to the light bulb has been tampered with and is being used for personal purposes....

Thomas Edison said...

Then they'll hide behind their lawyer who will say.... "What light bulb? That's a light emitting incandescent device! If you would have stated that in the first place, we could have avoided this confusion. See, nobody lied, we don't call it a light bulb. You don't have us on tape anyway."

Anonymous said...

Come on folks. We all know mushrooms don't like lightbulbs.

Anonymous said...

At Local post ever. Just hysterical because it's so true.

Anonymous said...

Well that would explain Schultz's total absence lately. Anybody have 49?

Anonymous said...

@717...his total absence because he was or was not changing a damn light bulb?

Anonymous said...

Oh he was changing something that's for sure......

Anonymous said...

The eye should do a public reqord reqest of Levy's phone. They will shit their pants when that comes through.