The Piercing Truth

This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes

Apr 19, 2015

Berry Spars with Brandenburg

During a recent media event Kari Brandenburg stated what she believes the condition of Albuquerque is in.  Mayor Berry came back sharply at Brandenburg dismissing her statement and proclaiming the City of Albuquerque will continue to be grossly mismanaged while it is under his control.   

Bernalillo County District Attorney, Kari Brandenburg, stated during a recent media release, “we are in a crisis that I’m not sure we will recover from; if we do, in my life time…” Finally, a local public official admits what we have been saying for a great deal of time.  In response to Ms. Brandenburg statement, Mayor Berry stated, “I’m not gonna read anything in between the lines on somebody else’s comments; we’ll just do what we’ve always done!”  To summarize what Berry stated: City leadership, or lack thereof, will continue screwing everything up as it has done in the past.

Here we are again, Berry making a fool of himself publicly.  When a popular DA states the City is in crisis even a fool should take that statement seriously.  But not our fool; he dismisses the statement and makes a childish rebuttal.  Perhaps the DA’s statement is a “red flag” or a warning to the mayor and the city?  Berry’s statement, “we’ll just do what we’ve always done!”  The mayor’s performance as a top manager has been nothing short of a travesty for the City and APD.  Now the mayor proclaims and reaffirms he will continue down the same destructive path he has set for the City and APD.

Here is a final thought with all sarcasm aside; Mayor Berry needs to heed to the signs he has been given and take immediate corrective action.  This is a sobering wakeup call for the Berry administration.  Brandenburg’s words were not soft or gentle but were true.  Get off the highway to hell.  Take the high road Mayor Berry, be a gentlemen and thank Brandenburg for her honesty and move forward with the business of caring for the citizens of Albuquerque.


Anonymous said...

As Berry told the New Yorker, I am not into the blame game.

We are screwed, nothing will change.

Anonymous said...

Media: Get a hold of Perry on camera and ask him what he thinks about McGinn as special prosecutor. See if he'll say what he said last week. Which we know he won't but box him in because he called her the "C" word.

S. Sgt. Paul J. Heh (RET.) said...

I believe in Albuquerque and I believe it can be turned around with the right leadership , and turned around quickly. The problem comes from the few of us that vote , vote for one party or the other. We keep electing the same people over and over that do the same things over and over. It takes BIG MONEY to win an election. Both political parties supply that money along with private fat cats, many times from other States to ensure their candidate wins. The candidate now owes payback to the party and the fat cats that got them elected. not to the Citizens Of Albuquerque. Guess who is to blame Did you vote in the last Mayor Election ? If you voted did you vote because you belong to one party or the other , or because you are one of the fat cats that will get payback. If you want change the only way to get it is to get involved. We reelected a Mayor that said everything is great with A.P.D.. The Mayor told all of us that crime is at an all time low, when it is 200% higher in Albuquerque than any other city our size. Crime, look out your window. Jobs, do you have a job? If you do, how's that paycheck ? Drive in any area of the city and look at all the vacant buildings that use to contain businesses. We keep the homeless scattered rather than keep them in one place where we could get them the help they need to become a productive citizen. We turn a blind eye to the out of control drug problem which is driving the crime problem and pretend it don't exist. You want change ? Get off your duff and get involved. I do not respond to anonymous comments.

Anonymous said...

Berry, Rob Perry and Gordon Eden want to destroy Brandenburg and see her as a major political threat. When Eden found out about the investigation involving Brandenburg's son and then got wind that Brandenburg was going to file charges against Perez and Sandy, Eden went to Berry and Rob Perry. Berry and Rob Perry wanted to make sure AG Hector Balderas got the APD case on Brandenburg hoping that Brandenburg would back off. Rob Perry and Gordon Eden DO NOT want to be called as witnesses in the Boyd case especially after Eden's disastrous comments that it was a justifiable shooting. Rob Perry also was hoping that enough damage will be done to Brandenburg's reputation so that somehow he can run for DA himself.

Anonymous said...

I'm not at all sure of how things really work in dirty politics but I agree with you, I believe our mayor isn't taking care of city business and could careless about our city. Seems there are a lot of self serving people he has under him as well.

He needs to get thrown out of office somehow. What does it really take to start a recall effort? Is it even possible to get him recalled?

Anonymous said...

If Berry isn't to blame who the hell is ? Anybody would cut him some slack after his first year or so but six years later who does he want to take the blame? I'm sure he didn't wait six years to fix problems at his own buissness. Grow a set, the whole city government is going to hell in a hand basket while you act like the scarecrow in the wizard of oz.
You can forget about being the next Gov.,your lack of Huevos will do you in . Save the money and work on your golf game!

Anonymous said...

Oh, please like anything will change. The mayor expected his head on a pike at the beginning of the year when all sorts of shootings occurred with the lame brain he entrusted to run APD. BUT, nothing happened as per the norm, apathetic citizens of Albuquerque. So what if a few non-voting, unimportant citizens protested. Dingleberry knows all he has to do is appease the real voting members of his party and throw private contracts to them. He knows he can make stupid remarks like that to the public, because he knows the public is stupid. No crowds have stormed the castle, no crowds have been a real issue, and none of the council have any courage to do anything to his 'empire.' After all he did win by a landslide, so why should he do anything anymore for the non-voting whining public!

Anonymous said...

Berry, you are a dipshit. Resign or be prosecuted.

Anonymous said...

I always have to laugh when I read the comments here.

How about one of you good rank and file cops go arrest some of these criminals in the admin. Cuff and stuff that Perry dude, and get it on camera. So what if you lose your job, be a fucking man and do the right thing for a change. The job's not worth having if it means living under the thumb of a Rob "Thug Life" Perry, for example. Quit passing the buck, man up and do something. If your pissy assed job means more to you than doing the right thing, then you are just as guilty as the fucks you keep trying to blame and you need to go anyway.

Never seen a bigger bunch of pussy whipped cowards in my life.

Anonymous said...

Perry has been behind every one of the illegal terminations too. It's easy to act like the big man when someone else takes the heat for your bullshit.

Anonymous said...

Eden is waaaaaaay out of his league. He has no clue what he is doing. Its a sad day of affairs. BCSO and RIO RANCHO don't seem to have the recruiting problem APD does. What is the issue people. plain and simple LEADERSHIP.

Anonymous said...

Just LOVE how the City has all kinds of money to give officers that want to come from other departments and officers that are thinking of retiring. But have no money for the officers that are already on the department and having to put up with all the SHIT going on. And what is with dropping the college requirements so APD can get a few more people to sign up. Lets use a lot of money to train these folks and when they don't get the needed hours in the three years they get fired. They will head to other departments with their certifications and be taken in a hot minute. And how many 24 year olds have OUTSTANDING work records?????

Anonymous said...

New recruiting efforts is all smoke and mirrors. What a crock. Give recruits 2-3 years to get their degree? Since it's mandatory, this means all new recruits will either go to college on duty or be paid overtime to go after hours.... How long will that last? Due to oil prices, the economy is already tanking again, if anyone truly thinks this department will asst you in reaching that goal your an idiot. It's just like before, hire a bunch of people at any cost knowing that by the time shit hits the fan, everyone currently running the freak show will be gone.

Anonymous said...

TO ANYONE READING THIS BLOG.....stay in school, keep your current job and wait a few years until this current administration is gone. It's not worth your life or your family's future to come work with APD. I am a member of this department, and although I know we desperately need help, I cannot in good conscious recommend anyone come here. With our current chiefs, majors, etc this place is just not worth the risk.

Anonymous said...

Shortly after news breaking that Albuquerque and other parts of NM are becoming a gang hotspot, Berry announces he is cutting anti-gang funding and moving it to homeless outreach. I have an idea. .................since Eden took over, and without the DOJ mandates, he has created 3 of the most worthless positions in recent memory. 1 Ass't chief and 2 majors. Their current pay and benefits is well over 400-$500,000 dollars. That would provide housing for a year to over 80 people. Come on media grab this and force change. Albuquerque is becoming a joke and the people that can force change are sitting idol

Anonymous said...

So the numbers for the current bid increased from 401 to 412. How in the hell does placing 11 more officers on the bid help with the issue? Once the bid takes place 30+ officers will move inside and it will business as usual, understaffed squads, calls holding, and uniformed patrol not getting any time off. Why aren't Lieutenant's, Commanders, SWAT, Bombs, Traffic, and the fifth floor taking calls? That is the #1 question.

Liberache said...

This just in!
Tom Joles, You're a kitchen bitch. How does Berry's balls taste? Why don't you try being a man instead of a little gossip queen? You must be the new channel 7. A little lipstick and a wig and you would fit right in down at the bingo hall.

Anonymous said...

Agree that if there are any REAL officers left at APD they'll arrest Perry for DWI the next time he leaves Vintage 423 bombed out of his mind, as usual. Arrest the scumbag. Don't turn it into an opportunity for promotion like Ferris did.

Anonymous said...

The city has a huge narcotics problem. This problem continues to grow which attributes to violent crime and property crime. The tragic event of Jacob Grant could have been prevented, however Eric Garcia and Les Brown ignored the constant request for resources and more detectives. Six years ago before Les Brown was brought to SID, narcotics had over thirty narcotics detectives. At that time property crime was not a factor because the drug problem was handled. Eric Garcia/Les Brown, Jacob’s injuries are on you. You ignored request and memos requesting resources and manpower. How is it that ROP/GANGS get training and new cars, but narcotics were denied basic training for their new personal? A Lieutenant should never have been on a buy bust, but due to manpower shortage this was a common practice. Les how many times did you say, “WHO CARES ABOUT NARCS”? Les how many times did you visit Jacob? Eric and Les you have failed SID as administrators and are part of our “crisis”. Les BROWN do not think for a second this will disappear, the new UC cars are not keeping us quiet.

Anonymous said...

Can we get a a you tube video of the chief( with a tear in his eye) holding a puppy? And I mean a real puppy not Gilbert .

Anonymous said...

If ferris stopped that puke and let him drive drunk she should be fired. Now THAT would be one if the biggest acts of hypocrisy going considering how she acts out there.

Do an NCIC audit of how many times his plates were run, then check who ran them, and the location and time any of these stops were made. This is easy to do. If APD were really serious about transparency, they would investigate this. We all know they would direct the outcome to a preconceived exoneration of Perry.

Anonymous said...

Rob Perry should change her name to Roberta because she looks like a drunk Misses Doubtfire.

Anonymous said...

He wont say it but the real reason he thinks she's such a C is because he's spent decades chasing every skirt in town but that little C just won't give in.
If you want to make Perry have a meltdown make it clear to the other men in the room he doesn't stand a chance with a straight woman in the room.
At least there's always the girls down south

Anonymous said...

Elect a damn judge who will approve my paperwork and I will. This group is too busy protecting their own buddies to approve any real prosecutions to go to grand jury.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Gilbert, does the chump realize he's their token brown house elf? Does he really not see that he's surrounded by white guys?? C"mon ese where's da love?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Nothing will happen to Les or Eric or Brachle. They are going to protect each other to the very end while Jacob suffers everyday along with the City of Albuquerque. Too little, too late trying to get training and equipment for narcs now. Narcs has always been hated by Command staff and I think the City of Albuquerque needs to know why the Narc problem here is huge. Media needs to question why the Narcotics units were disbanded and there are only 7 narcs in the biggest City in New Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Well said Sgt. Heh, the problem is as you say money. Most of us don't have the money it takes to be or back a descent candidate, so we vote and hope. I know if campaigns were limited to say twenty grand the canidates would have to go old school and walk and talk to people, explain their view and convince the electorate that they are the best. Take the money out of the game and you level the playing field. No nasty, negative TV or blame game politics cause ther would not be any money to spend on it. I don't expect this to ever happen but it would be refreshing

Anonymous said...

Round Rock strip mall, though the city's police chief, who had seen patrol car dash camera footage of the incident, defended Officer Ben Johnson.........Banks is at it again, at least he learned from the best in the 505. Ha-ha!

Beat them down!

Anonymous said...

MEDIA ask LES BROWN why he took funds from narcotics and put the their funds into VICE, GANGS and ROP? Ask LES why SID narcotic’s detectives continue functioning with an outdated wire that does not work? For those of you that do not know, a wire is what undercover detectives rely on. It is the communication and recording of what takes place during undercover stings. The wire allows the other detectives and supervisors to hear and see what is taking place during the undercover operation. The current wire with APD is outdated and does not work. Current and past supervisors have begged and requested for an updated wire, but Les Brown has denied the request. Instead he used the money to buy ROP and GANG detective’s new rifles. Jacob Grant was wearing a wire, but guess what? It was not working properly therefore the other detectives could not hear what was taking place in Holly’s UC vehicle that day. Les, how many times prior to Jacob’s incident have you been sent emails and memos requesting a new wire? Les Brown you could have prevented Jacob being shot by giving narcotic detectives the basic equipment to do their jobs. A reasonable person can understand the manpower crisis with APD, however I cannot understand why LES BROWN would not provide his narcotic detectives with the basic equipment and training to do their jobs. Eric Garcia knew this was taking place, but failed to act and turned a blind eye.

Anonymous said...

Ol Les is all about Ol Les. Sgt. Peck shot a kid after a wire went sideways because of lack of proper comms. There is gross mismanagement within special units here but they continue to cover for those that do their bidding and do shit that they fire others for doing less of. Total pieces of shit like these guys get rewarded for being scum. It's the APD way.

Anonymous said...


Ask GREG BRACHLE why GREG BRACHLE pulled the trigger. I don't think a wire pulled the trigger. I think a trigger happy cop pulled the trigger. A cop that was obsessed with shooting things. A cop that appears to have been on the clock during his latest award winning performance at the national police shooting competition. Ask GREG BRACHLE about that. Then take that wire bullshit and shove it up your ass. What did GREG BRACHLE hear that no other cop heard? What happened to the alleged drug dealer in the motel room? Ask GREG BRACHLE about that. Or LES BROWN, or anyone else for that matter.

I've never seen a more excuse laden organization, or occupation in my life.

Anonymous said...


Peck pulled the trigger, not a wire. If he didn't know who or what or why he was shooting, he shouldn't have been shooting.

Just more excuses for shitty workmanship.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all the comments above, Brachle is responsible for pressing off 8 rounds, I think it was 8, and no one else is. Brachle is responsible for the target he is shooting and for every shot. I would like to read his interview and know the answer to the questions of why, when, was a second round fired, and the same question to every round that was fired. In my training that is generally called intent. Brachle should be in jail, FBI should be doing a civil rights violation investigation. On the Brown and Garcia thing, Brown has no idea what he is doing. Media tried to find Brown when he was in DWI cuz he was never at work and someone dropped a dime on him but when the media went to do a lil investigation they couldn't find him. We all know he was having sex all the time in the trailer on the seizure lot. That's another reason why media wanted him. Everyone in DWI knew Brown was having sex on duty in the trailer. I don't remember if he was married at the time or not.

Anonymous said...

Just because I know the never done wrong coppers here hate hearing their name in the press.

Anonymous said...

SID has been a cesspool of leadership for awhile. Rosemond, Brown, Fickey, Christman, Dave Young, Peck, Sandy, Buckner, Stout, Bakas and more, the list goes on and on.

Anonymous said...

Peck was a shitty cop who licked ass and was always taken care of while never working a tough area command. He carried water for Schultz and showed he would do anything for his handlers when he screwed Woolever and Doyle and lied about it, spied on protesters while dressed like a fruitcake, then most recently trying to stick it to Brandenburg. He is probably Schultz's son.

Peck fucked up that whole UC buy and everyone on the scene was shitting thenselves when he shot that guy.

Anonymous said...

I am not taking responsibility away from anyone in the two shootings. Nevertheless, with the proper equipment those shootings could have been prevented. Would you send a uniform officer on a call without a radio? LES BROWN failed the narcotics team by not providing them with the proper training and equipment to do their job.

Anonymous said...

April 25 6:07
Now everyone but a school boy does not know what they are doing. A lot of officers are those things, but you are a crybaby. Get over yourself baby boy.

Anonymous said...


Yes, you certainly are trying to absolve the shooters of responsibility for their own actions. Brachle and Peck had all the requisite training. What they didn't have was any sense of moral obligation, or any sense of responsibility.

Nobody failed anyone except the trigger men. No other criminal gets to use your excuse, why should those two be any different?

Anonymous said...


I lump everyone in because everyone is in. The one who came forward recently, as far as I can tell, is not a cop......yet.

As for me bringing shit down, it's not my job, let's get that straight. That's the job of the people who chose that career, of which I presume you are one. I am not. I just call em' as I see em'

My world isn't getting worse either, my world is as safe as it's ever been, absent an encounter with a cop of course, a scenario that has indeed become far more likely to result in injury or death to the population at large. Not sure what planet you're living on, but here on earth, your statement simply doesn't add up.

The only thing needed to bring down the corrupt is to stop giving even one fuck about your piddly assed job and start worrying about doing the right thing. If doing the right thing gets you fired, so be it, as long as you get the fucking job done! I don't intend that to mean how you treat the public either. No job is worth having if you swim in a cesspool of corruption and criminality day in and day out. You'll certainly sleep better at night as a result. It's really easy to get caught up in the whole institution and career and lose sight of what it's all about. Money and power tend to drive that dependence, but there are a million ways to make money that don't involve such a vicious environment of fraud and corruption.

The tone and language I see on this site that I assume is coming from cops at APD points to a very disturbing breed of animal. As for my experience with a cop, if you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. I've seen professionals at work, and then there's APD... If you can't accept that, you're going to have a tough time ahead of you.

What I see among the rank and file is a whole lot of talk and very little walk. There's a fucking clown on here trying to justify a cop unloading on another cop because of a wire. What part of wires do they cover in firearms training? Try to remember the shooter was a decorated marksman before you answer that. Try to remember this happened in a crowded McDonald's parking lot. Try to remember this happened in plain view of the alleged drug dealer at the motel next door, obviously blowing any cover that may, or may not have existed. Try to remember this whole deal was initiated by APD.

If the scum that runs your world is that awful, get on your game and take them down, or get out. There's no room for mediocrity.

Anonymous said...

April 26, 2015 at 8:24:00 AM MDT


Every once in a while you poke your little head out. Get back to you homework somyou can teach us all something.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. berry is going to step away from fact fabricating and get into fact checking?!?

This was only because he got caught, otherwise it would have been propaganda as usual.

Berry will never support the truth, because if it were for the truth he would not be mayor and his buddies would be in orange jumpsuits.

Anonymous said...

He's an engineer in training. Get it right. And he is here to give all of us lowly humans a lesson in life, because he is all knowing. He must be a real joy to be around at family gatherings. For he is the perfect human in every way. A model citizen who never errors. They compare him to the buddha but with a body of mister olympia. He is the total package. His diatribes rival the Gettysburg Address. Presidents come to him for speech writing advice. Babies walk to him six months early just to be adorned by his kiss. Old ladies walk him across streets. His shit is comprised of milk and honey and smells like rose petals. Once a week he walks on Tingley lake. His brain is so dense with knowledge that Sandia Labs is studying it for use as a gamma ray shield. If we could all only be like him slightly the world would be perfect, for if we were just like him, earth would be heaven and we would all be gods. Here is to the perfect one!

Anonymous said...

Kari is walking on eggshells, likely she'll end up like Mary Han......

Anonymous said...

BOOM, @8:44 gets it, you guys sit and watch it happen, your no better than the crap upstairs.

Anonymous said...

This "popular DA" is a criminal herself and this goes to show, there is just no honor amongst thrives.

Anonymous said...

Is it already election time again?

Anonymous said...

I wanna know... Big fan... Long time!!!

Anonymous said...