Yet again, downtown Albuquerque is receiving special treatment and special police services, despite the large violent problems that plague the downtown area. If downtown Albuquerque was like any other Albuquerque business, the Criminal Nuisance Abatement Unit (CNAU) would have it shut down! The Eye did a story on November 16, 2011 that explained how it appeared as if the downtown area was receiving a "full immunity" from all of its criminal behavior. It seems as if the New Years Holiday is no exception to this immunity clause.
On December 23, 2011, an email from Karen Salazar, reiterating that field lieutenants are to be forced off "per dept memorandum 11-140". Ms. Salazar even stated that a few lieutenants have stated that they were required to work the holiday, even though it was in direct contradiction to the department memorandum.
Our eyes tell us the Valley Area Command Lieutenant (specifically graveyard) was forced to work overtime on New Years, solely for the the purpose of combatting the downtown area and the violence that was predicted to occur.
Low and behold, those predictions came true. There was at least one shooting (leaving two people shot) and one stabbing. This is on top of all of the other altercations and disturbances in the downtown area. This leads to many questions: What makes the downtown area so special? Why does the downtown area get special treatment and obviouse police presence at a cost to the city? Are all Albuquerque liquor establishments provided with the same treatment? Why aren't the downtown businesses required to hire chief's overtime officers as every other businesses are told to do? In fact, Graham Central Station (a local nightclub in the Northeast Heights) was threatened with a "hire chief's overtime or close" option.
As our story on November 16th indicated, this unfortunately is not an isolated incident. The downtown area has violent incidents every single week. What is keeping CNAU from issuing all of the businesses downtown with a notice to seize the violent behavior or be forced to close?
It seems like yet again, Mayor Berry and Chief Ray Schultz are discriminating against all of the other Albuquerque buisnesses while catering to those that are most violent and most dangerous to the citizens of Albuquerque.
Check out one of the stories that KOBTV covered regarding the New Years shooting by clicking here.
APD no longer provides chief's overtime for bars. They haven't for a few months now.
Downtown is going to explode and Schultz you are going to be held liable because everyone has warned you that downtown is out of control. A good attorney and there a few is gonna jam it up you ass no doubt about it.
It was chaos on Saturday and a particular Valley graveyard Sgt. LD needs to be sent back to OJT or have her stripes removed she is afraid of her own shadow. But instead she will get moved to a cush position and be taken care of and her lack of simple basic police skills were go unnotice and will be rewarded.
It's funny how you can identify Karen Salazar's writing a mile away. What's scary is that one would think that as a payroll dept manager, her writing ability would be above that of a 10th grader. Doesn't really boost my confidence in her ability to handle complex payroll systems or personnel issue. But of course she would call honest criticism as "harassment" wouldn't you Karen...?
When are you flat foots going to figure it out? The only laws a city, county, state, or fed what you to enforce are the ones that are going to make "them" money. All you are are cash generators to them. As long as you do that and don't make any stupid mistakes, they have no problem with you. Otherwise, your pig fodder to them.
Hey be nice to Lena she's trying.... But then again look at the command in the Valley....from Dodi to Rae Mason....LMFAO....where are the cops!!!.??
You mean the valley grave LT was actually at work? Thought he just logged on from home and stayed there. Vallay Ida Sgt isn't going to get any respect from her units by sleeping with one of them.
Why isn't Walmart required to pay COT? What a waste of resources there.
Another year and more millions Ray Schultz great leadership is going to cost the taxpayers of this city.
Just how much money do we have to give away for Ray's mistakes? Probably enough to build the Paseo/I15 exchange.
Ref 1/1 8:33 PM
Where are all the cops?
They fired them for doing their job!
Who cares...? Do your job regardless of getting your palms greased with "COT!" No amount of chiefs overtime can or will prevent what happendend New Years Eve. The only thing that would have been accomplished is a few more officers would of had more money on their paycheck come next payday if the business owners had been strong armed for more "chiefs overtime."
You cops think the taxpayer cares about whether you get chiefs overtime or not? WE DON'T! You're a paramilitary organization for Gods sake. You will go and perform your duties as ordered or face the sanctions and discipline that will follow. If you don't like it; don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.
Downtown has ALWAYS been an area that at times can be an area that has individuals who are fueled by alcohol, out of control, and violent even under Democratic Mayors and the use of chiefs overtime. Does anyone remember the Alibi Fall Crawls or the COPS television shows that filmed all those memorable hallmark moments under your much beloved and missed leader Marty?
Do your jobs and in the words of President Obama... "Stop crying!"
Who does have confidence in Karen's ability to do the jobs she's been "hired" for?
How many cops have been terminated this year? How many have retired? I hear there has been more 34's leave this year than ever. What's the count?
Funny how who ever comment on the north valley sgt and TIMMY, Why they never put there names down . I think if you have a comment or a thought. Go tell that comment to there face, Oh ya thats why your anonymous
Ray has and will cost the city more than any employee in history. He is a pitiful disgrace. Do is the know nothing mayor. Plain and simple. The next election will bring a much needed change if the people of Albuquerque are smart. Remove the weeds!
"predictions" about violence in the downtown area??? Predictions are unnecessary, violence at 4/central is weekly affair. Ask any graveyard sergeant over the last fifteen years what downtown bar closing is like. Schultz boasts about crime-predicting software but can't work off of existing issues?!?! Sorry folks the new news is that there IS NO NEW NEWS! Kudos to the cops that are on the ground dealing with that mayhem. Shame on the command staff for not expecting what was sure to come and will come again.
The count is 50 cops retired. More than any other time in history. Word is that they are disgusted with the situation APD is in due to the corrupt leadership. Many don't want to get drug down with the sinking ship, or should I say used as a life preserver by the Chief and his DC's
One has to Wonder how many lawsuits are pending from the dowtown area. Lots, its Just the nature of doing business with drunks in any major college city. Look at the stats in any college town in america.
We just need a communty that supports the cops, not a bunch of haters.
@ Crying Crimefighter: From your comment it appears that you feel that you represent and speak for
"the taxpayers". I would be most interested in learning how you became elevated to that lofty position. I, for one, am not comfortable being represented by someone who has obviouisly fallen behind on his/hers distemper/rabies shots, as is evident in your case.
ps: Your "screen name" is hilarious!
"Funny how who ever comment on the north valley sgt and TIMMY, Why they never put there names down . I think if you have a comment or a thought. Go tell that comment to there face, Oh ya thats why your anonymous"
Funny you're the one that put their names together in the same post.
Downtown is a shithole. Nothing but thugs. Underage UNM althletes posing...... NASTY.....
Shultz fixes APR shooting problems, read it in the journal. Shultz those problems are yours because they happen while you were chief, idiot. Why don't you stand up for your officers and stop using them to make you look better. Since you have a civil violation against you, are you still better than the rest of apd?
Schultz doesnt care about any of the Officers all he is worried about is the lapel cameras. If you get into a high stress situation he is not worried about your health and your family he is worried about the camera.
@ January 4, 2012 2:17:00 PM MST
What's the matter does the truth hurt?
Did you get your feelings hurt?
The correct spelling is obviously.
Furthermore, when ending a sentence in a quote such as "the taxpayer"., the period comes before the close of the quote i.e. "the taxpayer."
You obviouisly (sic) have bigger issues than worrying yourself about me.
CNM English 1101 starts on Monday 1/9/2012 and UNM English 101 starts on Monday 1/16/2012.
See, I can be a condescending asshole too!
It truly is unfortunate that much of APD doesn't act a whole lot different than the punks and gang bangers down town. Same attitude, same mentality. Stop hiding behind your badge and gun, and just maybe you'll regain some respect from citizens.
@English Perfessor; aka Whining Crimefighter; aka Psycho Perfessor:
1. No
2. No
3. Thank you for being the spell-checker.
4. Thank you for being the puncuation checker.
I can tell that these are very important issues in your pathetic insignificant existence.
PP - better get that bladder issue checked. Could be a sign of excess pressure within the skull due to an overload of shit in there.
hahaha just like the cops who park downtown, after the bars close and have the girls, who are drunk, to sit on their units, or in their units, and allow citizens to snap pictures of this all. And you cops wonder why APD has its citizens laughing at you, well look at how you act in your uniform, on duty, and allow citizens to film what you cops do. English Professor, think you and many others know this word, INTERNET!!! If you're going to act a clown, then you'll be treated like a clown.
Karen along with Marcie you've got dumb and dumber there. Check out Marcie's application. She absolutely does NOT qualify for payroll supervisor. Both of them are a joke.
I've lived downtown for over 8 years, just a couple blocks away from all of the action. There are plenty of police in the area. APD has a strong presense in my neighborhood, in my opinion. I dont defend APD often, but they are alway there, and are always busting people on Friday and Saturday nights. The problem is that every bar tender along Central will sell me as many drinks as I can afford, regardless. The bars galdly fuel the animals with lots of booze, push everyone out the door at closing, lock the doors behind them, and let APD and citizens like me deal with the mess.
The mentality of ditching the overtime for APD to be hired by bars is somewhat similiar to the mentality of not letting Pawn Shops get away with buying suspicious goods from known criminals. A Pawn Shop owner that buys stolen goods is just allowing a continuation of crime. An APD Officer sworn to uphold the law that provides statements later disproved in a court of law contrary to the Business Bar/liquor establishment will be a stain on APD that APD can afford to do without!
@January 5, 2012 6:21:00 PM MST
You're welcome.
Have no idea what your talking about.
You will get over it.
@January 5, 2012 7:44:00 PM MST
What's that?
Is that the same as The World Wide Web thingy also, is it true Al Gore invented the internet?
Clowns are cool especially Homie the Clown from the show In Living Color.
You will get over it.
Off topic but let me say I support Public Safety.
Be safe out there, watch each others backs, and return home to your loved ones as you left them.
Thanks for standing the line for me and my family.
Happy New Year and may God shed his grace and blessings upon the Brothers and Sisters of Public Safety.
To 1/5 6:21,
It is pathetic that some people have some hate fetish with police to the point that they look for any reason to attack them and put them down. Get over it. Yes, spelling professor, like "perfessor" is an issue because it would be the first thing that some dopey hypocrit like yourself would pick at, if you saw that written on your police report... Right after you cry about how the officer harrassed you for no reason, but not before you run your mouth about what you would do if the officer didn't have that badge and gun. But don't forget about how they should be fired too!
You are nothing but a poor little guy who contributes nothing to society, yet feels entitled to have his rhetoric heard. You offer no solutions to the problems at hand. You are the equivalent of a punk kid taunting a dog behind a fence with a stick. No reason, or intelligence behind it. It just makes you feel good for some sick reason. Go see someone. It is obvious that you have inadequacy issues, coupled antisocial behavior that probably relegates you to the attic of your mother's home where sit in your drawers eating nachos, and playing on the computer while the cops you bash every day put violent criminals whom you would hide under your bed from in jail every day then tend to idiots like you when you can't even wipe your own ass.
Yea, your opinion really matters. Idiot. There are characteristics that define a person's intelligence. You are illustrating your's here. I think I hear your mommy calling you. She has your ball gag leather mask and restraints. It's time for you to get back into your box.
Let's just do away with City government and department's and let Bernalillo County and the State take care of everything!
Anybody hear anything about the cops with clamidia? Something to do with them 23ng employees at Knockouts...?
Previous post:
Funny how who ever comment on the north valley sgt and TIMMY, Why they never put there names down . I think if you have a comment or a thought. Go tell that comment to there face, Oh ya thats why your anonymous
Take a minute to at least try spell check -- you look like a moron.
The Eye is becomming more and more irrelevant with no meaningful reporting and repetious stories such as this. Schultz will leave only with the election of a new mayor.
Everyone crying about police officers are stains!
Great big shit skid stains on the City of Albuquerque.
If you are not a part of the solution, you are the problem.
Crying is not a solution. Officers are trying. The administration is upside down.
I just noticed that the Fans Hero of the week was everyone in CACU..which is great... save one. Doesn't Heather Hindi Chavez Brandenburg work for CACU? If so, I don't give a rats ass what she does, she is married to a fucking MURDERER. No Hero there. Perhaps Fans Conspirator of the week would be more appropriate?
I think it's hilarious when people comment about words misused or spelled incorrectly. Who cares - this is a blog not an English paper.
In the day the old Dwntown Action Committee pulled alot of strings under former mayors. things don't change easily. The city simply needs to lay down the law.
Most APD pigs I've run into in my course of life here in ABQ are skid marks, or shit stains. With that said, if you haven't contributed to making APD any better, than in the past, then you are a bigger skid stain than most! See Mr. Orficer, I can be a condescending immature little turd like yourself! WAH WAH WAH!!
PS: The love how the "Prof's" are clowning your asses!
@ 1/26 2:58
Typical bootlicker rhetoric! If you aren't WITH ME, then you are AGAINST ME! Get over yourself...you aren't that important to society. In fact, society would do just fine with you, it's the trash men we cant live without! Go back to your shift, do your work, write complete reports, defend the constitution, and STFU! Pretty simple huh? Why is that concept so hard for you high school scholars?
To 9:26 am:
It is not society that the bootlickers are worried about its Schultz they want to be accepted by. Berry if you make a change you will piss off all his bootlickers, which I think is less than 100 people. If you make a change, thats a lot of votes that lets face it you will need to be re-elected. The longer you wait the more damage gets done.
The valley is busting loose at the seams problems on every shift. The STD are 34s on LDs team thats why others 34s have to take calls in downtown area. You get extra credit if you are a 34-married and have a STD from someone else didn't everyone know that?
To January 5, 2012 7:55
You're just giving them compliments. They're not worth the flesh they're living in. Both will go out of their way to screw you over because learning to do their job is harder than what they did to get it. I say do an audit. I bet we've all been screwed by them, just not in the same way as.....well........who can keep track?
I love RayRay's comment to Monahan. Monahan has been endlessly critical of Schultz yet Schultz acts as if Joe was beating on the cops. GET A GRIP SCHULTZ, IT'S ABOUT YOU AND HOW MUCH OF A FAILURE YOU ARE,!!
Shultz pulls chief's overtime from graham central station and someone dies there. Ray your job is to protect the community and to lead the department. You have failed at both. Your policies have put the public in danger and someone has lost their life. You put more in danger by changing the officer that pulls over someone suspected in driving under the influence policy as the officer that has to complete the investigation allowing for more people to drive drunk to save in your overtime budget. You have failed as a leader because you target your own officers. Costales, Walck, Heh, Ahrensfield, Camacho just to name a few.
Add Impact as a new problem at the Valley. New years eve night was a problem and now yesterday another. Yesterdays arrest was even a PROPERTY CRIME you hear us chief?
So much for the albuquerque police department shot callers and mayor berry supporting albuquerque economy, there 60 new dodge chargers are coming from out of state. I wonder what involvement or kick back randy chavez has with that deal.
Saw Monahan's blog the other day. Ray just can't help himself. He can't stand it when he looks like an ass, which is always. He had to respond to Joe with an accusation just like he does to everyone he attacks. It seems to me that Joe supports the Police. That is clear. Why does Ray not see it that way? He does. He is just that much of a lowlife that he wants to paint anyone who does not agree with him, criticizes him, sees through his lies, deceit and charade, or outright calls him out on the fact that he is not fit to be a chief of police... to be someone who is against the police department and it's officers. It has nothing to do with the officers. It has everything to do with Ray Schultz. Ray Schultz seems like he wants to pull every APD Officer down with him. It was clear to me what Joe was saying. Again, Ray tries to throw up a smoke screen with his rhetoric because he just can't keep his fat mouth shut. I don't know why, because if I had a turkey neck and turned red as a beet every time I didn't get my way, I would stay out of the limelight. Not Ray. It seems Ray lacks the slightest of self control. It seems Ray has a Image complex. It seems Ray needs a dose of facts and reality, and should really stop acting like a fucking Pundit, with his acting class, news anchor demeanor, bobble head bullshit, because every time he open's his mouth, a lie comes out, or he sounds like an idiot, but mostly both at the same time. Maybe the Journal could hire this bag of wind. He'd fit right in. Someone hire this clown so that the citizens of Albuquerque can have the department it deserves, and the officers can have support instead of undermining.
Berry is a one term Mayor. Ken Sanchez for Mayor
Hey dumbass the Chargers are coming from Melloy Dodge get your facts straight! Hope you dont investigate crimes the way you researched the car information, also your numbers are bit off too.
Commander Warfield (sp) lied in 2008 about being in uniform when he made an arrest and what happened to him? Anyone know? Well guess he didnt learn his lesson because "hes back." Hey Commander I hope you notified your chain of command about the incident on Saturday. Guess you didn't have extra uniform in your trunk hu? To the City: How do you lie to a jury and still have your job? Guess rank pays hu.
If the chargers are coming from melloy, what local company in town is putting the light bars, cages, kdts, etc in? And I also heard 60 chargers myself and that was from Randy Chavez. How many chargers are coming in then?
More APD Civil Lawsuits. More Albuquerque Taxpayer money lost. Thanks Ray! Thanks Berry! Thanks to the City Council that doesn't care!
Bring Wayne back!!! the eye pretty much sucks now!
Ken Sanchez for Mayor? Really??? He has been on the Council now for six years and what really has he accomplished? He did not demand the resignation of Darren White nor has he held Schultz accountable for all the lawsuits and money paid in judgments. The Republican City Council is as much to blame as Republican Berry is for the poor condition of both APD and AFD and keeping Ray Schultz. WHERE IS CITY COUNCIL OVERSIGHT OR EVEN OUTRAGE OVER THE CONDITIONS AT APD AND AFD???
Berry isn't even a mayor. He's a business man who bought his position at an opportunistic time. He lets those under him run things because he has absolutely no clue how to do it himself, because he has no experience. Hence, the reason he kept those under him intact after his election. No doubt, his reaction was holy shit...I won, now what!!! Well folks, you are seeing the "now what"!You have been seeing it for a couple years now. Hopefully you are fed up with it.
Hopefully with the next election, this hack, and his merry band of writers, editors, and directors of fiction arew sent packing.
Here is to a better New Year without miscreants at the wheel.
I heard the new cars were bought in Italy and they have like a bull emblem on the hood? Anyone know what that means? Are we getting ripped off?
Anyone know why Sgt Grover resigned??
was grover ever really employed here?
It's a Ram on the hood doofus!
Grover left to go to law school.
Warfield its coming are you ready? Liar liar pants on fire, oh you didn't have any uniform pants stored in your trunk this time hu?
Hey Chief how does Warfield get away with a lie to a grand jury and yet he still has a job?
I hear Schultz is creating another specialized unit. That's my boy, no leadership just creat another unit. Lets see how many Officers we bid this time. Good news story media and lets see what bullshit answer the chief gives as to why the field is short again.
Whats up EYE. Its a stinkin ghost town on this blog.
Ref Grover, use 48. He went to Harvard, has a master's degree in public administration, got into Harvard Law and is a law student at Unm....somethin tells me he'll be back.
Who is Grover and where did he work?
Youll know who he is when he is a lawyer and returns to rip this place to pieces.
Grover will be the next Bregman!
Hey if Albuquerque Public Schools get to have their own police force, does that mean all the worthless rehire SRO's out there will be taken out of the schools and put back in the field??????????
I wonder about the SRO's. One should have been fired for his photo shoot in his vehicle but was taken to the SE instead. Must be nice to have connections.
Hey leave George alone! He paid dearly lost a good spot where he could hide at a school! Now he has to take calls on the streets. That for a rehire is punishment enough!
Grover is pretty much going to single-handedly gang-rape APD. Not even Chuck Norris can do that. But seriously you guys are screwed. Unless you're a meat eater. Then you're fine.
There is no equal treatment on APD. Some get fired for something they did when others did it twice and nothing happened. If you or your family are politically connected you get a free pass. If you can be used as a political pawn, they will use you like toilet paper and flush your ass without looking back. The corrupt mistreatment, motivated by politics, immature payback mentalities, personal animus cloaked behind multiple layers of individuals, doing one malfeaseants dirty work, and outright blatant illegal processes carried out against officers, shows that this administration has taken a stance against what is right and just. They will do whatever they want to insure their status while tearing down major aspects of city service, ultimately leading to the wrecking of this city. They are a cancer silently eating this city from within for their own personal gain and nothing else. They are not in this for the long haul. They dont care about the citizens of this city. It is all about their survival and career futures. These selfish individuals all have plan B's for when the ship sinks.
Just like the cruise ship, the officers, city employees, and citizens of Albuquerque are being taken for a ride, and when it sinks everyone will be stranded except the captain who'll be safe in his taxi far far away from the mess in his new digs talking about how he tripped.
What a sad group of prople who call themselves leaders.
Can't fault a guy that wants to leave law enforcement to become a lawyer. Nothing is said when we lose a guy to the FBI, DEA, Secret Service, ETC... Grover is a sharp and will do very well whereever he goes. But calling him the next Bregman is crap, Bregman is a piece of S**t. Now he is "thinking" about running for GOV of NM.... Sam "Herman Munster" Bregman. Heaven help us....
Ref Thomas G, he repped me in IA a couple years ago and I'll take him over Fred mauer any day. Fred doesnt give a shit except his $$$ from APOA.
Fred couldn't wash Grover's sox. I wouldn't use Fred as a rep unless I wanted to lose. When Grover is finished he's going to make every one of these dime store, bought and paid for, one trick ponies look like shit. Tom will be what a lawyer is supposed to be. Standby!
Grover will be chief one day!
Schultz and his DCOPs lie whenever they want. Why would you think he would have a standard. Using the word schultz and consistency is an oxyMORON!
It is great to see positive posts about Grover. He has his s**t together, and all that I ever witnessed while he was with APD was that he was an honest, professional, and hard working officer that made Sergeant very quickly. It is possible that he saw where the APD was heading and decided to do what was best for himself and his family. Good Luck Tom hope to see you in a courtroom someday... Go easy on all of us if it's possible.... Be safe....
Yeah but why/what caused Grover to resign and go to law school?
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