The more we here at the Eye find out about the filth that has been covered up at command level, the more we are sickened, and enraged. From the Omaree Varela, case where they railroaded, and fired two good officers who actually went out there, and investigated beyond the call, searching block by block to find the source of that call, and the child, to the Victoria Martens case where the lies start from the top to the bottom, and back to the top... and where they did nothing, and lied about it. One thing that is unknown out there is just how much all of this is connected.
What makes our blog what it is is our valued Eyes out there. Our Eyes have again brought to us more intel, and we are now bringing it to you.
Last Friday, Albuquerque Police Department Commander Mike Runyan, retired. You see, Runyan was the Commander of the Family Advocacy Center, and our Eyes have told us that he knew the shit storm was coming over the big lie told by Celina Espinosa, and Officer Fred Duran. Our Eyes told us that Runyan wanted out, because it was known at command levels that what was told to the public about the investigation into Victoria Martens was a lie. You see, he was the FAC Commander when Victoria was sexually abused and murdered. Our Eyes say the entire 5th floor is in on this lie. Our Eyes told us that Runyan had a "holy oh shit" moment back in February, when shit started to come out heavy about what was going on behind the scenes in the Victoria Martens case. Our Eyes say Runyan panicked, and told the administration that if it got out that they (APD FAC) had this case before that little girl was killed, he would leave. Our Eyes tell us the administration did not want another Omaree Varela, nor did they want the impression of everyone fleeing at once, so they cut a deal offering him command of the Northwest. Word is that Runyan did not want to be the fall guy for this. Knowing how this administration is quick to do this, in order to cover for the corruption, this all makes sense now.
We here at the Eye advise all parties in this to come clean, step forward, and provide the proper authorities the evidence they need to go after this administration for what they have done.
This administration has been about nothing more than fraud, lies, and biding time, while filling their pockets and feathering their future nests. Those in charge have taken an any means approach to ensuring they get their way, promote their agenda, and get themselves over the goal line. Of course a little side piece along the way... ala "Nature at Play" never hurt anyone in their minds... anyone that isn't connected to them, has dirt on them, or sleeps with them, that is.
Many have wondered why there has been disparate and illogical discipline leveled on those officers doing their jobs, and who have told the truth. Many have wondered why actual criminal behavior, that when uncovered is so egregious, is rewarded with made up positions, promotions, looking the other way, cover ups, no charges, no law enforcement certification revocations, and this administration actually holding that officers spot until their LEA certification comes off if suspension, while reassigning that officer to a desk for six months, when any other officer would have been fired, just for preponderance of the evidence that we see here, and had their certification revoked for life.
Back in April of 2014, APD Officer Gil Vigil was terminated for not writing a report, but the administration did not tell you he was a conscientious officer, who was appointed acting supervisor at times, and who actually located Omaree, using cell phone triangulation pinging tech that APD has, after searching a multiple block area, house by house. There is no mystery why this administration settled with Officer Vigil for wrongful termination. They did so, because scapegoating Vigil, and his partner that night was a quick, short term fix, for a shitty situation, and this administration has never known anything better than using employees to take the heat off of them, because it is the taxpayer who foots the bill for their intentional, malicious, and willful treachery. We are bringing this up now again for a reason.
On December 16, 2012 at about ten minutes to three pm, officer Catherine McGuffin, who is now officer Catherine Offret, called out with a traffic stop at Menaul and Wyoming NE. She did this on her way to work. Officer Gil Vigil was Offret's acting supervisor. He went to her location to back her up, and she was not there. She told Officer Vigil that she had cleared from the traffic stop, then let dispatch know she had done a stop afterwards. The Internal Affairs investigation showed that officer Offret lied to Officer Vigil. You see, officer Vigil advised his superiors that this had happened, and counseled Offret on her unsafe policing. Because of this investigation it was found that Offret lied about the traffic stop, because she was late for briefing. She also lied to dispatch about the made up New Mexico license plate attached to the imaginary car in her fictitious story. A thorough investigation was conducted under APD I-55-12, and the owners of this imaginary vehicle stated they never had contact with this officer. Untruthfulness, fraudulent use of NCIC, creating false records, and encumbering an already stressed department with an investigation into her antics were just a few of the issues here. Her discipline... 160 hours suspension, with 40 held in abeyance.
Back in July of 2016, Officer Offret was investigated for a violent domestic dispute with her husband, at their home, where her husband stated he was bitten by her, after he found out she was having an affair with APD supervisor, Sgt. Higdon. At one point during the investigation, Offret's husband stated that she was having another affair with another APD officer, at the same time she was having an affair with Higdon, but was reluctant to say who, because as the below text messages suggest, it was probably Sedler. Refer to IA# I-138-16. What is most disturbing is paragraph 3 in the APD supplemental below. Read where Offret's husband states that she threatened suicide, and to drown their baby. We have attached several documents below this supplemental to show the discipline. Despite the gross actions detailed, Officer Offret's job was saved again.
Recently, Officer Offret was again found guilty of having inappropriate relations with Sgt Anthony Sedler and after I-167-16, and another shit storm, only to again be given 60 hours suspension and no NMLEA certification action.
Below are those documents.
After all of the officers railroaded, all the lies, the families destroyed, and careers ruined, the Mayor and Gorden Eden have the balls to utter the below statements concerning their bullshit child abuse barn door task force. You see, how can you constantly permit an officer to be on the force, and accept this behavior over and over, while saying you care for the children? How can you lie about a murdered child, and say you care about the children? These filth bags do not care for any children. All they care about is themselves. They prove it over and over, every time they lie to railroad a cop like Vigil, to retaliate against and or protect a cop like Offret, and to take the heat off of themselves for ruining the place, and abandoning the children of our city. We do not think it was a coincidence Vigil was railroaded for what was a verbal reprimand of not writing a police report... at most, while Offret was spared termination, for lying, committing crimes, and causing absolute messes to be made out of police families on numerous occasions... and folks, this is just the stuff we have the absolute case facts on... Right now there is another investigation being conducted into the same behavior. How many times does this need to happen? We will be watching closely on this one.
Another cross sampling of the files we have:
As all of this heat becomes too much to bear, our Eyes are telling us that Comander Rogers is pulling the plug, and fleeing.... prob because some shit is in on it's way in reference to attempting to cover up the allegations, and retaliate in the Sgt. Geha timesheet fraud case we are waiting to hear about from the State Police.
Our Eyes are also telling us that Fat Boy Perry's BFF Major Christman, is looking for an escape hatch too. We are hearing to the feds maybe. But how does one pass a federal background check, when they are being sued, and accused of running, and or having knowledge of a police narcotics operation being run by subordinates, in their presence, from the bar, while police personnel running it are drinking, then going home and allegedly beating their wives?
As the full scale assault on the back door continues, we are being told by our inside Eyes that along with Huntsman, his big blond baby Gorden Eden has had enough, and is burning time, looking for the way out too.
APD is now truly in a tailspin, and October can not arrive fast enough. Maybe Berry should take the hint, and walk away too.
We have known for some time now that there were no leaders at APD, now there is not even a dummy in place to fool people into thinking there is. So Garcia and Sullivan, do not waste your time grooming yourselves for something that is not coming your way when you have remained quiet during all of this. We know you know and you know the game is over!
When you look at the sum of all of this, the actions of those within this administration tell it all.
Right now it is bad. Knowing it can only get better, with the proper leadership, the law enforcement professional with their heart truly in it for the right reason would stick around, if at least until after the election, to see if they have a chance to make things better, or be a part of the new administration, or leave if it is not to their liking. These cowards are so terrified with their guilty consciences, that they are running like there is no tomorrow, because they know what they did and that they have no chance at all come election time and the spotlight is on them. This alone tells you all about these malfeasant bartards.
Lets see if we can fire most of the administration from Commander on up... weed through those at all levels of supervision who kept their mouths shut, participated and profitted from the corruption, and think nobody knows while we hire more officers who do not feel "gag" about showing up to a job that constantly covers for their poor, dishonorable behavior, and gives them a free pass instead of termination for every redundant lesson not learned, because there sure were a lot of officers who loved thier profession, did their jobs with integrity, and got railroaded, and there are alot of people out there who would love a chance to do the job of a police officer the right way, without all of this unnecessary drama and horse shit.
It all makes sense now.
- Albuquerque PD Domestic Violence Task Force Rejects Best (Law Enforcement) Practices -
Once again the deep state within the police department publishing unauthorized documents that prove nothing releasing all this information might be illegal the city legal department is certainly investigating how this highly confidential information was released
And who at APD pulled strings to keep Kathy Offret's (aka McGuffin) child exploiting serial rapist brother on the streets?
Hey douchbag at 12:50, instead of worrying about that maybe you should find out how many cases this nasty ho is primary or the arresting officer on and see if the DA disclosed her record of being untruthful to the defendants. Back in the day a finding of u truthfulness was a career killer which is why it was take so serious. Now it's just 60 hours with 50 hours held in abeyance.
Looks like Rio Rancho lost its integrity along with the dirt ones.
12:50, I didnt know the city had a legal department that would search out the truth or illegal activity. Why couldn't they find the phone from the Casuas case? Why weren't they the first one to discover the Duran & Espinoza story book tales? So, now we are to believe they are doing an investigation. Since your so tight with them, let us all know how it turns out.
I just don't get it.....the shooting at Rainbow and Irving? Seems pretty justifiable to me. Gal points gun at officers and suffers the repercussions. But why all the Berry smoke and mirrors? Just come out and tell the public what happened. It went from a "use-of-force" investigation, to an officer involved shooting. This is why your rank and file are miserable, Berry. You just don't support them and they know it. Any Mayor nationwide with balls would back their officers in certain situations but not you and your admin. Low morale is what you made but yet, your administration is appalled at all the "leaks". Good luck and good riddance to you and the cowards bailing. Hope the retirement is great for you who can't look at themselves in the mirror when all is said and done. Some of us will hold our heads high and know we made our families proud, did you?
8/9 @10:15,
Here is why Berry and company are not releasing anything on that woman that was shot. She was a 10-40 who was released at the request of that new APD 10-40 unit before she should have been released. She was in custody for exactly what she did and APD allowed her to be released. She went right out and what everyone knew she would do. They know this is going to get out and show that their bullshit cobbled up feel good units do not work and they did not want to get egg on their face for another failure. That's it in a nutshell. IPRA THE CASE IN REFERENCE TO HER AND YOU WILL SEE THEY OKAYED THE RELEASE!
Hey 12:50
I didn't know you could covert your badge into a tin foil hat.
"Both Catherine and Sgt Higdon engaged in extramarital affairs with one another. The discovery
of their relationship resulted in a domestic violence call between Catherine and her husband
Dustin. The resulting police report (public record) which was generated included details of their
affair as well as their identities as police officers." - APD Internal Affairs Case # I-138-16
I know the DOJ monitor isnt going to do anything about the continuation of corruption within APD but wouldn't it be nice if they were still paying attention and not just in it for the money. APD is just in cruise control waiting for the end of the mayors term, but how much more damage can they do before that time comes? And really, who is this Catherine offret person and why is she still here? Sometimes I think the Eden and Huntsman enjoy the chaos.
Having dealt with officers from departments across the nation I know that many departments are facing man power shortages like APD. The differences are how the leadership of these departments deal with those shortages. It has been asked before, but why in the hell does APD still use sworn officers as PIOs? Your paying the civilian good money to deal with the media but yet she is never on TV. No one expects her to come out at 2 am to get on camera but cant a LT wake up long enough to give a statement? why do you need to pay Drobik 150,000 year and take him off the street. If Drobik is doing this then how many more officers are doing the same thing in other units. How many lunches can the unit that investigates use of force claims take in one day. Golf anyone?
You sir / madam, are a hero! 100% correct. Drobik is a cop not a PIO. Have him only doing cop work. And all those inside bull shit use of force detectives who always are bragging about all their years as a police officer, should be put back in uniform taking calls. Civilians can do their job. Oh crap all those rehires would quit if they were forced to be real cops again.
the city and department take any domestic violence accusations very seriously the incident listed above was investigated by several agencies and the appropriate consequence was handed out. SGT Sean Higdon is an outstanding supervisor he is highly respected and admired by those who work under him he has done an amazing job in the SE area command. officer C Offret is am amazing officer she has received countless letters of appreciation from members of the community for her outstanding service to the community we hope that everyone involved in the above listed issues can learn from there mistakes and move forward in there personal and professional lives the department certainly does not want to intrude into the personal lives of our officers but when it affects there ability to perform the duties to the public we must address it the city and department do understand that officers are human and when good looking people work long hours together risk there lives for each other that sometimes bonds attraction lust desire and passion can at times take hold we all have done things we are not proud of hopefully everyone involved can move forward amicably.
Catherine Offret, I mean McGuffin you don't really think we all forgot about this little gem did you? How did go with your brother? Were you his test subject??
Totally agree, supposedly there is always a 'supervisor' on duty so why can't they go on camera for a few minutes? If they can't compose a few sentences for the media they should not be supervisors. Keep the badges working the streets!!
Hey Mr living amicably with dick in your mouth, send the Eye all of McGuffin commendations. Also, please explain how you can still be a cop when it's documented in an IA report that you've lied??
Obviously McGuffin has something on the command staff that she will bring to light if anything was to happen to her. My guess would be that there is a revolving door to her bedroom and they have all taken a turn in it. She should have been fired the minute any investigation found her to be untruthful. And to the comment as to Higdon and McGuffin being UPSTANDING and hardworking officers, give us all a break. No married person should have anything to do with another married/single person. Are Higdon and McGuffin still married to the spouses that they cheated on?
The comment above about how Sergeant Higdon is respected by his officers and McGuffin having numerous commendations was more likely written by him or her. Because it takes a narcissistic asshole to actually believe it. This department has sunk to a new low in my humble opinion. Absolutely disgraceful...
All I wanna know is how can I get a piece of that McGuffin muffin!!!!!
Yea, the comment about how great they are is them. You are right about how anyone thinks they are great when they are having an affair on duty. It also shows their credibility to the entire defensive attorney world. Their life is a lie if you lie to your spouse everyday because you are having an affair you are a LIAR.
It's blatantly obvious APD takes it easy on females:
Regina Sanchez given a suspension for unlawful use of NCIC. Steve Hindi does the same thing- gets fired.
Duran gets reassigned for lying to the media. Nothing happens to Celina.
Jodi Gonterman throws an innocent man in jail for a year- nothing happens to her.
Slaps on the wrist for McGuffin. Sedler and Higdon get protected because they're former SWAT boys.
Brad Clipp- former Pro Baseball player- what commander doesn't like baseball? Only reason he's protected.
@733 and to the residents of the foothills area command the city and department have no information to suggest that Det Brad Clipp is under any investigation the incident that @733 is referring to is Det Clipp was involved in a foot chase with a suspect and got some type of oil and other type of liquid on his clothing and he went back to the foothills area command to change his uniform and he was under the impression that he was alone for reasons that acting commander Brett White and acting commander Shane Rogers and Assistant chief huntsman are trying to get to the bottom of he was changing his uniform not in the men's bathroom but in a room in the area command and another officer who walked in and was trying to assist Det Clipp with his uniform and another officer walked in and got the wrong inpression and informed a supervisor this incident is under investigation Det Clipp is not currently under an internal affairs investigation!
At 6:03 I'm still waiting for the list of Offretts commendations you boasted about, where are they or did you make that up just like you made up this bullshit about cum stains on Clipps's shirt?
@ 6:03 so Clipp has an extra uniform at the Foothills Sub? I call bullshit on that one. No 34 keeps an extra uniform anywhere except at home. He would have had his supervisors approval to go home and change if the so called oil or other liquid was bad enough to not be able to continue his shift. And why was he NOT in the men's bathroom changing??? Who the heck changes clothes in an area where another person can just walk into? Nice try? Is Clipp married or have a significant other, if so would have like to have seen his/her face when he tried getting away with that line of BS. McGuffin or Clipp quit trying to make it appear that you guys didn't hook up on duty.
Did ya"ll see the picture in the paper the other day of the Republicans all getting involved with the new shit Berry is trying to push? What a crock of shit. They are going to waste thousands of taxpayer funds to get it started and the next Administration ( we hope) will stop it. Berry, Martinez and the rest of the motley crew are running this City and State right into the toilet. Please citizens do not fall for this crap.
@7:33 and to the residents of the Foothills Area Command. Assistant Chief Huntsman has looked into the Detective Brad Clipp matter and there is nothing to be concerned about. The Asst. Chief has determined Detective Clipp, while he had his pants down, was demonstrating how genitalia slapping is done in the Big Leagues. Apparently the 2017 Department wide contest is coming up next month and the odds on favorites down at the Academy are looking hard to beat.
Yes members of the City and police department adminstration have recently been reviewing posts on this blog we think it's important for us to read about our officers true feeling we like to understand how they feel and when we see things that have been posted we will certainly post our opinion everyone opinion is welcome on this blog as far as we were told
Detective Brad Clipp was boning Cathy McGuffin. I dont believe she is married anymore. He has boned a lot more than just McGuffin. Yes, he was married. Not sure he still is.....
Its a bone fest, but four legged dogs and bitches are not invited. APD officers only! Bring an extra uniform just in case!!!
Naaaaaaa Clip meets the criteria to be the next DCOP.
Is Clipp a detective or FSB. You are right about uniform and if he is a Det why is he in uniform and not civvies?
@8/11; 12:11 AM: You must be a really hard-up pathetic loser. Apparently EVERY body else in your pig-pen who wanted it got a ride, and you're still a-wishin' and a-hopin'? It must be a real downer to have been rejected by a gargoyle that didn't even turn down Rin-Tin-Tin.
Mcguffin is very skilled at what she does. I was with her only once and it was truly memorable. She can do things many women refuse to do or have no clue on how to do. Those of you calling her out and saying negative things are just saddened that you were not given the same private time opportunities as some of us. It is not difficult to be part of the club if only you ask. Please stop with the hate and get to loving instead.
I think 8/11 @ 12:11 was making a joke. Or at least I hope he/she was.
Are we all adults here? Whats with the constant name calling. You can't take some of these comments serious with the childish name calling. Keep it real.
APD officer Joshua Malecki is on paid administrative leave the department has no reason to believe that what is being reported in the media that a current on duty officer was the friend that picked him up from the accident the investigation is ongoing very serious concerns about a current officer getting into an accident driving under the influence and leaving his department issued vehicle with several department issued firearms and other equipment in the trunk of his vehicle we are taking this very serious commander Remiker assistant chief Huntsman Chief Eden and our amazing internal affairs unit is investigating the incident we will be as transparent as possible but we must warm you that internal affairs investigation can take time we want to make sure that we leave no Stone unturned!
I'm not sure how many McMuffins were given out but I know its in the double digits. Sorry Offret. I'm glad to hear you moved on!
Can I have another McMuffin with my coffee please!!!!!
Pete's a real winner.
So where are the felony counts in this case Pete?
Fred Duran told Raul and Pete that Geha, who walked away from APD with his LE Cert intact, is now working with the FBI and it would be unlawful for them to make any public statements that might jeopardize Geha's undercover investigations into their offices.
Geha is not working for FBI
Surprised the FBI or anyone would take a person that was under investigation for fraud or theft. Shows that the person cannot be trusted but maybe the FEDS are as under staffed as APD. What's next Jason Peck, Keith Sandy, Tim & Jodi Gonterman, Huntsman and maybe Eden going to the FEDS?
Podcast: Eden Should Be Questioned In Lying Scandal
@ 8/13 5:27 if you have the balls the lay it out there that you hit it with this married woman, Then own it completely. Your in the same club as Justin Hunt, Anthony Sedler, Sean Higdon, Aaron Engh, Brad Clipp, Nick Sanders, and Johnathan McDonnell. All men that she has slept with and engaged in sexual behavior on and off duty with. There is a clear pattern here people! She slept with married men, while she was married. So step up and own it. My dear friend had her family wrecked to the ground by this woman who is out there "serving the community ".
Who else has joined this McGuffin club?
Clipp was confirmed having an affair with Mcguffin on duty. Is their an investigaton going on?
You are missing more then a few names on the Muffin list!
Pretty sure if there is an investigation into their affair nothing will happen to them. Obviously it is approved by the Command staff. Anyone that indulges in that type of behavior should be fired. END OF STORY. Female officers keep your mouth and legs closed, and male officers keep it in your pants. Wouldn't surprise me if an upset wife was to take out her frustrations on a Nature at Play individual. Ya'll better be looking over your shoulders.
Will someone please post a list of every officer she has slept with! I'm praying my husband's name is not on that list.
Wow. Can you just be happy to know its more than 20 cops? Not sure of the total since there are Rio Rancho cops on the list as well!
Just be confident in K owing your husband is on the list!!
I don't think anyone has an actual list. Just speculation. Beat place to start would be with your husband not an online forum.
I'm sorry to say you should also check with your wives. She liked both!!!
There is a dirty black list. But only Mcguffin has it. There's some high level names on it, which keeps her from getting fired! Don't hold your breath. She's not posting the list on here anytime soon.
Rio Rancho cops too? And liking other girls now? I dont believe that at all! Seems like there's some people on here just to bash her.
No bashing. I heard the same thing. Not sure about females but definitely Rio PD Cops. Just ask her yourself. She may even add you to the list if you are married and nice to her!!!! Tea with your Muffin!!!???
The Offrets stayed together. Cathie quit APD. They're both equally terrible people and will more than likely continue to cheat on one another with no disregard for the other lives they're destroying as they lie and deceive. They deserve one another. But thankfully that trash is no longer actively carrying a gun and wearing the uniform.
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