The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Oct 2, 2008

Pale-in Comparison

We just finished watching the debate... you know the one, between the mocked Sarah Palin and Senator Joe Biden. We wish that we could have been as excited about the last debate between The Anointed One and John McCain, but really there wasn't anything all that exciting about a stodgy senator and a stuffed suit. Both were predictable and both were infuriating for different reasons.

Tonight's debate couldn't have been better prepared for a Palin victory. What made it all the sweeter was all of the prep work was done not by the McCain campaign "lowering expectations" but by the irrational hatred of John McCain's running mate Sara Palin.

The far left - frothing at the mouth - spent the last few weeks trying to turn the Governor from Alaska into the idiot sister of the village idiot. They were wrong then and tonight they were proved wrong once again. Sarah Palin did a credible job representing her ticket and herself.

To be fair, Senator Joe Biden didn't do a bad job he just didn't do anything to distinguish himself. Biden did exactly what people expected. He was smooth, he was congenial, he came off knowledgeable, but all of those things are expected from a thirty year U.S. Senator.

Meanwhile, Biden's opponent looked the public directly in the eye and told them about her core values. There was no condescension or superiority, there was simple expression and acceptance. She showed who she was, and she was loyal to her ticket.

Sarah Palin's energy and her ability to be herself is her strength - she showed that tonight. The contest left Senator Biden pale in comparison.


Anonymous said...

I agree. I was disappointed to hear the "experts" on the news state that they though Biden won. I thought biden tried to do what whey accused Palin of doing, which was get away from the issues. My opinion was that Biden turned the issues back to the bush admin, instead of staying on topic when Palin made legitimate points. She didn't waste her time with the bullshit biden wanted her to, she spoke what she had to say, and I don't think Biden adequately defended his ticket, so instead he repeated himself with the same rhetoric they have had the whole time. Nothing new from Biden, and a strong (and unexpected) performance from Palin. I'm confident..... NObama.

Anonymous said...

i think palin did a good job at having real answers and stating what she has accomplished. biden only talked about obama and not about what he himself has accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Please, America, tell me it isn't true? Is that all it takes to be fit for the vice presidency? Ignore the questions you are asked? Deploy the carbon-copy speeches you were trained to say, over and over again? Give answers to questions you weren't asked?
The only way Sarah Palin did succeed in the debate was by being able to utter complete sentences most of the time. By sticking to the script like a fly to a glue trap. As if someone had winded her up and sent her to the debate like a toy soldier.

I was going to vote for John McCain, even tough I favoured Mike Huckabee. But Sarah Palin changed that; she's an embarrassment.

I'm not so sure I want that to be true for a possible POTUS...

Anonymous said...

Although Palin won the debate, you have to wonder; so what?
The whole "debate" format is nonsense; it is so contrived and unnatural that in the end, watchers end up with the same sound bites that they have been listening to for months.

Anonymous said...

Last night Senator Joe Biden didn't NEED to do anything to distinguish himself. Biden did EXACTLY what people expected and know about him. He was smooth, he was congenial, and he WAS knowledgeable. All of those things ARE expected from a thirty-year U.S. Senator!

Governor Palin, on the other hand, did a good job of showing whom she was and that she was loyal to her ticket. I think it was her that had to “prove herself” to the American public. She did a reasonably good job keeping up with her seasoned opponent. That is creditable to her even when some of her “party’s” views do not walk hand in hand with the heartbeat and focus of our nation. I wonder if she will still hide from interviews and the tough questions from the press, or media in the future? She also seemed to be trying to petition the women voters of the nation rather than appealing to all of the nation’s concerns. There is nothing specifically wrong with that, except that in itself doesn’t make a person capable to be President of a country in the event that she is put in the position to do so based solely on the female vote. There are a lot of issues at stake that her “experience in government” still lacks. After all, she has only been doing this (V.P. campaigning) for 5 weeks. It was interesting that she referred to her lack of expertise in the campaign at the debate, we already know.

Anonymous said...

Once again the Eye readers have mostly proven their lack of awareness and even dedication or commitment to the community. How could you have watched that debate with so little interest that you thought Palin won? Do you really let your emotions control your judgement. Sarah Palin is no more ready for that high office than Lisa Torraco is ready to be DA. They both are clueless. Read the story above the fold about the Yi case in the pathetic Journal today, and KNOW that the Journal's source was Lisa Torraco. She was illegally given information about this case and ran to the Journal, violating EVERY legal canon and ethical standard of her profession. She should be drummed out of the NM Bar Assoc. and brought up on charges. But keep on averting your Eyes, and keep writing biased articles Journal! I just hope that the rest of the community cares enough to keep these idiots out of office.

Anonymous said...

My friends and I had a shot every time we heard "Maverick" and a double-shot for each wink. We were shit faced at the end of Sarah's canned babble.

I still don't know her and McSame's plan for Iraq. I cringed when she demonstrated her lack of knowledge of what the Consitution says about the role of Vice President.

Anonymous said...

Geez Eye. You claim that the "far left" were trying to "turn" Sarah Palin into "the idiot sister of the village idiot". Sarah Palin exposed herself as an ignorant moron when she couldn't come up with a response at all to five different complete softball questions by Katie Couric of all people. Seriously, the only interviewer on the planet who's easier on their subjects than Katie Couric is Larry King.

Palin relied entirely on her note cards last night, didn't you notice? She completely ignored the moderator's question four different times so that she could babble about Alaska instead. She winked at the camera four different times. Who falls for that kind of bullshit? You, apparently.

Fortunately the polls show that Biden won handily and that you and the other GOP spin-meisters are failing in your attempts to, as they say, paint lipstick on a pig and call it a beauty queen.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness there are people who actually listened and not just watched the debate. Biden answered the questions he was asked. Palin sounded completely incompetent when she didn't answer the questions and totally disrespectful when she referred to Biden as "Joe". I wonder if she refers to the President as George. She showed exactly how immature she is with respect to, well, politics and respect! Good job Biden! Thank you people who actually listened to the debate!

Anonymous said...

Wow, so much anger... no one has ever cared much for VP debates, Palin changes that I guess. Here is the deal, we have the very people who are supposed to be rooting for the middle class, average guy who go out of their way to rain on Palin. I'm not saying she is a foreign policy genius but she is average middle American. You know the kind that went to a state college, had to work to pay her own bills, pulled herself up via grassroots politics on a local level. You know, like a Democrat [or at least like they claim to be]. She represents a life that Obama pretends to have had. And yet the very folks who should at least support her on the most basic levels [like N.O.W. or other womens groups] basically pee on her leg because the end result [$$ for their causes under a Democrat welfare state] supercede their stated mission.
I can not believe the polls that are saying the angry middle aged women who were Hillary supporters are not voting Palin; hell I've got three women like that in my immediate family and they cheer out loud at everything she says in this debate.
I'm supposed to be the rabid Republican Nazi in the family and I'm the only one who ISN"T digging her rhetoric.
What vote she loses the party will inevitably be superceeded by those she pulls in.
Add the "Bradley effect" and it is still a McCain win by 4%

Anonymous said...

Wow. The above poster is snow blown. I dont care if shes middle class or where she came from. She flat out doesnt have it to be VP. Dont need her or the stuffed suit running this country more into the ground then it already is. They are being way too easy on her. People suggest Biden dont attack her and walk on eggshells with her because shes a woman. She accepted the bid now she should take what every politician has to take. Not get special treatment. Biden also came from a middle class family as well as Obama. Know your facts before you try your repub. brainwashing crap. Read up on the up bringings of these canidates. Dont just spew garbage hoping a weak minded individual listens to you.

Anonymous said...

I respect that Sarah Palin has achieved what she has as a woman in a male dominated profession (Governor of Alaska, no less) and I respect that she has a strong marriage and supportive family. I am, however, a NOW member who cringes that she is on the ticket of a Presidential candidate who does not support equal pay for equal work. I'm horrified that she feels she has the right to impose her religious beliefs regarding fetal life on the population at large. And while she may be qualified to be a governor she has no business being one heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

Anonymous said...

Bush has the highest unfavorables in history. McCain is doomed. All the Rs are in trouble. At a Native American forum today Lisa Torraco told the group that she is ashamed to be a Republican....that she really isn't a Republican. Nice work. Run away, Lisa. Too many lies, too little integrity. Ask her to show you the tape. She even insulted the Native Americans. Called them "round faces". Nice.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which debate you people watched. Lets scratch the idea anyone won. Palin answered all the questions the moderator threw out...everyone. Biden tried to twist it as not being answered but he was wrong. He did a good job as she did at least equally. You all forget that this is the VP race. They both support thier #1. Sad part is that when you tout qualifications the DEMs #2 is more qualified that thier #1 and thier #1 is barely more qualified than the GOP #2. Obama is an idiot plain and simple. He says whatever it takes to get him elected and has disagreed with every player in this election including his VP. At least Palin is so new to the scene that she hasnt had the chance to get both her feet in her mouth. As for the war and the Commander in Chief issue....well being 18 years in the military under 4 different presidents I can tell you this...the most unqualified idiot (Clinton) still couldnt screw things up so much that everything went to total hell. He cut it to the bone and yet it still functioned. Wake up people. Elect Obama (Biden cant help that much)and you will wish Putin was president here....who knows he might be very soon after.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that there are people who believe that anyone's "qualifications" for office have anything to do with what they do while they are in office.

The only real qualification needed for the office is to be able to pick qualified advisers and pay attention to what they advise you to do.

Beyond that, the only necessary qualification is honesty and integrity.

Anonymous said...

Both gave unispired journeyman like performances however one statement really stood out between the two candidates. That statement was Joe Biden when he said

"Not only should we get the mortgage companies to adjust the interest rates on the troubled loans, but they should adjust the principle amount too".

I am really curious how on earth anyone can think that changing the priciple will help anyone but that one individual? I am hoping that MR Biden misspoke when he said that but if he indeed thinks that is part of their intended policy someone really neeeds to send them some text books on finance!
How would that conversation go anyway; "Hello bank, you hold the note on my house and I owe $100,000my note, I am only going to pay you $50,000 in principle and you have to eat the rest."
You only thought that this current debacle was bad wait until you change to something like that.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately for the republicans, Bush has destroyed any chance that they had and handed the election to the democrats in probably every race, top to bottom in NM. The other problem the republicans have is the poor quality of some of their candidates.....if Lisa Torraco is the best you can do....give it up. The woman is insane and her rants in public about her opponent, border on psychotic. The average person is smarter than she thinks and knows that the current DA is doing her damn best with the resources she has and the situaiton at APD. The DA doesn't let people out of jail and Torraco is a complete wack-job. But she is behind by almost 30 points in a Republican poll, so she knows that she has nothing to lose by screaming like a rabid dog. Lisa, nobody believes you - so shut UP!

Anonymous said...

Do you see a similarity? Palin says that Obama is "palling around with terrorists". Torraco says that "Brandenburg caused murders". Two very lost and desperate women. Palin/Torraco now THAT would be the ticket. Talk about two villiage idiots that can see Russia from their porches? Ha !

Anonymous said...

tell me more about Torraco? sounds like she will be a good DA

Anonymous said...

Well, she showed enough that she won't be "asked" to leave the ticket. To her credit, no Caribou-Barbie-in-the-headlights moments. But it was she that opened the "village idiot" door with the interviews of the last two weeks, unless the "far left" did some fancy editing.

It's been a tough 2 weeks for the McCain train, she at least kept it on the rails. But now what?

Do they stick to issues and policies?
Do they smear and risk looking desperate?
Simply appearing to be sane for a couple of weeks could form the basis of an October Suprise, if they've got one.

Problem is- appearing sane is not something either one of the Repub candidates has accomplished for greater than a week at a time.

Getcha popcorn ready- it should be fun.

Anonymous said...

N.M. is 1st in the nation in crime. Why? Liberal Democrats are in charge. Liberal Democratic judges rule the N.M. courtrooms. Albuquerque is second in violent crime only to Detroit, Michigan. Very Liberal District Attorney in Brandenberg. Albuquerque gets hard core felons from Texas, Arizona and California because of the unwillingness of the Democratic controlled judicial system. This is the result of having Democrats in charge for so many years in N.M. We could only be so lucky that more Republicans and Moderate Democrats to this State and some of you want Obama as the President of the U.S. The criminals and terrorists are gladly hoping for the same result.

Anonymous said...

let's not worth the effort.....losers like Lisa Torraco will always be losers.

Anonymous said...

The odds are MUCH greater that Torraco will be in jail for unethical conduct than she will EVER be DA. She personally has jeopardized a very important murder case and those who read the EYE...the officers, need to do something about it. She will say and do anything to get votes, even sabotage a murder case.

Anonymous said...

If the Yi case goes south, blame Torraco and the piece of crap Journal.......irresponsible is far too kind of a word for these leaches.

Anonymous said...

I am a senior citizen who doesn't know a thing about Torraco. I know only what I read in the paper and see on TV about Kerri.

Where can I read an UNBIASED bio of Torraco? I am a swing voter and I like to vote on RECORDS. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

you probably can't find one. Torraco's website bio is full of overstatements and misrepresentations.
The Journal has been very biased about Kari and her office lately, and the question is why? Kari has been a great DA and her office works their tails off for her and for the community. She is not liberal, but works for justice.
Kari is honest and knows the law. That is the bottom line.

Anonymous said...

Torroco has more to offer then Kari. Ask all the families and victims who have had to deal with the DA's office under Brandenbergs leadership. How can you blame Torroco for a murder case that TJ discovered on his own. Open your eyes you fools. Kari needs to be replaced. 37 cases to trial in 6 months. Pathetic when APD and BCSO alone send several hundred cases to DA. CHeck your facts next time.

Anonymous said...

"cupitulate"? I've been missing out by having plain old intercourse all this time!!!

Anonymous said...

Cool Aid is on me .......
Obama/Biden is my vote!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure if you dig deep enough you can connect the dots between Bill Ayers and Obama...maybe even Bin Laden or the Manson Family. Point is if you pal around with this trash then dont complain when it gets rammed down your throat. I personally dont know anyone nor have I done business with... who has blew anything up in anger or killed anyone unjustifibaly.

Anonymous said...

The thing that most people forget to realize is that we do not need an average middle American as a VP pick. Or we do not need a simple minded person in office, hopefully having Bush in office would of shown you just that. Again as many people posted here, most of Americans, eye readers, or the blogger who post nonsense like this are uninformed, and simple minded people. I hear it all the time, "It doesn't matter what comes out of her mouth, but she is great to look at." And I just want to bash my head into my computer. Do we really need four more years of the same bs? She needs to go back to Alaska, she keeps referring to herself as a middle class American... while she holds a seat of government, middle American my ass.

Anonymous said...

DJ didn't dig up that story...Torraco illegally obtained the information and illegally and unethically passed it to the Journal. You check you facts and don't cheery pick them. We've seen from the Rs what cherry picking data gets you. Lies and stupid policy. And yes indeed ask the families and you will find a far different picture that you want to paint. Kari has been way out ahead on victims rights and advocacy and that includes the families. Ask the McGranes you idiot. They and Sherrif White want to strangle Lisa Torraco for the way she has politicized their son and their family. It will be the same with the Yi family. She is trying her best to sabotage that case and the judge better look into it and lock her up or shut her up. Torraco is a know nothing - do nothing political scumbag that even denounces the party she begs money from. Colonel Weh, don't give her a dime! She told a group last week that she is ASHAMED to be a republican. Once again, you check your facts idiot. Check the tape of the event. Torraco is a moron.

Anonymous said...

I love it when people expose that they're getting their opinions from liars and morons like Sean Hannity.

The VP is not "in charge of the congress." He/She is president of the Senate, which carries no authority over it whatsoever. The VP doesn't even get a vote in the Senate unless there is a tie vote.

The VP in most presidential administrations has been completely inconsequential and for the most part spends his time cutting ribbons and going to birthday parties for foreign dignitaries. Cheney is by a very large margin the most powerful VP in history and is even more powerful than some of the presidents prior to the expansion of executive power leading up to the Civil War.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that Hockey Moms & Joe Six Pack up in the great white north wear $3,000 Valentino suits and designer-frame eye glasses. 'Ya think she buys this stuff "off the rack"?

Anonymous said...

Kari, you really need to stop posting for yourself. You sound ridiculous. We will see the results come Nov 4th. The CPOA and APOA are regretting that they endorsed you. Oh well, the public will speak on the 4th. Torroco for DA

Anonymous said...

She was Articulate, Mostly Accurate and Down right Homesy!!!

Are you suggesting "Homesy" is a good quality for a potental VP?? How about "mostly accurate"?? WOW. You sir are a retard. And no that doesnt qualify you for Office.

Anonymous said...

"So, sure, Barack Obama might be every bit as much a slick piece of imageering as Sarah Palin. The difference is in what the image represents. The Obama image represents tolerance, intelligence, education, patience with the notion of compromise and negotiation, and a willingness to stare ugly facts right in the face, all qualities we're actually going to need in government if we're going to get out of this huge mess we're in.

Here's what Sarah Palin represents: being a fat fucking pig who pins "Country First" buttons on his man titties and chants "U-S-A! U-S-A!" at the top of his lungs while his kids live off credit cards and Saudis buy up all the mortgages in Kansas."

I wish I could've written that but the credit goes to Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone. Well said Matt.

Anonymous said...

Kari is too busy to post on the blogs. Protecting the community takes all of her time. Torraco, on the other hand, has NO job. Guess who is writing the pro stuff for her. She is, of course. Brandenburg will win in a landslide on the 4th. Bet your house on it Lisa.
Vote Brandenburg on November 4th.

Anonymous said...

Caribou Barbie did an outstanding job compared to Hair Plugs Bidden. He didn't even know what the job of the VP was. Gov Palin was homsey, articulate and when she looked into the camera and spoke directly to the American peoplw she connected with the masses. Bidden reminded me of an old man who needed a nap!

Anonymous said...

Gov Palin was homsey, articulate and when she looked into the camera and spoke directly to the American peoplw she connected with the masses.

You are such a Repub. sheep. Who cares if she looked into the camera. She recited a condensed version of the same idiotic babble shes been reciting all along. But she looked into the camera so Im sold. WOW what morons you R sheep are.