This is right from the dictionary and seems to describe Albuquerque, Berry and Schultz. Fascism (f ash ,izem) noun An authoritarian right wing system of government and/or social organization. (in general use) extreme right wing, authoritarian, chauvinistic and/or intolerant views or practices. Fascism tends to include a belief in the supremacy of one group over another, national, ethnic, especially social strata or monetarily; a contempt for democracy, an insistence on obedience to a powerful leader, and a strong demagogic approach. Compliments of one of our Eyes
Over the years, we have seen this administration railroad a whole lot of people. Many have been wronged. For some, the administration just made up a lie. For others, they purposefully lost evidence that would exonerate. Many have been left behind in the promotion process, simply because the administration dislikes them. Many have been retaliated against for speaking out. While all of this has been taking place, the usual suspects, and connected parasites have been protected, coddled, and promoted. At times this administration has lied to screw those they wanted to, while they lied to protect their criminally corrupted friends.
In our latest information gathering session, we found out that APD's long time resident parasite, and cancer cell, Todd "TJ" Wilhelm is in the process of being protected from the next incoming administration. This political appointee, who is yet another fat bloated tick, that has been feeding on the city with his politically appointed job at the APD Real Time Crime Center for way too long is being lined up for protection in another very unique, but unsurprising way.
Fat Boy TJ has been an at will employee at the RTCC. Because of this, he could be flushed with the rest of the turds come November, when the next mayor takes office. What a crisis, for someone who's only qualification for his sensitive job is being a former kitchen bitch reporter, shit talker, and behind the scenes, back stabbing, water carrier for former city attorney Kathryn Levy, and coward Ex-Police Chump Raymond D. Schultz. This dirt merchant, and fiction broker media liaison should have been shitcanned a long time ago, but Perry and company value his slimy background, and know he knows things about them.
A two fold plan to protect fatboy has been implemented. You have all seen the big to do about the new ALeRT, and RTCC recently, and now our Eyes have told us that a job posting was put up for a not at will, permanent, managerial position at the Real Time Crime Center. How coincidental! Two convenient ways to make TJ look, and appear to be indispensable, while digging him in like a herpes virus. That posting was recently closed. Our Eyes have told us that this position is TJ Wilhelm's. That is right! While all the other rat finks are jumping ship, they are making sure those that can't are taken care of. The scum in place now want to make sure they still have their filthy claws dug into sensitive positions within the next administration. They want to make sure it would be hard for the next administration to get rid of this fraud. We know it would not be that hard though. All they would have to do is open up every case, and investigation he has been named in... starting with the Mary Han case.
Now, if this happens, we were right. We say... get your IPRA pencils out folks. IPRA all job postings for the new manager spot in the Real Time Crime Center, along with all applicants. This should be a good one.
We here at the Eye are tired of cowards screwing the righteous while protecting the filth for your agendas.
In case you all do not know what hatred is, let us give you a taste....
While you dirty pieces of shit sit there collecting bloated paychecks for doing nothing, as you walk on others... as you trivialize the ruination of good people... while you minimize the destruction this city has faced at your filthy hands... while you think you have nothing to worry about and think you are going to skip across the goal line, you are mistaken.
We here at the Eye do not care about the fact that some fat ass is rotting from the inside out. We do not care about your job. We do not care about your health. We do not care if you get to steal another molecule of oxygen. We do not care about your families. We do not care if you ever get to eat another dinner. We do not care if a bus hits you. We could care less if you fell from the Crest. We would not shed a tear if you choked on a burrito. We just do not care if you exist, because you do not matter. A core group of filth bags have ruined The Albuquerque Police Department, and the entire City of Albuquerque, in their greedy money and ass grabbing quests. While doing this, those you have directly affected were not the only victims. The ripple effect extends to families and friends. You filth have destroyed communities. While you have done this you all have had the audacity to claim your dog shit gimmicks will make the place better. You are nothing but dirt merchants, and carpet baggers. When the time comes, your families need to feel the sting of being roofed. Your families need to feel the pain of this crime rate. Your families need to have no benefits. And if you get another disease, you should rot, like you have let this city do and those you have left twisting in the wind.
So Todd, it would be tough luck if the new mayor told you to kick rocks, but personally... who gives a fuck?!
The next mayor will need the balls and fortitude to root out every single one involved with this administration, and or connected with the Schultz crowd, and infuse the place with new, and uncorrupted individuals, with no past connections, who are dedicated to repairing what these malfeasant bags of feces have done.
First, we are going to address your accusation that you have somehow connected some dots. Albuquerque is a small place by big city standards. Word gets around fast here. Your accusation that some candidate that entered the mayor's race is behind this is juvenile, and amounts to what we consider crybaby behavior. The Eye is an independent entity beholden to nobody. We have backed up our statements with what we have as evidence. You have used hearsay. This is the type of crap we are tired of.
You, and a few other crybabies need to know that this blog is run by nobody that you think you know. We are provided mounds of information from every conceivable corner of this corrupted environment. Our contributors are from all walks. Those like you who have had the light shined on them think you know, because you only hear from the few that may be vocal. Believe us, everyone knows the truths. Everyone is sick and tired. They are more weary of the constant playing of victim by those being called out on their horse shit, now than anything else.
You have responded, and stated your case in response to our posting, shedding light on your definite conflict concerning your business dealings with Desert Fuels LLC, while being a city of Albuquerque City Councilor. While stating your case, you left out a very large amount of pertinent information, dates, and details. As we all know the devil is in the details.
Observe the devil Dan.
The fact is J.J. Mancini is the president and founder of Desert Fuels LLC, and Sara (Westbrook) Mancini is married to J.J. Mancini. We will start here.
Your position with Desert fuels began on June 1, 2012. Since 2/17/2012, the City of Albuquerque (note only according to its online vendor checkbook) has paid Desert Fuels $3.2 million. On 9/25/15 three years after taking your job with Desert Fuels, you requested that the Inspector General, for the city of Albuquerque review what you did. In that request you stated that "Neither have I had any conversations with any member of the city administration, nor any other City Councilors regarding the city's contract with Desert Fuels."
Yes Dan you did request an investigation into the above matter. You also primed the pump for the IG to look in a certain other directions. The IG failed to look at many issues here Mr. Lewis. All other potential conflicts were ignored, or intentionally overlooked. Like the fact that Mr. Mancini's wife Sara Westbrook was your policy analyst. Mrs. Westbrook was employed by the city of Albuquerque city Council. Is that not a very close relationship that was overlooked by the COA IG in his investigation?
Isn't it true Mrs. Westbrook started working at the City of Albuquerque with you in December of 2009? At that time, Mrs. Westbrook was with J.J. Mancini for over a year. In 2010 Desert Fuels was founded by J.J. Mancini who's background was reportedly in computer programming and web design.
2/17/12 Desert Fuels is awarded a vendor contract to provide fuel to the city of Albuquerque, despite reports that there were concerns the infant company would be unable to provide "all" of the necessary fuel. There were also some indications that Desert Fuels subcontracts with other providers of fuels for fuel that it is unable to provide. So, the company you are Vice President of got a contract to supply fuel, when you can't always get it? How does a new company get a contract to provide something they can't? Are not companies vetted by who is the best for the job? Not here, we guess? Just how many times has your company had to subcontract fuel supply?
6/1/2012 You took a job as Director of Supply for Desert Fuels with absolutely no experience at all in the fuel business. Curiously, Suspiciously, and Ironically the Inspector General's report mimics your review request that since you took the job with Desert Fuels "after" the company was awarded the City of Albuquerque contract, there couldn't be a conflict. Getting a job "after" the granting of a very lucrative contract would seem to be the very definition of quid pro quo, particularly in light of your policy analyst's close relationship to the owner of Desert Fuels... Right?!? Did the Inspector General's Report mention this. No... the defective, incompetent, and incomplete IG report failed to address this at all!
On or around 8/28/2012 J.J. Mancini proposes to Miss Sara Westbrook in a very public and scripted proposal that was posted on youtube, and included you, and your wife as players in the event. Participation in someone's marriage proposal clearly indicates a relationship that extends beyond business or work, wouldn't you say? We will. Yes it does.
10/20/12, two months later! Sara Westbrook and J.J. Mancini were married at Los Poblanos, with you presiding over part of the wedding... another indicator of a close relationship between these two and you. Less than a year later, you were made Executive Vice President of Desert Fuels Inc. according to the letter you provided the IG. That same letter names you Acting President of Desert Fuels beginning 1/1/15!
On 2/16/15 Sara and J.J. Mancini depart on a mission tour of Capetown South Africa. They returned 3/16/16, and internet social media states that Sara is not working. Note that your request for review of the city contract with Desert Fuels is dated 9/25/15. Mrs. Mancini would not be returning until 2016, and would not be available to answer questions posed by the IG even if Mr. Pacheco chose to investigate her potential involvement.
By August 2016, documents show that Mrs. Mancini is back working at the City of Albuquerque as a Council Neighborhood Services Manager. She is later placed in charge of the Office of Neighborhood Coordination, with a salary of over $76,000 per year, after the Office of Neighborhood Coordination is moved from the planning Department to Council Services.
All of the above clearly shows a long, and close relationship between Sara (Westbrook) Mancini, J.J. Mancini and you. That relationship pre-dates the Desert Fuels Contract. It shows a potential quid pro quo job for contract exchange. This relationship between Sara (Westbrook) Mancini, her future husband, and you, provides both the access to information, and the opportunity to influence decision makers with, or without your knowledge.
While you dispute evidence linking you to influencing the Desert Fuels / COA contract, there is hard evidence that there was no disclosure of the close relationship you had, have, and continue to have with both your employer and his employee who also worked for you. This is dishonesty by omission.
What is more suspect in this, is the timing of your request for an investigation to clear you by the IG, prior to running for Mayor of Albuquerque. The timing of this request places two of the three out of the country, and out of the reach of the Inspector General for interview, and investigation. Coincidentally the IG rapidly concluded this investigation within this frame.
We believe there is plenty of evidence to show that at best, a piss poor investigation was conducted into this matter, and at worse there was possible collusion, intentional omissions, and avoidance of discovering what we have found by the IG you and others. We believe a complete investigation into this matter needs to be conducted by the Federal Department of Justice, where lying, omitting, and bullshitting federal agents, by playing the shell and word game, results in a six year federal prison sentence for false statements to a federal agent.
Mister Lewis, you mentioned "legitimate journalists" and this city in the same correspondence. Please give us all a break. Legitimate journalists do not write commendatory articles, like the trash that the Albuquerque Journal's perverted editorial board does. Notice how the cabin boys and whores over there never commented on the mayor's horse shit crime award, but were sure to pressurize the propaganda flow the other way for a homicide detective that is under investigation for framing a young man for a murder he did not do. We all know about a majority of journalism here. The good ones have their work edited into benign articles, that never ask the hard questions, and when the heat does come down, the network executives call off the dogs when the city administration cries their asses off. One of the only games in town that holds feet to the fire is the Albuquerque Free Press. The Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board is just as complicit in the precipitation of the condition of this city as the rapists, pedophiles, robbers, the city administration and Mayor, is because they all lie to everyone for their own personal greed and benefit, by filling their pockets.
Those making a difference are the officers out there doing their jobs every day, while tolerating the usual home-wrecking, whore colleagues fucking in department stairwells, while they are shagging calls, fucking their wives, and husbands at Foothills Substations, when it is zero car availability out there, and the response times for auto theft calls is hours... the same married whore officer fucking dozens of married officers over only a few years, causing the wives of these officers to file complaints, with hard evidence of texts videos, and dick pictures, only to have nothing done by an administration of liars, and cover up artists. Those making a difference are those officers out there picking up the slack for pieces of shit, who see this place as a whore house, and money tree. Those making a difference are those officers, who despite an administration who hangs them out to dry to provide cover for themselves, continue to go after the criminals and uphold their oath...Our Eyes. Those making a difference are the citizens who are not having this horse shit. Those who are shining the light on this filthy administration... Our Eyes. Those making a difference are the reporters, and news casters who can not stand this corrupt criminal enterprise of an administration... the ones who are working hard to expose it, and have the balls to ask the hard questions, press for answers, push back, and give these assholes a taste of their own medicine, but get paid little for it.
Please Mister Lewis... please do not tell us about making a difference, because anyone who wants to make a difference does not do it for the money, power or influence. What you and those responsible here do not understand about making a difference is what is required to do so. Those who want to make a difference do it before looking like you are doing it is popular or beneficial to their campaign.
In the next 90 days we will see just what's required to make a difference here, and we will be torpedoing those who are not in this for the right reason.
Yes, Mister Lewis, the Eye may have commended you. We do call it like it is, but when we see something questionable, we address it. This election is going to change the city. We are going to make sure of this.
Please abstain from taking the moral high ground about helping us. Nobody has helped anyone here. We have been fighting this corruption for years, and nobody has done anything. The Eye is a dirty word around here. All of you armchair chest thumpers read this blog, and nobody has called for a corruption commission to be convened, in order to deal with the out of control criminal enterprise of an administration that has crippled this city. No, none of you want to walk into the room with a baseball bat, because you are all pussies, worried about who's feelings you may hurt, when some asshole gets taken out with a sweeping political corruption dragnet, and how it may effect your bottom line down the road. All you have helped us with was having your people cry to Facebook in order to shut our page down. The same way you tried to shut down an old patriot when you kicked him out of a city council meeting for holding a flag.
When you wonder why this is happening, think about the elderly gentleman Sylvio Dell'Angela...The Vietnam veteran you, and others within city council, and this coward administration have kicked out of your meetings, like a bunch of punks. He is the older gentleman, who holds the upside down American flag. He is the guy who shows up, regardless of his physical condition, relentlessly holding the filth responsible, and calling them out. He is the man who served this country, shows up to city hall, when nobody else does, and consistently pushes on a daily basis for change. That man has more balls than any of you, and you all snub him, and label him a pest. He was bullied, and threatened by Schultz, and the disrespect and mistreatment continues. Why is this a problem? Because it is a prime example off what is wrong. Thin skinned punks are running things. Criminals, and self promoters are running things, and they are all doing the same to those that oppose them. They are trying to silence them. They are lying to them, and when that fails, they ultimately cry and portray themselves the victim. Citizens like Mr. Dell'Angelo, who have shown more balls serving for us in foreign countries than you, or anyone responsible for this mess have, or ever will, do more for this city than any of you political jokers ever will. What do you do? You call him a threat. Not once has any of you just walked up to the guy like a man, and asked to talk to him. No, you kick him out like trash. How would you like that?
This blog, and this October is for everyone walked on or bullied by the likes of this administration, their investors, political contacts, their cronies, bought judges, failed judicial system, coconspirators, abusers of power, the politically corrupt, liars, whores, perverts, lying journalists, editorial boards who collude with this corrupt administration, nature at players, fake awardees, filth bag, lying, coward mayors, drunken punk CAO's, lying APD public information officers, lying, and court defrauding city attorneys, IPRA avoiding, and law breaking city officials, corrupt lying detectives, scum bag, lying police brass, a failed Governor, repeat offenders, impotent labor backing, and an overall failure of an honorable righteous government.
This coward administration should get up every morning, and thank God they are administrators, and politicians in the United States of America, because anywhere else this shit would have been dealt with swiftly, and in a drastically different manner. But we all know the truth when it comes to them. The only time they want everyone to see them praying, or portraying themselves the pillars of "Gods Plan" is when they need political contributions from the rich white mega churches responsible for getting Berry elected like Legacy Church.
Next time you see Mr. Dell'Angela, thank him for providing you an environment where we don't throw people off of roofs for destroying a city, and hiding behind an elected political position to do so, while gaining monetarily from it, and getting money from a religious organization to do it.
Does anyone remember the case involving Albuquerque Police Officer Richard Whitten? That special "Nature at Play" case around the summer of 2016? You know... when Mrs. Whitten blew the whistle on everything we already knew was going on for years, after she wrote a letter about the rampant sexual misconduct, and extramarital affairs that were plaguing APD...the same shit that we have reported causes severe domestic issues, violence, and suicides within the department... the same shit that is, and has been covered up by Ray Schultz, and his gang, and Now Gordon Eden, and this crummy administration....
We have written more than one story concerning cancers within this administration, who fail to learn their lessons... fail to correct their misconduct, and continue to do whatever they want, whenever they want... because they are rewarded by a filthy administration that values their loyalty over doing the right thing. This is because when you are dirty, you need fellow dirts to be just as deeply involved as you are to help you, and keep their fucking mouths shut about it...
conspirators, equally culpable if you will. Case in point... Gonterman, who was finally asked to leave because his horse shit got to be too much for the department to bear due to our relentless attacks concerning his antics... the stolen rifle lies and hypocrisy being the final straw. Now we have this... after burning off ears, acting like an asshole, and all the other things in his background he was promoted and protected. This administration has a record of this. They protect and cover for their chosen few scum bags.... Sedler... Brachle... Trahan... Aragon...
In the aforementioned article it was reported that Officer Richard (I can't keep my small dick in my pants) Whitten not only had an affair with a Walmart loss prevention officer on duty, but he had an affair with the Albuquerque Police Department Real Time Crime Center civilian supervisor he worked overtime under. This supervisor was Crystal Quintana. You want to know why this is so interesting?
This is so interesting, because Gorden Eden took virtually no action against either of these city employees who can't seem to keep their pants up, but are to be trusted with being an officer, and the other having access to citywide surveillance cameras. Not only did Eden merely give these two cretins a slap on the wrist, but he hired the home wrecker Crystal Quintana onto the Albuquerque Police Department to be a police officer! Her reward for falling in line with the APD DO AS YOU WANT NATURE AT PLAY CULTURE AND CREED...
BUT.... As with all things... karma has a way of creeping in, like it did tonight... proving that dishonorable, dishonest people usually stay dishonorable, and dishonest, and only this administration hires, and rewards them as they have proven once again.
One only has to look at the failed leadership of this city, and their deliberate, and willful misconduct to understand why good officers are struggling, and the citizens are under a crime siege. This administration is criminals for the criminals.
Mrs. Quintana was not only arrested for DUI tonight, but she was arrested for leaving the scene of an accident, which is a crime of integrity. This is disgusting, because Mrs. Quintana was on on the job training (OJT) with a Field Training Officer (FTO) with APD as a graduate of the police academy. And so the attrition continues. Fancy that folks. If that is not karma, nothing is.
But the beat goes on... because Mrs. Quintana was released on her own recognizance, with $0 bond.
We hope our readers have a better night than Ol' Mrs. Quintana and Gorden Eden. We wont say we told you so.
The Eye
P.S. We are taking bets on what is going to be done about this. Considering this arestee is on an on the job probationary period, she would normally be terminated. Lets see how they twist this into no action taken, or a convenient reassignment back into her previous assignment, because we all know what kind of hairs can pull a freight train here at APD.