Below is a portion of a communication we have received from a very concerned community member who has been calling out the city on it’s corruption for years. This man served his country, and has had the courage to stand his ground against people like Schultz, Perry, and many others. We see him at city council meetings calling out those he deems the problem here. He has been bullied but continues to fight for what he believes in. People are feeling let down, and we believe a chance for real change has been missed, in exchange for pretentious images and a commercialized cookie cutter form of government.
After reviewing Friday the only three recordings, some clearly edited in APD’s case involving Christian the relative/likely stepson of Councilor Ken Sanchez who caused a vehicular accident in mid-June and fled the scene after pulling a gun on the man he crashed into, I sent the following initial comments to your fine new Clerk Ms. Duhigg and to many others
“The first, 18-0063592, was the APD detective’s telephone conversation (at Tel 206-6881) with Councilor Ken Sanchez’s wife regarding her son Christian’s driving conduct o/a June 13. Also of 18-0057175, the video of the elderly threatened gentleman whose white SUV was hit by the black BMW that Christian was driving, who said the boy pointed a gun at him before fleeing the scene. The van driver gave the APD aide its license number-I believe he said it was NJB 405. Also of video 18-20057961 of the later APD stop of Christian, that contrary to his mom’s telephone statement to the detective, the officer(s) never searched the car for the gun-just searched him. White paint from the crash with the van was on the black Sanchez BMW.
“After reviewing the three recordings yesterday which I briefly commented upon (more to follow) it is clear that much of APD’s information supported Councilor Sanchez’s seemingly attempt to influence, possibly have APD cover up his young relative’s/possibly step-son Christian’s threats with a gun of an elderly owner of a white SUV right after he sideswiped it in the family’s black BMW that he was driving o/a June 13 of this year-a clear bodily harm criminal offense. While initially denying her son even had a gun, Christian’s mother who works in BERNCO’s HR would later even ask the detective on the phone ( recording 18-0063592) whether brandishing a weapon at a motorist was even be a criminal bodily harm (aggravated assault) offense?”
This case intentionally buried by APD Chief Geier was brought to my attention by an honest City insider that prompted my July 31 NM IPRA request. Even though the media was copied on my e-mails to Ms. Duhigg, they cowardly refused to cover the story nor was the CPOA even interested.
The judicial system here beginning with our police and DAs-contrary to the recent Journal article by Judge Daniel Ramczyk has always been for sale. All those in the deemed “privileged class” of our government, including our bad cops and others in power (or their family members) are never to held accountable/punished here. This was even more proof that Chief Geier should never been given the job by you when he chose to bury this mid-June incident by Ken Sanchez’ step son Christian.
While many never heard of the Christian’s criminal offense until I brought it up, many saw the KRQE report last night where APD arrested Sean Saiz for pulling a gun during a parking dispute and APD then cited him for aggravated assault. It’s too bad Sean Sais wasn’t also related to Ken Sanchez.
Those privileged in power here likely wish that blog sites like the Eye on Albuquerque, ABQReport and other truth tellers along with their readers-many of them honest cops, would go away. But fortunately they won’t. See attached the latest ABQReport article by Jim Larson, a former POB member.
Also see the reader comments to a recent Eye posting on former cop Leah Kelly Acata who the misguided Councilors had even honored at a meeting. See the summary below of Leah’s 9/14/2010 unjustified shooting of non-threatening Chandler Barr downtown. As expected, a federal jury exonerated this despised-by-many APD cop.
I continue to hope that some day you will stop being just another embarrassing NM politician seemingly committed only to maintaining the status-quo, the culture of corruption and lack of accountability that has made this city and State the disgrace of the nation.
We are also getting tired of seeing these insulting photo ops of you being dreamed up by your high-paid publicists pretending that you really care about us-doing something meaningful. The latest was with the UNM football team. Yet your enablers in the mainstream media are more than happy to publicize these phony photo-ops of yours.
Until that time, you and others like you including AG Balderas can expect to be damned for your actions or inaction by the truth tellers who hope someday that their tough love will finally sink in.
It’s finally time to admit you made a serious mistake when picking Schultz’s prize pupil Mike Geier as permanent Chief and finally send him packing along with others like him including his NM IPRA stonewallers like Ms. Barraza-all of whom have dragged this city down into the gutter.
It appears that Steve Aguilar, your personal attorney and head of your Legal Department who was also chosen-like Geier in a rigged selection process has also shown himself to be no different than Berry’s embarrassing Jessica Hernandez and Kathryn Levy and should also be shown the door.
Finally, maybe a long talk with new US Attorney John Anderson and the DOJ folks in DC are also in order whose decision to also go AWOL in this reform challenge is also part of the problem. Possibly they may consider hosting a meeting with us-the real concerned/involved, often threatened people of this city in order to hear the truth for a change.
On a positive note, I was impressed with your new clerk Katy Duhigg during my Friday visit who I hope will be a catalyst for change-will bring about real transparency if you allow her to do so.”
Reading the above correspondence it is essentially clear that some people need to get their heads out of their asses and quit covering for cowards who expect political favors but want to hide in the shadows.
Citizens are getting fed up of being placated, and are fighting back with information. Information is key and knowledge is power against corruption and favoritism.
As we are dealing with remnants of the past still influencing, and continuing to ruin our city and state, the administration is considering allowing officers to wear beards. Yes folks, as the city is in meltdown over out of control crime and corruption, this administration is more worried about some commercialized image of Albuquerque One, and allowing minime clones with oldtimey hairdos beards and sleeve tattoos. What asshole suggests a change in policy for beards when all of this is going on?!? Talk about arranging deck chairs on the Titanic and priorities. No wonder why this place is crumbling.
Someone needs to get it through their tucking head that the problem here is not about something that a marketing program can help. It’s time to put your fucking pants on and get some calluses.
Fixing this city isn’t a fashion show or popularity contest. We would like to thank Mr. Dell’Angela for stepping up with tenacity.
P.S. Quit bitching about the man hurting your feelings like candy asses and start doing what you are supposed to. We are hip to the deck stacking going on and more is coming.
The Piercing Truth
This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
Aug 28, 2018
DC Ray Schultz,
LEA Board,
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Where the hell is Marty Sanchez when you need him?
Isn’t there another one of sanchez’s step sons that is a total piece of crap with APD. I heard he consistently does illegal crap and gets away with it. Sanchez either has more power than we know of or has a lot of dirt. Here’s an idea. Gieir, your like 100 years old, time to act like a real leader and move aside so someone with fresh ideas can take over. And take your little bitch Mizel with you. No way that clown would’ve gotten promoted without you
Eye, I really hope you're seeing the true big picture here. There's a reason all the weak, pathetic, and stupid people have been given high-ranking positions in APD, and anyone with a brain or backbone has been removed. This makes all the Schultz/Berry/Perry/Eden stuff look like kids stuff.
Chief Geier, I hope you will read this. When you first came back we were all so happy, morale was actually going up. But, it’s been almost a year and what good have you done? We got a raise, but that was APOA, n rumor was DC Medina was against it. All I’ve seen so far is you’re firing the good commanders and promoting the worst Lts to take their place. Now, you have a bunch of old APD guys n your Rio buddies coming in as laterals. They’ll get all the inside spots the day after graduation. No chance any of us gets off graveyard, into a specialized position, or even a day off soon. Nothing good has happened and morale is lower than ever. I’m applying at Denver, Phoenix, and Scottsdale. Most of guys on my watch are looking too. I’d like one person to give me one good thing that’s come from Geier admin...a lowly field 34.
We’ve got a complete line of the finest anus stretchers, lines and if you prefer, 110VAC powered long stroke reciprocating rams. We will be showing off our wares every hump day at the APD Training Academy Gym.
We accept cash, personal checks and credit cards for immediate delivery sales.
For the next month we are officrinf APD Cadets a buy 1 get 1 at half price discount.
I can't wait to read these documents. They can't keep them 10 3 for ever. Must be very very good. Wonder what new standard they set that will be good to know.
@2:34 I so agree with you. Medina bringing in his bros to have what weekends off on days? Guess time will tell. Medina playing the same game Schultz did it was the good ol boys system right back on track. Welcome back Leah "Case Law Kelly." I'm stuck on graves and hope she goes to another area command. Low morale no one wants to work, no one wants to do reports, no one wants to do anything.
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