Our Eyes tell us that a "citizen's search warrant" is about to be served at APD's Main Station downtown. As seen from the picture below, it seems APD brass was tipped off and now has tampering with evidence among other chargeable offense.
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Thanks to our local biker for the pic! |
In the midst of DOJ's investigation and the unfolding mess of TaserGate, the Eye began thinking about what exactly was it that Schultz, Berry, Perry, and White were so afraid of with DOJ coming in to do an investigation of APD.
Surely it's not the shooting of a few dozen citizens. For if it were, the brakes would've immediately been applied and special orders issued all but prohibiting the use of deadly force except but under the most extreme circumstances.
Well, it's quite obvious that Schultz, Berry, Perry, and White didn't want DOJ to investigate for things other than the shootings. They went so far as to defame and inflict horrendous violations upon their own personnel in their effort to "show" DOJ their presence wasn't needed when they fired former officers John Doyle and Rob Woolever. Now it seems that TaserGate is but the one of those concerns that Schultz really would've preferred not be exposed about. Makes us think about ARAPA and the placement of certain women in the days following Schultz's departure.
Over the last few days, your loveable Eye has been reviewing some of the more dramatic cases of APD misconduct to see what other issues there are besides the obvious matter. Clearly there is/was a serial killer on the loose in Albuquerque murdering prostitutes and burying them on the west mesa but nobody seemed to care. Obviously Tera Chavez was murdered and there is/was a giant stolen vehicle theft ring involving Levi Chavez and other APD officers. Then there is the matter of the suspicious death of prominent civil rights lawyer and APD foe, Mary Han.
You see, we've spent quite a bit of time reviewing the civil complaint, and we notice something that hasn't been brought up. While we all know there was a disgraceful and atrocious flooding of the death scene by APD and City brass, the communications amongst those persons seems to be overlooked. And where the lawsuit is in the courts is very interesting. The city's response has been to confirm that all the allegations in the complaint are true and move for dismissal because even with all the allegations true, there are no claims that any damages can be provided for. In other words they are saying, they don't dispute anything in the complaint.
Below is a chart showing as best as we can tell from the lawsuit the path by which phone calls occurred on that fateful day in November, 2010:
The boxes in red indicate personnel that were at the scene and went into the house. And the lines indicate phone calls between persons with the call direction show by the arrows. Notice how Ray Schultz and Darren White appear to the be the focus of so many communications? They are what one would call "hubs." It seems they were quite busy, and all this for a reported "accidental suicide?"
Notice how Banks appears to have been involved with personal property at the scene? And notice how Perry does not follow his chain of command and bypasses Schultz? And speaking of Schultz, where was he when this incident happened? News reports tell us he was out of state and in Michigan at his bereaving mother's side. But other Eyes tell us he was not in Michigan at all. Notice how White was contacting everybody under the sun, and bypassing the chain of command by calling Banks directly? We know we have many readers at Sandia National Labs, perhaps some of their communications specialist would care to weigh in. Because if when it comes to conspiracies, this speaks for itself, police calls come in and work their way up not their way down through the chains of city power. And all this for an alleged suicide?
We think not. We think this speaks for itself.
*****UPDATE***** It seems a tipping point has finally been reached. The drama which unfolded at city council last night falls on the following individuals. Much like the hubs and spokes of the players in the above incident, the following have directly and personally contributed to the mess that is known as Albuquerque. Hmmmm, who's missing?
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What's so funny Mr. Wheeler? |
It sure looks like Feist was a busy little creep too.
Notice how they create a buffer for the mayor also.
Why was Wilhelm in the house?
And Perry calls Levy?!
This is a listing of the usual suspects.
This reeks!
The only way to get to the truth in the Han case is with a grand jury criminal investigation. DA Kari Brandenberg has the power to do a criminal investigation and present evidence to the grand jury. The Grand Jury should issue subpoenas to Schultz, Perry, Darren White, Berry, TJ Wilham, Allen Banks, and Paul Kennedy and get them under oath and have them testify as to what happened at the scene.
Here’s an interesting article by Adam O’Neal published at Real Clear Politics. Note that Andrew Thomas, the past attorney general who has been disbarred due to his abuse of power as the AG is running for governor now but didn’t get much publicity in this article. WE NEED TO DISBAR A FEW OF OUR OWN LAWYERS HERE IN NM by the time this is over. Anyway, he’s financed by the same people trying to ruin our state.
Arizonians have been through hell the last few years because of the dark money, i.e. Citizens United and the Koch brothers. AZ is a Republican state but it appears the dark money has lost their momentum based on Thomas’ run. As the article states, AZ will be an interesting state to watch to get a feel for what’s to come in the US.
And I would like to personally thank the Supreme Court for fucking up our country by permitting this to happen. Corporations are NOT people. They don’t have a soul and you can not kill them. Why you would give them a louder voice than a citizen is not what our founding fathers intended. It also is why Albuquerque AND New Mexico AND other states AND the US have become soulless and we have attempts to control the citizens via a POLICE STATE. In GOD we trust. We need Your help!
WTF is up with all these media BroMances?? Kent Waltz loves RJ Berry. Paul Burt would take a bullet for Darren White. Chris Ramirez Huffman bends over for Rob Perry. Then there's Jessica Garate and all her APD trysts. We can't forget about former reporter and Darren White groupie TJ Wilham either. The media is just as corrupt as the corrupt dirt bags they're supposed to be watchdogging.
Anyone know the man who was secretly recording protesters yesterday in Civic Plaza. His photo is in the story on La Jicarita. See it here: http://wp.me/p2bCkq-1eB
There is a glaring whole and lack of communication to the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer in the Eye's flow chart of calls involving the Han death scene. At the time of Han's death and the raid on her home by top APD brass, David Campbell was the Chief Administrative Officer NOT Rob Perry. Rob Perry was the City Attorney when Han died. Kennedy calls his friend Darren White and City Attorney Rob Perry. Rob Perry use to have offices with Kennedy and Han.
The flow chart reflects no calls were made by Chief Public Safety Officer Darren White to Berry and no calls from City Attorney Rob Perry to Berry. White and Perry made no calls to CAO David Campbell nor Mayor but Rob Perry calls Levy??? Darren White does not call Berry but calls Channel 13 assignments editor Paul Burt?? Allen Banks who took charge of the scene made no calls to Berry?? The only person to call Berry and brief him was Schultz. The are absolutely NO CALLS TO CHIEF ADMINISTRTATIVE OFFICER DAVID CAMPBELL ON THE FLOW CHART.
The previous poster is correct in that a few dishonest, unethical, criminal lawyers need to be disbarred. When you take away the guaranteed, free representation of these criminals by individuals who are more than willing to lie for them, muddy the waters, help them contrive their wording to be dishonest, dance around the facts, deflect blame and frame others, they will lose everything. When you then take away their conduit to filter their lies to the public unedited and unchallenged, you will end their crap. This is a whole culture and method in and of itself.
If you look back at the culture of Schultz and the rest of these frauds, they have always invested in propaganda. Why does a police department need a full scale film production studio, complete with makeup? Then you have cops acting like reporters in their self produced Duke City Blues shows. We have a police department where a former chief had people put makeup on his fat pink face and low hanging turkey neck, so he can sit there and spout off like some idiot who thinks he is important. You tell me if that doesn't go to someone's head. Just look at how much time is invested in information media within APD, then notice how they can't produce something when that information is detrimental to their objective. One of the excuses is "we are processing the video." For weeks?
They are liars. APD has made audio visual capabilities more of a priority than patrol. They have done this because it controls minds and perception through deception. They know how strong this tool is. This is why they have never been without a PIO. This is also why they always have someone like Fatboy TJ or Huffman whatever his name is these days Ramirez. They want a direct line to the television. KOAT is affiliated with the Urinal and both of them have always been Schultz's go to for the dissemination of his unfiltered lies. One thing is consistent here, they always have individuals running this side of things who will do as they are told and ensure that the objective is met.
Doughboy Darren White was a news reporter, and he is good buddies with TJ. All of them are liars.
This level of media sophistication has no place in law enforcement. It has always been about control and influence. When you have supervisors within an agency now presenting an image of a television personality, it is naturally going to have the effect of intimidation on young employees who know no better.
When you make this nonsense mandatory to watch to the level that you have the employees signing off on a sheet of paper that they watched this crap, you have forced mind control where they have to listen to this bloated, makeup wearing ring around the face Schultz bobble heading like he took news reporter lessons. Again, it is all about control. This is part of how you get this many people afraid of someone as pathetic, slimy, cowardly and weak as Schultz. If you notice Schultz's mannerisms, he speaks like a reporter complete with the head bobbing. This guy was never a cop. Anyone involved in this business of information management are not cops either. A cop does police work. If you want to play reporter for the PD and wear pantsuits, turn in your badge. You never took the job to be an officer.
You are right, these liars and thieves need their access to the public snatched away from them like crayons from a three year old that just got caught writing on the living room wall. After all they are no better. Give them diapers, tits and play pens. It's all they deserve. The nature at play assholes will love the tits.
I suppose it's lucky then for Schultz, Berry, Levy, and all the rest of these scumbags that nobody really gives a shit. The citizens of ABQ are too busy hiding their heads in the sand, or as far up their own asses as they can get them.
The cops are too busy either keeping their heads down and cursing their luck for being the asshole who tries to do a good job, or harassing and murdering ABQ citizens while simultaneously enduring unexplained equipment malfunctions. Things might get better for the citizens if the cops could decide whether everyone is a crazed copkiller with lightning reflexes, or a retard who couldn't get their drool to hit the ground without cop assistance.
While we're on the subject of APD, I think the people wringing their hands, staying up at night worried about the cops being "hesitant" to shoot if they need to because the DOJ is in town can rest easy. APD has proven time and time again that hesitating to use their guns anytime they can, justified or not, is NOT a problem they'll ever have.
Also on the subject of APD, Doyle and Woolever are two bad cops that deserved to get fired for use of excessive force. However, being Schultz's sacrificial lambs was NOT how that should have gone down. Before anyone's panties knot up irrevocably, know that I'm not defending Blume's actions. However, even a criminal piece of shit has rights. Case in point: Adam Casaus and Levi Chavez. Nobody was kicking them in the head before their arrest and trial.
Seriously EYE, a special order prohibiting the use of deadly force except under the most extreme circumstances. You are starting to sound like the civil rights attorneys for DOJ!!! If shooting a guy who has just chambered a round in a AK47 with officers only armed with handguns hiding behind a car isnt justified then I guess the only extreme circumstances you will consider is after one of our wonderful citizens has shot a cop. Obviously the DOJ doesnt have a clue about ballistics and apparently you dont either. Maybe we should wait until our innocent citizen fires enough rounds that he kills someones child playing in a yard 3 blocks away. Would that be exreme enough to satisfy you? Then the family of the child can sue for malfeasance because we didnt stop our citizen when we had the chance. You EYE are becoming less and less pro cop and I for one am sick of it. Give the 34's that are doing their best under the worst possible circumstances a break.
I was happy to see Commander Rowe wearing a class A uniform when talking to the media. Imagine my disappointment to see DCOP Garcia in open shirt and short sleeves doing the latest press conference.
When will the command staff on the fifth floor take pride in who they are and who they represent. Wear the damn Class A uniform. Long sleeve shirt and tie. Look like you belong. Take pride in APD. Remember those who came before you. Start showing some damn pride.
Like it or not, Mary Han was friends with Rob Perry, she was in the process of moving out on Paul Kennedy and she could not stand the sight of Darren White because she knew what a corrupt slob he is. She had info regarding his philandering while he was with APD, way before he got caught screwing around with drug abusing wife #2. She had way more damaging info on others too, I fear that's why she is no longer with us. Corruption runs so very deep in both parties, I noted she died under the republican reign, makes me wonder what she knew.
Sad, but no one will go to jail, we have a DA that has been asleep on the job for many years, no one wants to run for office because the system is entrenched with life long politicians. Those that do step up to run, I give you credit, but money rules the day and all the pay to play cases ensure those in power get anchored in place, it sucks for the honest person who just wants a better way of life. Moving doesn't seem so out of the question anymore.
Listen, moron, if Blume had been "kicked in the head" especially multiple times, he would have had his head crushed in like a walnut! His mug shot showed minor facial scrapes obviously received when he was tackled and face planted in the concrete. I love the idiots claiming he was "kicked in the head". Trust me, stupid, if he had been kicked that many times in the head he would have been checked into the hospital for medical treatment, not immediately released by the medical staff to go to jail. People claim they know what they see....the video is such poor quality that type of detail is nearly impossible to see. From what I heard, Blume only complained about minor pain in his left arm, no pain to his head! I am sure a medical report of his visit to the ER will verify that! THINK about it, dumbass, let some cop kick you in the HEAD 10 or more times and see if you will need medical care! Morons like you are exactly who Schultz and his brigade were trying to convince with their story-line(in other words, lies). and you fell for it. Use you head for once, apply logic, and then form an opinion. But, wait, I suspect you may not be capable of higher brain function.
@May 4, 2014 at 10:15:00 PM MDT
There will be justice for Mary Han.
5/4, "You EYE are becoming less and less pro cop and I for one am sick of it. Give the 34's that are doing their best under the worst possible circumstances a break"
Too bad the 34s that are "doing their" best are silent like sheep and supporting this disgusting behavior by DOING NOTHING! And to the asshat who keeps bringing up the "excessive force" about the disgusting violent felon known as Blume, get over it. The guy was a shitbag and fought with the cops and was not "excessively injured" or harmed. And this thread isn't even about Blume.
Why did DC Garcia do the press conference? Is it because Chief Eden is a bumbling/mumbling idiot that gets the worst case of cotton mouth well next to Mr Potato head Mayor Berry. Garcia was not that good either and we agree, if one wants to be taken seriously one needs to look that way. The 5th floor is where cops go to hide and get promoted. Get with it people, we need true leadership out there. We can't do much with one hand tied around our balls.
You are missing the calls TJ made. Those calls came from the same phone Ray took from TJ weeks later, people commented at the time about it.
Also you have to put the patrolmen who were on scene. And dont forget Mr Im going to be a lawyer now.
Isnt that the dude from the group rebuilding the underground parking garage. Remember how they had to put more steel beams because it was caving in. One of Berrys buddies, even though city workers could have done the work, got the contract a couple years back. Now it is caving in again and they are talking about ripping out all the trees and flowers to ease the weight. Eventually, just like the cciy under berry, it to will be one giant bottomless hole, ironically right in front of city hall.
Don't forget the Korean couple To murders and how APD (former) Det. Fox messed up and coerced false testimonies and jailed two innocent guys for 15,months while ignoring psycho serial killer Clifton Bloomfield and snitch Jason Skaggs, which resulted in the murder of Scott Pierce a year later. Three lawsuits and 2 million$ and a Dateline NBC show! And that same detective sabotaged the murder case of UNM engineering student Kerry Lewis, too. Of course, Fox quit in 2011.
A all that dirty work to cover up and distract from a theft ring. where murder is collateral damage.
Officers belong on the scene. High ranking gawkers stealing computers and diamond rings don't.
I find it funny how cowards have shit to say, just not when the right people are around. The city and everyone involved are fucked when this case goes. Felons, child molesters and sexual predators should worry about their own shit. But then again, it's easy to play the victim and claim fear of your life when caught being a criminal isn't?
HahahahahaHAHA....and the citizens take over city hall! Now that's Booya!!!!!! Find Schultz. Find Perry. Find Levy. Find Berry. Find White. Find Kennedy. Take back Albuquerque!!!!!!
Wanted for cowardice, political hacking, lying, water carrying for a criminal mayor, and overall looking like an asshat.....
one WMA last seen fleeing northbound through an underground tunnel wearing piss stained trousers and a real bad wig. please arrest on sight. hahahahahahahahahahahaha.....
Thank god Levy wasn't there, she would have gotten stuck in the door and the room would have run out of oxygen.
Yea, now there's a fuckin Booyahhhh! pardon my French and no, I'm not from Haiti!
Arrest Schultz, Levy, Feist, Betty, and Perry.
Hahahahaha. Bet ya puppy petter Perry was the first one out the escape hatch.
Ever notice how City Councilor Garduno is anti cop? Was he a wild eye radical rascal in his younge day? Perhaps if he were a hostage witha gun to his head APD should walk away and let him handle the matter with finge elements.
The City Council meeting was awesome! Wow Eden and Perry couldn't get out of there fast enough. After the take over started cops were going around locking doors so no one else could get in. I don't think they cops understand that the building does not belong to them, it belongs to the public.
YOU WERE AWESOME LAST NIGHT AT THE COUNCIL MEETING! This is EXACTLY what needs to be done, and even louder until WE THE PEOPLE are heard and major changes occur. No more bullshit from this administration. You see what their plan is now based on their recent actions and you know what to do. They have no intentions of changing their ways. CONTINUE WITH THIS STRATEGY!
How can we who are not able to “show our face” support you both financially and otherwise? Where is the link to the unedited video of that takeover? It needs to be shared with the world!
Please announce the future protests and other tactics prior to them occurring so that the general public can participate, even beyond Albuquerque, or where the public can see the announcements. As you can see, the takeover last night made headlines for all three news channels and the government propaganda newspaper that only old people read anymore.
Possibly a YouTube video announcing the next action would be great!
Thanks for all of your efforts and thank to the EYE too! Don’t stop until there is REAL change to fix this crisis.
APD, you told us on Sunday you would release the lapel camera videos of last Sunday’s shooting on Monday. Then on Monday you tell us you will release it today. You’d better release it today or you will have a riot on your hands. And don’t try to manipulate the videos like you did with the smoke coming out of Redwine’s cell phone which you propagandized as a gun. TIMES UP WITH YOUR MANIPULATIVE TACTICS!
Scott Lopez is a thief who runs scared from his own shadows. I like it when the 27 7 Unit turned on him. How did he get that LT spot anyway. Where's his mamma to back him up at meeting? I wish I would have seen Garduno I would have started clapping. PUSSY Lopez
The latest on Taser.
Taser International (TASR) Marked As A Dead Cat Bounce Stock.
Note that they mention "specific proprietary issues" identified by Trade-Ideas.
Here’s the REAL LEADER to replace Berry once he is recalled. Richard Shine. I don’t know him personally but he WILL fix the crisis in Albuquerque. If he ran for governor, I’d vote for him too! He and Governor Martinez are both lawyers. Martinez is the kind of lawyer that gives lawyers the reputation they have. Richard Shine is the kind of lawyer you’d want to be your friend and know you can trust. It’s worth 15 minutes of your time.
How does any police officer make over 100k in a year and able to safely patrol the streets or perform his duties during their regularly scheduled shift???
Oh boy. I just finished watching The Fall of Saigon on KRQE today. The raw footage of the citizen's takeover of the city council meeting was priceless, and the first of it's kind. It is always great to see the usual stalwart fighters like Mike Gomez and Ken Ellis up there giving them hell, but this particular meeting contained a fire that has never been seen. In case the idiots running this city have not noticed, last night was the end of the bullshit.
Mike Gomez has the best quotes.... "There you go again Harris...looking at that iPad again while people are talking...that's just a wonderful thing.
Now look at the signs! YOU ARE A DISGRACE!
You didn't want the DOJ to come in!!!!!
Mike did not fail to ask his standard question; "WHERE'S THE MAYOR?" "HE'S SUCH A COWARD!" "He hired this so called police chief Gordon Eden..... I can't even call him chief Eden"
"He doesn't know how to talk" YES TO THE MAYOR, YES TO MARTINEZ, YES TO MCCLESKEY....
Gomez scared the shit out of them so fuckin bad that Harris's red face dropped to a shade of pink and he showed everyone what he was looking at. Aaaaahahahahaha... This is a wonderful thing.
And now please watch the raw video for one of the most hilarious moments of the night. Take the Raw video link on krqe to minute 14:01, and observe a police chief publicly shit his pants. Observe the look of sheer horror on his face as he frantically gathers his crap, dropping papers, and fumbling his files just before getting up and fleeing the scene as David Correia issues a citizens arrest warrant, and reads him his rights. They ran. That was a wonderful thing.
The bullies got a taste of their own medicine. That was a wonderful thing.
Ken Sanchez had the balls to interrupt the elderly woman having her say, then got cut off like he does to everyone. How did that feel Ken? You have cut people off only giving them their 2 minutes every meeting.
Ken Danchez called the situation unfortunate. You have balls Ken.
Andres and that 12 year old have more balls than Perry Berry and the chief who ran away. That's right puppy petter, you ran away from a little girl.
City council said that a lot will not get accomplished due to the disruption. I think more got accomplished yesterday than in the history if city council. They actually voted a vote of no confidence on Smallfruit.
That is a wonderful thing.
And last but not least Lewis, you weasel. You call Sylvia a coward? I saw a lot of cowardice, but Sylvio was not one of them. It sure looked like Perry, Eden and the rest of them shit their pants and fled. Maybe next time you will call those running for the doors like it's the fall of Siagon the cowards. That would be a wonderful thing.
Just watch how the real cowards respond. They are contriving their retaliation up on the 5th and 11th floors right now. They are talking big bad talk about summoning in people for what happened last night. This is typical for them. No doubt, instead of meeting half way and discussing a resolution, they will retaliate because intimidation and bullying is all these punks know.
All this and bitch Banks and Turkey neck Schultz are not around. That is, until the indictments and depositions come.
MARY HAN would be proud of what the people have done!
Why did those 4 guys in the photo take the guy off of the short bus to go see a movie?
Someone please give that teensy little DCOP a booster seat next time. Little tiny small guy. How come you don't have your perm anymore. You looked cute with pubic hairs on your head.
Watch the video - it won't be on the city's Gov TV though because they won't post it. If you see the video, you will see ROB PERRY telling his people to leave including Chief Eden. Proof that not only does the city censor what it puts on Gov TV but that Eden does whatever Eden tells him to do.
I think the bike cop took the ring to hide his affair with Han. He was not called to the scene, why was he there inside the Han's house? One of the first to respond without being called. The GJ needs to look at this.
If these assholes charge one person for what happened yesterday, they will show the DOJ they are full of shit about fixing the problems here. They will show that they are the problem. The chief should resign. He is in way over his head. Schultz should be indicted, and the bad shootings need to be reopened and indictments need to come down. The city attorneys need to be fired for malfeasance, prosecuted for criminal conspiracy and disbarred. Yea, you Levy Mrs. top paid city non-worker.
Why were people at the meeting protesting GANGSTALKING? Who is Stowell?
Lost all respect for Tremendous Regulator promoting Richard Shine for Mayor and suggest that Tremendous Regulator stick with commenting on issues.
Shine is another one of those out of state self promoters that have come to New Mexico to save us from ourselves. Shine left for awhile and now he is back spreading his typical venom and viciously attacking anyone who disagrees with him or opposes him. He is in fact a reflection of what is all wrong with the legal profession and Shine is one nasty excuse for a human being. Self promotion and disruption is what Shine is all about.
Berry is going no where. Berry still has a 56% approval rating among the general population and a shocking 86% approval rating among Republican according to Monahan's poll. The only consolation is that Berry will be miserable for 3 years and when it all comes out, he will be through politically. If Berry is recalled, we get stuck with gentleman City Council President Ken "I'm running for Mayor This Time" Sanchez as Mayor and Sanchez sure showed what an inept leader he is Monday night trying to face down the protesters. Sanchez was quoted in the paper that disrupting the City Council meeting was a misdemeanor. watch him have more cops and the next meeting to protect the Council from harm.
5/5 @520 Yeah officers belong at the scene
They do not belong in TJs office laughing it up how the attorney for Marys family served them at home vs thru court services and calling her the same shit they used to call Mary.
Hey TJ you bitch so much how upset your inlaws were when you got served since they were in town to spend time with the Grandkids. What do you think them and your wife will do when they learn what you're really all about?
The patrolmen who responded were not assigned to that beat and at least one had been subpoened to testify, and made to look the fool, by Mary before.
They work grave yard with weekdays off. It guarantees all court cases will happen during the day, so all overtime because patrol is to short to adjust. Then by having days off instead of weekends it guarantees they get held over again and again because there is never enough 34s on the weekends.
You should be asking, why if we are so desperately short manpower, why is every shift and every command get basically the same number of guys? Everyone says it's so they are even but look at the commands. SE has three times the citizens and twice the crime of NW but they have less than half a dozen extra patrolman???
If you want to lower crime go back to doing the bid the old way. Slots based on when crime occurred and where it occurred, not based on when they called to report it (when they get home from work) and even numbers across commands regardless of population or crime.
Someone please review the city charter and fcc rules regarding govtv. When they violated it by cutting the feed and when they violate it by not posting in its entirety, sue.
Its starts with violating the open meetings act. The feed was cut prior to the meeting being formally adjourned. Further the adjournment was not done per protocol.
Lastly, they are currently meeting to "change the rules so this doesn't happen again". Someone sue for the rule changes as they are being discussed and voted upon, you guessed it, in a closed door meeting.
How convenient that Levy got a big raise after losing the Ellis case. If thats a job well done....
I just watched the unedited link to the city council meeting, which can be seen at:
This is what happens when government leaders abuse their power for far too long.
If you go to 30:00 you can hear Sanchez on the news media talk about Berry’s absence. Berry FINALLY realizes that he is the emperor with no clothes! At about 32:00 you can hear the voices of the citizens over Sanchez when he was talking to the media. Perfect analogy of what needs to continue to happen. OUR VOICE WILL BE HEARD!
Councilors, you want to talk? We’ve been talking with no results.
We are DONE talking. We are YELLING now. We will CONTINUE TO YELL LOUDER. The only business you should conduct at next Thursday’s special session is:
And if the law won’t allow for it, make a law that will! Hell, why even worry about the law. Berry hasn’t respected the law-and I'm not just talking about APD-with his shenanigans and his mafia!
Are you planning on going to the special city council meeting this Thursday? If you get arrested and need bail money, post it here. I’ll pay your bail. AND We should have 10 times the number of citizens show up to the next city council meeting if they try to arrest anyone this Thursday.
Please point to where the tremendous regulator promoted shine. Please do. I think you need your glasses.
Please don't suggest what I do. Thank you.
Why don't the city council protestors move upstairs and stage a sit in at Berry's office? He probably won't be there, he never is. Berry is the main problem so take your issues to his doorstep (or office)
APD PIG COP shot a 19yr old girl in the back.
At the 10 o’clock news Channel 7 is going to show the lapel camera video of the Martin shooting and do an interview with David Correia. Let’s see if they show any gun in Martin’s hand and how they edit Carreia’s interview. I would like to see the interview in its entirety.
Taser went down 8% today.
Truth matters!
Where is Berry? I thought he is accountable to the City Council and as such, should be at every meeting. How long has it been since he attended a City Council meeting? Why doesn't the CC require his attendance to be accountable to the public? Obviously, he operates independently from the City Council, as they have ALLOWED him to do so, by their complacency. Seems to me they could change the whole situation if they chose. Too slow. Again, where is Berry and why isn't he required to answer to the Council and City? I wish someone would review CC minutes and find out last time he attended-seems he thinks he's beyond accountability to anyone.
True that ..the DOJ has the goods on every one of the unholy alliance.
may 5 at 3:40 pm
I concur, yes look at Detective Michael Fox another shooter killer cop, he is crooked too.
@May 6, 2014 at 12:49:00 PM MDT
Shine would be better than either Berry or Martinez for the citizens. He did absolutely no self promotion and only talked, intelligently I might add, about solving the crisis we have here. It’s obvious you work for the Martinez/Berry machine and they obviously are threatened by him due to your response. Your comment is pure propaganda, offering no support for your BS. Then you try, falsely I might add, to link Tremendous Regulator to the comment, to make people think his opinion also has no value. Since you then promoted how solid Berry’s support is, I’ll make a prediction. It will do the same as Taser stock is doing as the TRUTH unfolds. Taser is down 4% today as I write this, was down 8 % yesterday and is down 40% from it’s all time high that was reached on February 27, just 2 months ago. It’s Good to know they are paying attention to this site. THEY SHOULD! And here’s breaking news for them. It’s going to be a long, hot DURATION of their pathetic leadership, regardless if the ignorant vote Martinez in again or Berry isn’t ousted.
ROB PERRY tells the Journal:
“I think when you permit people to bring in coffins and bullhorns, allow them to get into the personal space and face of public officials, including police executives, you allow them to mount in groups of 20 or 30 – at that point, you can expect disorder,” Perry said.
PERRY knows what it is like to get in someone's personal space - ask Charles Arasim and the countless people whom Perry has harassed over the years.
What happened to LEA Board? Haven't met since February? Bout time that thing falls apart.
Or the next meeting of the four hills home owners association and the gates of tanoan. Thats where he, 90% of his donors, and most the citys executives live.
No he didnt. Stop spreading lies. Stick to facts. Like why was a foster kid like Mary never given help by foster care so that she could overcome jail and be clean and finish high school.
When it was released is just as important but no journalist put it together. It was the 50th anniversary of the civil rights act.
Hey, Mary Hawks fiancee, no he didn't. We all know you are so upset you tried to have us kill you Mr suicide by cop. We get your upset but your girl was not shot in the back
Hey chickenshit knucklehead,,,,,here's a simple equation for you.....see if you can follow ok? Point a gun at a cop = you get shot,,,,,simple enough?
@ May 6, 2014 at 12:26:00 PM MDT
There was only one person protesting gangstalking and she appears to be a shill for APD, very disruptive and PRO APD.
Sad to say but the whole of APD has cupability in this fiasco that is happening. Yes, including the front line officers. You all learned how to control the weather, and now it is raining and you stand in the rain and complain that it is raining! That shows no honor or integrity.
Interesting. Sounds like an attempt to discredit the real victims of gangstalking. Thanks for the info.
You should stop blaming all front line officers. This site has been used by the good front line and retired officers to expose the corruption and wreck those scum residing on the 11th and 5th floors long before you even knew it existed. YOU are the guest here. If you don't like it, start your own blog and see if you obtain the results that cops... yes cops get here. Good luck with that. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and get along. We are all in this fight, like it or not.
5-8, 2:10pm - Thank you for letting me be a "guest" here. I think it would surprise you to know that the "guests" here far outnumber the officers you have described. Most of the officers posting here currently appear to be whiners, bed-wetters, and pretty much neanderthals totally impressed with themselves, their uniforms with shiny buttons, their omnipotent badges and, of course, their guns - and the majority are your "front line officers". The only way a "noble" organization stays "noble" is to limit the participants to those with "noble" values. Once you start to relax the standards even a little and allow trash into the organization, "noble" becomes believable on the same level as "unicorn". If APD were represented as a map of a mall, the arrow under the sign that says "YOU ARE HERE" would be pointing at the unicorn.
Agree and well said! We have been on this blog long before these guests were told about and we're not going anywhere. We will be posting long after the "guests" have tired of it and move onto the next big thing.
You seem to have a fetish with unicorns.
Cleverly writing your diatribes as if you are writing presidential speeches only impresses yourself, and the same old attacking of officers shows a more personal issue, rather than acknowledgement of the systemic and overall issue. If you were a bull with a "you are here arrow" painted on it, the arrow would be pointed to it's butthole.
Straight from the bull's butthole: the unicorn exists in the same way a noble APD exists, living under the same rock. No fetish - fact of life. Another fact of life that apparently eludes you (or is convenient for you to ignore) is that "the systemic and overall issue" that you refer to is directly related to and caused by attitudes, personalities and actions of a number of a certain type of trash sucking the APD's tit for existance. You know anybody like that, or are you part of the "in-crowd"?
Thank you for your insight right from the bull's shithole. I appreciate that. Not that your input carries any weight, but just because you say something does not mean it is fact. And yes, you do have a fetish. You have a fetish with unicorns, and cops. I have ignored nothing. The issues I refer to are relegated to the entire upper command staff along with what I stated; a few bad individuals. Where did I omit or ignore anything? You are just a crybaby who refused to look at the whole issue here. Instead, you want to attack every officer because at some time in your life you had your feelings hurt. It is evident in how you write. Attacking the upper command staff, administration, and those that are wrong surely does not make me part of the in crowd. maybe you can show me somewhere in this world where it does. I would like to know where it exists. That statement only shows again how you will run off at the mouth and make baseless, uneducated emotion based accusations when you are not getting your way, or are losing an argument. So keep looking at the small picture when those painting the big one right in front of your face continue to make a fool out of you. I know plenty of trash sucking tits. Are you one of them on the other side of things, who uses causes to further your vengeful agenda in order to get the attention you crave instead of furthering positive change? Where were you last year? Where were you the year before that, and the year before that? Where were you when nobody was saying a thing? Where were you during the years this blog has been exposing corruption? It looks like you are the one dodging the tough questions. It looks like you are the one without any answers. All you do is make accusations, and talk shit. All you will continue to do is ignore the real issues and talk shit like a crybaby in response to this. You have no answers, so you are just another instigator driving a wedge between everyone, causing the lack of progress, just like the APD administration who also know nothing but retaliation. Tit for tat, like children. Kick rocks, your shit is getting old.
Here we go again - Blah Blah Blah around in crcles, typing word after word that fills line after line of shit that relates to nothing connected to reality. Go put your "Angry Cop" panties back on and go watch your hot scene in "Silence of the Lambs" again.
Your banter is pathetic. Way to derail the topic :-/ will we ever see justice served for Mary an's murder?!?!
There should be a comma (,) between "said" and "dickhead".
There should be a period between your legs.
There is, little boy.
Thanks for that; table saw drunk.
I've been wondering for some time whatever became of her.
8:05 - I think you just got your feeble punk ass rocked by the Queen of Ripple.
That's the sound of a nerve being struck.
Ooops... The spaz speaks again!!!!
Hahaha.. Look at ya. You just can't contain yourself, you nut. I would rather be an angry cop than an angry drunk. Please tell us about your plan for world dominatiin oh great table saw surfer.
Elaborate on the red files!
Every last one of APD must be lynched.
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