Seems to not be too much of a good day today for a few people. Today, Monica Youngblood was found guilty of her Driving While Intoxicated charges. It must suck to pay Paul Kennedy all of that money for nothing. I think we are seeing the worm turning folks.
Eye on Albuquerque Youngblood article
The Piercing Truth
This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
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But what is her sentence going to be? If it's some horseshit fine and bye-bye then justice has not been served.
But what is her sentence going to be? If it's some horseshit fine and bye-bye then justice has not been served.
Her DWI conviction will show just how fucked up this state is; why? Because the voters won’t care.
Nor will the Democratic Party, they have to hide the sins of Pat Davis and Mimi Stewart, so they are keeping their lips tight.
And then we all wonder how we came to live in such a vapid cesspool now known as New Mexico.
So glad that her trial was not a jury trial because the people in this City would have let her off. Judge Kevin Fitzwater is a GREAT Judge and we all hope that he will sentence her to what she needs to be sentenced to.
sept 26 10:12am
If you really think we live in a "vapid cesspool"you should move the hell out!
Or quit your bitchin and do something to change things...maybe?
If you have another 150yrs of life in you, maybe you'll see change. So your right get out of NM there are plenty of city's hiring good cops. Do it for you family.
So how much praise are you showering on the judge now? 24 hours to be served and the time she spent after the arrest will be counted so she will probably not serve ONE more minute. JURY trial has my vote. Judge new what how was going to do as soon as he was handed the case . All his bluster about Not accepting a jury trial was all part of the Movida. Monica nor her lawyer chastised the judge for not letting them have a jury trial cause they new the outcome of judges decision from the start
Raul you land this $$$$ database to help with crime and what cops do you think are gonna work????? APD??? Commanders are asking their sgts how to get 34s motivated to work. You fart and you get stuck in IA. This is damn funny. Guess the DA Office will probably start having their own lil 34 Force go out and do stuff. I have a slight suggestion,, IA needs to lighten up and let the 34s do their work and go back to old school way. Geier needs to bring back old school academy high stress and lets get APD back to where it was b4 the crook Schultz took 10 years to drag it down. That's what Mel Strapless says!!!
Geeez I see it was a slow day for news during the balloon fiesta. So slow they did news broadcasts AND news articles about people damaging property to get to the fiesta. Guess the DA will prosecute those offenders to the fullest extent of the law but will allow so many others to walk on REAL charges. This town is an absolute joke.
This is pathetic. They hire 30 clowns from other agencies who are either weak or old. This city is doomed. Crime will continue to spiral out of control because these clueless non cops will not be able to deal with it. Just looking at them is comical. They are in it for the money. That is it. The entire mess is a joke. The first one walking up was a fat mess.
Listening to the academy director was even more insulting. The hairdo says a lot. It is a smack in the face to any officer who went through a real police academy and achieved real accreditation without being given certifications.
Mayor Keller, I sincerely hope you read this. You have an amazing opportunity here to become the most popular politician in NM history. Let me explain. The Geier (et all) experiment has clearly failed. The officers are unhappy, fighting n unjust terminations at command level, and morale is at all time low. The blogs are all over this, how long before mainstream media starts running with it? I promise you, they will not stay quiet for long the story is too good. If you're the true visionary/progressive you claim to should remove the Geier, Medina crew asap. If you actually came forward and admitted it wasn't working, and you made a 'mistake'. But, you're vested in citizens and police dept so you're moving forward to correct it. Can you imagine the response you'd get? Citizens n police alike would be amazed n astonished at the honest politician! Then you hire a real Chief. Someone who isn't from inside APD and doesn't only hire/promote buddies and grind old axes on enemies. The best and most qualified to lead are actually put in positions of leadership. Friendship n loyalty play no part. You'd truly be heralded as greatest Mayor ever. Takes a little humility on back end, but the rewards are limitless.
Bro, why do you want to fire me? I text all my bros and get the hired as laterals? You will see, bro that I am doing good. I will be chief bro, I promise. You see lateral class bro come one.
1042 You are right about a lot of things. Keller you have Medina texting P1s making promises to get them into the academy cuz they were boys when they worked together. Medina continues to text them important information. I know for a fact since I have been standing there and seen a phone that had texts on it from Medina. Geier better watch your back cuz he coming after your job. Medina you hiring your friends even though its now for only two years I will still be with APD for two years and I will remind this blog how it worked out.
Keller doesn't give a flying fuck about the officer shortage. He is too busy cutting ribbons and making his cheesy ass smile in all the photo ops. Can't wait to read about the Netflix employees that get robbed, or have their cars stolen, or are assaulted or worse.
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