As expected, when the challenged Mayor RJ Berry is caught with his hand in the cookie jar, his response is not to be honest and ethical, but to hid behind layers of lawyers.
You see, RJ Berry has directly received over $17,000 in contributions from persons & company's who do regular business with the city. People like Neal Greenbaum who owns "Park It Place" parking lot management services and contracts with the city or Gail Armonstrong of "Pro-Fab, Inc." or Dale Armstrong of "TLC Plumbing & Utility."While the silly lawsuit asserts that the case invalidates one of the "harshest restrictions still standing" they are simply wrong. In the Citizen's United opinion, the US Supreme Court was clear to say the case DID NOT erase laws concerning corporate contributions to candidates, and it DID NOT address whether the government could regulate contributions to groups that make independent expenditures. If the Citizen's United case did in-fact do what the folks at Barnett's law firm says it did, the the 1907 Tillman Act's ban on corporate campaign donations would be dead--but it's not.
In short, this is a lawsuit that will get tossed in court because it's based on false precedent analysis.
But we shouldn't be surprised by all of this because Berry's predecessor took actions he didn't like to court as well. Remember the Almighty Alcalde? Well he didn't like the restriction on term limits so he challenged that in court as well: For-I-Am-the-Mayor-of- Albuquerque.html news/metro/274750metro01-04- 08.htm
But unlike Berry, Marty Chavez would step forward and answer questions directly from the media and wasn't afraid to engage reporters. Unlike the current office holder who appears to be showing simply that, he is merely an office holder....
But ironically, back when Berry was running for Mayor, rules meant everything to him. As he criticized Mayor Chavez, "Chavez’s unwillingness to abide by the will of the citizens of Albuquerque is one more demonstration of “politics as usual” at City Hall, said Berry." Albuquerque Journal, July 16, 2009.
But ironically, back when Berry was running for Mayor, rules meant everything to him. As he criticized Mayor Chavez, "Chavez’s unwillingness to abide by the will of the citizens of Albuquerque is one more demonstration of “politics as usual” at City Hall, said Berry." Albuquerque Journal, July 16, 2009.
Well Mr. Berry, the voters have said they do not want people doing business with you to have any influence in the election, and your response when called on it is to hide once again behind lawyers and press agents...
Shades of Christmas past. Remember when RedFlex donated $45K to the City's SAFE ROADS ALBUQUERQUE initiative??
So I am supposed to believe the cops when they say Berry got the money directly rather than it going to his campaign?
Of course I ain't never heard of a cop lying. Oh no wait, cops have permission to lie if it is just a little lie and it is convenient and they hate their boss and they are not allowed to stuff their faces like they want to. And, and, and.
APD cops are looking more like politicians and lawyers than cops. I always come to this blog to confirm that.
Just plain hiding. The cowards. A bunch of nutless criminal cowards. Every last one of them.
Hey Tito, nice little pow-wow u had the other day. But where an apron cause u got stains all over that tie and fat gut of yours.
You look like something that got stuck in a drain Mr. Campaign boy. Or is that water boy, towel boy, Toilet paper boy, piss boy?!?!?
sploited, I'm glad ur up at 0333 hours, makes me feel good you got nothing else to do...we're not laughting at your, we're laughing near you!
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