"Dear Eye,
After reading today's editorial in today's paper where Kent Walz claims that standardizing guns that officers carry is a sign of serious "reform", I'm convinced we are in an asylum and where the lunatics are running the city. To call this "reform" is just insane.
So let me talk about this issue with the guns. I didn't carry a department issued weapon because that's what worked for me. But to think that because a department lets others carry different guns somehow creates a status symbol out of the gun is ridiculous. First, in order to carry a different gun you had to complete a transition class, complete and pass the necessary shooting quals, be approved by the rangemaster, and then get the weapon approved by your entire chain of command. So there was oversight and red tape everywhere which suppressed any notion of a status symbol if anything.
Then there are the little hypocritical details in this new "policy." Eden was seen carrying a 1911 style pistol. Bob Huntsman carried an oversized revolver. And the Journal and Walz's favorite chief, Ray Schultz carried a 1911 style pistol.
So if there are "reforms" being done, if we are to be serious about this then start by asking these people about this policy since they didn't seem to care about it.
Then there's the reality which puts this new policy to shame. Some officers are in assignments where they need specialized guns for concealed carry. Or secondary weapons. Then there's the fact that the department issued weapon carries 18 rounds plus one in the chamber whereas a 1911 carries 7 rounds plus one in the chamber. 9mm rounds are also much more likely to overpenetrate their target and go through walls where .45 ACP is a big fat slow round that does not have the same issues as 9mm.
So folks, this is all window dressing and nothing but more of the same by Walz, Eden, Perry, and Berry. Except I don't think Walz even knows what he's talking about. The reality is the new weapon is actually a much more deadly weapon. And really to call it "reform?" Isn't that like calling Ray Schultz ethical?
The bottom line is, our officers need to be allowed to carry whatever best suits them for their protection. The challenges facing APD and the city have nothing to do with officers carrying Kimber 1911 pistols or Sig Sauers or Nighthawks. The challenges have everything to do with a lack of leadership and lack of ownership by the city's executives and the main paper in this town"
--Paul Heh
P.S. In my haste to get this letter written, I meant I did not carry a department issued Glock. I carried a Glock 23.
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Paul Heh fairly well nailed this one. I can understand the argument for standardization but I think the Chief jumped the gun on this one. First it is a contractual issue and his action is an early slap to the union. Second, I seriously doubt that his order would have come about had it not been for the current situation APD finds itself in. Third, in my 25 years of service I never got the inmpression from anyone that carrying other than department issue was gong to make them kill crazy regardless of what the DOJ thinks. Fourth, dead is dead regardless of caliber. This order at this time is meant to get some heat off the Chief and placate the ill informed.
Years ago on this site I called for Chief Schultz' resignation with little hope that anyone was listening. All of problems facing APD today can be rolled up into three words, training, discipline and supervison. I would urge the Chief to attack the main issues of concern and not issues that say "look I am doing something".
Bob Huntsman said on KOB the other day that it could take APD five years to get out from under the DOJ. If that is the case then things surely have gone to hell in a hand basket.
Has anyone questioned why officers at the last City Council Meeting completed handwritten reports? Better yet, why Ken Sanchez briefed the officers to issue criminal trespass notifications then lied about ordering such. There has to be video regarding this since current APD policy includes this. Sanchez, your political career is over. The general population hate you and now you back-stabbed city employees, i.e. police. I hope your tax business is also boycotted you spineless oxygen thief.
any officer that spent his own money to buy a particular weapon should sue the city for reimbursement.
I think a good start to reform is to start drug testing right away and to continue to randomly drug test. This is something that can be put into place easily and will be a start in showing the citizens that the City of ABQ is taking us seriously.
7:15 AM,
AMEN!!! You hit it right on the head. this whole State is going down the crapper with the Repub leadership.
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I’m all for uniformity in most cases, but for the right reasons. Uniformity of weapons has its’ benefits in a deadly force encounter, whereas if you or your partner(s) are out of ammo or incapacitated somehow, magazines and weapons can be consolidated to keep you and others going in the gunfight. That’s simple logic that would be much easier to sell when installing such a policy. But answer me this mr eden, is the procurement of additional S&W and Glock pistols really the solution here? Actually, here are two immediate issues of concern that you might want to choke on. First off, if uniformity is truly the goal here why don’t we get together at the range for a training session so that you can demonstrate the uniformity of your stipulated options? I’m curious to see how well your M&P might function with a Glock magazine inserted and vice versa. And I suppose the same leather gear works for both weapon systems as well, right? Or was it that uniformity of caliber (9MM) that you were striving for but too stupid to articulate? And if so, why leave out other major manufacturers whose products are arguably equal to or superior to your M&P or Glock? Anyone smell a little “pay to play” action going on??? I’m curious to see the vendor list, or is this a typical richard berry-type “no-bid” scheme as well??? And secondly, isn’t there a competitor clause in the contract that APD has with Smith and Wesson that required the department to exchange our old Glock’s as part of the deal to acquire the new M&P’s at a discounted rate? Is Smith and Wesson going to be okay with the department now issuing two separate products when the standard issue was intended to be the M&P exclusively? Certainly there may be other issues and concerns regarding this new policy that gordon eden has “diligently” discussed with the city attorney’s office before signing off on such a policy, right? Yeah, I seriously doubt it. Here we have gordon eden ignorantly reacting to a DOJ opinion that implies that police officers who are allowed to use their own personal weapons are more likely to use them in a deadly force encounter than those officers who carry a department issued weapon.
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Ok I get the supposed logic. Example: OFFICER A and OFFICER B respond to a call. OFFICER A carries his personally owned and maintained Sig Sauer P220 while OFFICER B carries a department issued M&P. The call abruptly goes to shit as a suspect attacks the officers with a handgun that he had concealed in his waistline. OFFICER A immediately deploys his P220 and stops the suspect’s actions, but only after the suspect successfully discharges his handgun and mortally injures OFFICER B. That’s how it would play out right mr eden? To suggest that a police officer is more likely to use his own personal weapon is no different than saying that an officer who utilizes a department issued weapon is less likely to. And if that’s the case, I suppose that the vast majority of officers killed in the line of duty carried a department issued gun as opposed to a personal gun because heck, only the cops that bother to purchase out and train with the weapon system that best suits them are the ones out there using “deadly force,” right? Where’s your research mr eden, or are we just relying on opinions now??? From what I know as fact and not opinion, is that a police officer’s actions and decision to use deadly force is predicated on the suspect’s actions and not by the gun that the officer happens to be carrying. I retired from APD three years ago and I carried a personally owned gun for the entirety of my career with exception of my probationary period. Although I had numerous close calls, I thank GOD that I never had to kill anyone. But that’s not to say that I wasn’t prepared or capable of doing so. For me, the dynamics of each incident changed which made it to where I didn’t have to fire and resolution was attained by other means. I know A LOT of guys and gals who like me went through an entire 20+ years while carrying their own handgun without having to shoot somebody. Enough with the window dressing already, APD’s problems are not the individual police officer or the gun he/she might carry. The problem is the lack of integrity and leadership beginning with richard berry and on down to raymond schultze and his cancerous policies and practices that have infected APD down to the bone.
Ooohhh... You better watch it Paul. Fat blob boy TJ might put his burreatoohs down and come after you. Get in my belly!!!!
This place (COA) is a snakepit to work in. The lies, the hypocrisy, the 2 sets of rules, no raises in 5 years ..on & on. I hate it ..I see criminal violations all the time by upper management. can't say anything ...retaliation in my department is out of control.
Are there issues with officers planting weapons with bodies after the fact and would disallowing personal weapons make it more difficult to set up their victims?
I was wondering, if the APOA, president and VP can even see their gun when they're standing up? or do they have a wavier to carry it concealed.
Some just like the idea of the extra killing power associated with the infamous .45. Call it the 'Tackleberry factor.' Guess they decided to reel it in a bit after the DOJ recommendation to do so.
These sites tend to be just as bad. Hell over half the pictures of Officers do not have the right names associated with the pictures
Anytime there is something high profile they make everyone hand write the reporting then claim it isnt ready to be IPRA because it is handwritten. But if your KDT goes down and you cant find tech support (because they're hiding somewhere working 9-4 and going to the gym and going to lunch) if you write a hand written report you will be ripped.
You're funny. We havent gone directly to gun vendors in years even though it is cheaper. Nate Korn has an exclusive contract with the City that allows for automatic renewal as long as the Chief feels, at end of term, that the Dept is satisfied with the service delivered, not its cost.
Its part of why Nate never voted against the Chief at the LEA Board hearings
Criminal violations by management can be reported anonymously (and they will keep you anonymous) to the FBI. If it is something illegal under State law but not Federal you can report it to the Attorney General for NM. All keep their promises of anonymity.
FBI Albuquerque
4200 Luecking Park NE
(505) 889-1300
NM Attorney General
111 Lomas NW #300
(505) 222-9000
Financial Fraud can be reported to the State Auditor
2540 Camino Edward Ortiz
Santa Fe 87507
(505) 476-3800
It took Schultz a little over 8 years to tear down APD to nothing and I think a 5 year fix is pretty reasonable. Any Schultz sightings? Freeze frame, have you found a new job?
12:19:00 ,
Who says all the non-issue weapons are registered? If it's so common to see an officers with different guns how is anyone to know what's what?
How in the world does one think we can sue the City for the use of our personal weapons when it is a choice that we made? I sure would like to find an attorney that would take that case. Come on lets don't be silly.
"Years ago on this site I called for Chief Schultz' resignation with little hope that anyone was listening. All of problems facing APD today can be rolled up into three words, training, discipline and supervison-David Gilmore."
Your the one to talk about training, discipline, and supervision, you were one of the worst captains on the dept. As a union rep. I got nothing but complains about you yelling at officers in front of anybody just to make whatever point you wanted to make. I also been witness to Judges "yelling" at you for being overzealous in "pursuing" traffic offenders in an unmarked car. So what if you posted here to have Shulzie fired. You should've had him fired when he was an undisciplined, untrained, uneducated, perverted sgt., and lt, when you had rank over him. But, I guess being a good ole boy along with you was the reason for not doing so. You reap what you sow, so Marty, shut the hell up.
To; May 12, 2014 at 6:21:00 AM MDT
Find out the facts before adding your two cents. The dept has always had drug testing, as an applicant, during the academy, and as an officer: done randomly throughout the dept. and more frequently if you are in a specialized unit.
The only thing the dept should have done more, besides testing for the illegal narcotics, was to test more for steroids. Too many officers going on "roid" rages on calls.
Now the world is looking at ABQ. Get real leadership, vote out the 'fruits' in office, or recall them now, before ABQ is a ghost town.
It looks like Doyle and Woolever took that bus over and are getting ready to drive it over Schultz, Buckner, Korn, Peck, Levy and the rest of the scum bags who did what they did. Keep it up fellas! They know they are caught. Everyone else knows it too.
You really should stop telling everyone you were just doing your job, unless lying and intimidating officers into lying is your job. We all know what went down and we are tired of hearing the bullshit.
I am on Doyle and Woolover side, always have been and always will be. But I don't think anything criminally will happen to those involve. Remember statute of limitations running if anything to be done I think it would have happen.
Where is the name of murdered APD Sgt. Cheryl Tiller on the list of peace officers who "paid the ultimate sacrifice."???
Is she not on the list because she's female???
You people need to tighten up your bootstraps and deal with the reality. It does not matter what gun the dept issues or officer carries. The issue is shot placement. If a deranged citizen on drugs or off of drugs, mentally ill or drunk pulls any kind of weapon on an officer of the law HE or SHE has a right to protect themselves and others around him.
Should APD and BCSO allow the John Hydes and Christopher Chases to run rampant on the streets of ABQ. I dont think so because that would be unthinkable right?
Keep kicking the officers in the nuts while their down and see how many are pro active. We are down 250 officers in this city with a City Council and City Mayor who dont care. No raises for officers in 5 years. This is what you get. Crime WILL go up along with Violence. Just wait and see.
Remember the officers are like firefighters, they get paid to sit in their cars and do nothing. I for one want a police force running radar, chasing stolen cars, and catching burglars and arresting violent offenders. Keep it up ABQ, what happens when police stay in their cars and go away. Crime happens
I don't think there is a statute of limitations on fraud.
Heh is the saddest, most illiterate, self promoter out there. He is "discusting" (his delightful literacy)... I don't know, why after being a huge pimple on COAs ass for as long as he was, he comes on here acting like he was ever anything more than a problem. Before he retired, other 34s on this very site ( look through the comments) bashed him up and down, for being a lazy Sgt that elbowed in on DWI arrests to get in some court OT! Then made a fool out of himself by proving he wasn't relevant to the case. You all have heard stories or witnessed them yourself. He's a joke
You're PATHETIC Heh. Shameless and pathetic. You have no pride and absolutely no humility. You give every cop a bad rep!!! Please, go away.
Eye, get off his nuts. Showing your complete biased support proves you're a weak ass!
Professional Malpractice: Professional negligence actions, including medical malpractice lawsuits, must be filed within 3 years.
Personal Injury: 3 years.
Fraud: 4 years.
Libel / Slander / Defamation: 3 years.
Injury to Personal Property: 4 years.
Product Liability: Product liability claims must be commenced within three years from the date of the act or omission giving rise to the complaint, or three years from the date the injury was or reasonably should have been discovered.
Contracts: Written, 6 years; Oral, 4 years.
If someone is going to file charges against the City I think they need to get on it, I just don't know if they will be spinning their wheels or if they have something. I don't know enough about the case. I don't know if Doyle's attorney can file or does it have to be a government body that files.
@ May 14, 2014 at 12:02:00 AM MDT
Sad, illiterate, self-promoting, lazy, and the list may very well go on and on. I retired in 2011 and had the opportunity to work around Paul, though I can’t say that he and I were ever friends. But what we shared in common made us brothers. That’s something only a Blue-Blood would understand, and you undoubtedly are not a 34. But as I read through the colorful words that you use to describe Paul I can’t help but to reflect on recent members of APD’s Command Staff appointees. Surely no one out there is more literate or articulate as Kevin Rowe, Eric Garcia, Gordon Eden, or especially Harold Medina, right? And yes, only the “Dodi Camachos” and “Rae Masons” of the world ever truly earn their way at APD based on merit, right? Say what you will about Paul, I’m sure his skin is thick enough to take it. But rather than your “huge pimple on the COA’s ass” analogy, instead call him for what he is and probably his best attribute, which is having the balls to stand up to whomever, whenever, and wherever to do right by his fellow 34. Paul and guys like him are sadly the only checks and balances that the CABQ/APD has and I’m sure that the “shameless and pathetic” people such as you who are on RJB’s jock would love to see him go away.
Sgt Cheryl Tiller was killed by a felon she was fratinizing with. She was not on duty at the time and should have never been hanging with the dude.
Paul Heh does not walk on water, he does appear to self promote a lot on this site but with that said, he does tell it like it is and he does not owe anybody a Damn thing! He may not be the most educated but his points are mostly spot on. If you don't like his comments, don't read them. If you think he is too full of himself, you are entitled to your opinion but put it to rest already.
Paul Heh, David Gilmore are two MEN that have the balls to say what is important to the people of this City. Some of you posting here always have to bash them for speaking the truth. We all should have their passion for change and try and fix what is wrong with City government.
I would hope that Sgt Heh doesn't have a pimple on his ass ewwwww. He does speak what needs to be said though.
Well, I guess Sgt. Tiller doesn't deserve to be remembered. Not with the likes of Jeff Russell a noted union basher and fraudulent time-sheet signer (I forget how he lost his sgt stripes,) or M.King and R. Smith, both re-hires, who never should have been back in uniform(we forgot all about officer safety after retiring, except, I want to make more money on top of my 60k, 70k, 80k? in retirement) Yup, let's forget about those ofcs who had killed with a just a hint of impropriety.
The reason no one puts their name on it is that the Eye protects and promotes their own good old boys, you boys/gals leave out posts about certain individuals, huh mijo? There are a lot more negative posts about Heh but the Eye scratches those so it won't look too bad for Heh. After all, the Eye is full Heh worshippers. Now Marty on the other hand, he was one tough SOB and he did back his officers without promoting himself everyday on a blog...sad
The only commonalities between Cheryl and the names that you mention is that they were police officers, and unfortunately killed. Mike/Rich/Jeff were in the line of duty, while Cheryl was not. Yes Mike/Rich were re-hires, get over it! They were working in the field on nights and with shitty days off where the re-hires were intended to be placed, and not sheltered by schultze at the range or academy. And maybe their officer safety did become lax over the years, it happens to the best of us. John Hyde is the ultimate in evil and I will never forget that dreadful night, and although we all at times convince try to ourselves that we would have handled that call differently and survived it, let’s not forget it is John Hyde and not Mike/Rich who was responsible for what happened out there. And as for Jeff being a union basher and committing fraud with his timesheets, get it right. Jeff had a problem with certain members of the union board and the president, and was not a “union basher” per se. And yes Jeff was a Sgt assigned to the jail and did leave his post, which was common practice at the time. He died in a crash while responding to a call-out nonetheless. In contrast, Cheryl was having a personal encounter with her FELON boyfriend when he killed her. And this was just one of her questionable affairs. There was also the firefighter BF and the shooting incident on the freeway, and then the UNM football player BF and the other shooting incident on the reservation.
The only commonalities between Cheryl and the names that you mention is that they were police officers, and unfortunately killed. Mike/Rich/Jeff were in the line of duty, while Cheryl was not. Yes Mike/Rich were re-hires, get over it! They were working in the field on nights and with shitty days off where the re-hires were intended to be placed, and not sheltered by schultze at the range or academy. And maybe their officer safety did become lax over the years, it happens to the best of us. John Hyde is the ultimate in evil and I will never forget that dreadful night, and although we all at times try to convince ourselves that we would have handled that call differently and survived it, let’s not forget it is John Hyde and not Mike/Rich who was responsible for what happened out there. And as for Jeff being a union basher and committing fraud with his timesheets, get it right. Jeff had a problem with certain members of the union board and the president, and was not a “union basher” per se. And yes Jeff was a Sgt assigned to the jail and did leave his post, which was common practice at the time. He died in a crash while responding to a call-out nonetheless. In contrast, Cheryl was having a personal encounter with her FELON boyfriend when he killed her. And this was just one of her questionable affairs. There was also the firefighter BF and the shooting incident on the freeway, and then the UNM football player BF and the other shooting incident on the reservation.
To the poster that Is angry that Cheryl Tillers name is not among line of duty deaths. Do what a lot of us that knew her and several other officers we have lost due to suicide, or homicide. Just keep her/them in your thoughts and they will live on in memory.
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